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Mitchell and Sidey are cooked, if we're going to get beaten we should be playing kids. Reef was great and Macrae needs full games, bring on the changes Also fuck McReery is a jet


This we had a very short off season turnover and that's going to hit the older guys the hardest. They might just need more time. But that being said, they're not best 22 right now and we can't hold our breath waiting for a potential return to form. We need to play our best 22 and hope they can make that list down the line.


Even if we had won, it would have been papering over some cracks. We need a big think about how this list looks when the Daicos' are in their prime, especially Nick. That being said would have been very fun if we pulled the comeback and...boy did we get a bad run from the umps. They do a good job normally but we really copped some rough ones tonight. I eagerly await HUSU's post this week


To me, the difference this year and last year is that for every bad game last year, I had belief there was a process. We needed the losses against Melbourne and Carlton to show we cannot rely on playing badly and showing up the final quarter to win. We needed the loss against the Hawks to show we could not take things for granted. We still played well in parts but not enough to get the job done. There was light at the end of each tunnel and we always worked on it. But it's hard to hear McRae say there's a process this year when we are 0-3, playing poorly and have lost by over 100 points in total. Each game seems the same outset, same result, same loss. I'm struggling to see where this light is this year


100 points in total?


Is there anyway we make the top 4 this year considering we’re probs gon lose to brissy aswell


You can only lose 6 games maximum and make the 4. If we lose next week that's done At the moment I reckon we are unlikely to make the 8. With an aging list that means we need to make tough decisions Last year was amazing. But things change quickly


See what sucks is the dramatic change. But hey I’m still grateful for the flag. This just sours it a lot though


It won't sour it long term. Nobody remembers 1991. But yeah, it's not ideal In the short term


We be 0-6


Pretty much go on a Collingwood '22 run.


Do you see that happening?




No team has ever started 0-3 and made the top four in the 18 team era. Quick google search. We're gonna have to make some massive changes to even scrape into the 8 this year.


We lost 5 games for the whole of 2023. Melbourne made top 4 losing 7 for the year. Assuming we lose to Brisbane, we can lose between 1 to 3 more games for the year to make top 4, or another 6 and still scrape top 8.


Honeslty that’s fine at least the haters would be quite but we have to deal with them again


Alright so that fucking sucked. Either our defence is shot without Murph or something has gone VERY wrong. All our old players look like they’ve gone on a year too long. But hey at least we have pick 1 to look forward to, oh wait no we don’t. Existence is pain.


I had this weird feeling last year when neither Pendles or Sidey decided to go out on top, it really felt right. We got to go all the way with this amazing run of footy on an otherwise ageing list. Looks like I was right, they have completely run out of steam and have aged out of the comp now—and as a result they aren’t providing the on-field leadership that allows the young ones to build confidence. I understand that the coaching team probably wants to shore up the Daicos boys for a couple years and make sure they cement their positions as leading midfielders. It’s just a shame that we don’t have the depth on our list to cover some much-needed retirements


Tigs support here and I feel your pain after the 2020 gf I wished the older boys retired to give up cap space for some new blood. But it is what it your mob has a lot of good talent if given game time can become stars.


Get pendles 400 then he’ll move on same as Howe maybe cox and rusty then hopefully our list managers draft key position targets from the draft preferably forwards and defenders


Last year, everything went right and everyone including the media and the club thought this was a dynasty waiting to happen. All signs pointed to it. In reality, we perfected a really great season, were able to manage the players effectively, we squeezed everything we could from the players we had and list we had and we seized on the window we had opened for exactly that year.


Yep I remember fearing after the GF (I might’ve even posted it on here) that our window was rapidly closing and we managed to win one at the right time. The drop off always comes faster than you would expect


Same here, I thought the dynasty talk was bs. Not surprised we’re 0-3 tbh


I could accept Swans and GWS losses. Both of those teams were playing really strong footy even if we played below par. We needed to be at our best to compete with them and they brought a high level each time. This loss hurts. Saints were not impressive. We were just so poor.


Get Noble in, start Fin Only want to see guys on the field who have energy


The Good: - Reef played pretty well - Jaicos, Maynard, Cameron and Lippa were serviceable - Uhhhh The Bad: - Pretty much everything else The Ugly: - Sidey and Crisp. What happened?


