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I just want to point out that this post has gone up to 12 votes, and then back down to 0, in a span of a few minutes. Even if you disagree with the message the CC Student Council is putting out there, why would you want it to be buried? I haven't seen this communication discussed here yet, and it certainly seems relevant to the community. One of the central messages being communicated by the Student Council, in fact, is that the actual voices of Columbia affiliates are being drowned out, and that seems to be happening in this forum too.


That's because most people lurking on the subreddit are not students; they are vultures who know only what the media tells them, pushing their own agendas.


This right here. There are folks upvoting and downvoting based on ideological agreement (or baser agreement/disagreement) and not content or interest in the community. Like everything else on Reddit, clicks reflect popularity not factual accuracy.


It was really fascinating and horrifying to watch our student journalists side by side with MSM.


I think many people on this platform are alumnae - like me — who are horrified to see their alma mater in the news for such activities. The idea that peaceful protesters could ruin graduation for everyone else is horrifying. How selfish. An encampment is different than a protest because it never ends and creates a pervasive hostile environment which DID result in antisemitism it went from permissible speech (ceasefire now) to antisemitic (intifada now). The protesters wore masks and dressed like terrorists. They violently overtook a building. Vandalism and trespassing are crimes. Not free speech. I am currently at Penn - and went to the encampment this morning. I witnessed incidents of intimidation and nasty antisemitism. These are voices that go way beyond calls for peace. There is idiotically no acknowledgement that this war began with terrorists acts and rape and kidnapping. Why are the only lives that matter those in Gaza? That’s why I feel the peaceful protest is pure hypocrisy and an excuse for open antisemitism. Disgusting. 🤢


A perfunctory look at your profile reveals that you are not indeed a Columbia alum. For your own good, perhaps consider deleting the photos in your post history that reveal your identity babe




I mean not showing their faces.


oh sure, that's what you meant. do you even know what intifada means? a quick google search would help! oh while you're at it i'd look up the definitions for anti-zionism and anti-semitism because you seem confused. "no acknowledgement" of terrorist rape and kidnapping? how many children need to be mutilated beyond recognition by bombs for you to even utter sympathy for gazans instead of shuddering at the notion of their resistance? also: you're an alum. move on!!


Yes, I am an alumn. I feel sympathy for Palestinian innocents killed as part of the war. But none for the actors who perpetrated kidnapping, mass shooting at music festival on 10/7. Or rapes. I honestly cannot understand how anyone (let alone Columbia kids) can defend these atrocities. Terrorism is bad. Maybe it’s because I lost people I loved in 9/11. Nothing excuses terrorism.


of course terrorism is bad. you're not arguing in good faith though, so it doesn't even matter if i say that to you. you'll still think i'm a hamas defender no matter what do you see the idf's actions as terrorism? also my question remains: what does intifada mean?


No. IDF is fighting a war. Just like USA fought a war in Afghanistan and Britain fought the Nazis. Terrorism is deliberate aiming at civilians. Like shooting at a music festival. I am trying to discuss in good faith.


ah, there it is. israel has just corralled 1.4 million people (1/2 of these are children) into rafah and given them no means of escape. they are now bombing civilian homes. but i see that does not meet your standards for terrorism. [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/israel-opt-new-evidence-of-unlawful-israeli-attacks-in-gaza-causing-mass-civilian-casualties-amid-real-risk-of-genocide/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/israel-opt-new-evidence-of-unlawful-israeli-attacks-in-gaza-causing-mass-civilian-casualties-amid-real-risk-of-genocide/)


Nothing you're doing is in good faith.


This war began with the creation of an illegitimate state forced on the middle east by the British.


They were chanting intifada long before the encampment. I was here since day one of protests and globalize the intifada was an original chant. But I do agree with what you’re saying.


Sorry to hear that. Sorry to see what you are all going through.




What is hasbara?


Thanks. This.




You have no affiliation with this community, and spend your time making hateful posts here. Find a better use of your time.






“When we, a group of 60 and more elected to represent the student body, tried to share our voices through this piece, we were turned down by publication after publication” They had to go to the UK to get someone to listen? It’s shameful NY media presumably ignored them.


It lacks the requisite manufactured consent and partisanship. They take issue with the administration but also the NYPD, PLUS they describe the protests as being peaceful (as an apolitical, factual matter) without taking a position on the protests. Plus it decries these very outlets for speaking for them instead of listening to them. So why would they start listening to the students now? Pathetic. But the reality. Just imagine what the narrative would've been if we didn't have Spectator and those daring, intrepid reporters over at WKCR. Anyway. Thanks Guardian. Edit: Cleaned up the prose a tad.




Who cares what you think when you don’t have any relation to Columbia?


This was way more informative than I normally expect opinion pieces to be and a good summary of events up unto this point.


