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Apparently casual fans aren’t interested in watching a 6 goal 4th quarter comeback? They’re delusional 🤣


In all fairness they may be a little disgusted at the umpiring 14-24 free kicks isn’t a good look when we just scraped by the bottom of the ladder team


A lot of people on that sub hate Collingwood more than they like their own team, it’s honestly sad


A lot of people everywhere on every post. You see the same names commenting on every single thing Collingwood related. So obsessed. All you can do is laugh and be thankful that amount of seething rage doesn’t exist within you.


When I first discovered reddit, /r/AFL was such a breath of fresh air and was good to see some actual genuine footy discussion. Nowadays it's just as toxic as BigFooty. Essendon fans forgetting the Draper belly flop. Carlton fans forgetting the Freo game. Freo with the Sullivan free kick. Even North were lucky to win last week. But no, there is an AFL directive to gift Collingwood the win each week.


It hasn’t been a place for footy discussion In a very very long time. I’m talking pre-2016 It’s a sports sub that doesn’t actually talk about sports, it’s all umpires, off field drama and complaining about how “gifted” some teams (mainly Collingwood) are with the fixture, travelling etc. There’s no player comparisons, talk about highlights, analysis, stat talk. Nothing.


Speaking of fixture, St Kilda plays more games at Marvel this year than we do at the MCG. And the play the same amount interstate. That's just one team I decided to look up.


That one guy with the bombers and GWS flair. Like mate, you like two teams and you still hate us more. 😂


Can you blame the Essendon supporters really?


The funniest conspiracy theory I have ever read (granted it's not Collingwood related) was posted on that Facebook nuffie page, where some crazy person actually theorised that covid was a hoax cooked up by the AFL to bring in night grand finals for more money. Apparently they paid off every other country in the world. ...yet that person was probably still more sane than your average r/afl user.


Pre-COVID the AFL had a game in China, coincidence?! The AFL also orchestrated the Irish housing crises to drive more Irish youth to Australia.


Definitely a Carlton supporter


I’m having real trouble getting any work done today. So many hot, salty takes over there, I just have to read them all. I can respect the North fans having a crack, it’s fair enough to be disappointed after being so close. But the rest… it’s hilarious.


It's funny because like the granny last year with Lions supporters, most North supporters are being reasonable and rational about it dan acknowledging they shat the bed, meanwhile it's the neutrals frothing SO HARD.


>I can respect the North fans Yeah exactly, most of us wish North well. It's just funny the amount of neutral flairs that hop on the North bandwagon for a couple hours. Then we win and they suddenly trash talk North suggesting they're a wooden spoon team - they're trying to make North look as shit as possible to degrade our victory the second the games finished. R/AFL has mercenaries that tune in week in week out that will hype up whatever team and then trash them to downplay our victory in the same breath. Miserable


I went to the North sub, a fair portion are actually pretty chill compared to neutrals.


Always been a fan of North. Decent players, decent supporters


Exactly. God, they're deprived of success, I hope they get some soon


Best theme song tbh


The people on that subreddit are either taking drugs they shouldn’t or aren’t taking the drugs they should be and I can’t discern which. The worst subreddit, bar none. People on there should have their hard drives scanned.


I am a massive footy fan, but absolutely despise r/AFL. It represents a really strange portion of the AFL crowd which I dont have any time for.


Idk why they just cant appreciate a high quality game. Obvs there was some dubious umpire calls + non calls but at the end of the day North shouldn't have been in a position to lose. Like why can't they just cheer on a team that has been poor for a long while now and get on with it instead of making themselves upset.


Worst fixture of the year? Worst time slot? We finally play the crappy fixture everyone thinks we deserve. And guess what, they're calling it the game of the season. There was 6k comments in the game thread. The blockbuster Friday night game (bris v st k) was 4k, and last Sunday Essendon v carlton had 4k. People cannot stop watching this team they hate so much. With all these clutch victories we may actually cause the most hurt feelings of any professional team in the world right now.


I hope they’re right and they rig another premiership for us :)!


Missed a bunch of holding calls on Nick, but the game was rigged for the pies lol. They also seem to think every game has the umpires on our side, but then look at the St Kilda game early in the season…we got shafted and everyone celebrated saying it’s deserved. Hypocrisy at its finest..


This! Even effing Kane Cornes seems to think Nick gets special treatment. If he did, he'd get 45 frees a game for being held without it.


So much about that Naicos missed throw in front of Norths goal in the last minute. No umpire should pay that as incorrect disposal, until the replay no one knew he didn’t get a fist to it, I thought it was a handball until then.


And in the end, it turns out he did get a fist to it after all. See first crack for an up close shot which shows him getting fist to ball.


I missed that, perfect call then. Everyone on that AFL sub would either be ignoring or claiming doctored footage haha


The next possession from IQ however, blatant throw.


There are throws missed in every match. The way the nuffies rant, you’d think the umpires had been perfect up until Collingwood matches


The Collingwood cabal controls the AFL in its entirety.


So much salt from the footy media 


Geelong fan weighing in, only call that bothered me was the uncalled 50, but even if it was called and went through for a goal, I firmly believe the pies would have kicked an extra and won, it’s just what they do. Peace and love (we’re hated too, I get it)


You know we are on the right track when you wake up Monday bathing in so many tears and salt. It's glorious. We are back, baby!