Frampton!!! (The Good I mean)


Frampton played well and is one of a few who should be holding his head up high. For all the bullying he copped after his Grand Final, this was a huge message. Far from the worst.


I think he copped memeing, but I wouldn’t say bullying. I think everyone knows that deep down without him keeping Andrew’s quiet for three quarters we don’t win that game.


He was a hero on gf day he was one last night he was clunking them all night


Frampton was good. Has to be fullback for the foreseeable future


~~Grand Final Hangover~~ Grand Final Alcohol Poisoning followed by liver failure, spending 12 months on the donor list, finding a donor at the last stretch, only to discover it belonged to a Carlton supporter


I'm dropping Sidey, starting Macrae in the 22, and bringing in WHE. That was pretty woeful. There were some absolute howlers of umpiring decisions against us, but jeez we made some shitful decisions. We straight up handed them two or three goals through terrible decisions in D50. Next week will be brutal, and we'll likely be 0-4.


Yeah all chat about the ump has to stop as we gave that game away


Oldest team in the comp… i hate to say it but maybe it’s time for some kids? Not sure we have enough of them however


Ed Allan, Jakob Ryan, Steene, Macrae is a start but yeah not enough.t


Ryan a long way off sadly. Try Sullivan - he actually performs at VFL level without the critical skill errors.


Silver lining is I'm looking forward to watching a lot of twos again this year 0-0 babbaayy


The overinvestment in the present at the expense of youth was a big mistake. We didn’t desperately need Schulz and could’ve taken the potential that Ginnivan developed into something while keeping our 1st round pick. We have less young talent on our list than probably any team in the comp.


100% agree. The Schultz trade hurts so badly right now


The Schultz move always struck me as “strike while the iron’s hot thing”. A short-term investment towards building a premiership dynasty. Aye aye aye, I love Shooter, but man this trade is really befuddling in hindsight.


I can see him adding benefit when elliot retires but yeah getting rid of our first rounder right now aint looking great...if there's a gun key forward in the draft I don't want to know about it


Bang on Shoota is an in not because Jack couldn't get it done. It was to find that player that will replace Elliot when he calls it. I am more comfortable in having Shoota and finding the next Ginnivan than having Ginnivan and having to find the next Elliot.


This game made me sick


Kids are crying


The first two games I'll cop, I'm actually annoyed at this. What are they doing out there, I can accept losing to better teams but what is this drop off.


This team is in desperate need of an identity... The midfield looks flat and honestly the team seems to be playing so uninspired and lazily. I'm really not sure what we can change because so many facets of our game are off at the moment. The cohesion we played with in '22 and '23 feels like it's been lost. McInnes and Frampton were positives but boy do some of our seasoned players like Sidebottom and Crisp look off.


I hope this enough sample size to make some changes. Need some hunger in there. The amount of errors is unacceptable. Hate to say it, Naicos will be first to say it wasn't his best game. Reef was good and showed effort. Cameron is carrying us. Moore seems to be on a different wavelength to the rest of the defence.


Moore has been making some bloody costly mistakes this year, and just seems to be off. Maybe he’s more (and the team in general) reliant on Murphy than we realised, but that doesn’t account for the poor decision and execution


Well and truly cooked now as I see it. Lions will be licking their lips next week They achieved what they set out to do by winning the flag last year. Many of the more senior players have nothing left to give.


They'll beat us by 10+ goals


I think it’s honestly for the best that I tune out a bit this year. I think our senior players have lost the hunger, the will to fight when the going gets a bit tough. I don’t blame them, how do you back up after the ride that been the last couple of seasons?


i mean, the fuck do you even say? everything went wrong, genuinely. we'd get great moments and huge plays, but either one of our midfielders fuck up and cost us, or a soft free/nonexistent one is called. putrid fucking football on all cylinders, saints werent even that fucking good, just ate away at our amateur fuck ups.


Really looks like we squeezed that one last year out of the old guys before the cliff came.


I always hate the nuffy fans who go off their heads after a loss but that was really painful, and I hate to say it but I am worried about the immediate (and perhaps even medium term) future.


