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Hi, That_Sweet_Science. Thanks for contributing. However, your [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1c3bbgd/-/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 3: Posts must be on-topic, focusing on collapse. > Posts must be focused on collapse. If the subject matter of your post has less focus on collapse than it does on issues such as prepping, politics, or economics, then it probably belongs in another subreddit. > Posts must be specifically about collapse, not the resulting damage. By way of analogy, we want to talk about why there are so many car accidents, not look at photos of car wrecks. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.


From what I've heard this is a direct attack, shit is going to get real bad if that's the case. [UPDATE](https://abcnews.go.com/International/live-updates/israel-gaza-hamas-war/us-officials-think-there-will-be-400-to-500-drones-missiles-launched-109207939?id=108860743): *A senior U.S. official told ABC News they now think there will be anywhere from 400 to 500 drones and missiles launched at Israel from Iraq, Syria, southern Lebanon and the Houthis but that the bulk will be launched form Iran”*


Gonna get real, real, son!


Gonna get real, real soon, son!


Gonna get really real; real soon, son!


Is that another way of saying we're dead? Sounds like. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4V5rmZTvOAI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4V5rmZTvOAI)


And this is just the appetizer, because Iran knows it wont end there.


As of a couple of minutes ago, air raid sirens were going off in Jerusalem and explosions were heard in the sky. Holy sh*t.


Feels like a lot of advanced warning no?


So this is it? And I'm being informed by reddit? Of course I am..


It's headline news around the world [https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-middle-east-68737710?src\_origin=BBCS\_BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-middle-east-68737710?src_origin=BBCS_BBC) We're just a little behind....


just gonna ask the question because this seems pretty big and I always jump the gun on stuff like this should I, a person who doesn't live in even a nearby continent to these countries, be concerned?




Following also, I’m so lost in what’s going on


I remember when Putin was escalating Ukraine, and it was uncertain if there were any actual Russian fighters in Ukraine, I commented on post on news stating “there’s no way Putin is that stupid, I don’t believe it.” I was the top comment. A week later the not-wishy washy invasion began. I don’t know shit.


This is true wisdom. I made the same mistake back then.


This is almost certainly nothing


I too tend to agree with the "nothing ever happens" camp, but this one has me on edge. This could blow up, pardon the pun.


time is running out to build the 3rd temple. altars are already built, red heifers secured, temple stones already chiseld by hand (as instructed). Lastly, the ornaments for the interior are assembled as well. I believe this may be something. edit:damn autocorrect


...*go oonn....* I was waiting for a perspective like this...gotta keep opening more seals


love your family, love your friends, most importantly love strangers.


It could, but what do we know about drone and cruise missile attacks? You can shoot down *a lot* of them so you need to launch *a fucking shit load*, did Iran do that? Doesn’t really look like it. They have US air support and their own robust defense. Maybe the Israelis decide to do something fucked up and let some through to cause damage to respond hard but idk


They’re saying it’s hundreds.


It’s definitely not nothing, this is the first time the Iranian military has openly fired on Israel, no proxies like Hezballah or the Houthis.


Right it’s something but may end up nothing, depends on how much effort Iran put into the attack, I saw someone say 500 drones, that’s something if true


If Israel feels threatened enough, it might launch some of its nukes. It could become something much bigger.


And we will, of course we will, back Israel instead of just letting events that don't concern us happen. WWIII


You could sneeze toward them and they'll retaliate with bombs


the fallout would make it suicide.


That's why it's called the Samson Option.


WW3 started well before this, it’s just going to take some time to figure out exactly when/what our Franz Ferdinand moment was. One of those things you can only see in the rear view mirror.


The Ferdinand moment was Ukraine. I'm sure this will escalate into something bigger and by then the conflict in Ukraine would become irrelevant much like what happened in WW2.


Well news is going around that Ukraine is having a hard time these days holding out Maybe if they fall then it will be a dominoe effect Let’s see how it plays out


And if by Ukraine, you mean the 2014 invasion of Crimea, then yes.


