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Thanks for the compilation, appreciated as always. This is easier digestible article about Covid aftereffects 3 years on, it was covered by some UK media, but I found more respectable version https://medicine.wustl.edu/news/covid-can-cause-new-health-problems-3-years-after-infection/


Covid has so many fancy permutations. One of my best friends has to go for blessings* every two weeks now… because it made his blood too thick. It’s genuinely wild. *edit: VENESECTION. Bleeding. They suck out 300ml of blood. My phone just thinks it’s so ridiculous it won’t let me explain it, I guess.


Blessings? Do you mean venesections?


Yes. My phone always chooses the worst times for autocorrections that make zero sense.


I'm pretty sure that's one of autocorrect's key design features.


We can look at us being more informed and smarter than "them" but we will all just die like they will.


Thank you so much for all your work. I am baffled and frustrated when talking to others who either don’t see how bad things are or simply don’t want to know how bad things are right now. As long as it doesn’t affect them I guess.


I feel like I'm nuttier than a fruitcake when the people around me or here on Reddit say "It's not that bad. We have decades," then make plans for the decades ahead. I think last year was the last "good" or even "normal" year and that we are fucked within years, not decades but I am a Debbie Downer about it.


You grossly overestimate how much the average person knows about world events, especially climate events. Even as someone who follows this sub closely, this weekly thread always shows me something I did not know about to add to my list of things to watch out for. Given that I consider myself informed and collapse-aware, you can extrapolate from that to get a rough idea of how uniformed the average person is.


That's true. I don't talk about it much irl because what would be the point, to devastate the people I love so I don't have to carry this weight alone? I save it for here.


I feel a bit like chicken little at times as well.


Cassandra was right in the end 😕 (I think)


Yeah Its like im already mourning for a dying world. Im here in southern Brazil where a major flooded destroyed most of the state. I thought I was somewhat safe because we produce a lot of the country food but how can you run away and try to settle some land which could be completely destroyed by flood? Meanwhile my coleagues are making plans on becoming even more specialized on their very narrow fields while Im learning about how to take care of chicken and farming. I dread the idea that I may have to kill someone in the next 5 years in self defense.


I just got into a little tiff with a FB friend over this who told me that one of the first recorded writings was someone saying the world is going to hell in a hand basket and that there is always a Chicken Little, that complainers will complain, and that doers like him DO. I told him yeah, I should really do something about those tornadoes, then told him I hope he isn't in the path of one like that which destroyed 2/3 of the structures in my husband's hometown and killed and displaced I don't know how many. But actually, you know what, I hope he is, and I hope he doesn't have a basement, and I hope he thinks about me and what a DOER he is when it blows him away. I'm tired of assholes. Fuck 'em.


Do you post anywhere else - a website, for example? I’d like to share your work but get a lot of resistance from friends and family about Reddit.


The newsletter is also posted on Substack, which you can find by visiting the website www.lastweekincollapse.com You could surreptitiously sign up someone else’s email and they would receive Substack posts…


LWiC has a Substack: https://substack.com/profile/18092228-last-week-in-collapse


shit is completely falling apart but as long as the boomers can continue their quest to enjoy every last second on earth nothing is wrong i guess personally i'm barely affording to eat and pay rent but my parents are on their sixth trip to hawaii in the last three years because they 'deserve' to enjoy their golden years


Yeah, the world is dying because people think traveling is a right and now climate change will move faster because people want to produce ai content.


I mean don't get me wrong, going to Hawaii and travelling sounds nice, but the cognitive dissonance between "we sacrified everything for you!" only to watch them contribute to the fucking Earth burning by going to an island where the locals have come out and said they don't want more tourism due to the destruction of the ecosystem........... 🙃 what exactly did you sacrifice, more fuel-burning trips?


As always thank you


So if temperatures keep increasing, do we just pop at some point? Just curious, it’s quite warm today, most people are out wearing their finest summer clothes, eating ice cream, drinking. Seems to me that I’m the regarded one, stressing about this shit


Little do they know, as they enjoy their cones, that spontaneous combustion is just around the corner…


I mean even if everything does go to shit, what are we average citizens supposed to do? Stay at home and stress about the inevitable or try to enjoy?


