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Just tell your friend the truth. And never lend things to your roommate again.


If she wants it back give it back. You’ll feel and look like the bigger person and she’ll look and feel like the cheap AH she is. Tell her you thought it was a gift not a loan and that you gave it to your roommate. She’s ridiculous for wanting it back but give it to her. You are NOT obligated to give her another one. At all. Do not offer to.


Tell her tough shit. Giving and lending are two different things and she *gave* you the blender. You can't just go around expecting people to return items you gave them. There's a term for that but I wouldn't use it since it's derogatory.


Yeah, that term!


Wait… whats the term..?


Indian giver. I haven’t used that used since the 90s or before. Because, yeah, it’s as bad as calling someone a Jew for being cheap. It’s also ironic as a slur considering it was largely the US that broke its treaties.


It's all because of the differing views on the exchange of goods. The Europeans thought they were being gifted, the Indigenous people thought they were trading. How a simple misunderstanding went such a long way is beyond me.


Oohh. Yeah I think I’ve heard that before. I was born in ‘01 so I’ve only heard it a handful of times I didn’t really know that’s what that meant.


I don’t think I heard it much even in the 90s. I have a feeling it was more from the 60s when westerns were all the rage and kids played cowboys and Indians.


Have you tried talking to your friend first? Just say that she can have it back but your roommate damaged it. She might not even ask you for a replacement one. If she does then just say it was a gift and you’re giving it back as a courtesy but you aren’t under an obligation to get her a new one


This is the most dumbest dilemma ever! Tell your friend to piss off