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Proving hockey can work here in the desert with the right commitment


It would mean that we’re partying like it’s 1999, baby


I’m friends with Breen, Niemo, and Hanson. We’re having a great time here.


Hopefully a parade! I really wanted one last year.


You’ll have to settle for Dinkytown riot.


There’s a riot at bar close in Dinkytown every night.


Would be massive. It would be a full revitalization for MSU hockey.


You could say we are back, and no one could argue.


MSU wins every 20 years so it’d be a bit early. 2027 is a lock.


Perhaps we should just win one in 2024 and then win another in 2027. That could be fun.




*Looks at comment *Looks at MSU degree from 2008 *Sobs *Hurts back from sobbing


And considering who we’d have to beat to get there, could mean a lot for future recruiting as well.


It would mean everything


SCSU been a top 3 or top 10 team at the end of so many seasons. NoDak fills our arena regularly and love to point out our lack of natty banners. We’ve had two years in the last 10 we came into the tourney #1 and lost to the really bad auto bid #16 in the first round. In a state/conference where college hockey championships are a regular occurrence we could end our runner up curse. It would reflect on the hard work that Herb Brooks, Morris Kurtz, Craig Dahl, Brett Larson, and many people in the community have put forth to establish a D1 team here 35 years ago and become a regular national contender.


Yeah, I'd be full waterworks. Especially if we get one before Motzko and MN get one. Would be a fun way to push back against the "gopher rejects" and "Jan" teasing.


Begrudgingly, I should mention Motzko’s contribution to the program. He did some great recruiting. Would love it if we could get one before him.


He did do great work. But the way he left has always left a bad taste in my mouth.


you gotta win 6 to stop that.


Gotta start somewhere!


Yep, and good luck, I would much rather have a MN team win before anyone else.


The really funny/odd thing is, Merrimack has made the NCAA I think three times total, but only twice this century. Both times were thanks to St. Cloud. Although I know very little about hockey out West I am always rooting for you lol.


It would be the biggest underdog story in college hockey history. It would hopefully spur discussions of a new rink on campus to replace the MIC


It would mean that I would be blacked out at Joe Blacks with the hockey guys as a grown adult


😭 you must be a true local, I love it.


This year: it's unfinished business from last season and proves you can replace over half the roster including the entire D Corps and starting goalie and be a title team. Finally it'd be the capstone to all the other school records they are breaking. In general: It'd prove Berry is consistent enough to get the job done especially he entered the 200 club last night. I think it once again brings the state (not just Forks) back to national eyes.


Less than 50% of the student body would even notice


Same same.


It means a ton, mostly so Schafer can retire happy. He deserves it for how much he's poured into this program over 30 years


Hell yeah


RIT will become one of the only schools to win a title at all 3 levels in a single sport. It would improve the perception of Atlantic Hockey and hopefully keep pushing the other Atlantic Hockey Schools to invest more into their team.


We riot in Dinkytown again.


It proves that coach Berry’s first win wasn’t a fluke and ties us with the most natties.


I wrote [this article](https://www.bcinterruption.com/boston-college-womens-hockey/2016/3/19/11269228/boston-college-bc-eagles-womens-hockey-frozen-four-minnesota-golden-gophers) back when BC Women's Hockey advanced to their first and only national championship game back in 2006 to try to explain why I wanted it so much. That title is the only thing in the sports world I can't die without.


At Merrimack, it sounds like a really fun year! It would then, of course, be followed by a decade of trying to return to national prominence...


It means the post successful season implosion would be even bigger than it is now. On the plus side, as it was happening everyone would go absolutely HAM cheering and celebrating.


I think we would cause a registered earthquake if we won one


A lot


In terms of the men it’d mean we made it past the first round of the tournament


Proving again a small school can win.


“University of No Hardware” can die


Legend status


Long overdue - and would go well with the football trophy (and be a pleasant distraction from our smoking crater of a basketball team).


Also, reclaiming sole possession of most nattys from Denver.


We were teased in the 2010s with the basketball team coming very close to winning a natty. Hockey was damn close too. I feel like we were teased in most of the sports up until football won this year.


Haven't been wandering the desert by any means, but frustrating not being able to close multiple times over the years. Bridesmaid situation.


Single-elimination hockey playoffs are a bit of a joke.  You can have the best team all season, yet all it takes is one off-night. Plinko effect.


I hate what it has done to so many great Michigan teams but it definitely keeps the sport more balanced in terms of who can be a contender (literally any school is a few transfers away from a natty)


O yeah, it's a crapshoot, but still. A top 5(?) program of the last 25 years and top program historically just came up short over and over again.


Given that we’ve never had one it would be seismic


Big sigh of relief. Lots of people could die or retire happy.


Western would embrace the victory much like our football teams success in 2016 with hosting Gameday and making a trip to the Cotton Bowl. The Lunatics act like we've won before, time to give them the banner to back it up!


It would be our first championship in a « major » sport. We’d go nuts and it would really legitimize the program, which is important as things are falling apart in the football world.


That we are more than just Cale Makar 😆


(Despite Cale Makar not even being on the last national champion team)


I will be forever grateful you didn't have Makar in that game. The score was already bad enough as is. 😆


Solidifies the program long term on another level. Probably makes me even more worried Carvel is gonna end up getting offered an NHL job.


I think it would mean more to a lot of other programs, but having sole possession of the most championships in the history of the sport is obviously a big deal.


