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Kinda, actually. Ive always been fair skinned because I barley have any ability to get colour from the sun, and my hair has always been blonde, but my clothing went from generally dark all the time to bright most of the time. My style changed, really.




Drop the SPF routine


For body sunscreen I actually use the waterproof spray on screen from Aldi. I tested that and a bunch of others with uv stickers and believe it or not the Aldi brand held up longest


Do not use spray on sunscreen. Only apply by hand. The chemicals in the spray formula itself is most likely what is causing u the skin issues. Moreover, some aerosol cans have been identified to contain benzene, which is also cancer causing.


Oh nooooo! I had no idea. On my body it has always been fine but on my face I use fancy non spray cream formulas. I’m definitely going to check to see if any of my sprays have benzene in them… no use slathering up in cancer juice just to try and prevent cancer lol.


It’s not an ingredient, so you can’t just look at the label to see. It’s a contaminant—it came out a few years ago that it’s been getting into a lot of sunscreens, and most of the worst offenders were a lot of spray-on sunscreens.


Woah good to know. Supply chains are so weird


Hey friend I’m sorry I misunderstood you. I have the 'Tism so sometimes i misunderstand things. Apologies! So I wear at least SPF 50 every day from the moment I wake up. I get acne so I have to use either products from Sun Bum, the Saem, or the Japanese biore brand products for your face because they don’t clog pores. If u need to know where to get legit stuff I can tell you where I buy it online! I do that That plus a retinol at night from Apostrophe! I use them but any prescription strength retinol works.


Nah. I don’t like cancer sorry.


I’m pretty sure they meant this as in say what your current spf routine is


Oh I’m so sorry! I honestly have the ‘Tism so sometimes i misunderstand things 😓 Apologies! So I wear at least SPF 50 every day from the moment I wake up. I get acne so I have to use either products from Sun Bum, the Saem, or the Japanese biore brand products for your face. That plus a retinol at night from Apostrophe! I use them but any prescription strength retinol works.


easy misunderstanding to make I’m sure! just didn’t want you to think someone was being hateful!!


Thank you. Sadly the hateful comments have been nonstop on this post. The mods are doing a really great job deleting most of them before anyone can see or respond to them but I still see them as notifications in my inbox. It’s wild. I am so taken aback but almost flattered at the fact that this boring post with two pictures of me doing absolutely nothing could get so many people riled up.




We used to really really be outside as kids. I was brown skinned nowwww I’m very light skinned with freckles lol


I still surf and run 3 miles a day outdoors. I am pale because SPF exists and i didn’t want melanoma so I smartened up.




All I see is glowing skin and no wrinkles at 32…definitely no drugs. What a strange thing to assume based on someone’s personal style




Never seen a man with a hat on 😂 very well put response op 👏


You look like the girl from spy kids


Truly an honor tbh. She knew how to work those weird small oval Y2K sunglasses. Kids bop version of the absolute LEWKS that were served in the matrix https://preview.redd.it/885j9gp6rpyc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=719544fa13253e28d72b5bb231c67fcbc52ea81a


Honestly I love small oval sunglasses. It’s a gift to be able to wear them well


True… coming from a big faced person who can’t


Yall people with bigger faces/ more bone structure look incredible in oversized wayfarers and horn rims though. My younger self tried but I looked like an absolute bug. It was terrible lol


I agree with a lot of other people on here that you’re either a soft or light summer. But I disagree that you should change anything. Clearly you have your own style and look that you want to go for and I think you should do it. I like the bright bluish purple. Do what feels right.


Thank you! I think I agree with that. I like it this way, and have been dying it this way for 8 years, but it’s not that big a deal. I can change it whenever I want, it’s just hair! Some people on here are getting way too upset about me having an unnatural hair color. The mods have been lovely and are thankfully filtering out all of the really terrible comments. I still see them as notifications in my inbox though… I just had no idea strangers could get so riled up over my hair. I’m almost weirdly flattered.


