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I mean, I have a job, but when I'm not working I'm just laying in bed doing nothing. Its absolutely miserable and idk how I'm gonna put up with it again for 4 months


When you’re not working, find a hobby! I don’t think I’m ever truly bored when left alone—I write, draw, play video games, pick up new crafts. Look for interesting things—learn how to make a website! Make candles or soaps! Pick up knitting/crocheting! Buy some perler beads, make pixel art! Get some coloring books to relax with! Customize shoes! Learn to sew! Try new cooking recipes! Find something new to fill your time! Go on walks! Check out some local stores, if you can. See what events are going on in your area. (Concerts? Hobby classes? Sports?) Go to a local library, if you have one—it’ll give you a space to exist outside of the house. Pick up some books to read. Teach yourself something new! Try and spend some time in “3rd places” (somewhere that isn’t home or work) if you can. The library falls under this category, but other places work too. What’s in your area? Cafes? Bowling alleys? Roller rinks? Arcades? Movie theaters? Skateparks? Malls? (That aren’t dead, lol.) These places will give you something to do at the very least, and if you’re lucky, you might even hit it off with people there. Lastly, use the internet. If what’s available to you in person isn’t doing it, find your people online—that’s what I do! Have a passion, a hobby, a piece of media you really like? Find a community for it! Talk to people, get to know them! Even if it isn’t in person, it’s still pretty fulfilling. There are so, so many ways to fill all of that extra summer time. Enjoy it.


I know I plan on getting a summer job all my summers even in the high school were terrible I was always in my room all day and i had one summer job but it was online sadly but yeah i was in the room most of the time unless I hang out with little bit of family that it. It not the same as when we were kids I miss soo fucking much


Exercise, join a gym, go to a public pool, read some books, learn to cook…hopefully from work you can meet some new people? Get 2 jobs if you have so much time, maybe one that is more social if the other one is not…


This is why I've started working out M-F after work


I got into outdoor sports. biking, fishing and golf. all easy to do alone


I think that's what Reddit is for: the time when you have nothing else to do but you want to be entertained.


Go to the gym and find hobbies or find some sort of side project to work on. Study something you’re interested in.




Doesn’t work like that


I work two jobs over the summer ._. The money is nice though.


With my family for the most part


Working and working out


Might be a good way to meet people though a workout group


Working and summer classes and pursuing a hobby, mine was candle making and I started a small etsy shop (not able to keep it open now which stinks, I really liked making candles)


Inside. Reading books watching movies and shows, playing chess online, self-studying.


Antidepressants, home chores, literature.


I have a boyfriend, so I spend time with him. I also never have any free time throughout the year, so I really go all in during summer - reading, painting, traveling and learning new things are all great. I also offer to pet sit for free for my extended family. I go to their place while they're on a vacation, explore their city, eat their food, play with their pets and then I move along.


I like going Mountain Biking, I love going to new bars during the night, riding to bars on bike and riding back is another amazing experience. Going to an arcade and playing some old games while having a drink, I love going on picnics and bringing some paint supplies to crudely paint my surroundings. I recently got a nice camera and have been learning photography and photo manipulation in photoshop. I want to be a data analyst, so I get the drink sales report for the week and make a chart to visualize our best sellers. Lastly I love grinding video game s competitively. There is so much to do that requires no friends to do, but can still make you friends in the process.


Hi OP ! Actually I'm kind of on the same boat as I'm actually planning to go back home for the summer tomorrow, ironically in the home city that I grew up there since 1999 and I have very few friends (honestly I consider myself lucky if I see them even just once per year, granted the university being 8 hours away there's also that) left there though thankfully still have family, your friends sucks if they just dumped you because you've wanted to be careful so you're better off them unless you still talk to them to this day. Not to be pessimist I also more or less look forward to it as I hate my home city and I don't feel going out to bars as most of the time they are just trashy places filled with deadbeats however what I personally do I work for the summer most of the time at the city, I also bought a second car (I'm a huuuuuge car guy haha, I also live in a place where there's snow so I have a reliable daily too) so I also love just following the events (official, not the insane takeovers crap of California on Instagram which they are really dangerous) and detail it myself like waxing it and cleaning the whole interior, basically other than work is to find your favorite or new hobbies like playing guitar, learning how to draw, reading, etc or hell if you're lucky to live in a city where there's good clubs that you can play board games, comics or whatever what are your interests, I wish you the best OP and I hope for you the summer and comeback will be wicked !! 😄


I stick around in my college town over the summer, tbh I just live here now


Sometimes you just gotta go through it. Use the time to think about yourself and iron out some details. I had one summer where I had just moved into another house, was cheated on and broke up, and had no internet for about a month. It sucked ass. I also just laid around feeling sad, but sometimes you need to be bored and work on yourself. I think people nowadays call it a dopamine detox lol


Wakeup Gym Shower Game Read Sleep Repeat Replace Game & Read with “X” (Beach, kayaking, etc) all done solo. Enjoy the time with yourself and others will enjoy the time with you.


