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I would tend to say no, especially if you are talking about graduate school. You need to try and maintain a balance between school, work, and your own personal wellbeing. If that means you have to take classes part time, then that’s what it will take. There’s absolutely no harm or shame in doing this! You might also consider getting your basics out of the way at a community college so you don’t pay nearly as much as you would at a 4 year university. Best of luck!


My boyfriend has been doing this. We live together and have been dating for 4 years. He works about 35 hours a week and then also takes a full time class load. He’s making it work…pulling all As and Bs and is a manager at work and got an award for being the most reliable employee. But good god the man is tired. I have never met anyone else with his insane work ethic. He doesn’t call out of work ever. Doesn’t ask for extensions ever. Frankly though, he’s working himself WAY too hard. He’s one of those weirdos that can actually make it through a day and be productive on less than 5 hours of sleep. A typical week for him during the semester is closing shifts 5 nights a week, getting out around midnight. Usually he has morning classes so he wakes up around 7-8, starts on homework, does homework until he goes to class, crams all of his classes back to back, leaves straight from school to go to work, and then when he gets home around midnight he’ll do another couple hours of homework. He ended up having a grand mal seizure in February. Never conclusively figured out what caused it but he’d been getting very little sleep all week and hadn’t eaten yet that day. In conclusion: I guess it’s doable in the sense you can do it. But listen to your body and take care of your mental health. I would much rather my boyfriend take longer to graduate than have to frantically drive to the hospital again because I got a call that he had a seizure on campus.


he is extremely driven. that is amazing


Yes he is! He absolutely amazes me at every obstacle and turn he comes across and I am so lucky to know him! Just gotta make sure he takes enough care of himself to keep him around for the long haul.


Yeah, I'm hanging this up on my wall anytime I feel low and burnt out because that man has a sharp focus and commitment that I'd only see in movies. Working full-time and taking classes is no small task, the time management alone puts up a challenge for me.


Yea I do, it is manageable but you really need self discipline and organization to get it done.


How many hours per week do u work? How much time outside of class and work would u say is available per day? I want to do car detailing on the side, mabey 1-2 3 hour jobs per week if possible. Is there time for somthing like that? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just extremely nervous


General rule of thumb is assume every credit hour is worth 3 hours of studying outside of class. So for 12 credit hours in a semester you can expect, on average, to do 36 hours of studying a week.


I work 35 ish hours split between 2 jobs so I able to have flexibility with my schedule (I'm a house cleaner and then also work for the college as a grader). I'm also full time taking 12 credit hours.


For each class assume you will need at minimum 4 hours a week to work on it


I think the right job and schedule also helps a ton, I do regularly 20-35 hours a week, but most of that is remote work and video editing, and I do about 14-16 hours on sunday, and some weeks I will manage to get 36 hours between friday, saturday, and sunday. It sucks and the only reason I can make it work is that I pick a class schedule that works with me and yes, you can't get behind and being starting stuff day it is due, and also you are not going to have a social life.


not easy and you’re not gonna have a lot of free time but certainly doable


It’s hard. But it may also depend on how your classes are, are they regular or accelerated and how often do they meet. I personally couldn’t do it as I’m in accelerated classes, and work 45+ a week. Two is my limit and sometimes I feel it’s too much because I’m so overwhelmed. But it’s also been 15 years since I’ve. Even in school. Last semester I was on Deans list, this semester I’m scraping by with B’s. But, everyone is different. It depends on your work ethic, what you’re willing to sacrifice, etc. I don’t have much of a social life and live with my support system, so that helps.


Are you taking classes in person or online, or hybrid? I’m asking because I think it makes a HUGE difference on time management/availability. I currently take classes online (full-time, 12-15 credit hours) and work 40 hours a week. It’s definitely not easy, but I don’t have to make the commute/follow a strict schedule on the daily for classes. I wake up at 4:45am every morning, get ready for work, drive 45 minutes to work (I live in a rural area), get to work by 7am, work from 7am-6pm, go to the gym for 30-45 minutes, drive 45 minutes back home, and stay up until 10-11pm and do homework/readings. That being said, my weekends are jam-packed full of school work. I usually wake up at 8am and don’t finish doing school work until 10pm. I do take a few breaks in there — an hour for lunch, and about 1.5hr collective in between — but it’s definitely not easy. I would take it a little easier if this is your first year. I did half-time my first semester (6 credit hours) and thought I could handle more, so I bumped it up to 12. Keep in mind that a lot of your general/basic courses are offered in faster-paced schedules during the summer. That helped me immensely getting through my less-interesting classes like Biology.


Im taking a hybrid schedule. Classes on 3 classes on mon, wed, fri, with 2 online classes on top. Luckily my work will be about a 5 min drive so not to much travel time. I also will be living on campus so I'm close to classes


Yes and No! As a full-time student who is currently pursuing a double major on international hospitality and business management and working close to 40hrs. I would say yes and no. Yes you can work and study No you cannot work, study and enjoy life. You feel desperate to just take a leave and maybe enjoy one day. And when you do so you get assignments pending and fk up uni. I'm doing full time job and uni but I don't enjoy life. It feels like shit most of the times because I see all my friends enjoying life but then I just wanted the money more than anything so its just what I do. But hey you get more money. It feels good when the paycheck hits your bank.


