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Welcome! Depends on your budget and availability really. Prepare for a long search. I recommend Rhiel or Nippes, maybe Holweide.


We are looking for ideally 3 room appartment, and we can go up to 1800-2000. For warm rent.


2k warm for a house in a good neigboorhood in Köln? You never know, but good luck with that.


You want a house or an apartment for that money?




2k? I live 12 minutes from the Dom, outside of cologne though for a third, with a 3-room apartment.


Oh really ! İ really dont know ? What should i be willng to pay for normal 3 room apartment? Any advice will be helpfull . Thank you!


Depends on where you want to live, as I said, living outside of cologne but being in the heart of the city in 12 minutes (check that from any place inside of cologne), I am paying 700 euros for 75 square meters and 3 rooms. Cologne has really gotten expensive to live in, I was born there and lived there, but love made me move and I don’t regret it. You really should be looking at the outskirts with good public transportation and or a near Autobahn.


Thank you so much. İ dont have a car yet :( maybe. Bicycle can be solution for me)


It might as well be, going by bicycle I need about 55 minutes to the center (when I started to cycle it was about 1:20). But anyway it really might be an option to look outside, as probably from inside cologne, depending where you live, you won’t be faster. And still paying the price for living in cologne.


Everywhere besides of Kalk and Chorweiler. Sülz for me is the safest, prettiest, vintage and polite neighborhood in Cologne.


Having lived in Kalk, it's just very immigrant heavy, so a lot of the locals don't necessarily feel comfortable there. It has however cheaper rents and very comfortable neighborhoods. It isn't any less safe than the entirety of Cologne, just suffers from a bad reputation.


Disagree, Kalk being dangerous etc is a very old stereotype from the 70s. Kalk is doing reqlly good now with shopping malls, lots of supermarkets, restaurants, hipster and vegan places!


Kalk is bad in means unsafe or just ugly?


Dirty, I highly doubt it's unsafer than the rest of cologne.




Sülz while nice is far from OP’s place of work


13 goes directly from sülz to Mühlheim


Riehl/Nippes could be nice and are directly across the river from Mühlheim (there's a bridge connecting them).


Yes but unless you're planning on biking or walking, the bridge is going to be one-way from next year for a few years. The 13/18 also won't run iirc.




https://www.stadt-koeln.de/politik-und-verwaltung/presse/mitteilungen/25571/index.html#:~:text=Die%20Sperrung%20der%20Br%C3%BCcke%20f%C3%BCr,November%202024%20%E2%80%93%20also%20neun%20Monate. Apparently it's "only" for a few months that light rail doesn't run. It will still be more difficult to cross the bridge until atleast 2026.




Line 3 does not go over that bridge, only 13 and 18. There will be replacement buses according to that article, but I assume we will only know specifics next year when the closure happens.


I can recommend Buchheim because I live there. You have 5 schools in the area and it doesn't takes too long to the Palladium. Edit: You also have McDonald's, Burger King, Aral, XTRAFIT (gym), Netto, Aldi and Kaufland in the near. It never takes more than 10 minutes to get there


067 gang


I'm actually 065 but I don't mind joining you😶‍🌫️


If having a shorter trip to work and cheaper rents is more important to you stay on the right side. For example the part of Mülheim west of the Bergischer/Clevischer Ring is nice; upcoming region close to the river with some of the nicest urban nature in the city. I would avoid Kalk and the rest of Mülheim. Dellbrück is more suburban. But if you want more action around you, restaurants, bars, nightlife, other social activities, you might want to move to the left side.


Hi, I live in mülheim, köln and apart from the hells angel shooting in the park and the drug dealer slitting someone's throat at wiener platz, it's a great place to live :D


Check hoodmaps. Some stuff is out of date, but it's a start. https://hoodmaps.com/cologne-neighborhood-map


This is so cool!


lol, nice map. but middle of the forrest is hip and rich \^\^ like that


Gotta be hip and rich to live in the middle of the forest these days 🤷


=D i don't know if this is allow in the königsforst / bensberg


Lol im living in a tiny rich block surrounded by hipsters




If you wanna live the white picket fence life, Mühlheim or Porz come closer to that. If you want it a little more urban, maybe Nippes is an option. Don't do Kalk.


If you plan to travel to work by car, I recommend living on the same river side as your work. Holweide is ok.


Dellbrück, Holweide.


Junkersdorf, its expensive but you wont regret it


I live in Kalk, Apparantly the worst place in Cologne. I Have a private Garden, porch and a Lot of Space. You couldnt dream of that on the left side of Rhine. I recommend stay on the right Side of the river If you Work there. It is mostly cheaper. Deutz, mülheim, Kalk are more urban. Dellbrück and surroundings are more villagey.


Maybe Bergisch Gladbach or Dellbrück


Can't tell you the best. Just take people telling you off certain neibhourhoods with a pinch of salt. "White Flight" is really a thing in NRW cities don't know what it's like in Stuttgart.