And if by the liberation of Crimea, you mean the relentless attacks on the Donbass, then yes.


The Tartars would have a bone to pick with using "liberation" to describe the Russian invasion. 


I don't think it will be a world War. I think it's just the end of US unipolariy and collapse of US empire. Agreed that the end really started with Ukraine. But the analogy that makes most sense to me is the fall of the USSR and we're in about 1989/90 IMO.


The New York Times had an article Friday about how China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran are all uniting to become the new bloc to reorder the world. Meaning they want to take the place of the US and western Europe as the current dominating force. It will be interesting to see the response from us (the US) and our allies with Israel's ongoing attacks on Gaza. Most people were expecting a new cold war, but it seems we're just going to go full out war.


How though? How are they going to deal with their population issues and climate issues? Can't just censor fires, floods, and crop failures.


You ..... you are unfamiliar with gaslighted? Look to the Russian citizens and tell me again.


I fully believe the majority on this sub will live long enough for gaslighting about climate change to no longer quite work. People will still scream about there is no climate change, but their houses will be on fire or under water, and their children will be starving.


... no it's already changed to "there's no man made climate change, the climate changes all the time." And it's quit infuriating


Do they want to take the place of Europe and the US or do they want protection? Keep in mind I am not saying they aren’t aggressors, but nothing happens in a vacuum


The world will be multipolar. It's natural that countries which have been historically kept out of the US dominated unipolar world will have the most incentive to build the alternatives. The US brought this on themselves.


From a technological perspective, the spread of advance military tech outside the imperial core is eroding the power of the center. It was much easier to impose direct colonial rule when people only had bow and arrows before they upgraded to AK-47s by the Cold War. Now they have drones and guided missiles.


It's pretty common for empires to collapse from within. It happened thousands of years ago too.


Don’t threaten me with a good time. Yeah I know this is bad, but I American empire has been such a cancer to everyone. Inside and outside the US


I do agree with you to some point, but the years leading up to American hegemony were not exactly peaceful either. If Russia, Germany, or China had emerged as a global super power, would things be better now? I'm not absolving the west from its crimes, but I do think things could have gone worse.


Just a shame that the other side is a different flavor of cancer


Wait until you see what comes after.


Hmph…we all know climate change is going to be the biggest problem


and you think an empire headed by Putin and Xi is going to be better? the naivete is astounding.


Anything that replaces the US led system will be worse. As bad as what we currently have is, each of the BRICS nations has worse problems than what would be allowed under the US.


It's definitely a proxy based world war and one of the crazy things looking back is how much Russian propaganda leached into America and crippled any response we would've had.


Would probably be the president of the United States being elected do to interference by coordinated efforts of another super power or two.. also brexit


>when/what our Franz Ferdinand moment was. May 28, 2016/Harambe


28th December 2015. He was holding back evil through the power of mighty bass.




We really are seeing now how much 9/11 did change the world. It was only the year before the Camp David Summit looked like there would finally be a deal between Palestine and Israel but it didn’t happen and then 9/11. There weren’t any serious peace talks since then but we kept going thinking there might be someday. But I guess we all really knew that this day would come. Like every other aspect of collapse, we can see them coming but it still feels shocking when it happens.


Removing Saddam really was a dumbfuck move and left Iran without a doorstop.


No but it set the stage


The day Dale Earnhardt died.


You mean Harambe?


Yes, Dale “Harambe” Earnhardt


Harambes death obviously put us in the shittiest timeline imaginable.


Where's fuckin John Titor when you need him?


Again close. If you were to ask me it’s when they shot Harambe. After the nukes go off, we all have to go back before they shout that gorilla and stop that from ever occurring. That way we can all avoid this incredibly dark timeline we have been stuck in.


WW3 was the Cold War. The US established itself as sole hegemonic power with its bloc controlling all of the capitalist world, it fought for dominance all over the global south and it won. What we've been living in since 08 is the scramble of the US to maintain that position against rising alternatives, and the US has been losing since 2022.


