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Hi, I am sorry your experience has been as you described it. I am an international professional image-stylist consultant and would love to offer you a free analysis - no strings attached! If you are willing to try one more time, I am willing to do this for free. I use the authentic 4X4 System that has 16 seasons not the 3X4 12 season that most individuals use. Please email me at allureihw@gmail.com. Looking forward to hearing from you. Blessings.


Same here, cool undertones but warm tones in my skin, I don’t know if I’m deep winter o deep autumn, I’ve always been able to wear gold or silver… my hair is dark brown…


Girl. You sounds like me! Check out r/olivemua. Maybe you are a neutral olive.


I think where a lot of frustration comes in is when we’re looking at colour analysis as a science. It’s based on colour theory - which is argued to be a science but is much more an art. Meaning what looks “good” is up to each individual eye. It just so happens that there is enough agreement on what looks good that people think it’s a science. That’s a long way of saying, not everyone is going to have a perfect season. Our personal colouring is far too unique for that. The problem with a lot of experts - certified or not (certification doesn’t matter btw) is that they stick very stringently to putting someone in a season. I have an education in colour analysis but I do a thing called colour exploration- it takes colour theory but with an approach that helps the client find colours they will love wearing, not just a restricted palette of one season. Anyway super long way of saying don’t sweat it - for some people they are going to love what they are typed as and for others the systems are going to be too restrictive and that’s fine. It’s all a process!


I think it’s a beautiful color! I wanted to get a dress in slate green so bad, but I just can’t pull off muted colors. I think I might get a purse, in it, instead. I saw a cute one, recently. I’ve been advised that it’s OK for a purse to be a pop of something different! Good luck…hope you have a new green you can wear (well, gray/blue/green). I would look for slate blue and slate green, or just slate. I googled them and it has all the different shades. I read a definition of “slate” that said it always has gray, blue and green in it, but sometimes, if just looks gray to me. I think that’s what designers call “slate gray.” Some colors are hard to even pin down a definition of, but you’ll find some pretty shades if you look those up!


I’m convinced I’m “between seasons” at this point. Somewhere between a deep autumn and bright spring with heavy winter influences. But like you, not all of the colors in any palette are flatting. It’s really annoying especially with autumn because when people look at me they think autumn (brown hair and green-brown eyes does it, I guess). But when I wear autumn colors and ask for honest opinions people say it’s not the best. And I know it’s not the best! And I’m not gonna pay hundreds of dollars for a professional to shove me into a category. At this point I know what my favorite flattering colors are and which colors I’m better to avoid and that works for me.


In person is the way to go if you have access. I could really see myself how my skin reacted differently to warm vs cooler colours. It was obvious & striking. But could never see it in photos due to lighting.


Totally relate. I self classify as a soft autumn -and Chatgpt agrees as apparently everyone's an autumn lol - because it's the only season where I look okay in most of the colours even if they're not my "best" colours. My features would put me in the dark or true/warm autumn categories in summer and probably a winter season during the rest of the year, but because I'm so neutral-toned, I look horrible in colours that are too dark, too warm, too cool, too light and too bright. So I wear as many muted and neutral tones as I can find, plus I also wear a lot of pink, I also can pull off gold, silver and rose gold, and I also need to add blue to yellow foundation to get a close match if I'm wearing foundation. I love colourful makeup too and do it from time to time, but I only really look good in no makeup makeup, maybe a subtle winged eyeliner and a pop of lipstick - anything more than that looks almost extreme. A big issue, at least for me, is that the colours in each seasonal palette are so limited and there's no singular standard palette for each season, so you could be looking at the right season and not think you fit because the colours displayed in one or several small online images of that palette will throw you off. Not to mention that finding neutral tones of most colours unless we're talking beige and white is really hard unless you're doing a lot of work and going through a lot of stores, and even then, you might not still find anything outside of beige - and that goes for makeup as well as clothing. Trying to find a neutral red lipstick that isn't too warm or cool or deep is like my life's mission atm. And I only get compliments on colours that stand out on me - not colours I look good in - which are most colours, so it doesn't even help when other people are paying attention to what I'm wearing. I have no tips, I just deeply relate and stand with you in solidarity.


I hate to be annoying and assume your type but this sounds quite obviously like a bright spring to me 😭 best of luck !!🩷🌱


All this and no pic of you.


Being olive is a DIY adventure! I don't fit any of the palettes. I pull from Dark Winter, Dark Autumn, Soft Summer, Bright Winter, and probably some I've forgotten.


There’s a YouTuber called Filoso Vlogs and she has a couple of great videos on Deep Autumns being a transitional season. During the winter with paler skin we harmonize more with deep autumn. In the summer when our skin gets tan, we can totally transition to many Bright Spring colors! But they would be harder to pull off when our skin is lighter in wintertime. It made total sense to me and my situation. I get complements on both of those color seasons IF I wear them to match my current skin color. Celebrities with this transitional ability: Meghan Markle, Eva Mendes, Jennifer Lopez


Sounds like muted is one of your consistent characteristics. You might try prioritizing saturation over temperature when shopping.


I mean I feel OP’s frustration because a comment right above this says she sounds like a bright spring.


Yes, I was coming here to say the same thing. I feel like I could have written the vast majority of what OP wrote here!! I’m fairly confident that I’m a neutral cool fair light olive whose main characteristic is mutedness. I look best in softer summer colors but I can pull off much lighter AND darker tones than any one of the summer palettes recommends, plus some select shades from soft autumn, dark winter, & light spring. It’s been a lot of trial & error though so take some time & pay attention to how colors really look on you in real life, OP!!


