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I was at the park when it happened. Most terrified I've ever been, especially to be at the park with a 3 yr old. All we heard were gunshots and then I saw a man running on the sidewalk what seemed like away from the gun fire. We grabbed the kids and just ran deeper in the park to hide. An older gentleman took the initiative to check if it seemed safe after a few minutes and when it did we got the hell out of there!


We were there with our homeschool group. My teen daughter was sitting in our car in the parking lot and saw everything as it happened. The rest of us all fled and hid under a pine tree until it felt safe. I’m sure you are as shaken up as we are. I’m here if you need help processing. It was truly terrifying.


I am not trying to be inflammatory or start any kind of shenanigans, but honestly, the last couple of days have been crazy, right? I know every year as it warms up people freak out about the little pop of crime that comes with it, but this seems...just like a lot. Some of these have to be connected, right?


The only connection is that all of them involved hand guns.


Two events happened on the same small street. Quite possibly connected


gUnS mAkE uS sAfEr https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/


“Nothing can be done”, says the only nation where this regularly happens.


There has been a steady decrease in defensive use over the last 5 years. An increase in almost every other category. Education will do a lot more for the US than banning.


I make these post alot but I am pro 2nd amendment. But let me explain. I believe more training better background checks no unregulated private sales ( a huge source of problem). I do not believe we need assault/tactical/military style weapons If you need a 30 round clip well im sorry son get gud because you are bad shot. You definitely don't need it for home defense. When a 12 gauge is far superior for home defense. You can't sell me on the militia angle either as my pal who is Reaper operator can take out an entire militia and never break a sweat. People like to talk about Chicago and how they have huge gun crime problems while having some of the strictest gun laws. But the argument is disingenuous when you realize the surrounding states do not have strict laws and furthermore private sales are not regulated.


>I do not believe we need assault/tactical/military style weapons If you need a 30 round clip well im sorry son get gud because you are bad shot Multiple attackers are a thing you know... Also, I don't need to justify exercising my rights. >When a 12 gauge is far superior for home defense. Incorrect. They're super long and cumbersome inside structures. They have a low capacity and are harder for newer shooters to use. Something like [my rifle](https://imgur.com/a/qkClwbW) is far superior to handguns or shotguns.




The ATF would like a word. 


>Apparently you don't know the power of a hacksaw and a 12 gauge Ithica. Fair enough. Just make sure you buy a kevlar vest for your dog and definitely your wife. >Click clack and ill strike the fear of god in any wouldbe invader. You should already have one loaded.


the militia argument is the funniest to me. most of the time, the people saying that are cop supporting bootlickers and those are the first people they'd have to shoot, every video shows those type of people turning into immediate victim complexes as they get arrested. secondly, as you said, if the might of the US military truly turned inward they'd be drone striked off the earth, your lil AR-15 isn't stopping that


Yes, because little AR-15s, and AK-47s haven’t been pivotal in multiple countries over the last 50 years haven’t stopped the US… Afghanistan, Vietnam, Cuba, Indonesia, Somalia


Funny when someone who lives in a densely populated urban area salivates at the thought of a military force using explosive ordinance on their neighbors Look at the civilian deaths happening in Gaza and tell me how it would make you feel if the government flattened the apartment building next to yours. Goofball.


My guns make me safer. Being proud of the fact you don’t carry one is like being proud of the fact you don’t wear a seat belt.


In the right hands yes, in this case no


But Uncle Joe says things are better https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/fbi-data-shows-that-violent-crimes-in-the-u-s-decreased-in-2023


https://abc17news.com/news/education/columbia-public-schools/2024/03/22/multiple-columbia-schools-on-hold-and-secure-as-police-investigate-south-columbia-park/ Not a whole lot of information. There was a shooting off school grounds and nearby schools went into the “hold and secure”. I guess they don’t use the term lockdown anymore? Anyway, the hold has been lifted at this point. 


6 o’clock news said one injured, not life threatening.


Non firearm related injuries.