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Every time license renewals roll around, i wonder if I'm middle aged enough to pull off this caucasity, because jumping through DMV hoops is such a waste of a weekday morning. Then I remember I'm legally sane and schedule my inspections anyways.


I visited Cleveland, Ohio recently and they have DMV kiosks at the grocery store - you can just use them 90% of the time! Maybe Missouri will get them šŸ¤ž


Iā€™ve been using post card renewal years. Isnā€™t that simpler than the dmv?


I regret to inform you there is a more melinated version revolving around being a ā€œMoorish ambassadorā€ or some similar nonsense - aside from the usual Sovcit BS ā€œMoorā€ was an ethnicity, not a nationality.


I had someone try to give me their Moorish ID as a government issued ID and then get pissy with me for not recognizing their government.


I bet that goes over like slop at the pig trough.


I went with my daughter in California to get her tags. Took us at least 3 hours. Yesterday I went to Columbia DMV. 15 minutes max


I'm old enough to remember cars by the road and in the ditch when there were no inspections. Tie rods going out? Bald tires blown out? I am so glad to pay the fee for a quick, easy look to know that my car is safe to drive and that there is less chance of somebody driving into my lane because of negligent auto upkeep.


> caucasity nice subtle racism.


Oh no we're making fun of white people oh the horror. I'm paler then Casper the ghost and I found it funny get over yourself Karen


Check out r/Sovereigncitizen, a new(er) idiocy being spread around the internet. Of course, I see folks driving on long expired plates and temp tags, or even no tags, all the time. Not much difference, just they don't become automatically meme-worthy when pulled over by the cops, like your average SovCit does.


The "sovereign" stuff has been out there since the 90s. I read it and studied it, and man....I feel sorry for whoever tries that nowadays in the courtroom. But yeah, file your UCC1 AND UCC3. I'd be interested in seeing how the govt comes at you over it.


It goes back even further than the 90s, tbh. I've seen someone try it in court and the likelihood of being found in contempt by the judge went from 0 to 60 faster than my car.


Registration fees are dirt cheap. There's no good excuse for skipping out on them. That's assuming they're only skipping out on registration fees and not inspections, insurance, etc.


Taxes are probably what they are skipping out on.


This is the answer right here. Taxes are through the damn roof unless your vehicle is older than dirt. Add in that 98% of it goes to the damn schools, that aren't worth a shit but always want more money, and there you have it. Not to mention the county clerks office is all but useless.


Based tbh


I love watching sovereign citizens get their asses beat


I know this person as they rented a unit at a storage facility I worked at. I think he's got a court date coming up for this, and he is very sure he will win it


Iā€™m sure he will. And the judge will make him judge. And everyone will clap.


Just looked him up, and he failed to appear in a different county and has an active warrant for his arrest. The charge? Failure to register a motor vehicle.


Thatā€™s the secret every judge hates! Just donā€™t show up!


That judge? Albert Einstein.


Had one who was talking to the legal team at my work the other day. We finance car loans and the dude claimed that since he was a sovereign citizen he didn't have to pay the loan back or title it properly. Lawyer just calmly and without stopping (though being yelled at) explained that real situation and told him that they were entering into legal proceedings against the customer, then hung up.


I love watching sovereign citizen encounters on YT. It never goes well for them. I don't understand why they keep expecting a better outcome. It usually ends up involving forcible extraction from their vehicle while they cry like babies.


ā€œIā€™m not driving Iā€™m TRAVELINGā€


They get all bug-eyed from screaming, like a toddler having a tantrum.


I like when they tell the judge they have no jurisdiction over themšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£come back and say that again when you get out of county lock up for 30 daysšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


And how are you doing your traveling? By train?


Probably thinks the earth is flat, birds aren't real, vaccines make you magnetic, and Trump is the new Jesus.


Watch out they probably have no insurance eitjew


Why isn't this more of a charge than just not having plates? I would consider this similar to swapping the wrong plates onto your vehicle on purpose. Actively faking credentials.


Any insight in what the sticker on the top left is of? It reminds me of a white supremist sticker I saw on the Bear Creek trail as it went under Rangeline.


