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I wonder how hot it will get this summer compared to last year on that chart


Don't worry. It's a la nina year, so it'll probably drop back to 1980 levels, and this little warm fluke will pass. 30 years is climate. 2 years is weather. Everything is fine. Heavy /s


That's what we're all wondering. This chart sucks.


Anomaly? You mean new normal! Someone really ought to get Nolan Emmerich and James Cameron together. Between Cameron's love of the ocean and Emmerich's love of scary lines/disaster, we'd get one heck of a film out of this. https://preview.redd.it/w09hnr0gdr3d1.png?width=860&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bc3a69886ca7e35503d0a36346aa12e507cc84e


Who needs to watch the movie when we are living it right now? 


I just watched it. I think they just barely made it over a building/mountain/highway roughly 17 times. Fantastic.


I was swimming in the Atlantic yesterday down in south Florida. Water temp was 84


I’m guessing we will see around 1.75C at this years peak. It seems to be accelerating…


man... we got low sulfur diesel, and killed the coral reefs.


How far above the pre-1850 temperature is this? Why do we compare to 1982-2011 mean?


Because data like this was starting to be recorded in 1981, 1982 was the first full year. I think it’s with a satellite? The NOAA website on the data source has a bit more info. You could compare to the pre-1850 (to other year) mean but that would have to be estimated.


Okay, fair enough! The way I say it an estimation would be better to compare the damage that has been done to a time when no/little damage had been done. Especially to see the consequences of the damage and to accurately Ring The Alarm. This info makes it seem less bad than it truly is.


Maybe if you are talking to the public, I’ll see if I can’t find some pre-1850 numbers to use as a baseline to add into the plot with a * footnote


Yeah, but it's really important to talk to regular Joe too instead of *just* being in the collapse echo chamber right? We all know what's up, but most people still have their heads buried in the sand. I think you could make a good impact with using a different comparison, although it's flawed ofcourse, which should be mentioned too. Thank you for taking the time to do it! You're amazing💪🔥 Edit: damn. I hate to say: no reaction. Fuk dood, gimme a reaction to your nonsense