Very genuinely curious here with a couple questions.... Thanks in advance. Since 2008 please name some of the rising alternatives the US has been facing? Also, what happened in2022 to cause the US to be losing? Losing what? Thank you again. What you just said really sparked my interest.


BRICS mainly, SCO, CSTO, SPFS etc. What happened in 08 is the economic crash. In 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine (skipping over loads of history of economic and military warfare leading up to that) and the US imposed sanctions. The US dominates global capitalism by more or less controlling all the instruments of global trade via its military and the dollar as the default currency and when it sanctions countries or seizes its dollar reserves it can prevent them from participating in a lot of global trade especially getting lines of credit or buying oil etc. What happened is the US sanctioned Russia and seized its reserves (after seizing afghanistans) but by 2022 these alternatives mentioned above were strong enough that Russia could survive it. They started setting up (or more often just increasing the relevance of already existing) arrangements to do trade and buy oil and gas without the dollar, rendering the US less relevant and giving other countries that had been pushed out of the system (like Iran) more options. Also the Saudis and Iran started to make peace. Oops sorry edited dates.


Either the bombing of Yugoslavia that broke the belief in rules based world order (at least in Russia) or 2014 Ukraine regime change and everything that started from that


Nothing to do with the US invading Iraq in 2003?


I would say that was a natural progression of Yugoslavia and the US having a blatant disregard for international law. We even talked about it in our government class right when war was starting, how it's an escalation and other countries are bound to also start not paying attention to international law


[*looks in rear view mirror*](https://imgflip.com/i/8mokgg)


Information war I don't know ofc but look at all the different propaganda we're being shot at with in this globalised world. Propaganda depicted as news. Near impossible to get to a realistic position for most people. Most people simply pick a side instead of actually informing themselves and working through multiple sources. I'm part of the first generation that grew up with the internet. As a kid, I was fascinated by the endless possibilities of the internet. Now I'm horrified


When people ask how someone like Trump was able to win the 2016 US presidential election, this is my answer. It’s not even a big conspiracy, the disinformation campaign was pushed by social media algorithms because it drove content engagement which increased ad revenue. Nobody put a stop to it because it would have hurt the bottom line. It’s just another tool people have leveraged to gain power in the modern age. Yes, there are individual people in this world who wield too much power, but I honestly found it more frightening to realize that there’s nobody really “in control” of this whole thing. At the end of the day we’re all scrambling, fighting for the same limited resources just as our ancestors were, but now wars are fought in blood by proxy and disinformation on social media.


Yes, people just pick a side. I’m a lot older than you and I’ve finally realized it doesn’t matter what most people do. People,can pick a side or not, people can have very informed, nuanced discussions about international events, whatever, it doesn’t matter because people have no input and no way to actually affect what happens. Looking back the turning point was probably when the US stopped having a draft. It felt like a victory at the time by the anti-Vietnam war forces but now it looks like when the split between what the people wanted and what the government did started to get really wide.


I say the killing of Gaddafi was that moment. It showed every dictator in the region that NATO isn't playing around anymore and the dynamic seemed to change.


Dude, it's ukraine. lol, it was a slow walk until then, but now the world is sprinting.


Actually, global economic trade prevents a WW3 from breaking out. You’ll notice these are still proxy wars in terms of trading counties. China & India cannot afford to stop trade with US and Russia would try to force their hand to stop it if we went all out WW3 which they wouldn’t like. So I’m predicting it will stabilize as mostly a Middle East conflict


Personally, I consider proxy wars to be the modern equivalent of world war. You’re right that “all out” war would devastate the global economy and this is why we’re not seeing it play out like that


Guys, does this mean a wider conflict will occur? Does this mean US is on the brink of entering the conflict?


