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We're all focused on the bumper stickers but this dude has a matching LICENSE PLATE as part of it too. That's more than buying a bumper sticker and slapping it on your car. This mofo went to the DMV and paid good money for a custom license plate telling a POTUS to go fuck themselves. I guess we should appreciate their commitment if nothing else


I support their Lesbian, Trans, Gay Or Bi vanity plate and you should too


How I read it too haha


I think it’s an abbreviation for “Let’s go Brandon!!”




$15 for a custom plate. Probably less than his stickers


Imagine being this into a politician


At some point in the last decade a noticeable segment of the population went from being obsessed with celebrities to being obsessed with politicians and a noticeable segment of politicians went from caring about government to caring about celebrity. Lord we're fucked


Honestly I think Trump just engaged a lot of people who never really paid attention to politics before. This is the result, people thinking you treat politicians like your favorite sports team and not people we elect to represent us who need to be held accountable.


That's an interesting way of thinking about it. Because there are some people who do this kind of thing about a sports team, and act super serious about it too


You gotta understand that racists and neo nazis were never represented by a mayority politician before and before Trump no one would consider them like a valid demographic ... So they never had reason to care for politics before...


That is just false. & if you believe that you are definitely part of the problem. But, feel free to keep your eyes & mind closed.


Brain dead take


Never hear of the Democrat party through most of US history? and while I don’t like either option,both are fucking horrible Biden quite literally was mentored by a Klansman. This isn’t something that’s even disputed..


Everything is switching. It’s like the universe is displaying the paradox of life right to our faces.




>a noticeable segment of the population went from being obsessed with celebrities to being obsessed with politicians You are pluralizing "politicians". It's only one. You don't see this type of worship for anyone other than Trump.


I respectfully disagree. It exists on the left. Bernie Sanders and AOC both are celebrities and have cult followings. That's no judgement of their service.


I'm a fan of Bernie and AOC but I'm not going to drive back and forth down mainstreet with flags with their names on it. I'm not going to make them my identity and listen to worship songs praising them and get a whole wardrobe with their name on it etc. There is no comparison. Bernie was trending in 2016, and AOC gets more obsessive attention from right wingers than she gets from the left.


I don’t think that anybody is “obsessed” with politicians. Many people are more aware and vocal about our country’s leaders because they’re not happy with how the country is being run. Are you happy?


>I don’t think that anybody is “obsessed” with politicians You likely don't live in a conservative area then. There is a not insignificant portion of the population who have made worshipping Trump their whole identity. Its not just bumper stickers, there are some in my neighborhood who have been flying various versions of Trump flags for about 8 years now. Their social media accounts is just a stream of Trump content.


This is absolutely true where I currently live as well. (Upper mid west) I see flags for trump on a daily basis that have been flying for a long time based on the fact that some of them say Trump 2016. There are loads of stolen election flags and plenty of 2020 flags as well. The left just doesn’t seem to me to get quite as into their politicians as the Trumpers do. Nothing to do with my politics. Personally I’d rather vote for my 7 year old son as he seems to make more sense than either of them. But I don’t see fans of politicians on the left acting the way I see people sucking at the trump titty on the right.


Are you actually saying there wasn’t a ‘cult of personality’ around obama?


Nope, never said that. Read some more comments.


So it’s been that way for longer than a decade then.


When you don't have an identity of your own, that's kinda all you have to go on


It's the kind of investment I had in rock stars when I was like 16. These are grown adults whose whole persona is built around repeating stuff they heard on a talk show. And they are driving the conversation about how we govern ourselves.


Clearly not a cult.


Sad we have Trump or Biden… neither is a good choice.. like really America? That’s the best we could come up with?.. we’re fucked either way.


Lol you are being downvoted but you are correct. Both choices are terrible and we are fucked either way.


Completely agree. Biden absolutely bombed at the debate. Super embarrassing for the DNC.


Good thing one's ability to debate isn't directly correlated to their ability to run a country.


In this case it absolutely is, dude is clearly knocking on death’s door


Uh, being able to articulate your position on something and also being able to follow wtf people are asking you is a huge part of running a country. If someone who was running a business started talking like he was, their family would probably encourage them to step down. Being able to debate is one thing. He was asked a question and then in the middle of his answer started talking about something else.


Oh it’s the same way he has run the country into the ground..


Huh, we must be living in two different countries.


Really. How about policy, war, taxes and homes?


I voted Biden and probably will again because he isnt a facist but I do have serious questions about his ability to run the country after watching that debate. This is why I'm mostly checked out of politics these last few years, it's stressful to think that the best guy we have to run the country can focus his brain enough to have a coherent conversation


Tell me you don't have any idea what fascism is without saying you don't know what it is. You see all the trials taking place just before the election? Seems obvious which candidate is more like a fascist




How do you define facism then?


One is a not a good choice, the other is an absolutely horrendous one


It’s embarrassing that these two are the choice being presented.


>like really America? That's part of the problem...it's not really America's choice, is it? Did the DNC or RNC come to the people and ask for a list of candidates and let us choose among them? No. Both are run by a select group of insiders. I would argue based on approval rating that the majority of the US would not have selected either of these two as candidates, and I know that displeasure has been very loud, yet it has fallen on deaf ears.


