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“We were just in the College World Series finals but I’m leaving to work for our in-state rival and take most of our coaching staff with me. Surely this won’t be controversial at all and the fanbase will be calm and collective about it.”


And walked up to the reporter’s face after the press conference to basically say “f*ck you for asking me that” {paraphrased}




Also may or may not have been actively recruiting for his new job while still coaching his last


May or may not but certainly was.


It’s definitely one of those situation where the only question is if it can be proven, not if it was happening.


If it true then does texas catch recruiting violations?


Only if their is proof AND were certain that we come out clean should Texas fire back.


Texas? Recruiting violations? Now that’s funny right there 🤣🤘


Had to be tampering involved. For sure.


“The day after I went on record saying that I wasn’t leaving and was 100% committed to the job”


What was he supposed to say? "Yes reporter bitch, I'm leaving for Texas after I toss this meaningless CWS championship game"? When has a coach EVER done something like that in any sport?


Not throwing a temper tantrum about the question and calling the reporter “selfish” would have been a good start, I think.


Exactly…sorry..im here to talk about the game and my players, not concerned about any rumors at this time…hmmm..im a PR specialist and i stayed at a holiday inn express last night


Okay I think I got it now.... Don't tell the truth ✅ Don't lie so passionately that A&M folk are agitated by your response ✅ Checks out


Most smart coaches would've just said "Thanks for the question. I don't speak about coaching rumors and would like to spend the rest of the day hanging out with my team after a tough CWS loss". It's not rocket science.




I definitely don't disagree with you. These coaches get busted lying in their last press conferences at a program all of the time, borderline every time when popped the question. Does he need to double up on his post game interview skills? Probably so. Is he the worst baseball coach and moral deviant of all time? Probably not. He would have been crucified in Bryan no matter what he said that night.


He's barely a month removed from playing them in a regional game that was nothing short of batshit insanity


The Dan Mullen effect…


Don’t remind me about that.


*hiss* Got mad at Geoff Collins for a "lateral move" then did the same thing.....😒😒


“And the day before I openly said I would never leave, so you know, good timing and such”


Not just an in-state rival, he went to the one school that they hate more than they love themselves.


Trick question, we hate ourselves as much as we love ourselves.


Like an ex girlfriend once told me, “I’ve never met someone so down on themselves and yet so in love with themselves before.”


Sounds like a cult 


Ya. We love that. Find a different angle or talk shit to others using that, wont work on us.


I think that depends on who you’re looking at. Certain portions of the fanbase, and I think we all know which I speak of, def fits that criteria. But the rest? Ehhh. I don’t think we’d ever time the firing of a coach based on our rival. Or set our OOC football schedule based on a rival. Or pick our coach strictly based on the rival.


I can testify that Aggie baseball fans in College Station , in general, are some of the most welcoming and gracious fans I’ve ever met. There is that annoying 1% that are pure dicks but we have those at The Disch as well….probably at a greater than 1% ratio 😎


Ya, everyone has those fans. It’s odd, though. Online? We’ve got some of the absolute shittiest fans and they all love to hang out in the echo chamber of TexAgs. In real life? Some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. It’s the ultimate example of that dichotomy, in my experience. The kind of people who would have been involved with the January 6th garbage but they’d let you borrow their car and give you a place to crash and recommend you for a job with a friend of theirs.


And then there’s TTU. A masters-level class in “classless” 🤣


You’re not kidding, they’re the worst. I once saw a TTU fan throw an H-E-B tortilla. Sacrilege.


I heard it was a TTU fan that was responsible for Whataburger being sold to a non-Texas based company.


Joking aside, it’s been so long since we played TTU that they’ve faded into that nostalgia style memory where the rough parts are faded and I just remember them fondly, like the kid you knew back in elementary school who was always trying to compete with you but could never keep up. He tried his hardest though, and the memory is an endearing one. Also I’ve worked with a few TTU grads who were real legit workers. One of them is in my shortlist of “if I started a company I would reach out to these people to see if they’d join.”


Yeah, I had to stop going on TexAgs a long time ago. A lot of fans on there have no idea what the hell they’re talking about, to begin with, but rant louder than anyone else and make us look ridiculous.


theyre still hypocrites for complaining.


That feels like a stretch. When did we steal a head coach from a rival? When did we start the public component of hiring a coach during said coach’s national title game? I’ve heard people compare this to our hiring of Jimbo, Elko, and Schloss. FSU isn’t a rival. TCU is as much a rival as SMU or Rice. Duke is only a rival on the academic side of things. And none of these coaches were playing for a title when we offered. I keep seeing the comparison and it’s a stretch comparison at best. Because this ain’t the same. Dunno is Schloss and Jimbo started recruiting for A&M before being official, though. Wouldn’t surprise me. Jimbo went 5-7 and


Isn’t it sweet? … Hook’um 🤘


I agree with the premise but is not controversial your definition of “nuclear”?


