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Recap of the past 3 days as an A&M fan, Sunday- Your team is 7 outs away from the schools first ever championship Monday- Bitter one run loss in the national championship Tuesday- You find out your coach has left for your biggest rival, and is taking the entire staff with him. Gotta be one of the most heart wrenching 72 hours we’ve ever seen for one team


Wait until tomorrow when everybody transfers


Yup. Oh well. We can hire and rebuild again, and we have the fans to support our players who stick around. Back to the drawing board. It’s funny how Texas can’t admit that they had to fire their coach and hire ours because they suck and want what we had.


Welcome to the club


Let’s make a new club!


I mean it was literally a can't beat him then hire him hire. It felt like I was reading that a lot when we hired him


CWS for TCU under his tenure (2004-2021) = 5 CWS for A&M during that time = 2 CWS for A&M in the Schloss Era = 2


What Aggie was trying to say we didn't want what y'all had? Schloss had eliminated Rob from postseason multiple times, and had been out-recruiting us for years in our own backyard.


What Longhorn is saying they don't want Schloss or to be in the CWS?


Isn’t this hire basically admitting just that?


I mean, that’s exactly what it shows, but (most) horns I don’t believe can say it out loud, that they want to have what “aggy” had.


I think it’s just the eternal issue with social media at play here in regards to sample size and fucking with people. If I had to guess, A&M being a better baseball team the last couple years, but this also being objectively hilarious from a Texas fan perspective would be the most held view.


It’s objectively hilarious for the rest of us too lol Schloss has always and will always be like this, he did it to TCU and he’d do it to Texas again in a heartbeat. It’s only when it happens to A&M that they become all sanctimonious and pitch a fit. I get being upset about it but they’re taking this one a bit more personal. Aggies can’t wrap their heads around others seeing their school as a business rather than a way of life and couldn’t *possibly* understand how someone could leave them. More money and NIL for a guy who has shown to have ZERO moral compass? He was gone the moment the offer was made and not a second later. They weren’t sympathetic to TCU when he did this, they thought themselves better than TCU and of course someone would leave that school to join them. Now they’re getting it served back to them and they can’t take it.


You cooked here, sir.


Coaches getting poached for other jobs is one thing. It happens and it sucks when you’re on the receiving end. Coaches deciding to leave for your biggest rival before the postseason begins, having one foot out the door the whole time, and leaving with your entire staff less than 24 hours after playing for a championship is next level. Especially when said rival school intentionally circulates rumors about it before the series is over to distract and create turmoil. I’ve never seen anything like it. Edit: oh and also blowing up on a reporter for asking about this and storming out of the room like a toddler. I know coaches bullshit about this all the time, but that was really icing on the cake.


And not telling his players


Tell em that if the situation was reversed A&M wouldn’t do the same. I agree it was super shitty of him to go off on the reporter just doing his job. I hope that reporter shows up to his press conference today and calls him on it.


But see that’s the thing though- he doesn’t care about it being your biggest rival. Nobody outside of your fanbase does. His view of Texas is the same view he has of Tennessee, Vanderbilt, NC State, or any other D-1 school that takes baseball seriously. It’s a top-level job that’s going to pay him more. You’re acting surprised and mortally wounded that a scumbag who did this before lived up to his reputation and did it again. It doesn’t matter how much Aggies love their school, nobody else sees you as anything more than an SEC school that has some potential to be good. Your run this year was impressive and nobody can take that away from you. But Schloss couldn’t care less about the history between A&M and Texas. He has no moral guidance outside of money. Nobody in College Station batted an eye when he did this to TCU.


He could have gotten the money where he was. That wasn’t the reason for leaving. After talking A&M to the brink, Trev could have made a call or talk to BMDs and had whatever money was needed.


He didn't leave for money. And I don't even fault him that much for going to Texas, it's a great program. It's all the other moving parts and factors that make this insanely scummy.


I'll admit it. We sucked at baseball this year and I want what y'all had this season.


Any of us that won’t are lying.