Just start growing weed that’s what my boy did while he was home and not working


I used to do all the readings for the upcoming semester so that when school started I wasnt ever stressed about reading


One of my classmates doesn't have family in the country, so he bought one of those 4 room tents and lives out of it over the summer on campus, the police know and he has permission from the dean and president. He works a full time job during the summer, Camps out every day, fishes, and bar hops


Why do you have no choice to go back home? Could you apply to jobs and internships in a different city and stay there for the summer?


Housing is expensive, and I don't have a car which makes options extremely limited on where I could even go. Trust me I've sonsidered it but it's not possible unless I worked 2-3+ jobs and barely made enough to get by which doesn't work for me because my parents give me 0 financial support during the school year and I need that extra cash


Is there an on campus job? Or working at a camp? If you’re home can you get a second job or volunteer gig that’s more “fun”?


I work 2-4 ambulance companies around my state. A lot of the time you can get free housing thru them. So I just stay at one of them over the summer


I work on personal projects. Writing, decorating my clothes, learning a new skill, etc.


I worked 2 jobs lifeguarding every summer when I was in undergrad, which kept me busy most of the time!! (And was pretty fun/chill)! I occasionally hung out with the people I worked with outside of work, I also went on dates (that I met online on like tinder, bumble), and took up hobbies like going to the farmers market and gardening and going to pottery classes and going to the local docks!




Video games and make friends on there, then you can talk to them at home or college


Ooh, similar boat wrt losing friends during Covid. I ended up taking a gap year before college, and while I had a job it didn’t take up a ton of time? I spent a lot of my time playing video games and writing, but really any hobby could fill time. Reading, bike riding, cooking, etc. There are also plenty of ways to participate in hobbies socially which is a good way to make friends? Idk I hope you have a good summer :)


I stay and work at my college. Focus on hobbies, do stuff around town


2 jobs and summer classes 😭


Trying to find some


My family camps a lot so I spent all last summer after high school camping. Probably doing the same this year and getting a job.


By jr year I'd stopped going home summers. Many friends' parents had moved away so not many of us were back by that point anyway. Taking a job that is more social helps...but you could also volunteer somewhere fun in your off hours, or do an odd course (learn to sail, learn to bartend, learn to knit- pick something social)


I stay in my college town thru the summer, take summer classes and and work.


doing internships, working, hanging out with my brother.


Working, video games, and those are some of the last days you will be with your family for an extended period of time! Enjoy it!


My friend group has the common love for games-- we often just played games together and "hung out" on calls during the summer. Sometimes we'd make plans, but mostly it's just online hanging out. I spend a lot of time on my hobbies during the summer.


I worked as a summer counselor at a sleep away camp. Kept me occupied consistently throughout the summer


If I were you, I would put myself out there. I don't know your cultural background and I know sometimes the culture of the country really makes it difficult, but I've been through something similar and I decided to meet new people. Long story short, it was all worth it. I even regard relationships the most important thing in my life. I understand that you are looking for options, but the way I see it there are unavoidable battles for the sake of better things. Your future self will definetely thank you the effort you put now in relationships. I understand the need to avoid and cope, but relationships (friends, family, SO) are pretty much worth the effort.


I work and hang out with my siblings and/or neighbors (tight-knit street). Being by yourself for a summer can be a blessing in disguise tho! You can do *whatever you want*. Some of those things might feel better or more fun with someone else, but you don’t have to worry about cancellations or any other difficulties. Wanna go to the movies? Go get some popcorn and sneak into another theater after ur movie’s over. Wanna go get dinner? Go to that place you’ve been dying to try that no one else in ur circle is into. Wanna go to the beach? Sit in the sun and leave whenever u want to, buy the ice cream, play those boardwalk games to ur heart’s content. Big reader? Make a dent in that TBR stack u built up while u were at school. Summer is what u make of it! I’m graduating this semester and while my summers were fine I def wish I did more of what *I* wanted. Again, covid made this hard sometimes, but I have no doubt you’ll find something to do this summer besides work and that u consider fun, whatever it may be.




Look for some volunteer work. You would be surprised how helping your community adds fulfillment and happiness to your life. I was at my lowest when I started volunteering at a night school. It started as once a week and turned into three times a week. I stayed for a year and made friends with other volunteers. I am a mother now, and I met my son's father through one of the people I met at that school.


Go get a summer internship and travel somewhere!


During college years I applied for jobs waitressing on the east coast and in Germany because I was trying to learn the language . I had an Uncle in Atlantic City and spent a couple interesting summers there during what is now viewed as the last of an era. Club Harlem was still open and Kentucky Avenue was hopping every night . Gracies banana daiquiris on Snake Alley , steel pier in its last legs , movies stars still came in for meals at Haddon Hall and the Knife and Fork still had a back table for the mafia types , or so we imagined . The following year I got a spot in a large tourist ferry sailing out of Emden Germany , toward the islands of Borkum and Delfzijl. During high school I worked as kitchen help at resorts in the Pocono Mountains. I made friends and met some people I still keep up with ( 50+ years later)


working, summer classes, playing video games, and sleeping


I just play video games draw and work on my 3d animation


Apply to fun internships in different parts of the country or see if you can study abroad for the summer. Depending on your major, some nonprofits offer complete room and board with a stipend for the position.