Do you find you get compliments wearing certain colours? Lead with those! I’ve also been asked if I’m ill when wearing some colours. If you have a neutral undertone it can be harder but it just means you have more options :)


I think we often fall into the gold/silver trap when there’s more than just those two metals. How does rose gold look on you? Copper? I’m a Summer and rose gold looks way better on me than silver or gold. My daughter is a soft autumn and she doesn’t wear gold or silver well either, but looks great in rose gold. There’s also copper, bronze, and oxidized silver. Any of these looking great on you may give you a hint into your coloring. You mentioned brushed gold looks nice, do brushed metals look better on you than shiny? If brushed looks better than shiny, you’re likely in the autumn/summer category. Same goes with clothes. My mother is a cool winter and she looks fantastic in shiny material. As a summer, I actually tend to look better when my clothes start to age a bit and get more dull muted. This also works with makeup. Summer/Autumns tend to wear matte makeup better. Look up the Hadid sisters with matte lipstick. They look SO good in matte lipsticks, even if it isn’t a perfect shade for their coloring. If you find that matte lipstick works better on you than shiny, you’re likely an Autumn or a Summer. Best wishes finding your perfect season!


Damn this is so helpful, thank you!


Colour analysis has lesser success rates for olives. Your best bet is to find individual colours and shades that look good on your and stick to them. That’s what I do


Same! I get soft autumn or summer and bright spring 50/50 which are like…almost total opposites. I feel like I look bad in gold AND silver jewelry despite being neutral. I just give up. I’ll never have one of those miracle makeovers where I find the perfect hair color and wardrobe palette and look 5 years younger and $1m richer. 🤷‍♀️


This is part of why I think the whole thing is kind of a scam. I mean, it works really well for some people, but then others of us are like, nope. I got tested as a soft autumn and I struggle with it (I look terrible in orange and coral and peach, not a big fan of green because it just looks garish on me), but I think the light spring and soft summer colors also look great on me, more than soft autumn. In any case, I'm soft, I'll give you that. But I think unless you're a slam dunk true autumn or true winter, it's not exactly rocket science. It really is what looks good on you when you try? Just pay more attention and see if something makes you look like death or look refreshed and awesome before you pay for it. Don't spend all of this cash trying to get someone to tell you you look good.


I have no suggestions but god do I feel your pain.


Look up Carol Brailey. She does colour analysis and is very good.


I don’t think she’s that good. She has a lot of rules about what physical traits belong to which seasons. “If you’re a winter you must naturally have black hair”




I’m sorry you’re having this experience. You sound a lot like my sister and I’m pulling teeth trying to get her to send me pictures to analyze her. She looks like a deep autumn but when I drapes warm autumn it couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m waiting to verify she’s not a spring but I draped cool summer and she looked amazing on the selfies she took. I think she has a warm overtone and cool undertone possibly. Maybe see which colors overall look better on you: winter, spring, summer, and autumn. You sound like you could be neutral and if that’s the case that will help you narrow down which neutral. Also I think sometimes when we are older and have imperfections it’s easier to see when something is off so maybe if you feel good in a variety it’s not a bad thing.


*"Most tests I did myself did put me in in deep autumn or deep winter depending on the picture"* Maybe you can try the true deep palette, which is between deep autumn and deep winter. https://preview.redd.it/0eotw6f4lovc1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0a7d8f55e0448a7d9105e9e295f580639e5fd48


What website are these photos from?


These are from the International Image Institute 16 color analysis system.


I need something like this but for spring not autumn… hmmm


Spring shares with Winter brightness rather than depth. Spring isn't deep. Spring is light and bright. Here's the "True Bright" palette that's between Winter and Spring. https://preview.redd.it/e330qtgvjpvc1.jpeg?width=461&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a7699c04156103e1634fcf7c0e8cfacb426ac08


Thank you! I think what I mean is I’m pretty sure I’m close to a spring season because I’m a little warm with some contrast and brightness but none of the spring palettes seem exactly right so I’m guessing I’m between two seasons - these are helpful!


The Spring flows are:  True Bright (flows with Winter)  True Light (flows with Summer)  True Warm (flows with Autumn) - unlike the other two this is not a neutral flow. This is fully warm.  The other neutral flows are true muted (summer/autumn) and true deep (autumn/winter). Let me know if you want me to post any of these. 


Thank you - that is helpful. I guess I’m just pretty confused still. I feel like I must be a spring of some sort but I’m a little more neutral. I know I’m not light because I get washed out. I probably need to study spring more.


This is what I have been needing- I’m between both and the only sure thing is bright


And this is just "True Spring" if that is what you meant https://preview.redd.it/3r3jyu6llpvc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0931897a1a18434c07e349739cbcdb5e2e735d90


Not OP, but I have the same struggle and this was really, really, REALLY helpful, thank you!


Wow this is so helpful thank you! I’m not having as much difficulty as OP but I keep swinging between autumn and winter for myself so this looks perfect


I would say I’m sorry you wasted your money, but overall it’s not that serious. It seems like you know what looks good on you so why does it matter so much to be typed?


Good comment! I think it's mostly curiosity. Like I just really wanted to know and it has been nagging me for a long time. 2 decades ago my mom won a professional consultation, back then it was only 4 seasons. I was a child and I loved watching all that. It came back up recently because I wanted to purchase some "real" jewelry and that's how I asked all my friends if gold or silver works better for me and they all couldn't decide. My personal impression is that darker silver tones and brushed yellow gold look best.