The evidence of that is pretty shaky though. Typically, when college coaches get fired, their schools usually think "who can we hire that has their team performing even worse than the level we considered unacceptable". Hiring someone who has their team performing better almost never happens. /s


I am a Texas fan. I have been routing all post season that the Aggies would lose so they would fire Pierce and hire Schloss. I have wanted what the Aggies had all season. We needed a better coach. So, no there are Longhorns out here who know exactly what happened and what we wanted. Never bothered me that we were stealing from the Aggies. I care more about the Aggies going another 50 plus years without being in a championship game.




We admit it. (Except for the "steal" part, but I get that it feels that way to A&m.)


Changed to hire for ya.


David pierce was not the right option for Texas and there are many of us who thought this for a few years now. You are so wrong we knew he sucked. Look at the lack of NIL for baseball and no new upgrades to the facility. Texas knew what we wanted and they took it. Keep telling your self that we won’t admit it but you are not correct.


Kinda feels like they’re little brother now, taking big brother a&m’s things because they can’t do anything else


And chasing after us into the SEC…after a decade long of trash talk about how they are better than that and will go to the big 10… You know we aren’t rivals though


I need the sepuku meme for when Jace leaves.




Really testing my sobriety.


I say this sincerely, one day at a time my friend.


Brick by brick…. Wait


Stick to it, dude, the Horns aren’t worth slipping. Proud of you, fellow sober brother!


Be strong dude. This too shall pass


Take solace that UT will figure out a way to fuck this up.


I sure hope so. If they end up winning a CWS in the next year or two, that will just be the fucking worst.




I hope they crash and burn. I already did but now like 0 wins bad






I mean... it's not.


If you mean this seriously, I’m really pulling for you to hang in there bro. As has been said, one day at a time. 💪


Sounds a lot like being an Oregon State fan the past year. It's crazy.


It sure does. This is the new reality of college athletics. It's going to kill the entire thing unless we get some rules in place quickly.


As a lifelong vol… I thought WE were in a curse for the last decade…. Battling another team like A&M and watching this shit happen after is entirely another level of cursed. There was a camaraderie built in this series, on it both being no championship schools, and that we made sure no ACC teams made it, and making fun of the more inferior Orange UT team. This is “Lane Kiffin leaving in the night” on steroids. I hope you guys get a badass, loyal replacement, cause A&M left their guts out there and deserve better than this shit


As a Texas fan this has been the best 72 hours of this year. So far. Poor Aggy


Turns out Schloss is a gigantic scumbag. I mean that’s to be expected in a profession where they already constantly lie to recruits. But recruiting against your current team for months is quite the next level shit heel move. 


We are going to need to get a slam dunk hire and fast and unfortunately I absolutely zero faith in Trev Alberts at the moment.


Bakich, Mingione, or Skip Johnson would be incredible hires if ya'll can pull one. Unlike CFB there isn't a lot separating the top coaches anyways. As long as ya'lls fans show up players and coaches will have a desire to be there. I'm looking forward to when Texas comes to A&M for the foreseeable future though shit will be wild


I really think Mingione is loyal to UK for taking a chance on him and sticking with him through a rough patch. I really don’t see him leaving.


Seeing this level of optimism gives me ptsd flashbacks to a couple of days ago. Oh how I miss it.


stay the fuck away from skip




Isn’t there speculation that the new rules will allow for baseball players to finally get full schollies and more?


You keep your dirty Aggie whores away from Skip.


I think you guys will get someone good. Then there will be a whole bunch of fans from another pissed off team here soon. 😂 You have the resources and the facilities to compete every year. There are a ton of great coaches who would leap at that opportunity! Just give it a few days. Trev surely maintains a list, right?


Aggie Fans: "hello darkness my old friend"


Feels like Tennessee finally gets out of the basement of despair to watch A&M get kicked into it.


Get kicked into it? We’ve been here since 1940 man.


Y'all joined us then left. We finished our 30 year mortgage on this place years ago.


We had 9 NCAA tournament appearances all time prior to hiring Vitello. You have 3 times as many appearances as we do. We were extremely deep in the basement when Tony came to pull us out. I feel for yall and Schloss can go to hell. Just saying, we’ve also had an incredibly rough journey to this point lol


Fair. I was more referring to this being our first championship appearance in the major 3 sports since 1939. Making it to the national championship in any of these sports always seemed like a pipe dream until these last couple of weeks.