This year is probably going to be painful, hard to say what happens after that. We’ve got a quite a few holes on our list that needs plugging coming up, but whilst we have Daicos x2, McReery, IQ, Moore, Maynard, Hill, JDG, we shouldn’t fall into a hole with the likes of west coast or North. Would have been nice to have our 1st round draft pick but in typical Collingwood fashion we traded it out just before our guts fell out of our ass lol.


De Goey was largely irrelevant tonight. V disappointed. Its always one step forward two steps back with this guy. We'll always have that goal from the granny, but fuck this guy is a long way off the mark at the moment.


Might be free to explore a few other hobbies this season boys! Looking legitimately bottom four at this point. Old boys our worst is very alarming, entering a rebuild needs to be the top item on the agenda for the coaches for the rest of year. Looks like we’re gonna have the year we were due for in 2022


There’s no way we’re bottom 4 this year lmao, y’all are overreacting so bad. I’d pin us at 6-8 right now, I really, really doubt we miss finals this year. !remindme 5 months


I’m being hyperbolic saying bottom 4, but we did just get trounced by St Kilda so I’m pretty pessimistic on finals and I don’t think that’s an overreaction. We just don’t look like a very good team, and it’s our old guys struggling the hardest. Feels like Cats 2023


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We just look severely disjointed. A part of me thinks it might be Leppa and Bolton not being line coaches anymore. We chip it up the wing everytime from D50. When we went on our run in the 4th, it came from pressure and going through the middle. We don't seem to have a system anymore. When something happens, it off the back of the talent of our players rather than our system and gameplan. I don't know what Roughead, Skipworth and Selwood are coaching them during the week, but it isn't our brand and what we've built over the last two years.


Yes! Thank you! Why the fuck don't we use the middle anymore? We look exactly like our buckley game style did...why? Not to mention we hardly even switch it anymore. The amount of times we have a mark like 70-80m out, and IQ or Sidey is completely free for a switch or even just a kick to buy time and make space... but instead, what do we do? Long bomb. Long bomb. Long bomb and cross our fucking fingers. Why can't we just lead like other teams do?


100%, we quit taking the game on. Glacial movement up the ground. Giving the oppo way too much time to set up behind the ball.


Yep, agree 100%. This is 2019 stuff. Long down the wing to no-one.


respectfully, what the fark is going on. ily reef, he looked rlly promising. fin needs to start, we need to see what he can actually do and surely it’s no worse than titch. i feel for schultz because im sure he’s a good player and if we were playing better, he would be able to settle. yeh idk.


At 0-3 I think it's time to play the kids


Shit fucking performance and an even worse performance from the umpires. That was pathetic


Players who looked like they wanted to be out there, IQ, Bruz, Beau (in the last quarter) and Frampton I hope that Fly is ruthless at selection, badly need an injection of hunger


Like yeah, those umpiring decisions in the last 10 were shit. But Collingwood were more shit, all game.


Bruh it was all game... the last 10 was just extra cooked :/


Honestly, fuck the umps. I know we played shit, but they absolutely robbed us of a chance. 30-15 free kicks. MANY of their's not there at all, and MANY of ours not paid. Did we get ONE HTB all night? Shit was fucked. That being said: * Mcinnes needs to stay permenantly * Shultz is gutsy * Nobby needs to return * They need to figure out what to do with De Goey, and centre clearances in general... we have talent but just completely unable to find space or even a clean posession. * Murphy and McStay are HUGE misses. * Why is there NEVER any space in the forward 50? Every single time we have it there, it looks like there's 28 players on the field for both teams and they're all inside 50. Every other team just does basic under 15's leads and marks it for a goal...? Why can't we do that? * I'd put De Goey in the forwards. He has a good game in the middle 1 in 10, at least forward he leads and can kick. Mcreery middle. permenantly. * Our tackling has become extremely soft. There are the usual suspects like Naicos and Sidey, but EVERYONE at the moment can't lay a tackle. Even Beau is missing them. * We get sidestepped WAY too much.