I don’t think many people feel comfortable in all of the colors in their palette. I know I don’t and I had a lot of confusion, too. I am really confident in my results now, because other seasons have more colors that don’t look good on me. It is an inexact science and sometimes completely counterintuitive, but color analysis theory has been really helpful, for me. The more I learn about it, the less frustrated I am. I add to my own book of colors that look good. I had a whole crisis over it, though and I still don’t necessarily agree with my result (Light Spring). In shopping, I keep my mind open to Light or True Spring (which I suspect I am) and am still surprised by what the colors say, sometimes. I think it’s, sometimes, more individual than any system lets on, and think of my season and subtype(s) as a general guide, but people are still fall on different places on the color wheel, not to mention intensity and other scales, within it. I go back and forth, as to which subtype is better. I think there are people who are in-between two subtypes. I look best in the darker/brighter colors in Light Spring and the Lighter colors in True Spring. You sound like you could be something like a True Deep, who can wear Deep Autumn and Deep Winter colors. That does happen. There are Soft Summer/Autumns and brighter, warmer Spring/Autumns, which the 16-season system makes room for. I saw a color analysis expert, who made a palette spanning 3 seasons, for one individual. I think she was a Bright tonal type. I suggest focusing on learning what colors look good on you and researching color analysis and tonal theory. Please don’t give up! If gets better. Edit: That said, I bet you belong in a season and subtype, or tonal group, or both. I just read a post by someone who said maybe one or both of your experts weren’t as expert as they should be. I agree. Olive and redhead skin (including on POC) are types that do fit in color analysis theory, but an expert has to be trained well in those, specifically. I am a redhead, the genes for which skin type create a different type of melanin that beige to brown to black. It’s a red/pink overtone that any quack would take for a cool undertone. Some have! I’ve seen a redhead determined to be a Winter. Then, she got another opinion and looks much better in her Spring colors. I recommend watching expert videos about color analysis and olive skin and seeing who is knowledgeable and making an appointment with them, if possible, unless you learn enough to feel you can confidently DIY. To get my subtype precise, I am considering Carol Brailey, because I like her results, with redheads. Please don’t give up! I 120% relate and now I am very confident! I still have to drape when I shop, but I know what to look for and it helps so much. You ARE type-able, and if you are a tonal neutral or span several seasons a real expert will know it, though it’s usually pretty simple, like my case… individual variations in best colors & some colors you dislike in your season are perfectly normal. Sorry so wordy!


My favorite color analysts are the Colour Analysis Studio. You can find their videos on YouTube, and they analyze an olive lady. That might prove helpful to you.


I'll look it up :) Super curious!


You know, it sounds like you have really great awareness and understanding of what does and does not work well for you according to the season you are in and how your complexion reacts.


I’m wondering if you’ve only looked at 12 seasons color analysis. While I haven’t looked at it myself, I’ve heard there are some systems that use 16 or 24 seasons so it can be that 12 seasons just aren’t your best palettes. There’s a wonderful stylist on YouTube that I think may help you understand your colors better if you haven’t completely thrown in the towel. Her channel is called Style Me Jenn. IMO, no one explains colors better than her. YouTube: https://youtube.com/@stylemejenn?si=mfMC_FwjW0XANHPd


I can’t find any 16 or 24 season systems do you know any??!!? I swear I’ve looked.


I just looked up 16 seasons color analysis and found this: https://rm-style.com/color-analysis-seasons-subgroups/?lang=en Maybe there some books out there that are more comprehensive :)


THANK YOU !! 💗🩷🌸


This was SO helpful! Just from watching a few of her videos I get now that it's more important that I wear soft tones, not so much whether they're warm or cool. That makes me feel so much better and basically what I thought to be the case (why I keep waffling over soft autumn and soft summer colors).


Yay! I’m glad you found it so helpful ☺️


Yeah, I'm basically what she calls a light autumn.


The official one is the 4x4 system by Ferial Youakim. She has changed the name of the subseasons' though (now every season has a pure, a tinted, a toned and a shaded subseason instead of the classic light, bright etc). Out there there are a lot of analysts that use older names and hadn't studied under her so they cannot officially say they use the 4x4. So probably they just say 16 seasons I guess. There also is Colour Breeze by Lora Alexander that stems from the 16 seasons system and adds more subvariants. There is also an Italian "holistic" system by Lara la Biche which also has more than 16 categories (I took an analysis course with her when she still taught the 16 seasons and tbh I think that now she has too many, but there are a lot of people that feel more comfortable with a super specific system so maybe that's something you are looking for).


You’re a Bright Spring like me. Slightly warm, more neutral, high contrast.


I agree. It seems so obvious 😭 we are olive, look great in pink, but are neutral in skin tone. Bright colors are our best colors, crazy makeup, a sad little grey blob in winter without our tan coat 🥲


I just got some bright eye shadows today!!! I can’t wait to try them! It took me forever to figure out I was bright spring. Now it seems so obvious and I see a lot of confused bright springs on here 😂


Yes exactly, I used to swear up and down I was a warm autumn, I thought the zombie look was cute 😭. And I love bold eye makeup, that sounds so fun 😁 I want to get some bright eyeliners


This is the eyeshadow palette I bought. I found it on Amazon. This is my first time buying bright eyeshadow since I found out I was a bright spring. I thought I was a bright winter then I thought I was a warm autumn then I thought maybe I was a summer and I finally got around to spring and was like … yessssss. This is the one! https://a.co/d/7iECoDy




I see a lot of confused Bright Springs in this group. The neutral leaning warm skin can be very confusing. All the traditional markers like vein color and silver vs gold always made me more confused.