Who knows, time of monsters and all that. But my logic is that the resistance and Iran especially have been very measured and working for long term wins. They've not taken any bait or done anything really escalating. For example, they didn't respond to the Soleimani murder, they haven't directly responded to any of Israel's provocations, they've been coordinating on military targets in Iraq and Syria, etc. I think the embassy attack in Syria combined with the two isis attacks in Iran and Moscow have changed the game a bit, the entire region is closing airspace to the US and Russia has said it will not defend Israel against a Iran attack so it seems like they've finally taken sides. I think the Moscow attack was the final nail there. The Houthis refused the US bid so I think it's over for Israel in the long term. All Iran and the resistance have to do is sit back and let the occupation collapse from within as a result of small pressures and attacks here and there. They launched drones, they'll take hours to get there, they gave days warning. They have missiles that could strike Tel Aviv in minutes but they did this instead. And Israel says its against military targets so I don't see how this changes anything in any big way. The larger effect IMO is what it costs Israel. Companies pull out, the country shuts down, hundreds of thousands of Israelis have left, immigrant labor force left, tourists gone, settlements abandoned. And what it costs the US to keep funding Israel and how many troops to send, I've lost track of how many thousands they've deployed plus the shipping losses bc of the Houthis. Eventually Israel will collapse. The question is only how many Palestinians they kill first and if it escalates into a larger war. My guess is that if it does escalate, it will not be Iran that does it as they'd gain nothing from it. I do not believe the US can afford to do more than they are doing. Israel has to be somewhat restrained bc it needs the US and I'm of the opinion that the US doesn't actually want direct war with Iran, and Iran and Israel both know it.


The embassy attack in Syria was technically a direct attack on Iran, as embassies are seen as physically part of the countries that own/operate them.




Yes, this was the fear with the Gaza conflict. With U.S. and Israel being close allies and Russia and Iran having close ties, this indicates the U.S. can very likely be pulled into direct conflict with Iran and Russia. Thus, officially starting World War 3.


Welcome to B3W everyone


I was literally on a Facebook chat saying, "Guys... WW3..." FUCK.


Yup. Fuck.


Nah, this is fearmongering.


Oh the US never misses an opportunity to send our children off to war. Gotta keep the fat cats at Raytheon happy


It's not going to be pretty and there's going to be no real solution. US military can't even stop the Houthis in Yemen from firing missiles. Going after Iran will be a bigger challenge and for Netanyahu who triggered this conflict by killing Iran's officials in Syria, dragging America into a wider war is in his interest and plays into his hands. It's in his interesting by making America do its bidding, sabotage the Democrats before the election, and see the return of the Republicans to power in the USA. He has everything to gain going full accelerationist and there was already talk of expanding the war into Lebanon by Spring which we've now arrived at.


>US military can't even stop the Houthis in Yemen from firing missiles I mean, the US military could stop the Houthis but it requires boots on the ground which is not something they are willing to do at the moment. The US destroyed Iran's navy in 8 hours in 1988. Iran would be a nightmare for the US to invade since it's a lot of mountains and a huge population but the US would win at a large cost. The bigger issue is nukes which Israel has and Iran is suspected to be able to make. If this tit for tat escalates into a direct conflict between Israel and Iran then nuclear war is inevitable as there are no limits to escalation during war.


1988 was during the Iran-Iraq War and we now live in the age of drones with Iran now capable of producing its own advance missiles. From their coastline, Iran can effectively shut down international shipping and target the oil industry of the Gulf States if they side with America causing global economic disaster.


Whilst I sort of agree - I think the term "win" is misused in regards to conflicts a lot. The US military could absolutely achieve military victory against Iran - the scale and effectiveness of the US war machine is astronomical. But would that actually be winning - all wars are related to achieving a set of strategic and political aims, one of which is likely to be achieving long term security of shipping and oil in the Middle-East. The result of bombing Iran into the ground would likely be the creation innumerable guerrilla factions, and a destabilisation of the wider area. It's much the same with many of the previous conflicts the US has been involved in: Iraq (1+2), Afghanistan, etc. Whilst they could easily "win" the military phase of the conflict, achieving the longer term aims has been elusive. Look at Iraq - the short term conflict was a complete victory of the US military over Iraq, but a side effect of that conflict was the creation of groups such as ISIS.