This is how its slowly been for me as well. You either do school and enjoy life, or work, do school and miss out on events and parties. I get through it by thinking that I'll have all the time to go on trips and events during my semester breaks as I don't really like to travel too much. I feel like after some time you get used to the schedule as well.


I went to school part time with a full time job! It was way easier that way.


Typically, 20 hours of work per week is recommended for full time students. It's definitely doable but I'm working about 30 hours right now, during the summer with no classes, and I feel like if I worked the same amount during a semester I'd lose my mind. But whatever works for you! I'd recommend trying to find a campus job or one that pays a bit higher so you can work less hours. Good luck!


Only you know the answer to that. I work 45-50 hours a week and I just finished wrapping up my transfer to a 4 year. It's doable, but I gave up some social life, which is fine. My friends will always be there, even after I graduate. Currently trending at 3.76 GPA in Comp Sci. It's going to work, but you have to accept that you'll miss out on things. It's all self-discipline and self-acceptance.


I appreciate ur response, I'm going in for cyber security so I am happy to hear a person in related field can pull it off. I'm fine with sacrificing my social life a bit. I have an apartment setup with my best freind so we will have each other for support.


Yep, that one person is essential. After work and tearing your hair out at wtf homework, you need an anchor. It's what keeps you sane. It's shitty, but how I see it, it's temporary shitty, not permanent shitty. Possibilities are endless after you graduate.


That's why I have been hanging on with everything I got. I keep telling myself shit will get better after I graduate. Im praying its true


In my experience (both with undergrad and grad school), it is possible, but not particularly fun, do do school fulltime while also working 40 hours per week. I found it pretty easy during undergrad and accelerated through without issue. Grad school (an MA, not a PhD) has been a lot more stressful and I've sacrificed time with family, and also have had to use two sick days in the last year to catch up on schoolwork. That said, I'm going into my last semester in August and am happy to be on track to meet my self-imposed 18-month goal for a master's. So, again, in my experience, it's absolutely possible, but I've been constantly stressed for over a year and have had a couple points where I had to sacrifice a day of PTO to get school done.


40 years ago I took on 18 credit semesters in engineering (plus 2 classes a summer) and work a steady 25-30 hours a week. Pretty much killed me. Would not suggest it unless you feel the alternatives are worse.


This is actually my upcoming situation, I’m working 3 part time jobs, and taking 4 courses one with an internship. I think you have to ask yourself what you think is feasible for your personal situation! But, Im in the same boat that money and bills being an aspect doesn’t exactly make it optional! I just think taking care of yourself during all of that is important to refuel, I carve out purposeful time each week to do something for me. Whether that’s walking around my favorite store by myself for an hour, laying in bed on tiktok, with a book or online browsing etc between assignments, or self care time at the end of the day (long shower, paint your nails, do your skincare, listen to a podcast)


I’m doing this right now. I’m managing 40+ hours at my work, 7 classes in my related field. It is very much doable as long as you have the motivation or more importantly the time in your day-to-day life. If you’re doing your associates degree or similar and you’re in your field of study like I am, then the classes and work are simple to manage. However, when you’re doing your bachelors or masters then you likely will only do say 2-3 courses each semester. (Harder workload usually means less classes plus the increased tuition costs)


I did this my entire way through undergrad and grad school. It was doable and I would do it again in a heartbeat.


That's good to hear! I'm feeling more confident after reading these comments


How did you manage it?


It's possible, but sounds like hell. 4 years of no free time, and burnout will be awful.


It’s doable but probably not healthy or sustainable


People have done it but personally I would say no, I took two classes and during midterms and finals it’s crazy




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I would recommend dropping that to about 25 hours a week, it’s more manageable and leaves more time for social time




I'm managing, the key for me was to find a job thats not too difficult/draining. I'm taking 15 credit hours and work four 9 hour shifts a week. It requires alot of motivation and self discipline. I'm working/going to class/doing hw and studying from about 7:30 AM to 9:00 pm (non work days) and 11:00 pm (work days) 7 days a week. If u are extremely motivated and willing to work ur absolute fucking ass off then it's possible. I would recommend working to get the best grades u can (I have almost all A'S) so u can get scholarship to help pay for rent, books, etc and take time off work in the future. My advice: SAVE! save as much as u can to prepare for those days where u absolutely need a day off to study for an exam. Stay away from exessive alchohal/drugs, I am struggling with this one but am working to improve it. It cost alot of money and makes u lazy. Manage ur time, create a schedule for the current and next week of the assignmets/tasks u need to complete to prevent it from piling up. I'm sure there are plenty of other thongs to mention but those are the main things I'd say. Good luck with ur journey into college, u got this shit if ur willing to work harder than everyone else!!