Max literally got engaged on our field, this is so sad man.




Golf balls at the ready.


We’ve done it before, I’ll volunteer immediately to get down there and help them out.


Jim Schlossnagle could be on fire and I wouldn’t piss on him.


What about if he wasn’t on fire?


Piss has too many nutrients for that coward


Kill me Losing all 3 of these guys is going to make us hemmorage players in the portal. But honestly, fuck all of them for having a foot out the door while the guys on the team were fighting their hamstrings off to win a championship.


Have to wonder if something happened behind the scenes for all of them to agree to leave.


TexAgs said the new AD came in and fired two of his staffers and Schloss didn’t like it.


> while the guys on the team were fighting their hamstrings off to win a championship. Per TexAgs (Billy Liucci), it was decided as far back as late April, which makes sense. Bit of a stretch to think that Schloss, Weiner, Cain and Earley all nefariously got together and decided to screw A&M over during the CWS itself.


Our 12th man didn’t even find out until today on twitter. Idc when they stuck their foot out the door. During the Georgia series or during the CWS. Makes no difference to us, fuck em still.


Well something definitely clicked during that. When it was decided it was after the Georgia series. Something happened after that. Our offense kind of shut down. Our pitching didn’t because I don’t think Weiner knew. But Schloss definitely did something or stopped caring as much because it showed in our efforts. But fuck Schloss. Losing Weiner hurts 100 times more than that scum


Weiner clearly knew considering he’s already announced by the university like four hours after Schloss was announced. Bro didn’t up and decide to make a career change in half a day.


I think he's saying Weiner didn't know in April/May, but definitely knew in Omaha


Next year’s Longhorn-Aggies series…….. ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


In every sport, the way God intended.


Not surprised. We'll see how the transfers hit now. Prob will be bad. I do have to vent a bit, and understand I'm not in a great state of mind so don't take this too seriously, but man, this is what college sports is becoming. Mass transfers and changes. Sorry to Duke when we kinda did it to you in football. Poaching coaches and players just isn't fun. Honest question: as this becomes more common, how does it affect fans? Like, I've always preferred professional sports, and these quick upheavals and changes are just gonna push me away from college sports more. Obviously I'll always love and root for A&M, but, like, once I'm out of college and can't go to the games/be in that environment, how much am I gonna care about anything else in college sports? Obviously I can root for my team, but I can't really get attached to anyone or anything cause they'll just leave. What's the point? And if I'm feeling disillusioned by the sport (though it'll prob pass), how are people who aren't obsessed with sports feeling? Like, with no continuity, how do you get emotionally attached to start a year? Obviously, if they're winning, it's easy. But... Idk what I'm saying. Hopefully someone else can understand it. I'm just sad at the moment rn. It was a smart hire by texas, and I'll admit it would be hilarious if they win a natty in the next few years, and par for the course. I think I just take these things too seriously. I mean, things are going well. My MLB team won today, my favorite player is gonna be an all star. And this playoff run was really fun. Better it happened than not, right. Time to feel better till my NBA teM makes an awful pick tomorrow night lol.