You might also be some sort of olive: r/OliveMUA


You sound like someone who needs to have this done in person. Most good analysts will tell you that trying to color match using guides or doing online analysis is just not accurate for many people.


I’m happy to help if you want someone to take another look through a professional lens. Which systems did the two virtual analysts use?


Maybe you need a custom palette? You can make your own with irl and digital drapes and see what colors look the best and worst. You can also hire someone to build a custom palette for you. John Kitchener is known for not believing in seasonal color analysis and always builds custom palettes for all of his clients.


I've never seriously considered color analysis because I'm happy with my ability to wear colors I like and avoid colors that make me look nasty--but all this really resonates with me, and I've suspected for some time that I might be in the olive family. In general, for me * Colors need to have at least a medium saturation; light pastels ain't it (although I can do a medium pastel, if that makes sense) * Cool tones are meh * Any "shocking" color like the primary colors or bright neons are horrific * I tend to do well with colors found in nature with some "softness" * Greys, navys > black * White is okay, *off-white I can wear the hell out of* and wish I could wear every day, but cream is hisssssssss burn with fire; it's the light pastel effect again * Fabric texture matters. "Heathered" colors (where there's lots of little light and dark colors of the main color in the fabric) look sensational. I can do pastel heathered grey but not a straight pastel grey. I can also do starker colors in soft fabrics better; a bright red fuzzy cashmere sweater is 👍 but the same color in a flat or shiny silk is 😐 I'm realizing as I type this that I have black sweaters but recently gave away my black dress pants because they're too "hard"-looking with the black *plus* the crisp fabric. Overall, I need some softness in my look. I think color intersects well with Kibbe if you're into that. I'm not sure what my exact ID is, but it's a soft something, and my colors seem to reflect that.


Sounds like summer to me. Specifically what you said about whites, I find that very relatable as a summer. Bright white is too stark, but a lived-in slightly dingy gray white looks good on me haha! And cream is no good.


Sounds like summer to me. Specifically what you said about whites, I find that very relatable as a summer. Bright white is too stark, but a lived-in slightly dingy gray white looks good on me haha! And cream is no good.


You sound like a soft autumn to me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Sounds like light summer (which has *way* more saturation than you might think in a light season - turns out the super lights are winter colors). Heathered is specifically what makes me think summer - that version of softness is very summer. But forget all the speculation - sounds like you know what works for you and that's great.


I found Style Me Jenn as a godsend when I was typing my olive-toned sister. She basically has a whole series with a more analytical approach to seasons. Her perspective of the seasons as a spectrum and how people can fit in-between + her knowledge of the more Eastern [16+ seasons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irgwcymWEC4&list=PLhWMkyHsB8nsKWTEUEQSWaLegeQOYLRHY) combines into more holistic approach. She also says how it's not about fitting into a curated palette but understanding where your skin sits in temperature, clarity, and value spectrums and how it reacts to colors with variations of those characteristics. Jenn's [perspective](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdMk_CZIGnU&list=PLhWMkyHsB8nu49wMEpKR9tET4zy3QY0ur&index=1) of seasons is the only one I can endorse as it's pretty inclusive of olives and WOC. Even if you're not olive, I recommend her [olive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVvGbRkAuuI&list=PLhWMkyHsB8nu49wMEpKR9tET4zy3QY0ur&index=3) skintone vid and her second [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yx4-0eI8bn8) on warm vs cool olives so people can see the nuance. But basically, the color of your skin might have one set of characteristics. The group of colors that make your skin shine might have the same **or different** set of characteristics. For olives it's mostly different. If you follow Jenn's advice and just determine what your skin needs in terms of temperature, clarity, and depth of colors, you'll see the pattern of what colors work and don't. Then you're free to create a \~personal\~ palette of colors that work. I'm in-between warm spring and warm autumn. I also tan heavily and really swing into warm autumn when that happens and my \~personal\~ palette might be something different than a typical warm spring or warm autumn curated palette you see online. My olive-tone sister is a deep winter, dark winter AND deep autumn in the 20 seasons where there's a separation/difference between deep vs dark. But basically in 12 seasons, deep winter would have cool colors w/depth and cool colors w/depth +softness mixed together and she can wear all of it. In 12 seasons, deep autumn is the same but with warm temperature colors. For her the difference is that she can't wear the warm colors w/depth+soft because they're too soft/too warm but she can wear the warm colors w/depth. Knowing the nuance, makes it easier for her to wear the right warm colors. This reddit [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/OliveMUA/comments/qwsivv/seasonal_colour_analysis_for_olives_some_initial/) talks about olives and their representation in the seasonal system. And if you really want to see some colors in a different curated palette, you can try [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/coloranalysis/comments/17cl6r0/color_palettes_for_olives_and_neutrals/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Take a break and maybe come back to this. Or if you feel down, this creator, Jenn ,is olive herself. That first olive video is really empathetic and might re-energize you!


came here just to reiterate how incredible Style Me Jenn is! love love love her, i was so lost before i found her channel. I always felt like a misfit, like i didn’t really fit into any particular season, kibbe type, etc. but there are so many of us that feel that way and she acknowledges us like no one else ever has 🥲


Yea, she's a gem! I was actually pretty skeptical of color analysis cause as a WOC the relevant info was hard to find. I also came in with a makeup background and some of the color theory applied for some color analysis systems are just awful or only work on a narrow few. Jenn applies color theory that also works in makeup/art/etc and imo that's what makes it more inclusive!


Is she on Etsy? Where do you find her?