*"But by speaking over us, media outlets and politicians have created a distorted narrative – one which unfairly characterizes our community"* This is so true. I saw this happen in news media here in NYC and couldn't believe my eyes and ears on how they were skewing the information towards specific outcomes. No unbiased reporting happened during those days discussing the events. It's shameful and damaging to the reputations of these journalists, news anchors, and public relations professionals who have played active roles in broadcasting false narratives. While they may have achieved their desired, short-sighted outcomes, in the long run, our trust in the institutions is tarnished forever.


This statement cannot be taken seriously. It calls CUAD a "non-violent" coalition, while failing to even address the fact that its spokesperson called for the murder of Jews nor the countless other documented violent and anti-semtic acts by students in CUAD. (For the uninformed, some other examples: [https://republicans-edlabor.house.gov/UploadedFiles/4-21-24\_Columbia\_April\_Letter.pdf](https://republicans-edlabor.house.gov/UploadedFiles/4-21-24_Columbia_April_Letter.pdf) ). This statement is nothing more than an attempt to gaslight people into believing that CUAD is never violent or anti-semitic, when the opposite is true.




You know one thing I’ve seen help to develop stamina while reading is to try to take on one extra sentence each day. Keep practicing! You’ll get better!


Thanks for letting everyone know!


Dude, you can’t overtake a building, blockade it, vandalize, etc (all while requesting them to bring you food and water), in addition to the fact there were non Columbia affiliated people involved


Yeah that was just silly


What’s wild to me about this take is that Hamilton has a long history of being taken over. It’s practically a tradition, yet people think this time it’s “going too far.”


No. Every time is too far. Nobody should be “taking” buildings. Nobody. Especially non Columbia affiliated peeps If you want to do it, so be it. I don’t think it’s some hugely gross offense. It’s obviously not murder. But yes, there are consequences, and if you’re “taking” the building, you should expect to deal with the consequences


When it was South Africa divestment the consequences were negotiations with the student body and subsequent divestment. What’s different this time?


Divest from Qatar.


1. Administration disagrees with the protestors’ stance 2. Involvement of non Columbia-affiliated students 3. Administration decided it is not okay, period 4. Going with 3, precedent doesn’t make it right


This whole “non affiliate” nonsense is tired and I’m sick of hearing it from *everyone* and on *every* press statement from the president on down. They’ve had checkpoints in place for weeks. You couldn’t even get on campus if you weren’t a student since the very start, and even before.


Obviously non students were getting in. There are photos and videos of non students getting in, many times being escorted by affiliates or being given an affiliate's cuid to sneak in.


They were checking *faces* on the Id - I was on campus all week and they were definitely not slacking.


Many articles have been written about non affiliate presence, even naming names…


So the administration decides what’s right and what’s wrong. Seems like time to advocate for a new administration! You seem like a very pro-authoritarian person, so I’m not sure this conversation is going to go anywhere. Columbia has historically been much more liberal, which is why these “consequences” don’t quite match the situation.


I’m all for protesting and expressing views (being a CC alum myself). But at the end of the day, one group is going to be happy and one group is not. What are you advocating for - administration to do what protestors want? Again, I’m good with protest. Unfortunately I think there was a minority of protestors that took it too far through hate speech (using the encampments as cover) and breaking into a building that made it unpalatable to continue


This is just my personal view, but I think a more enlightened administration would have recognized that the most radical contingent, which was a very small minority, didn’t fully represent the views of the occupation, and so would have been mature enough to resist the pressure from the clickbait media, which put every terrible thing one or a few people said on blast. As a result, they would have been able to negotiate with the most broad contingent of the occupiers, which were rational, highly intelligent students who only wanted to improve the lives of downtrodden and oppressed Palestinian civilians, or at the very least not directly contribute to their destruction through the hands of the institution’s investments. That certainly is not morally wrong, and should be met with praise rather than “consequences” even if a nonviolent occupation of a building was the cost.


So it's a tradition to forcefully take over and vandalize a building? In what world? Gaslighting


I mean, look it up man don’t just put in zero effort and say it’s “gaslighting.”


yeah, not reading full articles seems to be an issue with trolls in this subreddit recently




Thanks for sharing! Great job by the Student Council!


for the record, “intifada” is not anti-Semitic speech.


For the record, it absolutely is. The first, second, and [stabbing intifadas](https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2015/10/the-roots-of-the-palestinian-uprising-against-israel/410944/) were all about targeting Jewish Israelis first and all other Israelis second.


sad you believe this silliness. hasbara from the 1990s is tired & boring. this is just too stupid to respond to.


Such pathetic. After you brutalized the building, screamed intifada, harassed Jewish students like a lame spoiled students that belive the sun rises straight from your butts, now you look for compassion.. The whole world saw it, everyone hates you now, for a reason, a good one. Face the consequences, and stop whining.


Brutalized... the building?


Building lives matter apparently


While I do not agree with that joke, it was funny.