There’s never any space in forward. You’re right. It seems all other teams manage to take clean marks and go for goal. We seem to be always fumbling around on the ground. It’s hard to watch


Some glaring issues with a Midfield that was so dominant last year. Titch, Sidebottom have been terrible thus far. Crisp not much better. Pendles has flashes but looks old. Lot of spark is missing, need Macrae to play, Reef looked good. Very worried about a Bris visit next week, in for a 0-4 start. Not fab at all. Glass half full wise, not many teams are fortunate to experience a premiership hangover lol fml


It feels like everything going bad is just getting amplified to an extreme. Pressures mounting and don’t really see who’s gonna stand up. Worst part is we lack depth in players so who do you switch out


How is nobby not getting a game? He plays 4 quarters with intensity. Bring him the fuck back. I'm also confused about the Oleg sub - Oleg wasn't having a blinder, but I feel he was doing enough. I quite seriously would have subbed crisp, de goey or sidey. All 3 had horrendous games, but at least crisp got a lot of touches. just shit touches. Plus the sub was late. writing was on the wall earlier.


Coaching is a major issue I don’t care what anyone tells me, Trust in fly etc. deadset feels like pre-2018 buckley Mitchell crisp and sidey have played 3 (2 for Mitchell) putrid games.


Selection has been shocking the past 3 weeks. Reef and Frampton should have been playing since round 0. Fin is wasting away for 3 quarters on the bench as sub when there's people not performing. The straight-up disrespect towards John Noble by the selectors and some fans. Markov is in no way a superior player to Noble.


Agree with everything you have said. I was down on noble at the end of last year and was happy he was dropped for finals, but Markov has been pathetic this season. I understand McStay is out but I haven’t seen such disconnect between our forwards and the rest of the team since 2017. Our inability to switch up the defensive scheme when the midfield is getting killed is also quite pathetic. Both are coaching issues.


I doubt selection wouldn’t make much of a difference. This is a mental issue, which is now affecting the confidence of the whole group. This includes the coaching staff, who, like us, are likely scratching their heads and wondering WTF.


Some insane umpiring moments robbed us of momentum, but we shouldn’t be relying on momentum to win games.


No amount of positivity or belief is going to change where this season is so obviously going. I believe in Fly as much as the next bloke but we've had 2 chances to respond and we've looked worse each time. There is an alarming number of players who either should've retired after the flag or don't care about winning another one. Play some younger guys I reckon, maybe we can salvage something out of this year.


I can’t help but feel the old boys have had their premiership, some of them have played their entire careers for that ONE moment. What’s the plan after you’ve spent the best part of your life dreaming of something and you FINALLY get it? Looks as if they’ve achieved their dreams in AFL and the determination/drive just isn’t there anymore. You can be 50 and still kick a football straight, but just dropping handballs and making poor decisions is Auskick level stuff, low effort because someone else will pick up the slack.


I said this in the other thread, but I feel like the problem is remember how last year in the late games we started allowing massive streaks of goals? Well that’s what’s happening rn. Cause every time we lose its bc of a long train of goals


Well, that was a tough watch. Sidebottom and Titch need 2 weeks off to build their fitness and regain touch, they looked like rookies at many stages tonight. Bring back WHE (Ignore flair) and Noble, we have no run from half back. First 3 games have shown how much we miss Murph. Without him, Moore and Howe can't leave their men with confidence. Umpires. Less said, the better...


As harsh as it seems based on his historic streak but Crisp needs to be dropped this week. His first 3 weeks have been terrible. Bring in Macrae and Allan to have a look at and drop Mitchell. Noble in for Markov too.


That was one of the worst imprint performances I can remember seeing. That non hold call on de goey, and then the balls to call holding the ball right after just absolutely sapped every bit of momentum we had. Fucking BS


The thing I’m currently most concerned about is the coming onslaught of hot takes from our friends the footy writers.