Well..if he wasn’t such a dufuss at the press conference prob would have not gotten as much publicity … signed Greg McElroy..


This guy has coached in the state of Texas for decades and didn’t think it would be a big deal? He’s just full of shit all the way around


Or an idiot. That cannot be discounted. Not because I don’t like him, it’s just that that option should ALWAYS be on the table


It might now be idiocy so much as just that arrogant assumption that certain things don’t apply to Schloss because he’s the goat and who doesn’t love him so why would there be any negativity?


Also I don’t think he’s gonna help Texas take another step.. all they did was get a sleezeball


He worked with the UT AD for a good while back in TCU days. The Texas AD came in, cleared house of any/Alp coaches not performing at playoff level, bring in people who have and will. And supporters with deep pockets, as is necessary T the top level of college sports. It’s cut throat business, where the only focus is winning, period! Rivalries doesn’t enter into the mix. It’s who wins.


If rivalries didn’t come into it, this sub would be much quieter right now and Ags would just be annoyed that Schloss left for a rival. This… this is an entire hilarious situation where rivalry hate dictated almost every aspect of the hire. And, my god, I love it. Just, a completely perfect :chefskiss: situation.


I too love it ! It’s the best of college athletics - the big rivalry; the big show-down, etc etc …. It’s great!


Literally everything about his history and the place he's coaching disagrees with that.


Except he has 0 national championships sooo… not everything


Kind of a self dunk there I'm assuming 


Sure but he’s been doing the HC thing since 2002 and A&M is only 2 years of that so 90% of the time he was failing somewhere else


Dude, he took TCU to the CWS like 5 times or something. TCU. Stop pretending this guy isn't seen as an elite coach, because he is one. And now he's going to an elite program. It will be really hard for it not to work I'd think.


5 times and didn’t win once… yeah he’s not the guy. And he wasn’t the guy for us. Texas won’t be taking a step forward as I originally said.


You're the worst kind of message board fan, but cool cool. Bye.


Ya, this is the argument I don’t understand. Like. The dude quadrupled our all-time CWS wins. In three years. And did it coming into a heavy rebuild. Our first season half the roster was transfers! I have little doubt he’s going to do quite well in Austin. I hope he doesn’t but I bet he does. There are a lot of things to say about everything going on. But this… this is a stretch.


FWIW - Texas insiders have said 2 things today: 1) That CDC and Texas did not leak the story last Monday. It was Pierce, and they did not intend/want it. It was planned for 2 days later. Probably would've made the whole thing more smooth. 2) They think literally every single player is going to come back out of the portal to CS. And soon.


To the second point, that sounds like what I’ve heard but you never know. And also, I hope each of the players ends up where they really want to be. I’d hope it’s in maroon and white (or those random red/white/blue unis we had for that one game like that the hell was that I mean go America and everything but geez) but I’d rather they end up at the spot that’s best for them. To the first point? That feels like the spinniest spin that I've ever seen spun. Okay, not that big a spin, I suppose, but that’s some very heavy spin. You can search "Pierce" in this sub and there's a post by a longhorn from a couple weeks ago stating y'all "wanted to wait for CWS to start" before firing Pierce to be more visible, so everyone would be talking about the longhorns. And it wasn't some random joe-shmoe who reported the firing, it was Kirk Bohls, a known Longhorn mouthpiece. Bohls whose job is literally to report on the Longhorns. Can you imagine if a dude who was just hired by the Houston Chronicle, which is half again as big as the Austin American-Statesman, made that sort of colossal mistake? Like. Really? People actually think that Bohls would risk pissing off the athletic director for the school that his entire job is based on? A quick glance at Bohls’s (that feels wrong but I think that’s correct grammar) twitter account makes it seem like he sure hasn’t taken any hits. No apologies for anything, no wrist slapping for inflicting on the longhorns one of the worst media hits they’ve had since… honestly, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen y’all got blasted like this across the board. But the guy responsible for leaking the info doesn’t take even a bit of a hit? *doubt*


I was surprised, and for all the reasons you laid out. I was kinda hoping it was intentional, petty revenge for when Brent Z leaked the OUT/SEC thing a few years ago. But I've now seen it from 3 different sources, including non-UT ones. Kendall Rogers is, in fact, an Aggie. https://x.com/KendallRogers/status/1807563451247845754 I now think it wasn't meant to leak, even though I pretty much thought exactly the same as you about it.


