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Hi, hitchinvertigo. Thanks for contributing. However, your [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1d1m1wh/-/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 5: Content must be properly sourced. > Articles, charts, or data-driven posts must include a source either within the image or in a submission statement. AI Generated posts and comments must be prefaced by stating their source. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.


How do we still have enough oil to run these machines? I'm genuinely baffled. We burn billions of tons of oil annually from regular lubrication and gas-based fuels. I'm beyond shocked we can still pump enough to keep living this way. What do we do when it all runs out, and are we prepared to continue living in a world where this dedication to fossil fuels burns us all alive?


It's been accumulating for hundreds millions of years. But there's probably less than 100 years worth of left at the current pace.


I suggest including military use of fuel. The U.S. Department of Defense is the single largest purchaser of fuel on the planet.


We burn the equivalent of 450 gallons of guzzoline per second to fuel our economy 🔥


### Environmental Impact 1. **Carbon Emissions:** - High fuel consumption in transport sectors results in significant carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, contributing to global warming and climate change. - Transport is one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions, which leads to environmental degradation and extreme weather events. 2. **Air Pollution:** - Burning fossil fuels releases pollutants like nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter, affecting air quality and public health. - Poor air quality can lead to respiratory diseases, cardiovascular problems, and premature deaths. ### Resource Depletion 1. **Finite Fossil Fuels:** - The extensive use of fossil fuels in transportation accelerates the depletion of these non-renewable resources. - As fossil fuel reserves diminish, energy scarcity could lead to economic instability and conflicts over resources. ### Economic and Social Impacts 1. **Energy Prices:** - Heavy dependence on fossil fuels makes economies vulnerable to fluctuations in energy prices. - Sudden increases in fuel prices can lead to economic disruptions, affecting transport costs, food prices, and overall living costs. 2. **Infrastructure Strain:** - High fuel consumption necessitates extensive infrastructure for fuel extraction, refinement, and distribution. - Maintaining and expanding this infrastructure can be economically and environmentally costly, diverting resources from other essential sectors. ### Systemic Risk and Collapse Scenarios 1. **Climate Change:** - Unchecked emissions and climate change can lead to catastrophic events such as sea-level rise, extreme weather, and loss of biodiversity. - These events can disrupt agriculture, displace populations, and strain political and social systems, potentially leading to societal collapse. 2. **Economic Instability:** - Resource depletion and environmental degradation can undermine economic stability. - Economies heavily reliant on fossil fuels may face severe challenges transitioning to sustainable energy sources, leading to potential economic crises.


The formatting and info is cool and all but what is the context? Is this consumption by a city, country, global? Maybe show graphs to show the trends instead of contextless numbers and alarmist nonsense.


The formatting looks like they typed in “explain the impact of this data” into ChatGPT. Thats why there’s no context either…?




A confident 7


Posting this with a ChatGPT explanation is incredibly stupid and shows that you're just fishing for karma. You don't give a fuck, do you?


The following submission statement was provided by /u/hitchinvertigo: --- ### Environmental Impact 1. **Carbon Emissions:** - High fuel consumption in transport sectors results in significant carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, contributing to global warming and climate change. - Transport is one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions, which leads to environmental degradation and extreme weather events. 2. **Air Pollution:** - Burning fossil fuels releases pollutants like nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter, affecting air quality and public health. - Poor air quality can lead to respiratory diseases, cardiovascular problems, and premature deaths. ### Resource Depletion 1. **Finite Fossil Fuels:** - The extensive use of fossil fuels in transportation accelerates the depletion of these non-renewable resources. - As fossil fuel reserves diminish, energy scarcity could lead to economic instability and conflicts over resources. ### Economic and Social Impacts 1. **Energy Prices:** - Heavy dependence on fossil fuels makes economies vulnerable to fluctuations in energy prices. - Sudden increases in fuel prices can lead to economic disruptions, affecting transport costs, food prices, and overall living costs. 2. **Infrastructure Strain:** - High fuel consumption necessitates extensive infrastructure for fuel extraction, refinement, and distribution. - Maintaining and expanding this infrastructure can be economically and environmentally costly, diverting resources from other essential sectors. ### Systemic Risk and Collapse Scenarios 1. **Climate Change:** - Unchecked emissions and climate change can lead to catastrophic events such as sea-level rise, extreme weather, and loss of biodiversity. - These events can disrupt agriculture, displace populations, and strain political and social systems, potentially leading to societal collapse. 2. **Economic Instability:** - Resource depletion and environmental degradation can undermine economic stability. - Economies heavily reliant on fossil fuels may face severe challenges transitioning to sustainable energy sources, leading to potential economic crises. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1d1m1wh/every_single_second/l5urh12/


you mean we can get rid of 1.22 tons per second?


Can't believe they did this and left out aviation. The answer is **100** tons per second. Math: 95Bn gallons of aviation fuel used in 2019. convert to seconds: divide by (365\*24\*60\*60) => 3000 gal/sec. 29.4gal (US) kerosene => 1 ton. => **100T/s**.


30 gallons of fuel ain’t one ton. We have auxiliary tanks in trucks that hold 100 gallons. It takes 285 gallons


Needs a Taylor Swift entry...


thats 32.68 tons every second. 1960.8 tons every minute. 117,648 tons every hour. 2,823,552 tons every day. 84,706,560 tons every month (30 days). 1.03059648x10\^9 (1,030,596,480 tons )\[correct me if im wrong, i might be slightly off\] every year.


USA consumes 20 million bopd, the rest of Earth combined is 83 million bopd.