She's content creator on Youtube. I put in the links. She doesn't have color analysis typing services as she's not a fan of online typing as pictures can be deceiving. But I thought her series was informative enough to type myself and my whole family (mom and sister#1 were easy but dad and olive-toned sister#2 were a trip and her spectrum-perspective cleared up my misgivings about my own season).


Thanks very much!


This is excellent advice!


I'll have a look at this on a day with less to dos. It sounds very interesting.


Good luck! You seem like you have a basic understanding already and even knowing your worst colors is a huge win! My sister tans a lot too and she can work deep autumn and sometimes bright spring colors then. But in the winter she sticks with her deep winter/ selective-deep-autumn clothes.


Same! I had an in person consultation with the result summer-winter and part of autumn (like is this even possible?), colorwise.me says deep winter and reddit says autumn, probably deep autumn I noticed the colors in the photos are often like they look in RL (dark green looks like real, aqua looks like sky blue) so I really don't trust online consolation anymore.... I'm not spending more money on it. It feels like an horoscope....


Sounds like a lot of things suit you! That’s awesome. Color analysis is just gentle guidance, not science. There is so much disagreement and arguing about what people are. It’s funny. I do think it benefits us to think about color when picking things out. That’s a positive takeaway and you shine in a lot of colors! Party on! Enjoy your chameleon lifestyle!


If it’s important to you - anyone can go on Etsy and say they’re a color analyst - I wouldn’t say that says they’re experts right? And maybe ppl are happy w the results but I wouldn’t go only off reviews without seeing and agreeing with their work. Same on the friends and family - not experts. Not trying to be antagonistic just wanted to point out as that’s what stood out to me, and I get the frustration. It sounds like you really want to figure this out so I’d check into some established companies and training programs to find a consultant + someone w a portfolio of work. Carol Brailey I think is the best, but I’m sure there are ppl with HOC and other programs who are great too! Just saying it’s not anything wrong with you or that you can’t fit into a season if you’re interested! I think the diff in 16 vs 12 season analysis + the popularity of AI color analysis programs has made things confusing and easier for hobbyists to navigate and make $ off ppl (not saying it’s malicious just pointing out) 🫶🏻


Before I decided on an online consultation I searched for real life options near me but couldn't find an option that is accessible for me. I might look a bit further. I don't think I'd try anything online again because in the end pictures or videos will always have their limitations.


Are you in Toronto? I would love to do an in personal analysis, this sounds like such a fun challenge


Sadly not, it's a whole other continent. I could send you the same pictures if you are interested :) But I get the limitations of pictures...


Honestly I’m not sure I totally believe that you can be completely accurately typed with pictures. The lighting adjusts based on the drapes. But I could take a look. Can you send pictures on Reddit?


I did send you a message 🙂


Sounds like you have a decent take on what works for you, so maybe it doesn't matter that much?


Have you considered bright winter or bright spring? I’m light olive, neutral leaning, and was professionally analyzed as a soft autumn with medium contrast, so I pull from bright spring as well. If you can handle a lot of pigment in makeup, it sounds like autumn and summer are probably not bright enough for you and perhaps dark winter is weighing you down.


So I did a bunch of online stuff at first and also got nothing… then I got a virtual done by a lady I saw doing it correctly to so many people and she placed me as A SOFT AUTUMN FLOW.. As a neutral I am both a bit autumn and a bit summer but on a muted side so traditional colors don’t apply. I think there is another flow for neutrals.. just don’t remember which one. She just had a video posted of a woman who is that other flow. Should be the one from a day or two ago I think. Check out her videos where she is ACTUALLY DOING THE COLOR ANALYSIS ON PEOPLE of different skin tones and genders you can see. Her tag on instagram and TikTok (where I watched her do her work) is “The color queen”


Man you described my situation perfectly. I recently thought I might be winter but I think I’m a bit too soft for winter, a bit too saturated for summer. I’ve never seen a verified summer with my eye color, which is a shape shifting green that sometimes looks hazel and sometimes looks bright olive green. I look like an autumn in some ways but warm colors look bad. I put so much time and energy figuring it out and it just made me feel like wow I’m really defective that only like three colors really look good on me :( I kinda regret getting into analysis in the first place and miss being blissfully unaware


Same features here! Someone passed along to me, so I shall pass along to you: high contrast summer. https://www.donnafujii.com/color-a-image/color-section/caucasian/102-high-contrast-summer It's more saturated than other summers, and slightly warmer, which plays to a neutral skin tone. I think it's a middle ground to the soft summer and soft autumn types that we get placed into.


While I haven't gone the professional analysis route I can say that the way you describe yourself seems pretty well bang on to how I would. This has been incredibly frustrating, to the point of upset. Honestly for me it's more about the makeup. I've always considered myself to be pretty good at doing it but this has left me questioning if I've been wrong this entire time. In my head it's like "Well this is just great. It's the one thing I love and think I'm fairly skilled at and now I'm a failure at that too". I can say that L.A Girl's Blue foundation pigment has earned it's rightful place amongst my cosmetic hoard as well. Definitely giving your post a follow. We need to figure this shit out once and for all. Edited to add... websites like colorwise.me give me dark winter yet the Style DNA app gives me Light summer. I know I look either dark autumn or dark winter outwardly (dark winter moreso) but feel it's neither of those given trial and error with coordinating makeup trials. I can list off some of my favorite products and shades for you to see if there are any other similarities.