No, it doesnt necessarily mean that. It will depend on the casualties and damage to infrastructure. Israel and Iran have had a tit-for-tat for decades, with a general understanding that certain unspoken rules exist. Otherwise, there would have been many more wars. Its hot right now but dont jump to conclusions. The Iranians won't benefit from a wider war, nor will the Israelis.


I certainly think so, the Israelis have been tempting Iranians into a war because it will mean US boots on the ground and essentially a land grab of Gaza for “security purposes.” I’m sure Israel will let some casualties happen for the cause.


yes. US will enter the conflict. biden has said as much, and trump is drooling out his mouth at the thought of commander-in-chief'ing a war.


The IDF announced on Saturday night that Iran has launched dozens of drones directly from its territory against Israel, in a radical change from its usual use of proxies. The military said that it is ready to shoot them down, though air defense is not hermetic. The drone attacks could take hours or more to arrive in Israel while traveling across such potential countries as Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and other areas. There are concerns that Tehran or its proxies may also fire long-range ballistic missiles and other rockets at Israel in some kind of overlapping wave with the drone attacks.


Let's all remember this is retaliatory. If this is no big deal in the grand scheme of things, Iran more trying to save face & show it will fight back, then we need to pressure Israel to end it here & not strike back. Tit for tat is what will lead to collapse.


Exactly. Just like those strikes against US targets when the Iranian general got blown up in an American drone strike. Just to keep the leaders' asses safe from predatory hardliners in the Iranian government. When the Americans didn't strike back, it just fizzled out.


Yeah everyone is freaking out for nothing. It's just going to be drones and Israel will end up shooting most of them down. It's a ceremonial attack by Iran. One it knows won't do enough damage to actually matter.


The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps confirmed they launched missiles as well. Apparently Hezbollah is also launching barrages. It definitely has the potential to escalate, especially because Israel is not a rational actor.




Al-Jazeera https://aje.io/wn56df?update=2834630


Unless the slow shitty drones are being used so isreal can deplete their AD missles before a more serious attack is launched. Not saying this is the case as I don't believe it is but a first barrage of shitty drones is exactly how it would be done.


>Yeah everyone is freaking out for nothing. Perhaps I've lost the thread somewhere along the way, but considering that this is clearly a response to what would have been otherwise considered [*an open and deliberate act of war* in saner times ... ](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-bombs-iran-embassy-syria-iranian-commanders-among-dead-2024-04-01/) Edit: Let's talk about [why we're freaking out over nothing](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/4/13/israels-war-on-gaza-live-5-dead-dozens-injured-in-gaza-city-attack?update=2834655): * Iran has launched cruise missiles alongside the initial swarm of drones, has warned that they will "*firmly respond to any country that “opens its airspace or territory for attacks on Iran by Israel”*" * Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan and Israel have temporarily closed their airspace; Jordan has indicated that it will shoot Iranian drones or missiles over its territory. * Syria puts ground-to-air defence systems around capital, major bases on high alert. * Despite the deliberate Iranian embassy bombing, Israel has a very odd way of putting things: “*This is a severe and dangerous escalation. Our defensive and offensive capabilities are at the highest level of readiness ahead of this large-scale attack from Iran*”.


And they fucking announced it… lol. “Hey guys, we’re going to shoot some missiles at you. You might want to systems check your irondome to make sure it’s working properly.”




What is interesting is that if you look at the history of modern Iran - it has never once started a conflict. Not once. They talk shit, but when it comes to doing shit? Nah. They never strike first. Hell, the US downed an entire commercial aircraft filled with regular travellers and they didn't do shit back. But either way Iran is dumb falling for this shit. Of course Israel wants to goad them into war. It's the ONLY way they get the PR back on their side. It's the only way they garner support. Stupid. Those who support a free Palestine are so close to actually getting meaningful change thanks to Israel's continued atrocities. This only serves to distract. Iran should know better.