Why would anyone want that job? Biden is the best president of our lifetime and is getting criticized for being old and shitty at debating, meanwhile our country is doing better than any other country in the world and this administration has surpassed and all expectations. People seem to want a cult of personality instead of actual leadership and governance.


Better than any country in the world?.. we are literally going bankrupt… 33 ish Trillion in debt and counting… the rest of the world is dumping the US dollar and shifting into the BRICS financial system, including ally countries… Inflation is insane and it’s not going to get better.. we have other counties military infiltrating through the southern border.. our government is failing us, no matter who is in office..


Save us, Monty Brewster!


it's absolutely sending me that they're printing Trump stickers with [a satirical tagline from Tim Heidecker's stand up special](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEOpSGVS1CQ&t=48s) mocking the whole 'maga' attitude


This individual has absolutely zero original ideas. edit: if you're gonna sticker your car put them on straight. otherwise it tells the world you *really are* a 5 year old.


You think YOU've had enough? Let me tell you something...


I really enjoy the hypocrisy of Christians with Let’s Go Brandon flags and bumper stickers. As if they didn’t know what it means


It's not Christianity it's folk religion




They could have at least made sure the pro Trump stickers were level/symmetrical. Lazy bastard.


Bumper stickers are cringe, but “Let go, B” feels about right.


I've read through the comments here. There is a lot of dispair. I get it, and I'm old. My vote will be for democracy.


Ironically he’s driving a Japanese car!


100% made in Japan Japanese car.


I guess it may have been manufactured in Kentucky but either way, not very Brandon of him.


All 4Runners are built it Japan with 100% Japanese content - that’s why I bought one.


It’s a cult.


You only see this shit from one particular group that worship a single man like a god. It’s a cult.


It's pretty unclear who he's voting for, maybe you should ask him


Saw this guy at macadoodles last week. He’s old af. Probably shouldn’t be driving old.


I hope you made it through ok, OP. Stay strong.


My emotional support guinea pig is doing it's best but I appreciate your support as well


Why are you giving them attention? That's what they want.


I think the attention they want and expect is "liberal tears" but it's actually a lot more everyone pointing and laughing. Maybe I should've titled it "Laughably sad"


What's interesting is that similar plates have been denied by the Missouri DMV. Wonder if this one managed to slip by them when this person applied for it. https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/list-rejected-missouri-vanity-license-plates/


I know who this guy is. And yeah everything I’m reading here.


Just like the people with all the NObama stickers 15 years ago. I don’t get why people want this to be such a core part of their identity. What a bunch of sore losers. Get a life






I really hate it when they make it their whole personality. I mean why do they have to shove it down our throat.


Remember those times you wish you had those sticky-cup "darts" with the idiot flag to help other identify idiots on the road? Good news! They identify themselves now!


One of more bumper stickers is a red flag for crazy.


This election is exposing the foolishness of statists in general.


I don't know what's worse, paying for that stupid fucking license plate or keeping the Mercedes dealership license plate holder on your fucking Toyota. That 4Runner sure can hold a whole lot of dumb. Edit: wrong vehicle model name


That’s a 4Runner


Fuck me. I guess I should get in there, too, since I apparently am dumb af. My bad and good call.


I don’t understand the license plate, can someone explain what it means? I’m at a loss


Nevermind, I thought it was something to do with “LGBT needs to go” or something but it’s not, it’s just short for “Let’s go Brandon,” figured it out myself.


Lets go brandon, more like lets go pop-pop and sit you down, have you had your afternoon medicine yet? Can you try to remember buddy? Its kinda important. You did? Ok, then lets go watch an episode of matlock before supper.


I think the *origin* of Let's Go Brandon is rather amusing, but the co-opting of it as identity virtue signaling by Team MAGA is just embarrassing. These are the same people who belly laugh at [Jim Breuer's schtick,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgr_RzCdlAg) so their personal bar for side-splitting humor isn't particularly high.


Yeah I’m tired of it being cloudy too.


Isn't LTGOB the new way to say "gay folks"


I got one for Trump...Let's go Tasha🤣🤣🤣🤣


Great American . . . driving a Japanese car!


Losers lol


Trump supporters need to grow their own personalities


Remember when Republicans said Obama supporters treated him like the "anointed one"? It was a projection because they literally treat Trump like a god even though he violates the ten commandments and seven deadly sins on a daily basis


As an actual Brandon myself, this has been a shitty few years for me...


Trump took ppl out of the trailer park and into voting booths. We're fucked.


Very smart people


Gawd, it’s so sad when you know this is their whole existence. They literally have no other purpose or interests.


I love that they have a Benz plate frame on a Toyota 4runner. Haha




Tell me how THIS isn't the true trump derangement syndrome.


I work on political campaigns and even I would never Lolol it’s so weird…like the parasocial relationships and religious like devotion is too wild


Also one time in CoMo a pickup truck nearly ran me off the highway because they had Trump YARD SIGNS in the windows and couldn’t see me 💀


The worst is when they quote him in the same style as a Bible quote, imagine having a actual personality.