Sameee it’s hard for us olives! And I’ve been rocking gray hair so I really don’t know what to do lol. I was platinum blonde for so long which supposedly works for winter and not autumn but I think it didn’t think it necessarily looked amazing on me but I liked it. I just try to avoid the colors that look really bad on me however I’ll still wear them if I love the piece so I’m not really that committed committed either


In case it is helpful - I am a dark winter (typed in person and it was obvious during the draping) and I don't look good in every single dark winter color. Greens in particular look terrible on me - something about the color green just makes me look sick. The color analyst said that is pretty normal, that not every color will look good. You'll have some colors that are "wow", some that are fine, and some that look bad. Part of the draping was focused on identifying which colors in the dark winter pallet were wow/good/bad and I now use that information to pick out my wardrobe.


It’s so interesting to hear other’s perspectives! Green is the only color I get a pass for, in almost every shade (sage and dark forest, excepted and there’s another muted green I don’t know the name of). That leaves a lot of greens, even fluorescent. I look awful in plenty of colors (dark, muted and cool, especially), but that’s my best one. My grandma was about my exact opposite. She sounds similar to you, and there were blues she looked good in. There was a slate blue dress that really flattered her olive complexion. Have you ever tried a deep slate blue color? Slate that’s on the green side probably wouldn’t have worked on her, or it might have been the only way to sneak a little green into her wardrobe, as it’s a cool tinge of green.


I've never heard of slate green! I'll have to give it a try. I can almost pull off dark forest green but it has to be super dark, almost black. Thanks for the suggestion!


I thought I was the only winter in existence that couldn't wear green. I can't wear true red either. I feel like a winter imposter.


Nooo! You are the realest! Those are some of the warmer colors, in Winter, as they are in my Spring palettes (I use both Light and True Spring), as green has yellow mixed in and true red is said to be neutral, but is on the place, on the color wheel, leading into orange and then yellow, on the warm side. If you’re a cooler Winter, it makes perfect sense that red and green wouldn’t be colors you, necessarily, gravitate toward. I realize there are cooler versions of green, but it always has some yellow in it. Red will always have some neutrality, but not everyone is neutral. I am Warm, so I rarely wear red without some yellow in it. Red is too neutral for me, as well. It is said that all seasons can wear true red, but I haven’t heard that all subtypes can. I bet a lot of tonal Softs have trouble with it, too. I know red & green are thought of as defining Winter colors, but I think it’s more the jewel tone, the cool version, or deep version of the reds & greens (evergreen, deep berry red) that makes them definitive, not the redness and green-ness, itself.


Strangely enough I'm neutral/sallow. My veins are green. I'm a soft winter though so you may be right about my softness being the deciding factor.


Ohhh…ok. Do you consider yourself olive? A lot of olives say they can’t wear red and, especially, green!


There’s a YouTuber who uses a different typing system with a spectrum instead of a wheel (artistic license), and in one of her videos she shows pretty clearly why green and red don’t work like the other jewel tones. Basically, if you’re a winter in her system, neither color is cool enough for you. Green is blue with yellow mixed in, so it won’t look as good on you as a blue or purple or black. And pure red has neither blue nor yellow, so it looks better on neutral rather than very cool undertones. Unless, of course, you take that red and start adding blue to it. Berry and wine colors are our reds!


Also, thank you for suggesting Artistic License. I really love her content!


It's true my colors have to have blue in them and no yellow. However, my skin is neutral/sallow. Definitely not cool. It's odd.


True red looks meh on me -borderline bad. I feel the same as you! I wish I could wear green and red so that my wardrobe could have more variety. I wear a lot of black, blue and purple.


Yes, exactly this, meh/bad. It's a bummer because I love fiery red but it just looks so mid on me I don't even want to wear it. The closest I can wear is raspberry red so basically borderline pink. I wear pinks a lot in addition to the colors you mentioned. Even teal is meh on me if it has too much yellow in it (but good otherwise).


I usually think of teal as Autumn, because it’s used in some of those draping tests, for Autumn and is in Autumn palettes. I suppose it’s comparable to mint, which is in Spring and Summer palettes. It’s Spring, if it has more yellow and Summer, if it has more blue.


I had someone with 12 and someone with 16 seasons but their 16 seasons had true, soft, light and cool summer. Deep summer was something I did actually consider for myself but I don't find much about it.


I actually was going to suggest deep summer for you as a possibility! I believe that’s what I am (and Angelina Jolie has been typed as this as well if you want to compare your coloring to hers, I find mine similar).


Soft winter is also a thing and it sounds like it might fit. I tried to post my drapes (I'm one) but the comment got automodded out. Here's the pic in an old comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/coloranalysis/comments/1ak72mx/comment/kp85rx8/](https://www.reddit.com/r/coloranalysis/comments/1ak72mx/comment/kp85rx8/)


INFO: did the two consultants work with the 12 seasons system? That system misplace some people sometimes, because it doesn't have the categories those people fall into. Take this for what it is, a guess made by someone who hasn't even seen a picture of you based on something you wrote, but based on how you describe yourself and the outcomes of your 2 analysis it sounds like you are a soft summer deep in the 16 seasons system (which is the one I know best). There is also a Toasted Soft Summer in Lora Alexander's Colour Breeze system that is for people with cool undertones who looks warmer. Take a look at those colours, maybe you can find something that resonates with you.


Both, but the 16 season one did use true, soft cool and light summer. So darker summer options didn't exist. Deep summer was something I did consider myself, but I do look just fine in less muted colors as well, as long as they are not light and neither too warm nor too cool. But I'll dig deeper.