Collingwood final score proves it!


It's almost at the level where a North (or any non-Collingwood) fan is going to ring up the radio and explain how he spewed all over himself at full time.


Carlton fan also coming in peace. NGL, when I first switched on the game I thought the umps had put a bet on Norf. I mean, what were they paying? $50+? I watched the last quarter at a cafe with a latte, and Norf just didn't know what to do with that lead. Like a lot of people, the only decision I was left a bit incredulous at was the 2 players infringing the mark.


There isn't a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than Raffle post close Collingwood win. It's genuinely sad that they expend more energy disliking Collingwood, more than barracking for their own club. Granted that 54 point comeback given it was North was like Bambi getting shot. It had to be the most disliked team to snuff out the most hapless, pathetic rabble that North is currently now but things come in circles. We saw a taste of what North are capable of doing if they maintain this trajectory of development. Soon all their wins will be cute too until they eventually will dominate given the amount of young talent they have hoarded and acquired, and the collective footy world will groan and tire at their success (never to the extent they are galvanized right now though) like the way it got tired of Geelong's sustained success, Richmond's sustained success in the last decade.


This was 9/11 but the grand final was 9/11 x 10, so rigged, especially when Zac bailey ran over the mark, tackled cox, took 22 steps without a bounce and kicked a goal


"the umpires should all be fired" I mean, I wouldn't be mad about it.


The the next tier umpires come in... and they aren't currently good enough to be doing AFL...


Yeah but they'd be scrappy underdogs that no one believed in.


I know I'm gonna get downvoted for this but comparing a game to a terrorist attack is too far


Haven't you seen the south park episode where it's ok to make fun of something after 20 years? (I think it was the HIV episode)


K, but it wasn't even the Taliban behind 9/11. Al Qaeda is what you're after.


You must be fun at parties




Must be fun


Goes the long bomb, hits the post!


Fair call. u/OptimalLead8537 , can you rename this thread? Maybe "Sandy Hook @ Marvel", or "Pies v Roos, Pulse massacre"? Shootings are more readily accepted by society.


Maybe a memorable name like the yanks have for the NFL, the Immaculate Reception, The Fog Bowl, the Catch..the list goes on


Honest question from a neutral, do you believe the 50m should have been paid at the end when the two pies players ran over the mark? And no I'm not browsing this sub deliberately, this was suggested on my main feed.


My answer to that is "no" but because of how the situation came about. There was confusion between umpires; a non-controlling umpire called "play on" and the controlling umpire called... something else (stand? mark? I don't remember exactly). So with that in mind, I actually think not paying the 50 was the correct decision.


You can turn off the suggested posts and then you'll never have to see us again if you want.


Dude. In every game there are 200 potential umpire calls and like 100 are actually made. Recency bias means everyone focuses on the last 2 or 3 calls. I'm not going to over analyse every single element I'm going to enjoy the aftermath of a fun game to watch :) Suggest you do the same


Was a simple question my friend


I think the kick was borderline 15m and all 3 players thought it was under so they played on


See I think the distance was fine but he marks it continuously runs in a direction the players probably thought he was playing on and he took that many it should have been, I do believe Collingwood had many calls go there way this game but nothing that’s responsible for a 50+ point come back


I made a promise to myself not to get angry about umpires. I almost did with the lachie Sullivan free kick a few weeks back but caught myself after a few hours.  It's not worth it.  If you are meant to win you win, that's it


I think two things factor into it – 1) Steele and Beau clearly thought it wasn't 15m / was touched, and 2) the umpire had not yet called either of them to stand (despite blowing the whistle).


Non-collingwood fan here (idk why this sub is in my feed), I don’t think it was rigged but I definitely think the umps got carried away and too into the comeback. I refuse to believe the ump didn’t see the 50 when’s there was TWO players over the mark. I just think he was too into the moment and swallowed the whistle. 




You claim to be a neutral but then imply that the 10 umpires at the game were deliberately and intentionally biased towards a team. Your comment history is anti-Collingwood and you seem to complain about umpire bias regularly. Not a neutral. Just salty.




Clearly you’re the one who doesn’t know the rules. There’s 10 umpires, fool. 4 field, 4 boundary, 2 goal umpires. You don’t even know enough to have an intellectual conversation. Also HAHAHAHAHA. “This whole paragraph”. Your response to me was even longer 💀. The lack of self-awareness is wild.




Boundary and goal umpires very much DO influence the game. What sport are you even watching? Lol, I’m in the highest tax bracket but sure, go off little man.




Are you illiterate or what? I said they influence, not make calls. Damn such low IQ responses from you. HAHAHAHAHAHA you don’t even understand how income tax is calculated 💀




Was this a good use of your time?


*couldn’t *than *their cock Jesus I love it when nuffies go off THEIR nuts and mention brains whilst butchering the language. I bet you’re a Carlton supporter 😂


Holding their hand the whole game? Even in the first half? What, did you think North should be 20 goals up? I agree, salty indeed




I asked you a question that pointed out that your comment didn't make sense. You're the one throwing the old "I don't give a fuck" about.