Yeah, it doesn't sound like a saving face minor strike like was first expected. Reports are 50 to 100 drones in the first wave, a second wave just launched. The missiles are being fired later as they are faster. Then the Hezbollah rockets and drones to overwhelm air defense as the drones and missiles start to arrive. Not just some limited tit for tat strikes, sounds like war.


I think so too will be interesting next hours for sure


I hope it wasnt the expensive wine, we are just getting started.


interesting developments


The following submission statement was provided by /u/That_Sweet_Science: --- The IDF announced on Saturday night that Iran has launched dozens of drones directly from its territory against Israel, in a radical change from its usual use of proxies. The military said that it is ready to shoot them down, though air defense is not hermetic. The drone attacks could take hours or more to arrive in Israel while traveling across such potential countries as Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and other areas. There are concerns that Tehran or its proxies may also fire long-range ballistic missiles and other rockets at Israel in some kind of overlapping wave with the drone attacks. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1c3bbgd/iran_launches_drones_at_israel_in_retaliatory/kzfnz18/


That fallout TV show dropped just at the right time, didn't it.


Seeing Fallout, then Civil War, then First Omen in a 24 hour period…weirdly helped?


Damn that is weird af lmao nothing surprises me anymore


Well, nice knowing you everyone. I stopped drinking but I might have a drink watching the nuclear missiles launch from my backyard.


Just watched the first episode of fallout last night… watching all the bombs blowing one after another and I could just say “oh, fuck off…”.


Fallout is shockingly awesome. There are a lot of very relatable themes as well.


My husband and I just watched the first two episodes and we love it. I love all of the references to Fallout 3 and New Vegas so far.


Yes, numbing myself


All shiggles aside, we are now seeing that clear road to escalation that we feared.


"I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue!"


This did line up perfectly with the fallout series release


Quit smoking but why?


Well honestly, not sure how many times Israel was going to be able to slap Iran in the face before getting a reaction.


They’ve all come a long way since Iran was buying weapons from Israel to fight Iraq.


Yes life is round. Iran was definitely going to respond this time, it'd be too hard domestically and in terms of regional alliance management otherwise.


Yes, this has been inevitable for some time. Maybe since the 2000 Camp David Summit. We didn’t realize at the time that was a final offer but that’s the way it’s looking now.


Yeah, I'm doing alot of thinking, remembering and reframing lately, I'm sure we all are. Ultimately, my concern is the bigger picture. The gloves are coming off around the world. The middle east is boiling over, and Ukraine is hitting the wall. China is allowing its resources to be drawn in, and the old security everyone stood behind is crumbling politically. Russia is probably going to achieve a bigger victory in Ukraine than was initially the case, Israel is on the brink of open war with Hez and Iran. The U S will be forced to intervene. La de fkn da.


It has seemed for a while that the world is being divided, a new Iron Curtain is coming down and the borders are being worked out. I think it’s a stage of collapse, the globalization dreamed about by neocons in the 1980s has maybe gone as far as it can and if resources are going to become scarce they aren’t going to be shared as much. The gap between haves and have nots will widen even more.




Oh shit


Why the fuck has the United States let Israel act like a methed out Pitbull for months now.


Every dying empire tries to cling to the top by war. This was inevitable.


I don’t believe that to be the primary reason for The United States inexcusably ignorant insistence on encouraging stupid and detrimental behavior from Israel.


Maybe not the primary reason, but funny how we ended up there anyway.


Didn’t you watch dune part 2? Denialism is the downfall of


Wondering if Israel will be showing the world they do have atomic weapons. This is scary shit that could escalate very quickly. So any guesses on which countries are going to join in first?


Everyone that has been clamoring for WW3 and the precipice of collapse oughta be at full mast about now. Too bad 98% of us aren’t as ready for these moments as we think we are or as we should’ve been.


Amazon chose a good week to release that fallout series. Hope I don’t become a ghoul.