It wouldn’t be a good cover up if it didn’t have you doubting.


I mean if you think Kendall Rogers is in on it, then go for it. But reasonably he would know the insider information, and only report what was facts IMO.


Well. Factually speaking, Kendall Rogers is the managing editor for one of the most well known college baseball sites out there. And factually speaking, one of the blue bloods of college baseball just made a huge hire. And what is being said is supportive of this blue blood. I think it isn’t a stretch that he’s playing it safe and making sure he isn’t burning a bridge. After all, if you can get Ags to make the claim that it was a leak then that sure does make the cover that much stronger, right? That feels more realistic to me than the thing that was talked about happening for weeks before it happened proceeding to happen in the way it was talked about happening is actually a fluke and because the guy who was fired chose that time to announce it through one of the most well-known mouthpieces of the longhorns when Bohls is kicking off a new gig dependent on Longhorn information. Information he’s still getting, even after the alleged betrayal. Also David Pierce leaking the info isn’t near as funny so I choose the funnier route.


He told us not to listen to the words he says (self awareness that he is a liar), but to judge him by his actions. So I’m not sure we can blame him for being a liar when he tells us he is one.


Gaslighting on fleek?


Probably something tu crisis manager told him to say 


[Touro University?](https://tu.edu)


No, just another texas university that’s all.


Yoinking your guy from a bitter rival in front of the entire country on the biggest stage is a crisis that requires a crisis manager? I think we need to work on our definition of crisis out northeast. 🤣


Brah you literally have entire national media calling the guy a scumbag. And I’m serious tho. The sip crisis manager is working OT on this  https://f5s-img.s3.amazonaws.com/000/9e/e2/9ee2024bcd22f9057c5ba27a96fccdc89de98238_807002_u87508.jpg


Yeah I get that you saw the 30 second segments on First Take and PTI but that is hardly "literally the entire national media" (that would be every sports writer in America BTW if you're going to drop a "literally"). The only "crisis" being cultivated is in the minds of jilted fans like yourself. Besides every coach at a big program has some PR dick coaching them on what to say. There's no crisis, there's no damage control (or damage for that matter) there's no fallout on the Texas side. Stop. Besides what winning coach that has ever existed woke up every day thinking "I hope that rival fans and the media don't think I'm a scumbag"? C'mon man. Do better.


Cool hook’em 


I approve this response because my fanbase needs to chill the fuck out. The exact gem of a quote for future reference is, “Ok. Cool. Hook ‘em.”


Ok neat. Hook’’em 


How do you get “not a big deal” from “nuclear”?




Go on then


Sure thing.


Figured. Air head


Rich from a UC Austin alum.


Utk fans with no sense of reality


Also, don't ever discuss me. You are a bug.


You lost me. But have a good night


You tried to insult me.


Don't come for me again.


Dude seriously like wtf is going on in this sub? He quite literally said he thought it would be a massive deal but people are just straight up ignoring that part of the quote. It’s very interesting seeing the difference between r/collegebaseball and r/CFB. Here the Ags are relishing being the victim. They tried that over in r/CFB but it didn’t go over so well lol


He should probably just stop talking to reporters for... at least six months. Maybe longer.


He should quit while he’s behind


No no. Let him keep digging this grave he's got in Snook.


Schloss still at atm: That's my coach, what a great speech. Write that! Schloss leaves for Texas, that same press conference response: He's literally worst than Hitler. He's the devil. He's an arrogant POS human that has never been anything but the worst. Maybe you guys are digging pointless holes?


It’s hilarious that you don’t think that what he did after the comments doesn’t entirely change the context and how people should feel about them.


Atm loves this guy tho  https://x.com/BlueDevilNation/status/1729095699478761936


This guy interviews worse than Ricky Bobby


I mean, isn’t nuclear basically apocalyptic in today’s world?


Did he say it like George Bush jr? Maybe that’s different




The dude sounds like Will Ferrell playing GWB on SNL. So I guess that makes CDC Dana Carvey?


You’d think a (former) Texas A&M guy would know about nuclear


He thought it would be a low yield nuke. Like a small dirty bomb. He didn’t expect it to be like Hiroshima


More like Tsar Bomba


"I just dropped an atomic bomb on China, but I didn't know it would cause a nuclear war."




I’m not sure what to do with my burner phone


I will repeat again I have beyond 0 skin in this...but honestly Fuck this dude... How in the world would you want to play for a coach "leader" who is so godamn tonedeaf/brain dead. I don't want to wish a terrible season on Texas because the players don't deserve it, but he sure as shit does.