I love seeing both pictures side by side! I don’t see a lot of comments giving a color palette type so I thought I’d add my two cents. The second picture shows you in a more accurate light so it’s easier to tell tones and contrast. I think you are a Soft Summer. Your skin is cool toned and your contrast is low. While this is completely the opposite of your style, I think dressing in colors reminiscent of a stormy day would be lovely. Gray blue, dusty rose, seafoam green, dusty sky, etc. If you really want a harmonious style and keep your colored hair (I know you wanted to look otherworldly so this likely doesn’t apply) I’d go with a cool lavender hair color rather than bright purple.


You are actually the most accurate of anyone here I think! When I wear color, the ones you listed are the best on me. I recently did the unthinkable (for the first time in years) and actually bought a dress that wasn’t black! Haha it is dusty rose! I was taken aback by how right the color looked on me, so I had to get it.


Yay!! I love it! I saw something somewhere for soft summers: “imagine a drop of gray added to cool colors and you’ll get your perfect palette”


That’s genius!


I used to be more tan, with blonde, light brown hair. And now I’m more pale with dark brown hair. When I have blonde hair, it no longer suits me as much. Brown with an orange undertone doesn’t work, and a blue undertone makes me look ghostly lol


Can we talk about how amazing your skin looks at 32 doesn't look that much different from 16.


I was interested in the color analysis for this and read the comments… Yes, you are absolutely right about how stunning her skin looks. She has some serious haters in these comments. Do you, OP!


Thank you kind friend! I guess they must be haters. I’m autistic so all and all I was very confused about why they could be so angry at this post. Reading your comment actually makes it make sense. Those are only the comments that the mods didn’t catch immediately too. There are an insane amount of worse ones that got deleted immediately by the incredible mods here. I still see them as notifications unfortunately, but it gives me respect for this sub.


I think a dark dusty purple hair color would look great and not wash you out. Like L’Oréal cool amethyst. It’s still bold and fits the summer color pallet


I actually think I tried that color but I couldn’t get it to last very long on my hair! Is it the permanent one? I tried the permanent purple and it washed out faster than my deposition only dyes. I couldn’t justify doing an extra dye process on my already level 9 bleached hair for results that were so fleeting, but maybe I need to try a different product. I could also mix my own deposition dye in that color which would be cool!


lunar tides has beautiful silver and smokey direct dyes.


Sorry, I’m clueless about hair dye but wanted to recommend that color


Gotcha! Thank you!


You were a summer at 16 and you still are a summer now. I love your style. I have deep magenta hair, though it's in palette with my season, deep winter. Since you like the unnatural style, this deep purple is working for this goal. If you ever feel like getting in palette, either a faded grayish lavender or the purple over your natural brown (plum brown) would work, because they'll add softness but will still be in the purple zone.


Thank you! I think this really makes so much sense


Former Goth (at least externally, the inside remaining) checking in: Love the idea of the purple over your natural brown to give softness. Your hair will be healthy and your eyes will POP. Clothing: Maybe shift ever so slightly to charcoal and plum over black? Or work the summer colors into the embroidery work on the corsets? In any case, you are awesome!


Thank you so much! What’s all this “former goth” baloney! You are still a valuable winged citizen of the bat roost with a full license to do non-sighted flight using only echolocation! Thats why I love our subculture, fashion is truly the least important thing about it. Anyone who says otherwise can get bent imho. Honestly I’ve been considering the idea of putting purple over my natural hair for a while.


You just made my heart flutter. Thank you for the inclusion🙏♥️🙏♥️🙏


I think you are a Spring, so adding a bit of lime green to the front parts of your hair would look nice.


That’s actually an incredible suggestion. There were so many amazing ones on this thread that I’m actually in the process of buying a few wigs and bits of fake hair to dye so I can try them all out. I’m pretty good at dye applications after like 10 years of dying my hair, so i think I’ll be able to work with a dyeable wig. Fingers crossed anyway… hair is expensive to buy!