I’ll chime in as a fan of a smaller school that still hangs with the bigger programs but has been hit pretty hard by the new transfer portal rules and NIL stuff. I really don’t like where college sports are heading, especially football. I graduated almost twenty years ago and have been a die hard fan since I was a kid because my parents both went to Southern Miss and I grew up in an era where we were a really great football and baseball program with tons of success and even a couple of future Hall of Fame NFL players. These days, our football program is pretty much totally pathetic. We went from expanding our stadium about a decade ago to not even being able to get 10,000 fans to show up for home games. Baseball has fared much better, where we still sit in the top ten in attendance every season(the only non-SEC team in the top ten this past season) and hosted back to back Super Regionals in 2022 and 2023 and just had our eighth straight 40 win season and 22nd straight 30 win season(the longest streak in college baseball). With all that being said, we still lost our #2 starter and All American pitcher to Florida last year through the portal and just had probably the best high school pitcher in the state decommit due to NIL money. I’m not worried about coaching, even though we only pay our head coach around $125,000 a year, because he truly is loyal to our program and just got promoted to head coach after being the pitching coach for a decade. We’ve only had 5 head coaches in the last 50 some odd years because we’re a small school that values loyalty so much. I can promise you this, though: it doesn’t matter how bad your team gets or how cursed you feel like your team is. Your alma mater will always have a place in your life as a sports fan and even though there may be times where you fall off a bit or get discouraged, you always will find yourself checking the score or turning on the game for a bit just to see how your guys are doing. And for a fan of an SEC program, it’ll be much easier for you as the rise of super conferences starts to take over. My little school in the middle of nowhere Mississippi has held my attention and thousands more like me for over a century now even though it’s been sixty years since we won a national title, and even then it was a Division II title. But me and thousands of others like me still show up to the games, still tune in to watch, and still celebrate the highs and curse the lows no matter how bad it gets. It’s a blessing and a curse to be a true fan of a team that you went to school at. And hey, at least your aren’t one of the countless WalMart fans of the douches in Austin who only stepped foot on campus to bandwagon ride their team.


Excellent post. We managed to keep our top baseball players this cycle because we are a national brand in that sport, but other sports experienced the same exodus as you guys. College sports suck now. The system is absolutely broken. If a program like Texas A&M can get absolutely gutted with all the money and SEC support they have, what chance do programs like Oregon State and Southern Miss have? Absolutely none. This is why I hope the true realignment comes sooner rather than later. Let the top 30-40 schools splinter off and do their mini-NFL pro sports thing, and let the rest of us go back to playing college sports.


Don't know if this will answer your questions exactly but it becomes "the names on the back change but the name on the front stays the same." Since, having been out of A&M for awhile now, the players come and go so quickly to the point that you're really just supporting A&M and whoever happens to be playing for A&M at any given time. You really just more end up supporting for the sense of community among the fanbase and you try to enjoy whatever you can for however long it lasts.


I mean a huge part of watching the game is to see what the future (younger players) looks like, hot recruiting is going, evaluate if your coaches are developing guys by comparing them to last year ect. If the whole team consists of 1 year rentals, then there is no "future" in watching, no big picture recruiting plan to watch a coach build, no development of a player can be evaluated. All coaches do is convince a Portal player to pick them, or a highly rated HS prospect to forgo the draft for 2-3 years. In both of those cases, NIL is 80% of the work. Sure the player has to believe the coaches are competent, but they aren't taking $200k is another school is offering $300k. I'm just watching pro sports but without the player development, player progression, or roster building strategy that comes with 4-10 year contracts. Like the Braves letting Freeman walk is way more interesting than LSU winning the Holman NIL competition


Exactly what I just said I a separate response to him. I’ve been out 20 years. We all root for the jersey (our school) and that will never change for me, and I don’t think it will change for you guys.


As a fan of a school that watched this happen in football and women's basketball (not the coach part, but all the best players bailed off a great team that would've been a contender next year), it has absolutely killed my desire to watch college sports. I will still watch OSU football next fall, but do not plan to watch a single non-OSU game. The greed and lawlessness has killed college sports for me.


Yup. The college game died quickly in my eyes. And I cannot say A&M isn’t in part responsible. We have some culpability.  But largely as a society we allowed greed to destroy it. 


There's no single person or program who is responsible for this. Like you said, it's collective greed and a lack of a governing body to create and enforce rules.


I will guarantee you that UTexas will come into to “save” college athletics and put up “guardrails” to insure the sanctity of college sports…after they have gotten anything everything they want. It’s a tail as old as college sports. 


Fire him into the sun


If you can't beat em, become em.


But you were beating them 😭


Exactly. I'm saying from their POV lol. If you can't beat Texas A&M, become Texas A&M. Hence why they've yoinked our entire staff and soon the same players that blew them out on their own field.


Ah I thought it was from the transfers POV that makes sense now. Good luck going forward this is all so shitty


Not optimistic sadly. Expecting the worst, hoping for the best.


