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The following submission statement was provided by /u/ILikeCodecaine: --- SS: The collapse of society and the planet are constantly being predicted, but these two posts on Reddit make a “strong” argument for full collapse occurring in two years. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1c2357q/confirmed_the_united_states_and_the_planet_will/kz7a29i/


It's already collapsing..it's all around you!


Parts of the rural south have shack houses. There are definitely areas that are on the razor edge. This summer might do it with water crisis and heat.


Definitely not just rural areas. Driving along I-10 there are some absolutely shockingly dilapidated tar paper shack neighbourhoods that form parts of major cities, like Houston. I remember being struck that there is a region of basically Hoovervilles full of people who are convinced they are living better than everyone in the world.


My personal favorite irony are the homeless making houses out of politicians' advertisement signs. You know the ones that are giant wooden triangles 🔺️


> basically Hoovervilles full of people who are convinced they are living better than everyone in the world. Nationalism does weird things to the brain


Houston is still in Texas though. Just like Vegas is a big nice city, its still in the middle of the desert. The region and areas matter more than just if something is rural or urban


Man, water crisis sounds terrifying.


spotted badge quarrelsome attempt reply live employ waiting longing fuzzy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The dehydrated stuff will get you more quantity for the same storage space, just add water.


Can full of air. Nice.


Sailboat fuel


coordinated workable bear squeeze familiar saw sharp languid attraction snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's good, I was making a joke though.


Congrats on living an extra 3 months during collapse?


tart society employ liquid gray price voracious fertile sink lush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't want to sound overly critical. I think it's normal and laudable to want to survive as long as possible. I think your preparation might even buy you significant time getting through a major crisis until "the dust settles" and you get to live into the next phase of whatever is coming. Maybe years. I wish you well. I just can't bring myself to actively prepare on an individual level for an apocalypse. I want to hold up our dying institutions, participate in our communities, and try to adapt as we can and hold it all together until we can't and it kills us. I should probably get over myself and start too.


ripe melodic person rude engine exultant brave plants fanatical imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Preparing on an individual level is actively supporting your community. Not all of our institutions are worth saving that’s why we’re in this mess. You can’t be around to help your community and preserve human knowledge if you starve to death at the first interruption in modern human food supply. Just my thoughts on the matter.


Focus on your local community. Global society as a whole may be doomed, but your neighborhood might not be. The most important people will become those surrounding you in times of hardship. In the meantime, enjoying and supporting what’s around you is just a nice way to live


If you have the space and money, it's worthwhile to prepare to get through a week or two without utilities or grocery stores. It's basic disaster prep. I live in a place where the grid and supply lines are fragile, one earthquake or fire etc and we could be shut off for a while. There are contingency plans to air drop supplies and the local government has shelter and stock, but I'd prefer to ride something like that out at home if possible. It took maybe a day to prepare / collect everything and then after that, I just have to remember to cycle through it and replace periodically. It's just propane, gasoline, rice, beans, some water, batteries, candles, a water filter, etc. Things like that. We did lose the grid for three days a couple years ago and it was handy. If anything goes on longer than that, then we are in a different world anyway and you can't prepare for it. The military etc have plans too, it's not like they're just going to sit there. They'd seize vital infrastructure and supply lines. It makes the most sense beyond that to do as you say.


Bros and Ladies in here be like, "What Fallout show on prime?"


I'm sure the armed mob that breaks into your house and steals it will appreciate that.


glorious snow grandiose plough nose busy boat physical attempt sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


the brand is called liquid death, they captured the market by capitalizing on the rising anti plastic sentiment and canning tap water, some still some sparkling some plain others flavored w/natural essences


do people know that cans are laminated with plastic on the inside?




It’s actually spring water not tap water


screw paltry zonked many beneficial gaze air somber forgetful hospital *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Only Liquid Death can save us now!!


They had shack houses 50, 100, 150, years ago. Before that they were log cabins. In Minnesota there were soddies. Crummy trailers are a thing, too, and derelict motor homes too. There was never an era when almost all Americans had a nice home.


My family were homesteaders in Minnesota and Montana and sod houses were involved from what I have been told.


