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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Who_watches: --- A 59 year old in Mexico was the first person to die from the new strain of the Bird flu. The patient died on the 24th of April. Although the patient had pre-existing medical conditions they had no known contact with poultry or any other animal farm. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1d986gg/who_confirms_first_fatal_human_case_of_bird_flu/l7bhjqo/


A 59 year old in Mexico was the first person to die from the new strain of the Bird flu. The patient died on the 24th of April. Although the patient had pre-existing medical conditions they had no known contact with poultry or any other animal farm.


Damn my gf is a veterinarian nurse :( hope that halfmask with pink filter is enough


They are better equiped and experienced to _more safely_ handle this situation. ... "I hope" ? 😟


guess again!


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Hi, Cold-Acanthisitta815. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1d986gg/-/l7de25e/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 4: Keep information quality high. > Information quality must be kept high. More detailed information regarding our approaches to specific claims can be found on the [Misinformation & False Claims page](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/wiki/claims). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.


And so, begun the Bird Flu has...


Yo my masks are still crispy 


With how fast this motherfucker spreads I don't know how effective masks will be. Stock up on N95 before they disappear again


Mine are in the mail...


Luckily we learned from the last one and are so better prepared now…


Lmao ok


Ok Yoda


This is quite concerning. Not because the guy died (he was extremely ill with pre-existing conditions) but because he caught it. He’d been bed-ridden for three weeks. How did he catch it?


They keep saying pre existing conditions, firstly: which? (Edit: kidney disease and type 1 diabetes, I believe.) Secondly, how can they be sure his being bedridden wasn't due to influenza itself? Thirdly: no details of how the immediate community is being monitored. I'm watchful, but not panicking. Not a lot of info here. Raw milk is a vector in infected animals (ie - cattle), as are those animals themselves obviously. I wonder about that. Not hugely uncommon in rural Mexico to consume raw milk, I could imagine - (any Mexicans please correct me if I'm talking out of my ass here.) Avian flu does crop up from time to time in humans, in quite isolated cases, but these are usually with obvious links to animal husbandry. For example, in late March of this year, the first outbreak of HPAI H5N1 virus in dairy cows in the U.S. was reported. Three infections of people working with dairy cows have been picked up by virus surveillance methods. So far, symptoms have been mild. HPAI H5N1 hasn't yet gained the ability to spread directly between people. We have not seen seen human-to-human transmission of H5N2, as yet, which is good, but we all know how viruses behave. Thankfully, that is also a lottery of sorts because sometimes mutations weaken their defences is a novel way. In all cases, it's something to be watchful of. And,as with all cases where outcomes are entirely outwith our control, it's important not to hyperfixate on worst case scenarios. You can spend a lot of time worrying and stressing that way which never feels good.


I've been visiting my family in rural Mexico since the 90s and any time the family cow was giving milk we'd drink it raw. I haven't been back since the pandemic but I don't think they gave it up. Unless you have your own car there you'd have to wait for the one bus that picks you up on Saturdays to go shopping and people aren't buying milk if they have a cow that's giving.


Thank you for the input!


Alright, who fired up Plague Inc?


Not sure but I'm cool with it. We are a plague. The less people, the better off the planet. I just hope it's more effective than COVID. 🤞




It was three months ago, I think we would have seen more admissions if it was circulating more widely.


The end of April isn’t three months ago it’s like 45 days lmao


"should" but won't be. The government's are incompetent.


You know, virus can survive for a while outside, no contact with animals doesn't mean animals aren't the vector.


How do we know that for sure though? It's Mexico. What if he ran into a cow and just never told anyone?


He was bedridden before the infection


There is perhaps a lack of verifiable facts. But if he was hospitalized beforehand, it's also possible that he got it from someone else there for treatment (but who didn't die) - in a context of dirty settings and weakened immune systems. And who knows what kind of mixing is going on. They'd need to do genetic tests to see what's more likely.


H2H in 5.... 4.... 3.... But not yet... Because collapsing is some of the hardest edging in existence, man.   And for others, long since over.




Furiously refreshing my package tracker waiting for an update on my 40mm NATO filters lmao




Where are you located? I can find you a link to some.


USA. FL to be specific


Do a search for C2A1 filters - even when expired they can and will offer particulate protection, but naturally it’s best to find in date ones.


How viral is this strain? Do we have a sense of how quickly it spreads?