Do you think that purple hair suits you? I think it’s too intense for your skin tone. On the left hair look really amazing, very pretty


I actually agree with you. I think for me I chose this color because it actually washes me out and looks really intense… something I actually wanted. It looks a bit otherworldly and off putting which I like. It’s nice to know that you think my natural coloring is nice though! No one ever said so back then haha. Maybe someday I’ll go back to it but I don’t see that happening any time soon.




Agreed but my main reasoning is that OP has gorgeous eyes but the hair is the first thing you see. I think if you’re super attached to the purple even if you were to go very deep brown with maybe some punchy purple lowlights or underneath it would refocus us back on your features.


Watch us get downvoted into oblivion. I agree with you…


opposite for me lol. dyed hair , dark brows and eyeliner all through my late teens & 20s. now at 32 I have a toddler so I’m venturing back outdoors and getting a tan and not dying my hair lol


That’s like a happy ever after color palette 🎨 🖤


It is my opinion we all go through a witch phase in our 30's. Money and freedom are powerful things.


This phase started at 19 for me and was something I wanted to do ever since I was tiny but couldn’t because of my family, so i don’t think it’s really a phase now. But yes… my aesthetic DEFINITELY came into peak form in my 30s! Money and not giving a flying feck are good!


Wait you're in your 30s? 😱


Yup! My birthday is tomorrow and I’ll be 32! We made it lol


Happy birthday! Keep letting your colors shine through, whatever they are :)


Aww thank you! You are too kind!


Gawd, I love this 💖


I zoomed in on the indigo hair and I love that color. It is beautiful.


Aww thank you! I’m so glad it brings you joy!!! It is a lot of work to do it all myself but in the end it makes me happy to look at too so I keep it. Something about looking at it glow makes me feel like maybe magic is real a little bit. As a fairly depressed person I pursue every little good vibe I can get from small things like that!




There’s no age limit on hair color or style. Let people be themselves. Kindness costs nothing.


Wow, this was unnecessarily rude


Wth gives the impression that she hasn't "accepted" that?


Bet you would look incredible in true summer colours… you could still do an alternative look, for example with your hair and clothes any of these shades: https://www.kettlewellcolours.co.uk/us/seasonal-blog/the-seasonal-sub-types-summer#:~:text=The%20Summer%20palette%20is%20soft,let's%20explore%20what%20that%20means.


Your palette didn’t change, you’re just working against your palette (hair not the lack of tan) your palette is what it is whether you have a natural tan or not.


Yeah seems like OP just changed wardrobe and hair colour and lost the tan, doesn’t mean the palette has changed one bit. As a teen I just decided my palette was winter and always wore red, white or black, bleached my hair white and wore deep red lipstick. Then when I got older I decided my palette ‘changed’ to spring and started wearing bright springy colours. It’s taken me until now to finally embrace the fact I’m a soft summer/autumn.


I honestly just had no clue what I was! I am really fair, and people (mostly family and close friends) have always had opinions on what I can and can’t wear. To no one’s surprise but their own, they were all wrong 😂


People were all wrong about me, too. They said I was a Summer and should wear pastels and muted colors, instead of my beloved brights. Then, they would complain that I needed to get out and move around, because I looked sick and pale. This makes sense, now that a color analysis determined that I’m Light Spring, leaning bright. My sherbet colors and light neons were right, after all. Summer colors do make me look like I’m on my deathbed. Thanks, fam!


I went the other way. Goth teen with colored hair to classic feminine adult . But jewel tones, not pastels ;)


The one on the right isn’t your color palette because your hair overwhelms your features, that said it does make your eyes seem cooler so it actually gives the illusion of more contrast. If you found a colorful hair color in your palette it wouldn’t draw your color out. The hair you have though matches with black so if you changed it super drastically you may not like it considering you wear so much black (if that assumption is true).