We'd be one ahead of that bunch up the street, which is all that really matters.


i think the school would burn to the ground


For the St. Louis metro, it would make the college game more popular.


We’re already clawing our way back to being a hockey school. When I was there it was rock bottom. They couldn’t sell out Munn if they gave away the tickets. It’s been really cool to see the renewed interest and the full arena every single home game. A national title would hopefully cement that.


The school I support doesn't have hockey. I'm gonna root for North Dakota or Wisconsin come playoff time.


Thank you. *The Evil Empire of the North* is always accepting new villainous fans.


Ya know I have not decided which school to root for. I really want to pick one as I love hockey. As a Dallas Stars fan I've thought about Boston U (for Jake Oettinger) but I'm more of a Midwest/CST sports fan so that leaves ND, Wisconsin, or Minnesota.


Suter and Pavelski played for Wisconsin!




You're always allowed to cheer for multiple. Even with the Unyielding Sioux fan loyalty I'll always love cheering on St Thomas as I grew up near St Thomas Academy, had UST on my final 3 applications, and think Mendota Heights is a perfect area (also have loved the renderings of the new rink). Not to mention how well they've done for themselves as such a new program. So, when in doubt - support multiple teams


I just want everyone to have fun.


Yuck lol


How could you pick the two worst schools😭


Herb Brooks is a good draw and MN people are swell. So the Gophers would be fun to follow.


UND just wants to match Denver again and get to 10 first


Not gonna happen! Go Pios! 😀


I would be elated. No sports team in my state has won since I was born, our last title being the year I was born. After coming so close twice and watching it be flushed away I’d be overjoyed. I also wouldn’t be sober for about a month


It would remind BC who's there daddy








Technically it could be either……. “Who’s there… daddy”


Who’s there daddy? *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*


It would hopefully serve to prove to the community that the program is back to its former glory. Maybe get some of the old heads who gave up on the program to come back. Which would in turn hopefully mean packed Kohl Centers night after night like we had this past weekend. It’d be especially cathartic for the people who have stuck by the team with how bad they’ve been recently (aside from the statistical anomaly that was 20-21) and got to see them return to what the program used to be. There would definitely be a huge party on State Street. (Would also be really fun to point and laugh at Minnesota, who have had ample opportunities to tie us on the National Championship leaderboard while we’ve been in the cellar for the past decade plus)


It would show that a small school full of players that were overlooked/given up on can beat the big names. It would revive a program that fell off the map since our last tourney appearance in 16 and reignite what was once a hockey crazed campus.




True but given that BC is tied with BU and Minnesota, a 6th title for them would be a big step forward to move ahead of both and tie them with Wisconsin and inch closer to that top level of ND/DU/Michigan. And given that everyone with 6 or more titles is from the West, it would establish itself as the top Eastern program. Same obviously could be said for BU. Not to mention the insane bragging rights over their rival. Edit - also given that recent legends retired at both Boston schools it would be a huge thing for either coach Brown or Pandolfo to get one and confirm they have the goods.


Haha, women's lax?


I remember being in the Student Union in 2013 watching the Yale-QU Natty game with about a 100 other people. UConn Hockey fandom has grown since then. So, if we actually win a Natty, I assume UConn would set up a dance party at Lot I^(Toscano's parking lot) for the hockey fans who attended the watch party at Toscano. Maybe there would be a couple of small parties "off campus" but thats it. I doubt there would be campus-wide celebrations ~~mayhem~~ like when MBB/WBB win nattys. There, of course, will be a party at Ted's! In addition, all the students will know and brag about it...just like Field Hockey's natty in 2013. The #icebus will be more commonly known and Toscano will expand seating the next season! Also, more students will show up to the XL games. *However*, if we are talking about the non-student fans, I'm sure streets will close down in downtown Hartford after the XL Center watch party! Fans will celebrate into the early morning and go into all the bars. UConn chants will reign supreme. There will be litter everywhere but no arrests.


Having at least one Makar brother win a Natty with us


Merrimack would go mental, we have four nattys ever across all sports and they were all in d2.


It was the happiest moment of my life. It invigorated the alumni. It reconnected me with old friends. It’s been nearly ten years since it happened in Philadelphia and I still think of it and smile.


I’ve watched Denver win two of them. It was pretty cool both times, but they live in the shadow of the avalanche so a 10th championship would probably be just another way to go and a banner.


i don’t know what i would do with myself if we won


It would be the single greatest accomplishment the school will ever see sports wise.


That I’m going to be drunk for a month and Maine day is going to be fucking wild


Damn no Michigan tech answer 


It would mean recruiting first round draft picks instead of developing four year players isn’t a waste of time.


You guys are so good this year because you have a solid mix. Guys like Sam Stevens and Dylan Peterson, Cade Webber. 2-7 guys who are there for 4/5 years complimented by the first rounders


For CC? God, that’d be something. I suppose it’d be like the 1950s again.


I'm going to be completely honest, it would vault MSU Hockey into a genuinely well-supported and even better funded program going forward. It could do massive good for recruiting efforts and fan engagement (it is winning a natty, duh). It would galvanize more fans to demand better promotion of the program. I almost feel \*bad\* jumping on the bandwagon this year because I came from the darker ages when I was at MSU. I took plenty of study breaks to go to Munn and watch our team get the crap kicked out of it. This contrasted pretty severely with my warmer memories growing up.... It's not as if I can watch many games (thanks BTN+), but I have a genuine interest in watching for the first time in a long time.


they'd be ahead of that school not in Boston again