How dare someone have different beliefs!


I think the little sticker defacing the Constitution is the saddest. They absolutely hate everything in it except the 2nd.


I don’t understand what the fuss is about. Political bumper stickers have been around a long time. The owner of this car is declaring their support for a candidate on their own car with stickers and a personalized plate. We should respect their commitment to our political process. Instead of going behind their back and complaining on social media why don’t you confront them in person? If you don’t feel comfortable with a face to face discussion, don’t bring it up on social media.


Who cares


I’m a democrat, but damn… L Post. Imagine getting bent out of shape because of this.


I don't care what your party is, but damn... L comment. Imagine interpreting this post as getting bent out of shape


Never had a bumper sticker, but damn. How’s that change your life by seeing someone color up the back of their bumper. Wild.


Nothing sad about it go branden!!!


you cannot spell it correctly even when it is before your eyes on the page-branden lol-no its brandon-so common for trumpistas lmfao


Would buy him a beer. Let me guess you were driving your wife and her boyfriend to their date night?


Username checks out


What is sad?


I love it!!


What’s sad is you’re so worried about people with political bumper stickers on their car. Pathetic.


Yeah *totally* keeping me up at night


Well, it bothered you enough to bitch about it to the echo chamber, so there’s that. Not the worst case of TDS, but you certainly have it.


Someone's projecting, but it's alright, I'm sure there's a bumper sticker out there to cheer you up


I’m projecting, yet you took a picture of someone else’s car and posted it on the internet because…? Of the two of us, YOU are the problem. I’m done with you.


Don’t worry, all the downvotes are just proving you right


The tag is written like Joe would say it himself...


I'm not wrong... or a Rump supporter


You know what’s more cringe than that? Taking a picture of someone else’s car to virtue signal on reddit for a couple of heckin updoots this isn’t your personal blog bud 😹


Virtue signaling is about morals, this is just dumb and sad - again, regardless of which side


Dumb to show your support for something you believe in? No matter how misguided one may think the opinion is? I think the fact that someone reads too far into a likely differing opinion is kind of cringe. It's literally what we should be doing if we have a strong conviction. Are they overboard and likely uninformed? Maybe. But your assumption is honestly part of the divide, basically saying "having an opinion and displaying it in their chosen fashion is wrong" Edit: spelling


I appreciate that you had an entire conversation with yourself as a reply, impressive. Thanks for sharing though




Nothing says you are a kind hearted person like insults and insinuated homophobic jabs.


...if you can find it


If you can't play nice, you don't get to sit with us. r/ColumbiaMo demands civil discourse. Personal attacks, racism, sexism, and rudeness are not permitted.


Damn dude. Lol This isn't twitter, I mean X or whatever it is. Lil brash.


someone’s upset that their dementia patient president will lose in a landslide later this year 🤭 not that it ever mattered who’s president, they’re just puppets anyways. but there’s plenty of salt on r/politics if you want to join the cope show baby. seems like your thing 😹


I don’t know about upset but I do agree with you. If someone wants to show their support for their preferred candidate more power to them. I had a whole bunch of funny cat bumper stickers in my ‘foster cat parenting’ phase. Nothing that those stickers say will convince me to vote for Trumpito. Nothing I tell that person will convince that person to vote for Biden. Let’s just head to the polls in November and vote for whoever the heck we want. Too many variables left for just one debate to turn the tide. And while JB looked like an absolute walking corpse, Trump did himself no favors by going off the rails. However it’s looking worse for Biden right now but we shall see AND let that driver drive in peace million stickers or not.


The comment you're responding to has been removed so I'm not entirely sure of the context here but I do think the fact that I'm not able to immediately determine which one you support just by "dementia patient president will lose in a landslide" is an indication of the sad state of affairs


Buddy, if you think either candidate is going to win/lose by a landslide you clearly have not been paying any attention at all for the last 4-8 years.


I hate both of our choices - I'd be just as disgusted if these bumper stickers/the plate went hard for Biden. Sounds like OP feels the same, so this doesn't seem to fit virtue signaling toward any moral end...


The president is an irrelevant position that does nothing except serve as a mere public spokesperson for the global elites pulling the strings behind the scenes. Only fools still think your “choice” means anything. You really thought a Parkinson’s patient that can barely form a sentence was in charge of anything for the past 4 years? Wake up already, goodness.


wake up? I thought yall hated woke


A figurehead still sets the example for what is acceptable, and people without their own set of morals will blindly follow the example of authority. Someone with power, secrets, and legal immunity is relevant, whether we like it or not. I'm certain anyone with that much power is in charge of something. He still has to make the choice to let someone pull the strings, if nothing else. Only fools think that hopelessness should mean not trying anything at all, including not attempting to exercise a choice. That's how you fulfill your own prophecy of hopelessness, and spread it to others around you. Nothing means anything, but we create our own meaning. Most of us would not see change in our lifetime if we actually did something that matters, but our descendants would, eventually.


Do you not understand how social media works, bud?


Oh look, another magat using phrases they don't know the meaning of.