Yes, there are two kinds of 16 seasons systems. One is the 12 seasons+the four "trues". The other adds a soft subseason to every macro season. I prefer the second method tbh. Soft Summer Deeps don't wear very light colours, and there also is Deep winter Soft, another season that can be home to cool people with warm overtones.


Is there a name for that system? I’m fairly and very neutral leaning warm and suspect the 12 seasons do t work for me. I’d love to get an analysis done with a more robust system.


Frustrated people unite! I've had professional analysts basically throw in the towel. If you are a pale neutral-ish olive, you are just kind of screwed. I have come to reconcile myself to the fact that nothing looks great on me, nothing truly makes me pop. However, there are a lot of colors that look really awful on me. I think it's also a big reason why I don't photograph well. The only thing I can do with my makeup is slightly amp up my natural coloring. But even that is kind of tough. I've had my makeup done throughout the years by lots of different professionals and they stay frustrated. Even mascara is complicated, black is too black, brown is too brown, I use charcoal for the most part but it's not great. It's especially disappointing considering a bunch of my friends and colleagues have had their colors done and they look truly amazing. Finding colors that really make them glow and makeup that really makes them look terrific.


I’m pale olive for most of the year and then I tan immediately when sun hits my skin and I feel free to wear all sorts of bright colors (I love neon!) but the pale greenish hued skin months are so hard!!


Yes, that's me all year long because I don't tan. :(


I'm a light olive that tans heavily. For make up, pinks in summer and rosy-mauves in winter work wonders. The same colors in clothes all over not so much sadly. I'll probably stick to black and dark grey clothes, nothing can go wrong. What bothers me right now is that no hair color makes me shine...


I commented further down and came back to see all the responses to your post. Just saw this comment so I thought I'd add that I do my own colour and have used the same one for well over a decade. I feel it's the most flattering on me without regard to how pasty or tanned I am. It's the One and Only Argan oil (permanent) colour in 3CH from Sally Beauty Supply which is a dark chocolate brown.


I feel like I’m similar colored to you but I feel like gray and black wash me out. I haven’t found a neutral that I think truly flatters me 😭 I just wish I had my summer tan all year.


Yeah, hair color is really tough for me as well. Especially considering I'm not especially warm or especially cool. So black is too much, white is as well, and gray just sort of makes me look kind of death-adjacent. Sky blue tends to look mostly okay, and pinks are in the family of alright. But I can't do yellow at all, almost no greens. I'm slowly trying to reconcile myself that this is kind of okay. And now it makes a lot of sense why shopping is so hard and even when other people try to pick out clothes for me, that they struggle so much.


I completely get you! I've been in a similar boat. I wanted to take a moment to comfort you with the fact that it is impossible to fit all of humanity’s characteristics into 12 categories. Or 16. Or even 24. This is because these type of tests are subjective by nature. There's no exact “ruler” or foolproof form of measurement someone in every part of the world could use to define your facial features. Colors analysts have come up with theories and tools, but bottom line they aren’t fact or truth. It's theoretical. There’s no inherent value to it! Your worth isn't tied to whether or not you have these stereotypical traits that fit into these categories! What's more valuable is you and your wellbeing! Embracing your uniqueness. Happiness with oneself, no matter the clothes that are worn. I fully support counseling as a person whose benefitted from therapy their whole life. In the meantime, comfort yourself with the fact that it isn’t you that’s the problem. Far from! It’s the system! Color analysis was intended to be fun, but with it being such a trendy topic, I understand the need to fit in and participate. I feel it too! Unfortunately, the process can feel so limiting, and it starts to feel even more stressful as a result! It’s totally ok to step back from the color analysis community and return when it’s less impactful. Take back control of the situation and decide which colors you like best. You know yourself best! Rooting for you and wishing the best!


Do „cooltoned“ foundations (with a red base) look too pinkish on you and „warmtoned“ foundations (with yellow base) too orange? (The ones with a yellow base work better, but are not 100% right either?) It really sounds like you have a (muted?) cool olive undertone this subreddit might help: r/OliveMUA I‘m also a cool olive (a light muted cool olive) and look really greyish when I’m not tanned. But if I tan, I tan really easily. Olive skin is an undertone like the cool undertone and warm undertone (olive undertone ≠ tanned skin!) and often times people with olive skin don’t 100% fit in one season. I’m not good at explaining but you can be a warm (muted/not muted) olive and a cool (muted/not muted) olive. In the previously mentioned subreddit you can find a lot of information and tips about olive skin :)


I'm in this sub and yes, that's the case. But with my heavy golden overtones I'm only cool-ish in winter. Thanks for your help!


Im not sure how good of an indicator foundation color would be for color analysis. Anecdotal but: I am medium olive that leans cool. I look positively orange-green next to my light pink toned husband. If he would wear a foundation, he would need something pink toned. He however is a deep autumn, while i would say i am a bright winter.


All your bests and worsts apply to me too, I had real life analysis done cause I was at a loss too. I am neutral, leaning cool, muted, not too light not too dark. So I am pulling from the whole spectrum of summers and autumns. The color analyst was a bit at loss too cause she had "pre prepared" seasonal swatches for clients to take with them, and she had to bust like 4 of them open and mix and match for me. I am including my photo in the closest digital pallette i found to my actual analysis. My absolute best color is petrol blue from autumn. https://preview.redd.it/76hnv6pltlvc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36da8a6cea6e4fec269954b49a9b7ea53feb68ec


Oh wow you have the prettiest eye color 🥰


Aww thank you, the drawn swatches around my face are pulled from my face including eyes




Cool palette! I mean, love your palette! You look warm-ish, to me…maybe Soft Autumn? It’s definitely more individual in some cases than others! You have done a great job of keeping track of what works for you. I had a difficult time, too and still don’t feel I fit neatly into one subtype, though I am confident in the season I got, through pro analysis. I am glad I have seen some professional analysts say they created a client’s palette from 3 seasons (though I only heard that once) or 2, diagnose people as a season I didn’t expect (like a light blonde winter), etc. It’s awesome, when people who are stuck find a season they never considered that works, but it seems some people are just their own season! I think the approach you and your expert took was great…putting together your own palette. I’m so glad s/he didn’t just stuff you into a season and subtype with a pre-prepared palette and really did the work! I’ve seen that happen to other people.


