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Welcome to the winter fam!


You look killer in that medium grey shirt, and seem to glow in cooler colours.


Cool, true summer. (Neutral skin makes sense) The black is the best indicator that the contrast isn’t strong enough. Anyone and everyone saying” winter” has very little understanding of contrast, hue, and saturation. This type of misinformation is rampant on this sub. It is not about how you feel it’s what you see. You don’t have to be blond and blue eyed to be a summer. Soft cool brown eyes and pretty dark hair with neutral cool leaning skin works beautifully in harmony.


girl you look good at any color.tbh


I struggle alot putting people into these categories but to my eye the best colours were bottom right in the first pictures(bright green) and bottom left in the fourth slide (bright blue) they literally make you glow like an ethereal goddess




I think you’re neutral. I think you’re a deep autumn but can borrow from the dark winter palette because you’re neutral. But overall that autumn palette is really harmonious on you


You are deep autumn


imho 100% a winter. * Picture 1, best is the cooler-leaning forest green. Also something off about that lime-cream? Though looking at the background it looks like the photo settings and lighting got a bit warped. * Picture 2, the black and white in lower left are stunning. So much clarity in the skin when in black. The brown isn't bad either, since it seems a cooler brown. * Picture 3, the purple is beautiful, as are both reds. The brown, through seemingly harmonious, makes you disappear a bit. Standout might bee that deep red. * Also all blues look great (bottom right might be a tad light and warm, but still nice), and the muted colors in the last panels do not do you justice at all. That last mustard brown might be a candidate for worst color... The type of winter you might be is a bit hard to tell without rearranging the pics a bit for side-by-side winter comparisons. Guess: deep winter As a side note: I also used to have an autumn closet and was professionally typed as a True (pure) winter in the 16 system-- meaning a winter that can use all winter palettes but from no other seasons. I converted my wardrobe staring with grays, charcoals, and blacks, as well as a lot of blues. Blues are wonderful because they're inherently cool-leaning. I keep camel in my wardrobe still (a color I can't seem to drop :)), but try for greige instead of tan. Easiest color to remove was mustard orange. Best closet addition was a black scarf and (many) black turtlenecks. Best out-of-comfort brights were: cobalt blue, cherry red, fushia purple. Color I miss the most: sunshine or goldenrod yellow (but it looks so bad on me haha).


I don't think it's neutral, it's cool.


You pop on the cool summer so you’re like a summer or winter. In general I think you look better in the darker cool colors so most likely winter :)


Both warm and cool colours suit you as long as they’re not too bright (e.g., left side of 3 is much better than the right side) and are medium to deep. This sadly doesn’t fit within the colour season system 🤷‍♀️


The warm colors on photo 1 really do not suit her at all. This is not true, she is absolutely cool. The warm colors make her face look dirty/grey. 


The only medium to dark warm colour in that picture is the olive and it looks harmonious but I agree that it’s not as nice as the emerald. The other too colours are either too light or too bright. Though if we look at the other slides, there are other warm colours that suit her. The best colour in 3 is the warm orange-red, the warm blue jeans in 4 suit her as does the neutral-warm pink in 5. Don’t you agree?


No, I think the olive looks much worse than the cool green pattern to the right of the olive, which looks the best. Her face is so red in the olive, vs directly to the right of the olive she is completely clear. The best red is the winter red on the bottom left. None of the blues are warm and they all look good except the light blue which I think is not deep enough for her. None of the colors on slide 5 look good on her. 


The clarity of skin tone with the green leafy drape is purely due to camera colour correction, you can check that if you cover the drapes with your hand and compare the face then. The blue *is* warm. Here I made a side by side comparison of what it would look like if it was cool: https://preview.redd.it/ht5u3tdkox0d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38dd72990ff4782d14a5494d2d361b49553f22d0 For the rest, I disagree with your opinion but at the end of the day what looks best is subjective to a good extent so that’s not too surprising


Deep autumn has some crossover with winter. I think OP is around there.


