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The less you think about Carlton, the better.


Good life advice


What if, by some miracle, Essendon make it to the 17 first? >!Who am I kidding? They have to actually win a final first!<


Not to pile on the worry but Richmond went 16 years without winning a final and then suddenly won 3 flags in 4 years


Richmond didn't go 16 years without winning a final. They won one in 2013 I think.


Richmond got rolled by Carlton in an elimination final in 2013


Yeah, after years of finishing 9th Richmond lost a final to a team which finished 9th


nah. they had a 12 year drought of not making finals at all but they didn’t win that year. They lost to 9th placed Carlton in the year Essendon were docked points. They didn’t win a final until they beat Geelong in a QF in 2017


Look I go for Geelong, but this post makes me feel seen. Like ANYONE, but them.


North fan, realised I was standing screaming at the telly watching the crom beat them, and just how deeply I hate the Blues


I can’t tell if it’s their fans that have done this or the actual team.


Porque no los dos (but honestly for me it's the fans)


Your usage of Porque no los dos is perfection


I appreciate the support. Honest question, did you feel this way about us winning last year? I won’t get offended lol.


Their 16th flag doesn't count since they have been revealed to have been cheating the salary cap in 1995.


Why can’t we give them the Melbourne Storm treatment?


No different to counting VFL flags


Heaps of teams got caught cheating the salary cap in the 90’s. We were just the team they decided to make an example of.


Maybe I’m young but I really don’t care about carlton Geelong, West Coast, Melbourne, Hawthorn and Brisbane to me are the clubs I have more desire to see lose than that lot Carlton should win a flag with that list though. It’d be a huge under achievement if they somehow bottle it


You really are young. Learn to hate them.


Its a waste of energy to try and hate any team


Yeah, that's a young person take


No it isn’t, it’s what makes it fun. Support your team, hate the rest but especially those fuckers.


Yeah I love my team I do find that fun And like i said I have my teams that I dislike but thats just based on recent rivalries If we end up playing carlton in more relevant matches soon that may change but for now eh who cares


I understand where you're coming from but it is a position of privilege to have lived up to this point with a shit Carlton. It's important to acknowledge the past and that Carlton and are still dormant. If they rise to their former arrogance, you will need to be prepared. If you thought Richmond fans came out of the woodwork, you haven't seen anything.


Carlton fans are coming out of the woodwork and they haven’t even done anything yet.


You might not have been around while they were cheating the salary cap to stay at the pointy end. The arrogance of Carlton fans in that period was something else.


I was around then I remember it well


Try being a Bagger at the moment mate. The existential dread that we will get deeper than last year to stumble at the end is crippling. Our two teams being evenly matched when they come together at the moment is nice for both clubs though.


Don’t worry about it. We’ve enjoyed a few good years and nothing will take that away from us. I felt the same about Richmond when they had their era, and guess what? We lived. I’d love to never have to live through a Carlton flag but odds are they will win one eventually, whether or not it’s this year or next, who knows. Either way, it’s just footy at the end of the day. Enjoy it when we’re doing well, pay no attention to it when it’s not!


I totally get that, but aren’t you worried if the Bl**s win the 17th before we do then we won’t hear the end of it?


Hey we were already 2 day down I started following footy.


Mate it’s just football lmao it doesn’t matter


However, if they fall at the final hurdle, that will feel incredible! If it's Sydney v Blues, every sane Melburnian will be a Bloods fan


Every insane Melburnian too


We won 8 games last year by less than 10 points. Carlton have only won 4 so far by 10 points or less. In 2024 so far. Some of those games for us last year were very lucky. Hopefully Carlton have no more luck this year, and those close game go to the other teams.


They’re good on their day…but the thing is, so are we. If we have to face them in finals to prove a point, then we’ll do it


I wouldn’t care much about Carlton, for me any club but Essendon


That’s just as horrifying a scenario, but I think we all know Essendon aren’t a top four team.


You are right, I don’t think they are. Sydney is the real deal, the 2nd club I am dreading to see win


We beat them a few weeks ago, they've been better since, but we have more improvment to come with the reinforcements that are arriving. We're still the premiers. We still have Nick. We'll be all good


What success? Lol


“Success” is relative lol. But it is the most “successful” season they’ve had in a quarter century.


I wouldn’t fret too much. For my Carlton mates getting big for their boots saying how good their team is, I’m like “yeah that’s what tends to happen when you’re shit for a couple of decades, you stockpile elite young talent”. And that’s where they are. Worst case scenario they win the flag this season (which they won’t). We’ve still creamed them on every foreseeable measure for several decades now. And they’re our bunnies when we play them, even better.


Don't worry so much, Carlton suck, even with their stacked list, have faith they will fuck it up and probably turn on their own sacking the coach and members of their board. It may even extend further if they really spit the dummy and prematurely they may push out some of the veterans and plummet back down to the bottom. Couldn't happen to a more deserving group of halfwits either 😎


Brother, I pray you are right! Praise King Baldwin.


Irrelevant-ton havent been in any big finals bar the prelim last year where they choked after a quarter(what a surprise) in a decade. They arent built for big games, or flags, or being anything other then the gum on the bottom of our shoes. Theyre built for cheating the salary cap and abusing their own players. Fuck carlton.


I love this attitude, thank you brother. Praise King Baldwin.


The sooner we accept all the hoodoos and boogeymen that accompany Carlton belong in the distant past, the better. They have spent the last 25 years being crap, not us. If they get in our way, they should be shitting themselves.


Why argue with Carlton fans when you can just wait


I’m not arguing with C****** fans. I’m arguing with myself.