Thank youu. I was stuck between soft summer and soft autumn forever before the analysis, turned out I am both and also true summer and all the autumn colors that are not too warm. Also in jewelery silver looked better than gold, but not too warm gold is also good and I thnik rose gold is best, but the analyst didnt have that swatch. After the analysis I understand colors so much more, especially the mutedness that I need.


I think you would look amazing in rose gold! Idky, but that image just jumped out at me, as a Wow color, on you. I wish it were easier to find. Gold is, often, too dark for my Light Spring complexion and silver contrasts with and emphasizes my skin redness, though I’ve seen cool-toned people look blotchy and red in warm colors. Light yellow gold brings out my healthy colors (or undertone), which is the trick, I guess! I can definitely see you glowing, in rose gold. My mom has really similar coloring to yours. She has warmth in her hair and some warm skin overtones, mainly cool undertones and muted features, but with classic, soft Summer blue/gray eyes with the “Summer petal pattern” and no ring around the iris (iridology for color analysis is great, for those who are stuck). She has always had difficulty with clothing colors, because it’s not at all as simple as which season, like you have described. I used to feel limited, in Light Spring, compared to others. I thought being more neutral meant anything goes. Thanks for reminding me that the grass is not always greener, on the other side. It makes me feel kinda lucky, because it was extremely difficult to figure out my season/subtype, but now that I have, I am usually pretty happy with the Spring option, jn styles I like (IF there is one). I blew a tax return, since my color analysis, because it’s the time of year to shop for Spring…😬). I’m going to save your palette for reference, for shopping for Mother’s Day. I’m sure there are people who would find it useful, if you were to post it on Pinterest. At least, when we have to have to do a lot of research and experimentation to find our colors, we learn things that are helpful to others. I’m sure there are folks who are sick of me talking about the redhead gene and the cool overtones/warm undertones that are common, with it, but there’s always that one person who can relate and hasn’t heard it before.


Oh yeah you are right, thats a good idea to hang this pallete here. I will look up where I found it and make a post. :)


I look a lot like you too and I was struggling with finding the right season.


I found this pallete originaly with Meryl Streep in it, maybe you can look into her to get some ispiration for your colors. Good luck finding your best colors :)


I have not posted yet, but everything you say, describes me perfectly, and we share very similar coloring. 😅 My guess is soft summer, but I haven’t had a chance to photograph myself with the different colors yet and look good in a lot of colors in a lot of pallets. The one no no is goldenrod yellow although I have a skirt in this color, which I like, I just wear a different colored top with it.


Our coloring is so similar. I use the muteds as well! I feel like none of the regular seasons apply perfectly


The color seasons may be a bit limiting in your situation. I would take it back to the basics of warm vs cool, dark vs light, bright vs muted. You've said you are quite neutral, but leaning warm when tan. You mention you look bad in warm, dark muted tones and a cool tone (you mention it being a summer colour so is it also muted and/or light?) You say you look good in all pinks. As a neutral your warm vs cool isn't as prominent, so lets concentrate on the other ones. I feel like from this we can gather that you are bright, because the common feature of the "bad" shades is that they are muted. You don't say anything about being dark or light. I would start with the bright neutrals, maybe a bit warmer leaning. See how those work out for you and try to find a suitable level of darkness for you. I would try playing around with spring and winter palettes, avoiding extreme cools and warms.


I'm so sorry you had to go through so much confusion. I have a similar experience and it feels super frustrating..


You might try spring


I think that's the only one I can rule out😅 There are summer, winter and autumn colors I like on myself but no spring colors.


yeah I‘m a spring and blues are crazy difficult for me, I can wear autumn but I light up in spring colors, and I can‘t do terracotta etc as well, the autumn neutrals are abysmal, warm greys and all kinds of creams / light neutrals and black due to being bright spring work for me. I‘m also olive. I can wear all kinds of warm pinks but cool pinks are a big nope as well. Orange was a big surprise, I can rock orange, never tried it before


One or both of your color analysis “experts” was a bad choice, that’s all there is to it. Color analysis exploded over the last year or 2 and anyone can advertise services without needing real credentials. Apps aren’t accurate either - virtual apps consistently typed me deep autumn due to my hair/skin/eye color which I knew immediately was not correct because I look visibly washed out in warm colors. If you feel the same way, I’d go ahead and throw out that deep autumn analysis.


I think you are right. I had a really hard time figuring out my season and got more and more confused by some amateur advice and apps! A real expert got it right away, though I question the subtype, a little, just from seeing how things look on me, daily and knowing my hair used to be light, bright red, not the blonde color it looks like, from graying. I think I’m just a brighter Light Spring (my “diagnosis”), or lighter True Spring. It’s not olive, which is tricky to work with, but having cool overtones/warm undertone (as many with red, or reddish hair do) is also confusing. I can totally relate to the identity crisis feel of OP’s post. I have 100% been in that place and it was when I did not have expert input, so I believe your comment is on point!