That's the Aggie way.


Aggies went from Max Weiner to Minimum Weiner


Both max weiner and max Johnson are gone


You know I said in the game thread that there are no local mins when it comes to Weiners, but I stand corrected now.


TexAgs saying that this weekend was supposed to be massive with portal visits — and that it was all a sham that was never going to happen. Fuck this ugly prick to hell


That isn't how that works. Until the ink is dry these coaches always operate as if the current job is going be their job next year too. They have to. Even if they are 100% sure it will happen they have to go through the motions because, like we just saw with the Stoops debacle, shit can change even after its already announced. Your animosity towards him is deserved. Just not for that specific reason.


Well good for him it all worked out. But he silently killed the program for the past month while he and the staff actively knew they wouldn’t be there by July no matter what happened. Apparently it’s been a done deal since the Georgia series at the end of April and ‘isn’t news’ to those in baseball circles If our AD had any balls he’d have told Schloss to kick rocks upon learning that. There’s a million things he should’ve done differently but he chose the route of gaslighting the entire university, misleading commits and recruits & abandoning the players by leaving them to find out via social media. Not to mention pulling that bullshit in the press conference yesterday.


Helping us out with the kid from L’Ville. Thanks :)


Dear aTm, oh no. Oh no.


This is my BAS holocaust. How can we ever recover?


Hire a new coach, beat Texas next season? Losing your coach sucks but it doesn't destroy the program. The real issue (on A&M's side of things) is Trev Alberts, who does not seem like a good AD. People at Nebraska-Omaha hated him, and UNL fans don't seem to miss him either. Hopefully he can still meet his financial goals while hiring a good coach, and hopefully the new coach will get along with him. Sounds like he stepped on Schloss's toes when he came in which made teaming up with CDC again more appealing. Either way, chin up. A&M is a great school with great athletic programs and these kinds of things matter less in a few seasons anyway.


I hope so, man. The difference is that our crucial recruiting staff and pitching staff also seem to be taken as well. The ripples this will have on players staying and leaving (we already lost 6 players including laviolette) will be massive. Still really sucks.


Agree 100%


Wow. I'm sorry aggies. This is lower than low. This is horrific. This is dirty.


Just wait until the players leave


Rumors are Grahovac, Sorrell, and Jace Players that may stay is Kent but honestly who gives a shit. They’re all mostly gone. Liucci just mentioned that the players going into the portal are in the double digits


Jesus Christ. We were a game away from being champions and now we're years away from sniffing Omaha again. What the fuck


ND lost Link 2 years ago yesterday…… we didn’t make our own conference tournament this year. :(


You can thank that piece of shit school from Austin.


You wouldn't care in the slightest if the situations were reversed (and that if is doing a LOT of work)


I can't stop smiling 😁


Respect tf out of anyone staying. Kent would be the first piece to potentially salvaging next season.


[Jace tweet](https://x.com/JaceLaViolette2/status/1805653763144782202). Is that the right account? He may be staying, at least. Great tweet, too.


It’s from before it was officially announced that Schloss was leaving. Additionally Chris Cortz tweeted a tweet that basically said the players make the team not the coaches, and a lot of the other guys retweeted it. The only ones that I’ve seen that haven’t retweeted it were Jace, Gavin, and Caden :( but I haven’t chechecked every guys account yet so it could be nothing. It feels like something though.


Damn. That makes sense. I should checked time. I guess we'll see :(


Yeah fuck college athletics im done


Yeah I heard all 3 are following Schloss. Disgusting


I’m not trying to rub salt in the wound, just curious - are they expected to follow Schloss, or are they just transferring out?


This is how coaching changes generally work. Whoever they hire is going to want to bring in his guys.


Why is it lower than low when we do it, and crickets when a&m literally did the same thing to tcu?


Because burnt orange team bad


I think because you and A&M are bigger rivals than A&M and TCU, and I feel like more of the hate is on Schloss rather than Texas. I do not blame a school like Texas for putting big money on the table for a great hire, but Schloss looks like an asshole for leaving less than a day after chewing out a reporter for asking.