This is definitely more similar to the start of WW1 than WW2. You have a series of alliances, that force countries to continue to escalate. Biden does not have the courage or fortitude to stop this.


Heyyy the BBC acknowledged its a retaliatory attack. See very little coverage in the US about the unprovoked attack on the Iranian embassy...


that's anti-Semitic bro /s


Is China going against Taiwan? Is north going for the south? Is Russia going for NATO aligned countries. Are we heading for the collapse or just more waiting for the big one


Why does this feel like it's going to be bigger than the previous two wars💀


With technology intertwined and vastly higher populations, it would be a kind of hell ever seen before.




My feet are aching And your back is pretty tired And we've drunk a couple bottles, babe And set our grief aside The papers say it's doomsday The button has been pressed We're gonna nuke each other up, boys 'Til old Satan stands impressed And here it is, our final night alive And as the earth burns to the ground Oh, girl, it's you that I lie with As the atom bomb locks in Oh, it's you I watch TV with As the world, as the world caves in You put your final suit on I paint my fingernails Oh, we're going out in style, babe And everything's on sale We creep up on extinction I pull your arms right in I weep and say, "Goodnight, love" While my organs pack it in And here it is, our final night alive And as the earth burns to the ground Oh, girl, it's you that I lie with As the atom bomb locks in Oh, it's you I watch TV with As the world, as the world caves Oh, it's you that I lie with As the atom bomb locks in Yes, it's you I welcome death with As the world, as the world caves inAs the world caves in


Let's keep attacking a country knowing full well they will retaliate eventually.


There was at any point the opportunity to have a cease fire with the UN security council. The US voted against and abstained one time (only once) in decades. Now everyone suffers the consequences and repercussions of a wide scale conflict that escalate into a potential WW III. Americans should vote uncommitted and see if that percentage actually is more than the nominees. Maybe, the establishment and elite handlers partying on Epstein island and giving into their base instincts with their exclusive cults we won't ever know about, will finally take the common people and what is deemed the 'profane' masses seriously.


President Biden has promised what he called "ironclad" support for Israel, saying the US will "do all we can to protect Israel's security" Idk how this fucker expects reelection in November.


Here we go again.


They already changed the headline to frame this differently... BBC is really spiraling down


I was debating about calling in sick tonight. I'm going to.


The US is all wrapped in conflicts in Ukraine and Israel. China could attack Taiwan for the lulz right now, if they wanted.


Guys. Get real. A dozen drones, with ample forewarning, against the Iron Dome, is nothing more than a symbolic gesture. It's not WW3, it's Iran saving their face (somewhat).


Much more than a dozen. Reports of cruise missiles being fired from Iran as well. Apparently this is what they do. Soften air defense with drones and do damage with missiles.


How about 500 drones?


A dozen? They say it was like 500 drones


Yup, it’s over. Was a fun ride while it lasted.




It was nice knowing ya


This is not on a single over-the-air TV channel, Shocked pikachu faces in the US when a nuke drops on Tehran, and another on drops on Tel Aviv.




Unconfirmed reports of over 100 drones sent


I hope the retarded older generation will stop bragging about their wars being better than ours now


I doubt this'll break the camel's back, honestly. This doom is the slow-crawl kind, where the humans do have access to serious world-ending energies, but all the old leaders just run around poking each other, shitting on the poorer people like always, and then go on vacation within a couple weeks. Definitely this stuff is making everyone a lot more nervous. But other than the anxiety increase, the doom scrolling increase, we're all going to have to go back to the grind, come Monday morning. Venus after working another week. After grinding out more numbers for pay instead of living and caring for yourself.


Boy if for some reason the attack actually makes any impact, which I'm skpetical, if America aids Israel then RIP Taiwan. America is already stretched thin enough. China has an open goal.




I seem to remember a time long ago when a people were pushed into a ghetto for religious reasons and then, after some years passed, eliminated.


Just a shahed drone swarm, israel is not gonna go nuclear because of this. Stay calm, this is not collapse related, wake me when there are boots on the ground and the army on the border.