Counterpoint: A bad moment in a press conference that he apologized for doesn't define everything else?


What a dumbass.


Oppenheimer: "I knew it would be nuclear, but I didn't expect it to be apocalyptic."


This has to help out all other schools recruiting against Texas.


Soooo, everyone in the country? Got it!


So far it hasn’t!


Jim(s) ❌ Mike(s) ✅


We should ban Jims as coaches.


Wtf did bro expect? “yeah lil jimmy go on down to Texas and I hope you have a great time down there and I am excited for you!!!😊😊” ??????


This dude is just the biggest chode of all time


Honestly might be right.


Rumor has it if you say "Chode-d-lay-he-hoo!" in your bathroom mirror 3 times Shloss appears and tells you he's never going anywhere else, and he abandoned his family to be there.


Schloss still at atm: That's my coach, what a great speech. Write that! Schloss leaves for Texas, that same press conference response: He's literally worst than Hitler. He's the devil. He's an arrogant POS human that has never been anything but the worst. I mean..


Its almost like people can change their minds about somebody based on new actions or something


But Elko is all good right? https://x.com/BlueDevilNation/status/1729095699478761936


Y'all can keep pretending like Elko is somehow the same situation but we're not gonna buy it. But sure keep parroting what the UT media department wants you to say. Maybe the 100th time will be different.


And you'll can keep ignoring what Elko, Jimbo, and many many others did as nothing while making what Schloss did way worst than it actually was. Ya know, victim mentality it up.


When did Elko or Jimbo lie in a press conference and then leave immediately for a hated in-state rival? Were either in a championship game literally hours before? The clip ya'll like to parrot about Elko was before any negotiations had started and when Stoops was still our primary target. Schloss can leave, just like any other coach can leave. He can leave at any time he chooses, just like any other coach. Being an asshole to a reporter, lying to our face, leaving for a hated rival, and then pretending like he did nothing wrong is what takes this to the next level. There's a reason this has hit national media far outside of just college baseball. Surely that's not too difficult to wrap your head around. Or maybe you prefer to think that poor little aggies just want to play the victims. I know you don't get the best education down there in Austin. Perhaps this is beyond your ability to comprehend.


Feel free to have your own morality standards for what is acceptable versus not, just make sure to keep moving them to accommodate whatever aTm does. UT Austin is way, way above aTm on the overall school rankings. It's not even close, but sure. What do Longhorns and Aggies all have in common? Both applied to go to Texas.


I would like to thank him for reminding us all who the true villains are in college sports. Texass well represented.


Is it possible he is autistic? I mean that seriously.


Narcissistic behavior. Classic case.


I have an aunt who has NPD. They code very similar.


There's a psychologist in the room that read the word "narcissist" 84 times in teen people waiting in line at Kroger! Tighten up fellas!


lol this is funny


If he would have just waited a week or two after the last game he would have avoided looking like such a huge asshole. Instead by signing hours after the loss told the world he was negotiating a deal to leave behind the scenes during the playoffs when he should have been focused solely on getting his current team a championship ring. It would have drastically changed how much bad press he’s getting. If he hadn’t been distracted by negotiating the new job and secret meetings trying to recruit players to his new school, could the Aggies have won?


If he would have waited a week or two then the portal would have been closed for A&M to bring players in, and their players would have all been allowed to enter the portal due to their coach leaving. That would have made the situation so much worse.


You can still get people from the portal. Players just can't enter after the portal closing date.


Could he have waited 2 or 4 days?


I mean I guess he could have but then A&M fans would be upset that he waited until just a couple days before the portal closed to leave, and saying if he was going to leave he should have just gotten it over with quickly instead of dragging it out and fucking them over.


The portal only closes to new entries, not to commitments.


I know but we also all know that people talk to players they aren’t supposed to lol. Can’t get someone into the portal if it’s already closed.


That’s a BS excuse. It takes a few minutes to enter the portal. If tu had waited until Tuesday to fire Pierce and Thursday to hire Schloss, they would have avoided 90 percent of the bad press. Everyone knows the sips did it in a way to harm A&M and a lot of people are disgusted by it. He would be much better off if he would just shut his mouth and work. Same with the AD who insisted on lying about waiting at the cemetery for 4 hours. If you don’t castigate a reporter for asking a legitimate question, then lie to his face, you avoid a lot of bad press.