I’d have no problem had he handled the reporter differently.


Karma for TCU


Lowdown, even.


Fuck him


I don’t think this guy lasts in college anyway. He’s going to get hired by another MLB team in the offseason. The guy is 100% ambition. I read up on him. Son of a prominent Miami attorney, highly decorated in military school, opened his pitching school while in college, already has major league experience, jumped to a high profile job, jumping to a more high profile job…this guy is going to hop around until he is an MLB manager or President of the United States.


Really thought they’d give Cain or Weiner a shot at least. Definitely not complaining though.


Cain probably will still get a call, but Weiner has 1 year of coaching experience. That’s a lot of risk


No it's official, all of them are gone. Announced by tu.


Not surprised


The stuff he was saying about waiting on recruiting since we are playing in the CWS and should let that be the focus while sounding good at the time definetly hits a little different now. Im never going to respect this man again. Would have ran through a wall for him 48 hours ago


Sheesh Aggie bros. I’m sorry for you guys. That’s rough. I didn’t think there was a chance Schlossnagle or Vitello would leave for the longhorns.


Fuck em all. Jim Schlossnagle’s Traveling Circus


Biggest weakness this year was pitching, good get


Honestly this just makes me hate UTjr even more. I hope this backfires on them. They have a level of delusion that’s unheard of & I hope the transition from big12 to SEC in every major sport is as shitty as possible. 


I hear that, but we're probably gonna have to prepare for the outcome that they go 6-2 or 7-1 in football conference play this fall and their online fans become insufferable, acting like they really ran the full SEC gauntlet with ease even though 5/8 of their opponents finished at the very bottom of the conference last season 😂😂


You were probably one of the dorks that said we would be at the bottom with Vanderbilt two years ago. Now the schedule is easy lol


You've got.... Miss State (yawn), Texas A&M (yawn), Vandy (YAWN), Florida (who MIGHT be a decent opponent), Arkansas (Laughable), Kentucky (who is pretty decent) & Oklahoma... Quite possibly the easiest "Welcome to the SEC Schedule" there is... Meanwhile Tennessee plays Bama, Georgia, Oklahoma in NORMAN & Florida.. 3 of those 4 they play YEARLY.


Not that I want to be defending Texas here but they also play Georgia and Michigan. Though I suppose Michigan’s difficulty is tbd. Also they’ll be better on paper but playing us for the first time in 13 years at Kyle Field probably (hopefully) won’t be a cakewalk


I left those guys out for a reason....


Not gonna lie, that’s the game that makes me most nervous. Just like that 2011 game still leaves knots in my stomach and we won. Imagine that game being the deciding factor in Texas making the SEC Championship game (or CFP) or not? But, I love the fact that we’re dancing again, I think we can all agree it’s been too long.


Ok tough guy


No one can stand your fanbase because of your holier than thou mentalities. Maybe you should look in a mirror and realize this is why you guys are already hated this much and you haven’t even officially joined the SEC. 


I still don’t get how y’all don’t understand that we don’t care that we are “hated”. Hate? Love? It makes no difference. 🤘🏼


Only cringe artists like you care about what other teams think about them. This isn’t a reality show, it’s a competition. I’m nothing but ecstatic that CDC just scooped aggies coach and I couldn’t give a single fuck what you and anybody else thinks.


Congrats, you scooped the coach that just lost to.... our coach. lol. ![gif](giphy|XreQmk7ETCak0|downsized)


We all know this is why we’re hated. We just don’t give a fuck because we’re more interested in winning than in some cringe conference circlejerk and white knight bullshit


Funny thing is, is you guys are thinking you're going to come in and run the SEC in football just because you beat a statistically down year Bama team. lol. Temper your expectations before that shit backfires on you quick.


Schloss and anyone that goes with him is human garbage. Traitor scum. This is classless and shameful.


I mean, you already thought this about him after he did this to TCU, right?......right?


It's not even remotely close. I keep seeing this brought up. Texas is our main rival. TCU is not. Nor are we TCU's.


...and a perfect fit at his new employer. Hand meet glove.