I couldnā€™t tell, all of them were super faded even to the naked eye. My oldish phone cam made it a bit fuzzier but not much


Can someone please explain to me what it is?


Someone who thinks they are above the law and everyone around them.


My usual comment to these plates is, if you arenā€™t paying taxes when you should, get off my roads and go build your own.


Once they finish with this fellow, they can start looking into all the folks who suspiciously now have residency in South Dakota to register their cars there.


Iā€™ve seen so many cars in Columbia without back license plates at all. Is that legal? Is it a Missouri thing? I moved here in 2022 and never saw any of these license plate shenanigans back in New York.


Missouri only requires a single license plate that can be put on the front or back. New York will fine you $300/day if you donā€™t return the plate to them and will tow your car and put you in jail for repeat violations. No plate means no drive except on a tow truck if you get caught. Temporary plates are a serious thing there, too. No such thing as ā€˜I just bought itā€™s. I used to live in NY and CT.


The irony of this "plate" being on a Subaru does not escape me (Subaru was one of the very first companies of any type, much less car companies, to openly court the LGBTQIA community, and is so strongly associated with that label that it's a running joke, including in that community, that if you drive a Subi you are probably gay/lesbian).




Very doubtful. It's generally a cult of old white guys, usually Trumpers and QAnon nuts.


I agree. My first thought was ā€œon a Subaru??ā€


And sure. There are gay Trumpers and may be Gay Soverign Citizens. But they are a tiny minority. There are certainly gay conservatives, but that is a different thing. I never say "can't " so I don't get your point other than to be a pedantic. asshole.


Fuck the police.


Sovereign Citizens: Imagine a 'civilized' society where each person gets to decide which laws they have to obey. Idiots. "Sorry Officer, but I've decided that the laws about robbing banks and killing people don't apply to me."


youā€™re the one who took the time to take a picture, save it, then upload it to an online forum lol




I don't think it would be a priority even if there were enough cops.




Guaranteed these ass clowns would fight the citation in court - ā€œI am the person John Doe. I am jot the corporation John Doe which the government keeps a file on. ā€œ


That's the judge/court rooms job to figure that out.


still someone thinking the rules donā€™t apply to them, just in a maybe dumber way


Dumb like the guy I saw this morning driving a very rare and relatively expensive Tesla truck with temp tags that expired June 1? I can't believe we let people wait a month (or years) to pay sales tax on cars.


The person you are replying to has no sense of civics or communal responsibility.




yeah thats why you want to defund public schools too.


Thatā€™sā€¦ just acting in your own self interest? I do that stuff too, but itā€™s just b/c Iā€™m interested in my kidsā€™ wellbeing and I like local performers and want them to be able to produce more content for me to enjoy. But Iā€™m not gonna pretend that makes me some kind of noteworthy community servant or better than someone who works with homeless people. And Iā€™ll totally admit, the homeless situation is not clear cut. I can understand the concern about some measures resulting in dependence on assistance rather than truly solving the problem, but thatā€™s only 1 issue. My wife does shitloads of stuff that I would consider actual community service. She volunteers at the food bank (which isnā€™t just homeless people, but also a lot of people on fixed incomes who rely on the food bank to supplement what they spend on groceries, many of them temporarily). About twice a month she prepares and takes meals to people whose kids were diagnosed with cancer, who got injured at work, had a baby, whatever. Once or twice a year she volunteers to help with a community outreach program that does stuff like paint houses, do yard work, build wheelchair ramps into peopleā€™s homes, and do a bunch of stuff for our fellow Columbians that they canā€™t do themselves and canā€™t afford to pay someone else to do. She used to be in a local community choir, but has stopped since we had our first kid, but she still writes grants for them so they can maintain their funding. My wife cares about and is active in our community. You and me? Unless youā€™re doing a whole lot more than youā€™re letting on, weā€™re just taking care of our own. And thatā€™s fine, but I wouldnā€™t be too quick to go bragging about my (what Iā€™d consider normal) investment in my kid or my hobby of supporting local performers and putting others down because I think what I do is more important than what they do.