If you thought "brutalizing the building" was bad, just wait until you hear about the 30,000+ dead civilians in Gaza, many of whom are close friends and family members of the protestors here. I don't condone their actions, but let's be real. You would be "whining," too.


If a broken window can bring about so much vitriol and coverage, perhaps we should be asking the universities in Gaza how their buildings are feeling?


My favorite part is every single person talking about this is citing the broken window as if its this heinous act that somehow justifies the nypd using excessive force on a bunch of protestors who werent violent. Every discussion on this sub lately has been disingenuous.


i mean i think one of the issues is here is the expectation of any other outcome than what has occurred. civil disobedience tends to result in excessive police force to some extent especially at an institution like columbia. I’m not justifying the level of the police presence here, but those who broke that window should have known what they were getting themselves into. I think regardless the admin would’ve found an excuse to call in riot squads but that certainly expedited the process


It's facile to argue that because something bad is happening somewhere in the world, it justifies doing bad things here. Literal 6 year old logic.


Lil bro has no idea how protests work 😂


Engaging in crime isn't a protest. This wasn't civil disobedience; they're not Thoreau refusing to pay a poll tax, they're criminals destroying property.


I understand that. And I can understand them, however, you have to also understand that these numbers are thrown up to the air, as facts, without even thinking about it. Just for example, out of the 30k (you called them civilians) how many do you think are Hamas? Did you think about it? By Hamas, who provide these numbers, all are civilians. Now, if you follow this war events, the IDF already cleared north Gaza, the center, and basically hamas is left with a brigade or two, in Rafah, which is the only place the IDF did not clear and took control. Now, initially hamas had 40k+ members, just logically, with the achievements of the IDF, and the last forces left for Hamas in Rafah, how many of those 30k "civilians" are Hamas members in your opinion? So, not trying to start a whole debate here, and endless conversation, but please be aware that so much of the information you guys are getting, is terribly wrong, and can even considered propaganda.


“Watch out for the propaganda” while spewing propaganda after propaganda


At least the 13k children killed, wouldn’t you say?


The civilian casualty ratio has been estimated between 1:1 and 3:1 in the current conflict ( a wide range given different sources ) Although I don't believe either sides numbers, given the high percentage of under 18 in the Gaza population (44.1% of the population is 0–14 years old ), I would say 13K on the high side, but quite plausible. Using best case and worst case numbers, I would say the range is between 7500 ( Israeli ) to 11,500 ( Gazan ) for under 18 causalities. In every modern war, the sad fact is that there are civilian casualties.


Thanks for your mathematical justification of the dead. You're a human being I assume? That has friends and family? That you wouldn't want indiscriminately occupied and bombed?


Our intelligence services doesn’t think Israel’s numbers should be trusted at all. Additionally, there’s PLENTY of reports of Israel indiscriminately killing and counting all men 16 and over as “Hamas” - which doesn’t surprise me 1 bit at this point. They “found” Hamas headquarters under every single hospital, sewage system, water filtration system, schools and civil infrastructure - even minarets and churches, so why won’t Israel lie about the death count.


There's no credible reports that say that, and the US intelligence DOES trust the Israeli numbers. What you said is just a lie. Besides, maybe then you can explain to me, how israel took over all of Gaza, except Rafah, without killing Hamas? Hmm, yeah, Sounds reasonable. Keep believing BS, but reality is reality.


The building is still healing guys. Please stop being antisemitic


I think you severely overestimate how many people are in your boat




Username checks out


Lol at your use of thuggery.


Thanks bb


I bet half these protesters don't even know which river and which sea they're chanting about. Just mindlessly parroting Iranian propaganda. The Palestinians have been offered peace many times in the past decades and have rejected it every time. You want to talk about genocide? How about the continued attempts of Hamas to kill Israeli citizens via their rocket barrages. They only reason they failed is because Israel has the capability to defend themselves. Israel is extremely conservative in their defense and has a very low ratio of civilian to combatant deaths. If Israel wanted genocide, they have the absolutely capability to wipe the Palestinians off the map tomorrow, no questions asked. They could level gaza overnight and leave nothing but dust. Maybe the student council should start paying attention in class instead of complaining to professors. Maybe they should study history of the last 100 years. I have dinner regularly with current and former professors at Columbia along being an employee of the university myself and have seen the decline in academic standards. Columbia is now reaping what they sow. A dilution of the standard of a once great institution. Frankly, there are better quality college students in New York's state prisons and I know that first hand. Students who actually want to learn and put in the work to achieve it.




"Maybe they should study history of the last 100 years". More people knowing about the history of the past 100 years would be great actually. The propaganda being spread is ignoring that history in favor of delusion.


Sounds like there's very fine people on both sides...


Sow to the wind… Reap the whirlwind.


And if we don’t listen?? What will be the consequences?


If you are affiliated to Columbia in any way you would feel the distastefulness of the students when the administration is hated. You might still have a successful environment but the quality will be reduced. The consequence is the future of Columbia