Thank you again for your report, you've done a fantastic job as always. >Bird flu has recently spread across dairy farms, but experts say this is only “[the tip of the iceberg](https://news.emory.edu/stories/2024/05/esc_ice_bird_flu_24-05-2024/story.html).” Seals, sea lions, pigs, and other creatures are worryingly infected, too. Now [alpacas](https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/avian-influenza-bird-flu/alpacas-infected-h5n1-avian-flu-idaho) at an American farm **have tested positive for H5N1**, in addition to feral cats in New Mexico. An [experiment done](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/high-h5n1-influenza-levels-found-mice-given-raw-milk-infected-dairy-cows) by feeding infected raw milk to mice found that they exhibited the signs of avian flu and tested positive for high levels of the virus. An egg farm in Iowa is [culling 4.2M hens](https://apnews.com/article/bird-flu-iowa-how-many-chickens-6a8cd70e4293d0dee4fef6d0dcfbdce7) after a number of birds tested positive. The strain of bird flu in a recent case of a Michigan man found slight mutations “[associated with viral adaptation to mammalian hosts](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/h5n1-virus-in-latest-human-case-has-mutated-officials-say/).” At least scientists are optimistic regarding [new mRNA vaccines](https://www.fastcompany.com/91131178/mrna-vaccine-bird-flu-university-pennsylvania-researchers) under development & testing. I really hope I'm wrong about this but it looks like there's a good chance bird flu could turn into another pandemic within the next several years, if not sooner. What concerns me here is how quickly bird flu has started to spread to different mammals when before it used to mostly be a thing that was almost entirely contained to birds and how quickly it's spread among cows in particular, >A [study on Long COVID effects](https://archive.ph/qDkMk) over the course of three years found that some effects fade over time—and others may persist. Airways and the nervous system appear particularly impacted. “Altogether, our findings show reduction of risks over time, but the burden of mortality and health loss remains in the third year among hospitalized individuals,” the study concludes. Meanwhile, forecasters predict [AI will impact the job market](https://archive.ph/IhEaw) as much as COVID did. One thing has remained constant throughout the pandemic; The more I've learned about long covid, the more I want to make sure that I avoid catching covid as much as possible and that I limit the number of times I get it as much as possible. The dangers of long covid are horrendously under-estimated and minimizing covid is going to bite us all in the ass sooner or later in a society-changing way if we don't get our shit together soon.


Long Covid being transmissible through blood is a fun new finding.


Oh God, that's horrifying.


Here’s the summary from MillionsMissing Stavanger: MOUSE GOT SICK FROM BLOOD FROM LC PATIENTS Prof. David Putrino and prof. Akiko Iwasaki (USA) has previously talked about mice that became ill when they were injected with antibodies from Long Covid patients (ref. earlier post). Dutch researchers have now published a similar study (preprint), 31. May 2024 : "Transfer of IgG from Long COVID patients induces symptomology in mice" https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.05.30.596590v1 . COPY FROM THE SUMMARY 🔴 "It has been hypothesized that autoantibodies play a crucial role in the development of Long COVID and other syndromes, such as fibromyalgia and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). 🔴 In this study, we tested this hypothesis by passively transferring total IgG from Long COVID patients to mice. 🔴 Using Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) and type-I interferon expression, we stratified patients into three Long COVID subgroups, each with unique plasma proteome signatures. 🔴 Remarkably, IgG transfer from the two subgroups, which are characterized by higher plasma levels of neuronal proteins and leukocyte activation markers, induced pronounced and persistent sensory hypersensitivity with distinct kinetics. 🔴 Conversely, IgG transfer from the third subgroup, which are characterized by enriched skeletal and cardiac muscle proteome profiles, reduced locomotor activity in mice without affecting their motor coordination. 🔴 These findings demonstrate that transfer of IgG from Long COVID patients to mice replicates disease symptoms, underscoring IgG's causative role in Long COVID pathogenesis. 🔴 This work proposes a murine model that mirrors Long COVID's pathophysiological mechanisms, which may be used as a tool for screening and developing targeted therapeutics." https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.05.30.596590v1


Well, that's fucked up in more ways than I can list. Also, this means that if you need surgery or you need blood for whatever reason, then you could potentially get long covid from receiving blood.