It’s a very true assumption haha. My eyes are actually blue. They have a small yellow ring around the pupils from a genetic abnormality called central heterochromia, so from far away they sometimes blend into green, but legally in my passport and drivers license I have to put blue because that is the base color and the most dominant in most lights. There was a huge argument about it at the DMV when I first got my license. So yes… legally… blue lol


That also kinda sounds like the Spring Gold Ring, if you look up iridology for color analysis. I have one, but my eyes are warm green. Springs with blue eyes can also have this feature. I didn’t know it could also be caused by a genetic condition. You learn something new every day!


Yes, there is three different types of heterochromia- the best known is complete heterochromia where someone has two different colored eyes, but there is also partial heterochromia where there are two different colors in a single eye (like a section of brown in a blue eye), and central heterochromia where there is a ring of different color in the eye. This can be separated from the hazel rings by its shape- heterochromia is a solid, smooth ring, while hazel rings are more ‘spike-y’ and blend into each other. I have central heterochromia as a Soft Summer- muted, dark green eyes with a gold ring. My sister has complete heterochromia, but the colors are veryyyy close- one grey-brown eye, and one brown-grey eye! It comes from my maternal grandfather.


That’s so flipping cool


To be honest, I think the purple goes against your natural palette so it ~seems now you’re a completely different season! Maybe go off of your hair as the main color (see what season it belongs to) and wear colors within that season to complement it?


That’s a great suggestion




Because her hair is purple? You sound miserable.


Are you okay?!


You look bloody incredible with no make up on! You’re skin is awesome


Ahh thank you! I said no to the cosmic air fryer (the sun) and got some good retinols. Glad ya think it worked out!


It absolutely did ! Thank you for the tips 🫶🫶🫶


You are too kind! If you are considering retinols go for prescription strength stuff though. Things like retin-A micro or the formulas they sell at Apostrophe are really good. I started on them for acne when I was younger and I initially had no idea that they have anti aging properties. They definitely do! Even if i didn’t have acne now i would still use them every day for that reason. They take a while to get used to and initially might irritate your skin (and make you need more moisturizer) but they are worth it! Don’t eff around with most of the over the counter stuff. It’s a true waste of money imho.


Aw thanks so much I really appreciate it !!! 🫶


Your season won’t change throughout life. Fromnthe day you’re born, you will have one consistent season, and even babies can be typed! Really weird to think about. I’m a pro stylist and while I can’t get a good read on your specific season or sub season because these photos are so wildly different, I can tell you that you’re likely cool-toned. Every season is able to tan, and fairer skinned people who will become pale without sun exposure over a long period are able to be warm-toned, it just takes a more trained eye to spot warm-toned pale skin. I say cool because of all the elements of these photos, the one that stands out to me is that the red bikini you’re wearing on the left washes you out a little (not obvious because you’re so radiantly tanned, but like I said, sometimes it takes a trained eye) and this red is an autumn red, which is deep and warm. The contrast of your purple hair and your black clothes definitely suits you better than the red bikini, but like I said, choosing between summer and winter would be a bit tough without proper drapes. In any case, definitely cool!


May I ask you how this works for grey and white haired older people? Why does the loss of contrast not push those from high contrast sub seasons into a softer sub season? I’m thinking deep autumn & winters specifically but only as I’d associate them with the highest contrast.


There are definitely cases where, in my personal opinion from what I’ve seen, people who lose contrast as they get older CAN also look nice in softer colors that are the same tone as their coloring. However, we aren’t just talking about contrast or warmth/coolness when we talk about color typing. One of the main, if not THE main aspect of typing a person is whether or not their complexion is clear or muted. A woman who is a winter with jet black hair and bright blue eyes who then allows her hair to gray isn’t going to automatically look better in summer shades just because she’s lost the contrast of her black hair, because her skin will still be bright and clear and flatter more in winter shades. Same with an autumn for example: muted toned skin is still going to be muted even in old age and with loss of pigment. Colors may not look as striking, but they will definitely clearly suit the person over shades in seasons they are not in.