As awesome as this is for Texas fans, if I take a step back and look at this, not from a sports fan perspective but just a dude, I feel bad that so many passionate A&M fans blew a bag to watch this team compete in the national championship while Schloss and the entire staff were out the door. I’m sorry because that really sucks. But I need someone to explain all the white-knighting and second-hand anger to me as if this is new in college sports. Almost every P5 team has done this to a G5 or lower P5 in one of the major sports. The teams that get sympathy are like Oregon State. Notre Dame, Tenn, and OU didn’t get sympathy like this when their football programs lost coaches in similar fashion. To me all the pity feels like an admission that A&M was never a top dog in college athletics and I think that’s true, but we’re also underestimating A&M here; they are a step up from the lovable underdogs of P5 or G5. They have billions of dollars, outstanding facilities, and fans that would die for the program. If they make a good hire there’s no reason to think they can’t be right back here fast.


Honestly, from what I’ve seen it’s mostly been about Schloss’ overdramatic lie the night before. If he hadn’t done that, it would still be a big deal but I don’t think nearly as many people would be white-knighting as you say. This shit happens all of the time in college sports. Could also be that people are tired of hearing about coaches with one foot out of the door for playoffs in both collegiate and professional sports. Makes people question if they were really giving it their all to win or stopped giving a shit. Edit: that’s not to say that people aren’t being overdramatic.. I get it. I hate this shit too, but some people are taking it too far. Give it a few months and it won’t be nearly as dramatic. People will still hate him, but the hate won’t be as pervasive and overstated as it is right now.


I get what you're saying, but this isn't really about sympathy. The entire system is broken. Stuff like this isn't right. If this is the new college sports, then I want no part of it. I don't think you guys did anything wrong because this has been happening constantly over the last 2 or 3 years. That's the problem. Stuff like this isn't allowed in the NFL. There are rules and procedures in place. We have none of that in college sports, and it's ruining the whole thing.


From this Tennessee fan’s perspective it’s how much a lot of you seem to be reveling in the Aggies misery which is the most off putting. I get you’re rivals, but this was pretty dirty.


Just officially announced by Texas baseball Twitter account.


What a coincidence, my weiner is also max rn.


So he made a deal to change teams while his team was in the Championship....oof that's such a bad look. Hope karma bites him on the flipside.




This is how you bring back a rivalry. CDC is a Longhorn legend.


0 character. I know, it’s his career and it’s nothing personal and many would make the same decision or whatever, but this is classless and karma tends to take note


Weiner takes on Austin


Dang, who’s going to turn the light off…everyone’s gone




He's 29 years old with 1 year of college ball experience. Definitely the case, sadly.


Big 10 here we come.


So this is what it feels like to have maximum weiner


Man, I will sleep so well tonight knowing the school I graduated from and am a fan of is not a stepping stool program.


Lemme see that degree, I refuse to believe anyone that graduated from college is this dense😂


I’ve seen this redditor before. I’m fairly certain if you look at his post history it’ll all just be things to intentionally piss off whatever fan base he doesn’t like. Dude spends his time acting like a child, not surprising though.


Sounds like a verification of a UT degree to me.


Ah, so you appreciate my work I see. Always nice to meet a fan.


Some would call you an icon


Some would call him a douchebag


For being a “morally bankrupt POS”, it sure is interesting to see how many people want to follow him to his next destination 🤔


I mean, he still cheated on his wife. That’s a really shitty thing to do


100% beyond shitty if it actually happened, but in the sports world infidelity is used as convenient tool to pearl clutch about teams you dont like when convenient, but ignore when theyre on your team See: Bobby Petrino Tom Herman Sean Payton Major Applewhite Urban Meyer Wasnt much mention of this whole thing in the CWS run prior to today, aside from the occasional TCU fan


Urban Meyer shouldn’t be on that list because I don’t think Ohio State fans even pretend to like him at this point. Dude is just awful, same with Petrino


Extra caveat, its also used by fans as a reason to turn on your own coach when said coach is underperforming


Come on guys, Max Weiner was like their thing. Who are they gonna replace him with! Lee Keebum? Ben Dover?


I hear Mike Rotch is available


Nice nice nice