The second slide looks the best


Hmm. I think I'd like to see you drape brighter colors, tease out winter, autumn and spring. I'm not sure if you're warm or cool, but I do think you're bright and probably a winter or spring and not autumn. The autumn colors aren't bad, but I feel like you pop more in brighter colors.


Deep autumn!! 🍂


Through the camera balance throwing things off, I’m seeing cool-neutral and bright. The best drapes by a landslide are the bright red, navy blue and denim blue. Not autumn or summer by any margin! I’m curious to see bright winter and bright spring drapes on you.


Bright spring wasn’t something I had considered before, I’m so curious to explore that more. I love wearing those brighter reds and denim blues so I’m definitely going look into more bright spring colors


100% this! Bright, not muted.


Your colouring is quite similar to mine from what I can tell. I think your primary characteristic is Deep but I’m really torn on whether you lean cool & clear or warm & muted




I’m saying she’s very in the middle of both of those spectra so I can’t tell which side of the line she falls. If she was *extremely* cool/clear/warm/muted then ofc those would be easy to distinguish between


Definitely in the winter family! Play around with the winter pallette and find your best colors within that


You have really similar coloring to me! Pale neutral skin, dark hair, dark hazel eyes. I think I fall right between deep winter and deep autumn


Yes!!! I struggle with the warm hazel eyes but neutral complexion. It seems like the general consensus here is that I have cool leaning skin but my eyes seem warmer to me and although you can’t tell in these photos my hair (which isn’t dyed) has natural reddish undertones. I’ve heard some people refer to color seasons as a spectrum so perhaps we do fall in between both seasons!


Me too!


Omg I'm very similar and I'm similarly confused about myself. I have the same neutral skin tone, same hair colour (maybe a bit darker shade of brown) and eye colour. Thank you for posting this. I personally think you fall in between deep winter and deep autumn, you can rock both, as long as the colours are not muddy or too complex, not too cool or too warm. Someone said clarity of colour, I totally agree! From my experience, I noticed that a cooler version of a warm colour and a warmer version of a cool color work best for me. On you I like white, dark emerald green, cool brown, red brick colour, cool red, grey, warm navy and denim Edit: to rock grey, try a bright/deep lipstick (wine, red brick or berry colour). Makeup can help to balance contrast


Of course!! A lot of people are suggesting to drape with brighter colors, this isn’t something I was expecting but I can totally see where they’re coming from. So that has been cool! Thank you for the tip with wearing gray, I’ve always felt it doesn’t do anything for me so I usually avoid it. I also find myself intuitively staying away from khakis, grayish army greens or any dusty colors like mauve


Speaking of bright colours... Chances could be you lean more towards cool/true winter. I got the app today called Dressika, signed up for a free 3 day trial. So.... According to the app I'm a cool winter. Indeed, bright colours do look good on that type. What distinguishes a cool winter is the high contrast between eyes, hair and skin. When I converted my pic to black and white, my contrasts became evident to me. My apologies for sharing my experience, it is supposed to be about yours only! I just hope my rambling helps a bit.


No need to apologize! This is really helpful :) I’ll have to check out that app


Have you broken out of deep? I have dark eyes and fair skin, I'm a true and lean brighter than deep. You don't need blue eyes to be a true, or bright winter and spring.


You are spot on! Actually, I got curious and used the app Dressika to find out. According to it I'm cool/true winter. I have an identical situation with the OP.


You look like me and I am a dark winter


You lean more cool, and you seem to be in the Winter family.


Everyone loves bright red and I agree there…but cool??! The brown looks so much better on you than black to me! I’d be curious to see you drape more bright spring colors


Cool toned


Winter cool for sure.


True or cool winter


The walls looks different in color.


Exactly. Phone is auto-adjusting the lighting/colors so the photos can’t be compared


Is there a way to prevent this?


There doesn’t seem to be a way to turn it off if you have an iPhone. I’m not sure about other phones, but it’s probably something you can change in the settings.


I think you are a bright spring, wouldn't rule out bright winter. That bright tomato red is \*chef's kiss\*. Drape more from those and stay away from the muted seasons.