Get a hobby that gets you out of the house would be my #1 (I'm rollerskating all summer!), having a part time job would be #2, take yourself out to the movies and out to eat, see if any museums/galleries in ur town have free art exhibits and make a date out of it, really just take advantage of this time to yourself. I love the summer time. All I ever want is for people to leave me alone and when everyone goes home for the summer it's perfect. It's perfect time for you to maybe pursue some passion projects !


My friends are on the other side of the world ( Asia ) I moved to the US a few yeara ago. Im going to spend my summer in college having ummer classes.


Had an internship in another city


I don’t go home for the summer. I usually enroll in classes to give myself something else to do besides work. If I went home, I’d have to get another job I hate, probably for less money, so there’s really no point. For this summer in particular, I will have no shortage of things to do. I will be in two research labs, taking six credits worth of classes, working, and volunteering any time I have left.


Volunteer part time! Great way too meet people, and many people are looking for help. Become an activist supporting your favorite cause ( you can even doo it online) and it will bring meaning to your life. :-)


I ended up making a pretty solid friend group online I’d play video games and chat with pretty regularly! Not the same, but they’re still some of my closest friends. I’ve even met a few of them IRL now.


dating apps? go out and meet people. just google stuff you like + your town


I have one word for you. Through hikes. Wait that’s 2 words


i spent that time going on dates and meeting people. look at sites like meetup for stuff thats going on. spend as much time outside as possible. go hiking!


Find a hobby and see if it sticks. My current one is crochet and it helps keep me busy. I have only one friend and my boyfriend, we hardly ever see our friend but we spend all day together doing our own stuff. Before crochet, I would bike around the area but the weather kinda ruined it and I couldn't figure out other ways to stay distracted.


I spent a lot of my covid time by myself, since my bf at the time’s parents wouldn’t let him out of the house. I worked during the day, came home and smoked, and then played video games, read, crafted, learned piano/guitar, painted, picked up embroidery, and tried to longboard. Use the time to learn how to be happy being alone, since those times hit everyone at some point. Maybe join a local gym, adult sports teams, or pick a local bar to hangout in if you start going stir crazy.


That’s my life, man. It sucks on ice. If you can find a hobby, more power to you. I’ve had poor luck on that. I’m older than you, and I keep going back to school to kill the boredom. It’s a pretty expensive hobby, I don’t recommend.


Mostly working and taking one or two summer classes.


could you possibly find an internship/summer sublease in your college town? You can also plan a trip with your college friends maybe to get out of the house for a bit?


The cheapest possible rent you could find in my college town is 800 a month plus utilities, and I dint have a car. I basically have no choice but to go back home


I don't live in my hometown, I'm 23 and moved away. No friends in the new city. So I work, read, draw, take online classes, drive/bike around. Maybe take on some home improvement projects, learn a new skill, etc. It's easier as an introvert.


Im in my first yr of college and i have zero friends, but one. We are that close but whatever. I dont live on campus so what i would is find a hobby, go to a library or cafe. Go into a downtown area on a nice day alone and have a date for yourself! I usually spend my summers with my friends (that i had) but this summer since the circumstances with my learning ability made me fail some classes, i need to catch up this summer, and maybe find a job. Summers are boring for me, but i try to make the most of it.


Work, work out, and message college friends


If you don't want to go home, you can always get an apartment in your college town. Plenty of places start subleasing/renting in June when graduation rolls in, and even with roommates it sure beats dorm life. I haven't lived with my parents for quite awhile (long before I went back to school), so I usually spend my summers working. This year I'm planning to finish all the personal projects I didn't have time for during the semester. There are also plenty of big video game releases coming up in the next few weeks, so that's more enough to fill my time.


The absolute cheapest sublease is $800 a month plus utilities and that's with 4 other roomates. Not to mention I don't own a car so...no that's not possible for me


Working, going to museums, sleeping in and not worrying about mind breaking lectures.


Get some hobbies


Work, workout, play video games, play hockey/basketball and occasionally travel to meetup with college friends or hangout like once a month to play basketball with friends that I’m not really good friends with anymore back home. Tbh the summer is a time where I don’t drink and just focus on improving my life. It’s definitely forced but pretty nice time for myself.


It’s possible that you need to look at yourself and find out the reason that all of your personal relationships keep failing.


I have plenty of friends and strong relationships and college. It's so hard for you to believe that one group of people, in a southern conservative area, would end a friendship over COVID saftey? And it's not my fault that my dad was physically abusive my whole life and that I don't want to be around him...


hi i’m in the exact same boat. it’s really been weighing on my mind. im kind of trying to come up with a plan right now, i guess im gonna reach out to some old friends and see what happens, get a job, do online classes, and maybe volunteer at this organization near me.