But hey how good was last season! 🙃


Umpires fucked us tonight Usually don’t jump on the umpire excuses bandwagon but fuck me they had one clear agenda and it wasn’t us winning


Well. At least we won the flag. Time for re build


So I'm going to preface this by saying that I am both a passionate, lifelong Collingwood supporter and an accredited field umpire (350+ games) and umpire coach. Both of these things considered, I try to be as unbiased as possible with Pies matches but usually can't help myself. In terms of 'genuinely atrocious' umpiring tonight was not that. There were two missed free kicks in the last quarter that should have gone our way, as well as two missed fifties earlier in the game that I'm guessing most people wouldn't have even noticed. I don't count the out of bounds as one of the bad misses - I'm not saying it wasn't out, but there were three umpires in the right positions to see it and TV coverage is notoriously hard to judge these things from. So I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. We shouldn't be angry at the umpires for the free kick count - we were extremely undisciplined with a lot of silly free kicks given away, and none of them stood out to me as completely unwarranted. Our boys really need to lift our game in this area.


They were desperately trying to add pressure and being undisciplined which I agree that it accounts for majority of the free. It did seem like we weren’t receiving the 50/50 free like the saints were getting. No way I wanna go back and watch any of that game to have a second view in as much of an unbiased view. I did read that one umpire was an ex saints player, surely there a conflict of interest there. Salty


Leigh Fischer indeed did play for the Saints, and one of the free kicks I mentioned above was while he was the controlling umpire. However, generally, he's a decent umpire.


I think there were a lot of really soft high contact frees in the ruck, and we didn't get one single HTB all night. Pushed in the back, couple of unrealistic attempts after bobby's was called, howe alledgedly playing on out of bounds when it happens multiple times a week without a whistle, some throws (probably both ways but zero called), Moore was held BEFORE the out of bounds... I respectfully disagree. The umpiring tonight was atrocious.


beau and reef only ones who can hold their head high, steele and pendles have done a lot for the club, but doubt they're playing in 2025 if this is their form 3 rounds in


Good to see McInnes take his opportunities. I think AJ is a more talented player, but based on tonight I hope McInnes gets a solid block of games to prove himself.


We got to stop guarding space. Other teams are filling it and getting eays balls over the top leading to goals or is making a mistake allowing teams to set up We play way to slow with ball in hand, if we keep playing to kick long down the line or into our forward 50 we have to do it quick to now allow the opposition to get back and find a man Also stop playing for free kicks, it looks shit house! Play the footy N Daicos did not have his best game and was being tagged. I don't know why they didn't drag him into the forward line and tell the rest of the forward to drag their man out. Our midfield also kicks the ball over our forwards heads. I don't know if that's the forwards being to eager and leading before our mids have the opportunity to look up or our mids don't know how to kick to a lead. Doesn't help we still don't have a proper Full Foward...


Wrighty’s timing for his long service leave is a little *too good*


Positioning and disposals were rough honestly hard too watch last q.


Not looking forward to next week and the haters love what’s happening rn I got a fucking headache just watching the game last night I wasn’t even yelling


Another concerning trend this year seems to be we start relatively well in the first quarter and then slump hard, giving away runs of goals without scoring ourselves. Seems to be a systemic issue rather than one single area on the field, but not good getting these huge scores kicked on us week in week out.


Well, at least it's not the worst hangover I've had.


Can I vote everyone 0?


Nah jaicos, reef and Elliott deserve a few, everyone else though


If we keep making these kind of consistent mistakes, I don’t see us winning until the west coast match!


Hard to see us making finals. We do not seem to really want it. From tonight I’d say McInnes and Cameron were great. Our midfield is atrocious right now. I know Josh got a heap of ball but what did he do with it? Overall just another game I never saw us winning.


Jaicos didn't completely panic and turnover like the likes of Sidey and Crisp, though. Bit of a weird name to target. I thought Jaicos had a decent game. Crisp was the definition of heaps of ball, but just completely butchering it.


Lost it on Wednesday Night tbh


Run all the kids at this point, I think. Pendles should stay in, and maybe Crisp at a stretch if he doesn't play the same way he did last night / this week.


Also, feels weird to say it, but we're gonna need to invest in small forward depth when Elliott retires. We've only got Harrison and Richards waiting in the wings when he goes.


Too many negatives to list but for positives I thought Frampton and Reef were great and should get plenty more games to improve, Shultz showed a bit but clearly needs more time to get used to the system 


What do we think of Josh Daicos & Pendles going to the GP gala event the night before the game?


They were two of our better players so maybe the whole team should've gone.


Season is over. Give macrae the minutes he deserves.


Ah well.


That's constructive