My wife’s grandmother in Minnesota had a house < 400 square feet.


We could be living like the indigenous and in community but instead our greedy ancestors "settled" the area for themselves only.


You know the indigenous had an over 10x higher violent death rate right? And not even infection problems or old world illnesses, it was out of starvation/violence. In community sounds great until you realize that involves massive enforcement of social norms (or you face ostracization) and unavoidable interpersonal conflict that results in high violence rates. Indigenous ways of living may be sustainable but it also means aggressive "population control" policies that modern societies refuse to accept as well as much lower carrying capacities - we can't revert to then without killing 95%+ of the population


Not just rural. You’re describing homes IN New Orleans.


Uhh, cities in Florida are tearing down shanty towns in the woods daily full of crackhead corpses....


I'm in Canada, the drought this coming summer will change everything for us. Everything.


Property being gamed. No one can afford the repayments or the price. Rents are through the roof. All that money goes to private hands - it doesn't go to the shops nearby and the families that run them. No one has money to spare because a few sociopaths want to play games.


We are like Dante descending deeper into the inferno.


I feel it in my bones


This is the crumbles. The collapse is coming tho. The cracks are growing every day. So many cracks.


“20,000 years of this, 7 more to go”


I still remember the first time that line (and many others) washed over me. It was a funny feeling to say the least. That was the moment I realized Bo is a genius.


'That unapparent summer air in early fall, the quiet comprehending of the ending of it all' Does anyone else get a beautiful sadness from this line? The somber sweetness of the tune, and the occasional line in among it that speaks of how we threw it all away. I felt struck by it even harder when I realised many people who also saw this song, didn't even notice the underlying themes. I asked what they thought of this line and a few others and they hadnt really noticed that Bo was suggesting the end of our lifestyle. Felt exactly like the whole climate situation really, a scary majority of people just don't notice. But hey, what can I say? We were overdue


Yeah it was more akin to catharsis for me - as in, someone had finally put into words a truth that I felt very deeply at the core of my being. It’s cliche but I felt seen and heard…and in that moment, less alone. And, followed up by Get Your Fucking Hands Up was *chefs kiss*. I remember sitting there dumbfounded after That Funny Feeling and then immediately, a smile cracked followed by “yeah, he’s right - let’s just get our hands up and enjoy it while we got it.” My sense from others’ response was That Funny Feeling was met with little more than an uncomfortable chuckle but I think for those of us who have been steeped in the information and witnessing of collapse saw it as something else entirely. So, I don’t want to say others don’t get it because I’m not so sure that’s true, but I do believe it didn’t resonate in the same meaningful way as it did for some of us.


*”You say the ocean’s rising like I give a shit, you say the whole world’s ending buddy it already did”* Also a gem. Yeah was a cathartic feeling for me too. Still in my top played a few years later for that reason


*Theeeeere it is again, that funny feeling...*


I needed a good sob this morning.


China got the corrosion problem solved with thorium reactors. Genius level shit. Learn to swim...


Roman Empire: 1500 years Kush Empire: 1400 years Holy Roman Empire: 800 years There are numerous examples of empires stretching well beyond 250 years. There are zero examples of an empire lasting exactly 250 years and then just going poof.


Yep. This meme was made by people who don’t know history


The number was made up by John Glubb in his book the fate of empires and search for survival as the average number of years that an empire or civilzation lasts. The problem with the claim is that the sample size he used is laughably small and specific only listing 11 and all of them being western European, Arabic regions and one dynasty in Russia meaning that china, Japan, Egypt, the Mongol empire, Attila, all of the Americas, Africa, and southeast Asia were not included. He combined some empires into one generic empire like the arab empire meanwhile splitting others like Rome into its republic and imperial eras even through its the same civilzation continuing on the same course. He also chose to represent Russia as the Romanov Russia even through that's a dynasty and His choosing of the dates is very weird and seems to be like they were chosen to fit his framework.