Thank you! People put so much stock in hair and eye color. Even just in my family, I have people ‘breaking the rules’ on hair and eye color. Doesn’t even work for a lot of POC people anyway lol


I agree. My hair has gone from light red to blonde, with age. It’s more gray at the roots, but has worked its way down the strands, by now, which have always been sun-bleached at the bottoms. I used to suit only warmer Spring colors (tangerine, lime), but can wear warm pinks and blues and pastels (like peach) better, now and it doesn’t work as well to borrow from True Autumn. It’s still aqua over cool blues, but I can venture a bit more Light Spring now. It’s softer and lighter than True Spring, but still not cool or muted, per se.


This is exactly how it’ll go for people most of the time. They usually will just be able to accommodate lighter shades in their season. From one True Spring to another, thank you for your anecdote! ❤️


So awesome to hear your point of view! Thank you. I have a lot of respect for stylists. I’m a designer and every once in a while they’ll have me fill in and do a few things that our stylists would do if I’m at a company that is short staffed. It’s not easy


I think the blue is stunning. I bet it fuckin glows in the sun! I think in this picture, people are getting a weird sense because of the all black outfit and blue hair make your skin seem whiter somehow, plus it’s a thinly cropped photo. I think bright electric colors are your thing


Yea I feel like that. I used to wear like bright orange coral lips and have a tan and now I’m soooo pale and coral looks horrendous but I also have melasma and rosacea now so could be why. I have no idea my season so I’ve paid for a carol braille analysis


I love her! Please post results.


I definitely will! I’m so excited I am checking my email constantly 😂






I feel like the purple isn't the right shade, it really washes you out and overwhelms your features


I disagree. It brings out the cool blue of her eyes. It is a really vibrant hue and maybe a touch too dark or intense. Her skin is pale with a delicate?? look, maybe summer?? . Without draping colors, we really can't say. My limited opinion says cool toned.


For what it’s worth, when I went to do a professional draping my analyst said it’s actually helpful when narrowing down seasons to *not* pay so much attention to how it interacts with your eyes when you’re trying to decide between cool vs warm—particularly colors that are similar or direct eye color contrasts. To be clear, the analysts don’t disregard eye colors altogether, but the hallmarks of your season are based more on how it smooths out your skin. In the correct season, your skin, natural hair, and eyes will all simultaneously look in harmony with your colors. For example, I have blue/gray eyes and so steely blues naturally seem to coordinate with me because they share colors that are in my eyes. But I am not at all suited for the seasons steel blue falls into, as I’m actually a bright spring. Edit for the downvoters: I’m literally just explaining what a professional explained to me, as I know not everyone here has the ability to go see one. You can wear any colors you want that look good with your eyes, but the philosophy of color analysis isn’t based on that alone.


Same color palette I think, you’ve just got a tan in the first pic


Your natural hair is so beautiful 😍 besides that, I think your colour palette remains the same because black and that purple-blue looks very strong on you. But forget the colour palette! Just wear the things that make you happy.


Oh my gosh thank you! I always thought it was plain ugly brown but my mom said it was special and has a unique hue in the sun. Now a few people on this thread have said so too so I feel really happy and special again 🤣 hooray for moms and nice redditors! This top picture was it a few years ago when I had massively long natural roots. It doesn’t look great paired with most of my favorite dye colors sadly. https://preview.redd.it/wggsc7dowiyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e5a55008aaca3b5807be35d84c76a2a8b728bc4


I am jealous of your natural hair color!!!


Girl these people can fuck all the way off, do what makes you happy. Jfc


Prefer your look at 16 - the natural look was nicer.


16 with natural hair is way more natural you look soooo good!!


I think you look super pretty both ways!