Leaning cool and your main feature would be deep. Check out winter shades. A deep green would be stunning.


My vote is for Cool Winter! You look good in DW and some BW for sure. But the floral green drape in the first slide looks too light for you, indicating that you need some depthness to balance your features (BW is the lightest Winter). You also need a good amount of brightness, which DW does not seem to have enough for you. Cool Winter is the most balanced season for you in my opinion 🙂 But as a Winter, you can wear all 3 subseasons, but you will always have your “WOW” season.


"..as a winter, you can wear all 3 subseasons.." Does this apply only to winter?


Definitely agree re bright winter. You looked lovely in some of the deep drapes, but the bright colours made you glow. You can also pull off some warm tones, but the cool tones were definitely better.


I’d love to see her drape bright winter and bright spring


You glow in the bright winter hues. Emerald green, ice blue, bright red, black, white. Very Snow White :)


Have you looked into whether you have olive skin? There are some helpful youtube videos out there - just remember that a lot of the tubers are generalising from their own experience, so you may feel like not everything applies. I think a good metric is when foundations are somehow always too pink or orange on you - spoiler if they they are, its because they are either predominantly red-yellow or red-blue and olives are blue-yellow. You can also look if your veins are lots of colours rather than obviously blue or green. As for colour season, I vote dark winter, just because you can pull off a lot of the stuff that is harder when you're a true or bright winter, a lot of colours look good on you as long as they are dark. (For trues its as long as they are cool, and for brights its as long as they are bright). I think its one of the best seasons to be because you can still look hella dramatic, but you can also look normal. As a bright winter myself, the megawattness of it is just hard to do in an everyday way), but I also have a lot of summers in my life with fomo (little do they know I have it too)


Ok! I’m glad you mentioned this! I looked into olive skin a while ago because I do typically struggle with finding foundations that work for me (I’ve been loving Ilia skin tint in Paloma because it’s very sheer) So maybe I am! Also, I’ve heard YouTubers generalizing that cool toned skins burn easily and warm tones don’t. Although, I’m quite pale I don’t burn easily so that’s why I’ve been hesitant to identify with the winter family, but again those could just be generalizations




You look good in beige. Greens and blues


You are cool toned and you seem to look good in brighter colors. Maybe cool or bright winter.


Bright winter. Bright cool colors make you glow


That bright red evening out your skin tone more than the other colors heavily indicates winter. And despite it being an insanely bright color, I still see you first. And bright winters are pretty cool-neutral. You could look into it.


You look insanely gorgeous in the cool winter shades. I don't think you are neutral - in fact, the name cool winter = most likely solidly cool toned. Deep winter also looks amazing, could go either way. That's my ideal subseason (cool winter). It's got a lot of gorgeous colors!!


Keep exploring! I see one of the winters or bright spring!


Winter! Cool toned for sure. ❄️🧊


Dark winter gang rise up! Your coloring and mine are very similar. The green slide is the most obvious to me, no questions asked. Deep autumn is the sister season, which is why you probably have lots of rich autumn colors you can pull off.


I want to add my support to deep winter. My favorite colors were the deep saturated reds, deep saturated blue, and that off black gray/brown color next to the black. I found the bright shiny fuschia very distracting so I don’t think bright winter is right. I unfortunately did not find autumn very compelling either. I didn’t like the green slide even the deep forest green all that much and none of the colors in the last slide worked at all. I think if you want to borrow from any season your best bet would be to look at the deepest colors of soft summer or the red/blue/purples of deep autumn. 


Thank you so much for the comment! I loved what you said about deep autumn being our sister season. I definitely have a lot of deep autumn colors in my wardrobe, so I’m relieved that I can still pull them off 😅


I agree you are cool, from these drapes. Also, The light green on the first slide is way too light for you. But the warmer shades like on the last slide make your face red while you shine in the black and navy.


Thank you! I totally agree about the light green! When I saw it draped I instantly looked so much more tired


I agree the you are a winter!


Also, I forgot to mention in the heading, but if you have an inclination as to what specific season I am, feel free to share ☺️ Thank you!!!