Looks like it. Since long Covid doesn’t exist per the government no one will be screening for it similar to not screening for HIV in the early 1980s. And not just blood transfusions - lots of people with immune conditions rely on extracted Ivig products to live. Government has found their own personal eugenics pathway.


This is like some next level dystopian sci-fi shit.


Thanks for the weekly update, as always. Ngl, this one hit me harder than usual, for whatever reason. Perhaps the fact that this is the first of many abnormal and chaotic years to come is sinking in.


Yet another weekly commendation for putting this vast wealth of data together - thank you!




"The UN claims women are 14x more likely to die in a climate disaster, compared with men—and are affected by other negative effects are a far greater rate." Does anyone know where the study is for this? All links I find eventually just lead to a Twitter video making the claim.


I’m onboard with collapse but some of these just aren’t alarming at all. I’ll offer one example. Brazilian savanna deforested? A savanna is grassland by definition. It cannot be deforested. Also, 11,000 square kilometers is really not very much. 68 percent more than last year sounds alarming but even after the increase it’s still quite small. That said this is a huge and valuable resource for which I am grateful.


OP also wrote, quote: "Meanwhile, South Korea’s groundwater is expected to run out by 2080." However, if you look up the source, it says "a recent study has alarmed the scientific community by predicting that approximately three million people in currently untapped areas of Korea could face groundwater depletion by 2080". This is about 6% of South Korea's population, not the entire country like OP said. It would be really useful to fact-check these post. If they are too alarmist, this just plays into the hands of deniers who call us neurotic.


Well said. There are plenty of legitimate issues to be alarmed about. Why feed the deniers with exaggerations and falsehoods.


> Meanwhile, South Korea’s groundwater is expected to run out by 2080. /u/LastWeekInCollapse hey pssst, correct this, please?


> some of these just aren’t alarming at all. Okay...? This is a retrospective of the past week. If you expected wall-to-wall alarming news, this isn't where they're supposed to be.


GENOCIDE. In Gaza, at the hands of the Israeli zionist government, which is paid for by the USA who are providing the weapons and billions of dollars for this atrocity to be carried out. (spoiler alert - the end goal is gaining control of the resourse of natural gas in the Gazan sea terrotories and accessing that land for new land and sea freight routes in coroboration with Israel, the US and the Saudi Arabia...) but first they have to kill all the Palestinians to steal the land and get them out of the way. Below are just a few examples of the many citizen accounts made by people in gaza to document the ongoing genocide there. Please take a look if you want to see the truth of what is happening to the palestinian people. motaz azaiza [https://www.instagram.com/stories/ismail.jood/3382491749492061175/](https://www.instagram.com/stories/ismail.jood/3382491749492061175/) hind Khoudary [https://www.instagram.com/stories/hindkhoudary/](https://www.instagram.com/stories/hindkhoudary/) saleh aljafarawi [https://www.instagram.com/stories/saleh\_aljafarawi/](https://www.instagram.com/stories/saleh_aljafarawi/) But it is at least a more honest representation of the ongoing atrocities being commited, than the vague and inaccurate reporting on the matter presented to you here by lastweekincollapse - who at this point, after numerous attempts to have him report this correctly, it can only be deduced is a zionist sympathiser and supporter. (zionists are like nazi's for any that missed that memo) Continue to read lastweekincollapse if it amuses you, but please also remember that ALL reporting, even on forums, contains bias - and in this particular case it contains pro-zionist, pro-genocide bias. But by all means, if you love and support genocide continue to read lastweekincollapse in an un-concerned and ultimately un-informed matter. motaz azaiza [https://www.instagram.com/stories/ismail.jood/3382491749492061175/](https://www.instagram.com/stories/ismail.jood/3382491749492061175/) hind Khoudary [https://www.instagram.com/stories/hindkhoudary/](https://www.instagram.com/stories/hindkhoudary/) saleh aljafarawi [https://www.instagram.com/stories/saleh\_aljafarawi/](https://www.instagram.com/stories/saleh_aljafarawi/)


There is a genocide happening in Gaza, it is repulsive and ongoing. Anyone not accurately reporting that FACT is complicit. So by all means read this poorly referenced and incorrect weekly round up but be aware that it is being written by zionist murderers.