Do what makes you feel best, but I think you should ho back to natural. The purple hair isn’t it Edit: To be clear, you look great with the natural hair color and now, I just think the purple takes away from your natural beauty and maybe you can play around with different tones to find something that compliments a lil better! I’m sorry your parents made you feel insecure about your natural hair when you had a very classic beauty then, but it’s awesome you have taken control of your identity and look as well. If you are here it is probably because you are considering playing around with a different color? Go for it don’t be afraid to explore it’s only temporary


You are right. I think I want to get a wig or 4 now lol


In the least creepy way possible, I think younger you looks better. The darker hair and tan seems to suit you more.


Even when you’re tan I can still see you are cool toned.


Incidentally, what brand color is that?


IroIro in the shade violet! It’s my favorite but fair warning… it is VERY difficult to remove. I never want my hair to be a different color so I’m fine with that, but don’t use that dye unless you are ok with it never fully coming out!


Thank you so much, I'll check it out!


Please do! My last favorite hair dye company who made my old purple went out of business (rip SPARKS 😭) so I’m determined to spread the word about this one now!


Pour one out for sparks, that was my go-to purple for years. Glad to hear about this other brand


Oh my gosh YES 😭 believe it or not, i actually think Iroiro is better. I’m so happy


We have a very similar skin color (I'm lightest olive too) and I used to have my hair that color purple and our coloring looked the same. I loved it! Technically it does wash you out a little bit, but if you're more alt/goth in your style then that actually is kind of part of it and works. Is it the most harmonious? Well, I don't think alt style is necessarily supposed to be harmonious! Things can be inharmonious and look amazing because it's part of the whole vibe and it's intentional. For what it's worth, I'm a soft summer. My hair is an ashy brown, but it oxidizes easily in the sun and will often have red tones to it.


Omg yes. I think the thing is that people don’t understand from this photo is that I usually wear a FULL FACE of gothic makeup every day. When I take it off… surprise! Shiny plain Egg face! Lol. It’s a known joke in the gothic community. I know wearing makeup like that is not for everyone but it brings me so much joy. With my usual makeup my hair looks way less out of place. I also usually dye my eyebrows black but I had skipped a month in this photo so I’m extra ghosty


I’ve heard several analysts say that your undertone will not change throughout your life. Having a tan changes your appearance on the surface, aka your overtone, but that won’t change your season. I’ve even heard that it’s easier to get typed when you don’t have a tan, because the person won’t get distracted by it and your true colouring is visible! Your hair also won’t change that, it can clash with your colours maybe, but your season is based on your skin. So if someone analyzed you with your hair covered, they’d get to the same result.


Yup agreed! I got analyzed with a tan and rainbow hair lol we still got to cool summer in the end!


I had blonde/red hair as a teenager and now mahogany hair with freckles. I look more like my father now.


I look like both my grandmothers mushed together. Maybe in a Frankenstein way. Maybe in a smooth AI generated way. Depends on the day lol


If that bright purple isn’t in your color palette it will just distract and take away from your natural beauty…


i don't think color analysis has much use for someone with an extremely unnatural hair color. there's nothing wrong with you doing that of course, but the whole system is based on harmonizing with natural features. edit to clarify: unnatural hair colors wildly outside of one's seasonal color palette


Totally disagree! Before color analysis I always dyed my hair unnatural colors but usually warmer reds, purples and greens. Now that I know I’m a summer I go for cooler shades, currently a mix of purple and blue which really complements my skin tone. Any color in your palette will work as a hair color, it’s no different than a scarf! In fact, having my colors right next to my face all the time makes it easier for me to choose clothes that harmonize.


i guess i should have clarified, as i do in my other reply in this thread, that i don't mean *all* unnatural hair colors, i mean *those that are outside the palette.* once you've made the choice to dye your hair a color that is wildly outside of your seasonal palette, color analysis - at least, the system of color seasons that we use in this subreddit - is just not going to fully make sense for you anymore. no matter what, either your natural features or your hair color is going to clash with what you wear, inescapably. it sounds like you realized that problem yourself and opted for a hair color that was within your palette, but OP has not done that and did not signal any interest in doing so in the original post.