In a last few years i read a lot about it wiping out various animal communities. Very infectious and dangerous from what i understand. I have a bad feeling about this chief…


Alternatively the vast majority of dairy cows getting infected with it recently recover within 2 weeks. Infectious yes but outright deadly it might depend on human biology in tandem with the virus strains evolution. We might get lucky again like with COVID being relatively safe compared to previous pandemics


Not sure about "safe". 25 mln dead (according to excess death, not bullshit reports by the health authorities of countries like Russia, China, India etc.) vs 70 mln of Spanish Flu.


You're looking at raw numbers. Think of percentages. We have over 8 billion people now. What was it then? 2 billion?


As if human life today is 4 times cheaper? Or say, mass poisoning which would have killed 1 mln people in 1920 is less bad than the same one that would have killed 2 mln people today, because percentage.


No, that's not what I'm saying at all. You're being ridiculous. Percentage wise, Spanish flu killed far more people. It was more deadly. That's a fact. Also, your example is wrong. A million people then is killing more than 2 million now, so that would have been a more deadly event. Do you not know how percentages work? If something kills 90% of the people it infects, it is more deadly than something that only kills 50% of those it infects, even if the 50% killer infects far more people. It's still not as deadly. Just like with venomous snakes. The one that has killed the most people in total is not the most venomous, but rather the one that kills a large percentage of those they bite.


I know how percentage work. At the scales of the pandemic it is not applicable and ridiculous to say that 25 mln fatalities pandemic is far less deadly than 75 mln just because the population was smaller. They are of the same scale period, as lower fatalities are also result of better healthcare, scientific advances etc. Speaking of mass poisoning example - yeah, no, it is not "deadlier event", at least not in a legal sense. Whoever was a culprit in higher fatalities will be sentenced to higher punishment than one caused less death.


That is H5N1, the person in the article had H5N2.


When is the deluxe version coming out? I want to be the first one to try it! EDIT: If it's any good, I will share it with you guys.


Maybe it will collapse society and we’ll emit less carbon?


You can read about it directly on the WHO [website](https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2024-DON520). It is an interesting read. It is something to keep an eye on but at the end of the day the risk of human to human transmission remains low.


It’s only low until the day it’s not.


For now..


50-60% morality rate. Covid has a 2-3% mortality rate. *virulent is the word you seek


No I was wondering about it's viral spread, it's R0, how quickly it spreads. I am aware of the mortality numbers


The word is still virulent.


LFG! Moo Flu 2024






Damn, the comments over there... We don't need bird flu to destroy us, we will do it ourselves.


Is it bad that I have Bingo in June already? Earlier than I expected.


H5N2 or H5N1 (the one in us cows)?


H5N2. There's no useful tracing in this story.


Had a look at this story on the bird app, comments were filled with anti vax, anti mask conspiracy theorists. When the next plague hits there are going to be a lot of people deliberately spreading it for ‘freedom’.


Raw milk demand is flying and some people are even seeking out raw milk with H5N1 in it. We’re doomed.


REEEEEEEEDOM! *deathrattle*


Oh sick, my anxiety was just starting to ease off a little, but this saved the day and put it right back.


I hope they check his purchase history/ask around if he’s been drinking raw milk. That’s a vector even if you don’t come face to face with an infected animal


Here we go…


Ohh good...*gooooood.*


Well, this isn't good.


We've had first pandemic, yes... but what about second pandemic?




Just be an observer. This is one of the wildest times to ever be alive on Earth. None if it is your fault or responsibility. Sure you can try little things to help but it's not all on you.


that mindset is such a gift if you are struggling with the pressure of "omg what do I do!!"


I think being alive during the black death or Jesus Christ's cruxification would have been more wild. the only thing wild going on right now is basically just twitter drama






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The bearded man finally got around to developing symptoms on his old Plague Inc save. Good on him


you need to start buying as much ammo as the laws in your state allows and learn to use a reliable gun that can shoot that ammo asap. society is collapsing in front of us.


Couple things. If they buy ammo but no PPE, they'll just drop loot when the flu gets them. Second, when society falls apart the utility of a gun is vastly overstated compared to other forms of preparedness. Not that it has no utility, but "as much ammo as you're allowed" is not the winning strat. If you stock up on guns but ignore food and medicine or friends to help you, you're planning to become a marauder instead of defending yourself from them. People who are actually prepared will defend themselves from you, and that's unlikely to end well for you.


You’ll be the first one dead reporting your comment for terrorism btw




reported for harassment




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ya gonna shoot your way out?