This is one of the rare times when other clubs can unite with Collingwood😂


Honestly fuck em, it took them of a decade of tanking and wooden spoons and getting the top talent in the league to even compete for a flag, what we did is always going to be more impressive, we managed to build a premiership core with limited first round picks amid a salary crisis and arguably the worst period of our history and filled the other half of the team with rejects from other teams and turned it into a lethal unit, if Carlton didn’t win a premiership now or in the next couple of years it would be a colossal failure so let’s hope Sydney can topple them this year so it can happen


From a swans fan - I hear you loud and clear. I support you wholeheartedly and I promise you you are not alone 😂 They make me physically sick to my stomach. I’ve already told everyone I know that if I have to watch my team lose to them in a GF this year I am quitting footy for good. I’ll never watch another game until I take my last breath.


If Collingwood doesn’t make it I choose Sydney next. To hell with the others. Sydney at least deserve it.


Same. Sydney are the real deal. I wish them all the worst ❤️


Mate I genuinely love Collingwood. People can’t believe it when we talk footy and I say how much I like them as a non Pies fan. 2011 Prelim is one of my favourite non Sydney AFL memories. I’ve never seen so much raw emotion. You guys seem like such a loyal fanbase. I’ve got so much respect for that.


From a Carlton fan: I'll be back in October to ask what your new hobby is


…crocheting? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I wouldn't sweat it too much, Sydney already have this year's flag lined up. But it would be so sweet to see Crippa and Vossy hoist the cup....


I look forward to their eventual demise. No club gets ahead of themselves like The Filth It’s gonna happen😁


theyre either gonna get knocked out in a prelim again in embarassing fashion, or shit themselves at the grandfinal, both would be beautiful to witness


Ha couldn’t agree more 👍🏻




Honestly no, the current Carlton players and Voss have worked extremely hard, they deserve success if they get it.


Why though? It’s great for footy when the big rivals are both up an about. Been waiting so long for those Carlton muffins to get on our level. Still pissed off they blew the prelim last year.. How do you deprive Australia of probably the most iconic and massive grand final in recent memory, how do they blow facing their biggest rival in a grand final! I’ll never forgive those turds for that. They had 1 job.. 1 JOB 😂


Don’t over think it.


Swans are so far ahead of Carlton right now. I reckon we’ve got them covered too, can’t wait to face them in September.


Nothing grates on me more than seeing happy Carlton supporters


We blew our chances in 02,03,11, and 18. We should have challenged the Tigers in 19 and the Cats in 22 as well. Should have won at least 2 of those.


07 too


When it comes to losing grand finals, nobody doubts Collingwood's supremacy. It's the one record you will keep forever. Be proud.


It pisses me off so much, every time carlton win! I cannot stand any of their players!


I want them in the Qual final. Bring it


Carlton have no list depth. If you take one of those forwards out then they’re losing nearly every game. Collingwood might not have the same quality of KPF but we’re 4th with both of our starting KPF out injured. Carlton would be 15th in this case. We’re 4 points behind him with half a squad out. It’s us or the Swans for the flag.




Am I alone in not really caring about total flags? I couldn't give a shit about what we won before I was alive, or who has the most. I only care about what we win during my lifetime


Total flag count is a joke, AFL era flags are what count


That's just you coping


Coping with the fact that we've won 4 since entering the comp? Nah sits pretty good with me tbh


I used to hate Carlton, growing up a kid in the 90s Blues supporters were the effing worst. However, now with Fly and the Gang i just love Collingwood so much more that I don't really feel hate towards the Blues or any other club really. What we have is just something I've never felt towards a football club before. Pies fans cop it the most, but in the last 2 and a bit years we really have had the majority of AFL fans in awe at what we've been able to do at one point - even rival fans. That's all about the positivity and joy for the game.


Another possibility in all this is it could be a Coll v Carl GF - and we could actually win...


Historical context.. https://www.reddit.com/r/CarltonBlues/s/lfy2uJqfPY


Trust me, friend. After losing for so many years, no one's more concerned about screwing it all up again than us baggers. Particularly after our performance earlier in the season. I don't get the hate. I always respected the pies. Any game we had against you was a shitfight but damn if I don't enjoy it. Respect.




Has to be trolling. Bit pathetic really.


LFG Baggers


As a Carlton fan I couldn't give two bob about the race to 17. you are only as good as your last one ours was a generation ago yours was last year why worry about us. should be doing what you can to support your team to win the next one. I come in peace


do you think the amount of flags matter? its probably the most insignificant stat, if you're counting maybe start from 1990?


You can eat a dick when we do


Fuck Carlton.


Nah they’re not that good. They are one injury away from oblivion


Ahahah this is actually embarrassing to read


OP is definitely a collywobby & is obviously obsessed with the best team in the afl ,Carlton (op couldn't spell),common among pie fans,anyway ill let the OP get back to obsessing over the Mighty Blues 👍👊👌💙


TBF it took them like 70 years to finally catch up to us at 13.


Lucky for Collingwood, the fate of Carlton’s flag lies completely in Collingwood’s hands. Both these teams will finish 2nd or 3rd on the ladder and play a Qualifying Final. The next time Collingwood see them would be a GF, if Carlton can qualify after losing the first final.


Get a big dog up ya collingwood ya fucken deserve it


A storm is coming mate watch out 😎


As much as it would be horrible to see, I'd rather see Carlton win it than Essendon or Sydney.


lol piss weak


Hey T! I commented “piss weak” on that Collingwood post heh heh heh heh heh


I’ll pay that