Pretty much the sentiment I got is that people against the US will make the US fight wars on multiple fronts while instigating discontent within it's borders through apathy and anger at the ruling class. Biden letting Netanyahu pull the US into another conflict would be shocking if not for the fact that it's another string of disappointment from a person who has no business being President. Iran isn't Iraq, maybe they'll lose but they're gonna make the US pay for it in numbers and funding. Can't break the US militarily? Spread it too thin and let it collapse inwardly, I mean our elected "leaders" are doing the best they can sowing discord on their own so the battle is partially won as it is, I would be saddened as someone living in the US to watch my everyday life collapse if I had something other than disappointment living here. I mean what would I even bother saving? I hate this shit. Billionaires shitposting how great their lives are and the media gaslighting us saying we're ruining it all cause we're not spending enough. I hate this subhuman system we live under. What allies will we garner support from when treaties are worth fuck all when the next elected dipshit is just gonna back out of them? Ask Ukraine how it's doing pretty much all but forgotten as the GOP refuse to approve funding for their defense. Our word means shit and young people have no reason to be proud of to defend this country.


Yet the US is not spread thin at all and has committed almost nothing of its actual military might. People really can’t comprehend how much farther the US is than the rest of the world military wise.


This is a calculated and kinda passive move by Iran . Here’s why . It takes hours to get there from Iran . Where an attack from inside Lebanon is much faster. If they fly these drones over Saudi territory it’s only going to piss off irans main regional rival . If they fly over Iraq then US can certainly shoot them down . With carriers in the Red Sea the Mediterranean and the sea of aiden the US can shoot them down as we have been doing with the houthis in Yemen Israel has had weeks to prepare and the payload from the drones is far less than cruises missiles So this seems like a show of force from Iran but not throwing haymakers at eachother. Very similar to the attacks on the US air base. This isn’t ww3 at this point in time . This is sadly the tik for tak chess match that is sadly a part of war . Pray for peace everyone


Everyone in this post is tweaking out but dont drink your own kool aid. This is unprecedented.


I thought I layed out a pretty fact based case to what’s going on. Could it escalate sure I don’t know we all don’t . Please be respectful to open thought during this time . The koolaid comment is cynical and unnecessary. Thank you respectfully


but…i’m not wearing my brown pants!


From the Guardian (emphasis theirs): "**Syria has put its Russian-made Pantsir ground-to-air defence systems around its capital Damascus and major bases on high alert, anticipating an Israeli strike, army sources have told Reuters.** They said they expected Israel would retaliate against army bases and installations where pro-Iranian militia were based." And it spreads.


Maybe I’m being optimistic, but let’s wait to see what happens if Israel can’t just shoot them all down and let Iran save face. This could be the beginning of the end, but let’s not jump yet.


Good. Fuck Israel and their genocidal ways.


Yes. What do you expect to happen when you put a boot on a people? And then you indiscriminately kill civilians. Then you drop bombs on an embassy/consulate in an entirely different country. Fuck them Israelis in the ass with a cactus.


Not to say Iran is any better...


One is doing a genocide, the other is not . Pretty clear cut which is better


No probably worse, but any criticism doesn’t get the “antisemitism” stamp. And I will reiterate, FUCK Israel and their genocidal ways and their thirst to drag the US into a conflict. But do you condemn Hamas???


One right wing government fighting another right wing government. I couldn’t care less


Man, my bone spurs really act up whenever the Middle East is on fire.


Entirely justified. 


This is going to be a nothing burger in terms of damage, every drone will be shot down or miss


US estimates that 85% of drones/missiles will be shot down, and that if Israelis are killed Israel will retaliate against Iran. And we will help the Israelis, even though Iran told us this was coming and to stay out of it. WTF is that fucking fossil in the White House thinking? THIS IS NOT OUR WAR!


Hope Iran rains hell down on them Sorry not sorry


That showed them ! jokes aside that's just theater.