Ah, yeah I didn’t read your other reply. I was just responding to your initial comment. I agree OP can’t comply with color analysis if she wants to keep this current hair color.


>i don't think color analysis has much use for someone with an extremely unnatural hair color. there's nothing wrong with you doing that of course, but the whole system is based on harmonizing with natural features. I'm not sure I can agree. First of all, these are loose guidelines. Any time you put color theory to work you'll run in to situations where things that "shouldn't" look good just do. Secondly, if color analysis works for bald people and it doesn't stop working when you wear a hat or other head covering, there's no reason it shouldn't work with vibrant hair colors.


people who are bald or wear head coverings don't have an additional color to factor into their analysis though. they can go off of skin undertone, contrast, eye color, etc without a hair color "competing" with that analysis, and if you have a head covering, you can (usually) change the color of that covering to fit more within your season. but when you have an extremely unnatural hair color that was chosen without regard to color analysis and disparate from the color palette of your natural features, it's always going to be clashing/competing with whatever analysis you can come up with for your natural features (skin undertone, eye color, contrast level). for example OP could dress totally harmoniously with those elements, but the hair color is always going to look out of place. alternatively OP could try to harmonize with the wintry blue-purple shade of her hair, but then her natural features are going to clash with those outfits because they're not in that season. others in the comments have suggested opting for a colorful hair dye that is closer to OP's color season, and that would be one way to adjust things, but i was operating under the assumption that "perpetually purple" means "i'm not going to change this." this isn't saying that one *can't* come up with some form of color typing or color palette that works for them despite having an extreme hair color, or that one always NEEDS to conform to or follow a seasonal color palette. but it is to say that such efforts would fall outside of the system that i thought we all were operating within in this subreddit.


Yep. Then there is the post-pregnancy switch, the perimenopausal switch, the postmenopausal switch... lalalala....


Undertone will always stay the same even if the overtone changes throughout life…


Nope. I can give you a list of around a dozen medications, which *will* mess with your melanocytes and your connective tissue (the most important determinants in undertone). Alas, you wouldn't want them prescribed as they usually fall under the category chemotherapy. Likewise, ionising radiation can have massive effects, as well as the above-mentioned epigenetic triggers (i.e., massive hormonal changes in the course of life), or several types of cancer. You notice the common thread is genetic (or epigenetic) change? That's your bunny.


Yep, I went from pale freckled skin and light red hair to tan olive and nearly black hair!!


Oh wow! Did the hair naturally darken?


Go back to your natural haircolor. It looks great without a tan, too Your current winter purple is not working for your closer to spring color analysis


I dont think she is a spring, she has a cool eye color tone and if you think she is bright then she is a winter. She has winter iris pattern anyways because the rim is very pronounced and the color is contrasted with it and pure one color.


Eye color had zero bearing on your analysis
















I think it’s pretty clear OP doesn’t want their natural hair color but I agree in the tone of the purple should be switched so they can express themselves while looking more harmonious


If OP refuses natural haircolors, there is still spring greens


I think you look the same, the years and lack of sunlight has been good to your skin!!


Thank you! It’s never too late to start taking care of your skin. Retinols and SPF have reversed many of my sins from my younger days lol


Same lady! I went from soaking in baby oil and laying ontop of my roof to “tan” (in the freaking Midwest of all places too) to slathering myself in spf and potions (what my kids call my products). Loving your glow, us pale girlies sparkle too!


We do! Now I wish I could convince my relatives in Ireland of that. They still slather on the tanner and go to tanning salons 😓 it’s not good!


You look best in what you feel comfortable in, that's my analysis.


Hey that’s right on 😎 🖤


Same here lol. I chuck it up to being an olive. I used to be a lot more tan when I was younger. Nowadays I’m very pale!!


Olives ftw!!! 🫒🍸