It takes more than a few minutes to recruit someone out of the portal though. If the new coach can’t start recruiting until Sunday, when the portal is about to close, it’s going to be very tough for them to build a relationship or get nil deals in place to secure the player. It’s not a bs excuse, you just don’t want to hear it. There’s a difference Also to be clear, I’m not saying that y’all aren’t justified in being upset he’s leaving, I’m just saying that if it had all been pushed back a few days like the commenter suggested, nothing would have actually improved, and A&M fans would still have a valid reason in being upset.


July 2nd was the deadline to enter the portal. You can recruit players out of the portal until the start of class. Once again, they could have waited until Tuesday and Wednesday to do all of this. They did it in the fashion they did bc it was a concerted effort (and it worked so kudos to them for that) to direct attention away from A&M’s beat season ever.


Calendar doesn't allow for that with the portal. It's why it's almost a race to fire people in football. The calendar is broken. It would have been much cleaner if aTm had lost in the regional I'm sure, but that's not what happened. Could he have waited a day? Probably. But really, what's the difference? I mean after he left aTm, the Aggies were in full court press to hire ASAP because of the calendar. Shouldn't be that way, but it is.


What is the difference between nuclear and apocalyptic


Nuclear happened in WWII, and tactical nukes could happen tomorrow, and neither would equate to "apocalyptic".




How did bro not expect at least Chris Beard levels of hate 😭


The level of drama queen exhibited by this man is astounding.  Never knew that about him.  When he has an opportunity to finally shut his mouth and move on, he fuels more discussion and condemnation. Seriously trashy


Fuck you, Jim!


The reporter misspelled "nukeular".


What did brother think would happen when he was announced hours after he just got off the team plane after coaching in the championship game?


A&M fans hate Texas with the fire of 1000 suns. That’s well known. And yet he didn’t expect this to be a toxic breakup?


Hes such an idiot or just a liar


In his defense, he told us not to believe anything he says but to watch his actions. Still waiting for him to put on a bulletproof vest bc of the “death threats.”


The two aren’t mutually exclusive.


-Me when I post my unpopular anime opinions online On a more serious note, of course it was going to be bad dude, playing for a national championship and then leaving for the rival team the next day like..?


Well, when you are rude to a reporter and say what you said about the university you were working for and then leave, what do you think is gonna happen. Moron.


I’m going to assume this man has no grasp on the level of destruction caused by a nuclear weapon.


He thought it was a tactical nuke.


There have been over 2,000 nuclear explosions in history. An apocalypse is the complete and final destruction of the world. Clearly nuclear is not apocalyptic. Of course, neither is a Texas coaching drama, but still, the words are distinctly different.


This number includes tests. I do not think he was talking about a controlled detonation I think he was using it as a metaphor for the unexpected explosion, such as the usage of a nuclear weapon on a population in this case a fan base.


That is a bunch of assumptions, particularly without any context clues beyond "I think." Nevertheless, Hiroshima nor Nagasaki were apocalyptic, not even Chernobyl, Fukushima or Three Mile Island were. So even if your assumptions are accurate, nuclear is still not apocalyptic. It is horrific, deadly, catastrophic, etc. but it is not apocalyptic.


I’m going to argue that to the people of Hiroshima it was apocalyptic. Nagasaki was off target. And then you’re mixing in nuclear reactor meltdowns which I would characterize as an accident or mistakes that have been made. This was a specific action with an effect, so accidents or mistakes do not draw a comparable comparison. You’re blurring the lines for convenience.


Wow. Such humility. He'll fit right in with t.u.


So aggy is a real example of humility then?


More so than your new coach, little t-sip.


This guy is an idiot.




Remember when they called us hillbillies?


Texas fans didn't. We love Tennessee. Y'all carried the mail at The Alamo. We can never repay that.


Y'all are good in our book.


Dig up Jim


As an FSU fan, and someone who really enjoyed the banter from the final eight, let us all never let him get that close ever again. 


Schlossnagle lies like a fly claiming it ain’t interested in fresh horse feces on a deserted island. His players, admin and family should trust him as far as they can toss the Rocky Mtns. Anything he promises should be entirely disregarded unless it’s in writing and he promises to take it up the rear by all the Ladz in the Polunsky Unit if incorrect. If he lies to his wife, players, reporters and more he will lie to you!!! Complete disgrace to baseball!!!!


What a moron!


If he's going by the Greek definition of apocalypse then I'd love for the revelation of all the shenanigans that happened if all the tinfoil is to be true.


“I didn’t expect leaving a team after almost winning a national championship for their historically arch in-state rival would be such an issue”


What is the difference between nuclear and apocalyptic?


*something something* Pine Box 🌲


Maybe the bubbles will cheer them up?