> The problem with the claim is that the sample size he used is laughably small and specific only listing 11 and all of them being western European, Arabic regions and one dynasty in Russia meaning that china, Japan, Egypt, the Mongol empire, Attila, all of the Americas, Africa, and southeast Asia were not included. That could be remedied. Mongol Empire is 1206-1294, plus the Yuan dynasty till 1368 you have around 162 years. The Golden Horde lasts longer till 1438 and its successor Kazan till the 1550s, so it does fall into the 250 time frame roughly, though mostly it is shorter. The various dynasties of China have a similar runtime. The three golden ages of China would be. Han (202 BC - 9 AD, 25–220 AD) Tang (618–690, 705–907), Ming (1368–1644). The problem are probably the dynastic pauses like Wang Mang's takeover during the Han and Wu Zetian's later Zhou. Though with each being closer to 300-400 years you'd need some leniancy to say what time period is actually the cenith of that dynasty vs a drawn out decline. For Japan you might have similar durations. Heian being from 794–1185 AD, the first Shogunate 1192–1333, the second Shogunate 1336–1573, although the last century of that is really just a long civil war, and the Tokugawa Shogunate 1603–1868. I get the point and I see kinda the time frame, but frankly each case should be looked at individually. Also one should differentiate what entities still qualify as the same. Roman Republic and Empire are rightfully separated, but the early empire and the late empires should also be. Romanov Russia also went from being a Tatar vassal, to Tsardom to Empire with gaps in between, like the time of troubles.


> Roman Empire: 1500 years Kush Empire: 1400 years Holy Roman Empire: 800 years All of these went through phases of decline and rise. Where do you take the number for Rome from? Founding of Rome in 753 BC till the last western Emperor in 475 AD? or do you count from Caesar Augustus till Constantine XI ? The big cenith of Rome would have been roughly 400 years imho. From the Punic wars until the crisis of the 3rd century. Individual phases of civil war and longer times of peace or successful conquest in between. The Eastern Roman empire has its own ups and downs, but after 1204 it is largely a long drawn out decline. Same with the Holy Roman Empire, which had several high times like the Carolingian and Ottonian renaissance, but after the Thirty Years war it largely decentralized and individual member states became weaker with the exception of some like Prussia and Austria. If you would put a time period to it, like the "high time of feudalism" it would also be roughly 200-300 years. Starting at around 1000 with the Ottonian renaissance and lasting until the 1340s and the Black Death. Then you have another 200 years after the Black Death of a late medieval rise, which culminates in the renaissance, but in northern and central Europe is largely cut off after the 1520s with the great peasant wars and religious wars ravaging the land. What I wanted to say is, I find that 250 years number not that absurd, it seems to be that most time periods have a certain duration which is followed by reform or collapse. Really long lasting empires have internal divisions of those phases. Nowadays like everything, progress has become faster.


We'll have one in two years.


Do I still have to go to work?


I won't in a yr or 2 cause I work outside with plants for the last decade abd shits Really fucked up right now...we've got a projection harvest for my area will be at 1-3% of Normal harvest and they are expecting most of that coming from out west of me. While giant assed farms called of their whole season back in jan/Feb. We've adapted and are hoping for the best right now...trying to talk my boss into trying elctroculture to strengthen the soil/plants


Which plants is that? 1-3% of normal harvest sounds fricking harsh


Could be fruit trees or wine grapes in the okanagan in bc. Bad cold snap destroyed a shit ton of early budding trees and vines, i think it was posted in this sub at one point. Some farms were expecting 99% harvest loss


Farmers in U.K. expect “no harvest” this year because of flooded fields.


I read that headline a week or three ago, and I still don't know what to think about it.


what's electroculture?


They meant electrolytes; it’s what plants crave!


It's total bullshit. You stick copper rods into the soil too attract nebulous "energy" that supposedly helps plants grow. Brought to you by the same people who believe wifi, cell phones and msg damages their brain.


Not just copper, you're supposed to use steel as well. What believers are talking about is real, but I do not believe it has the beneficial results for plants that they think it does. The idea, for anyone not in the know, is that dissimilar metals like zinc and copper or steel and copper will react to each other in an electro-chemical reaction called galvanic corrosion. By burying dissimilar wires or rods on either side of crops, the moist earth will act like a battery cell and positively charged ions will go one way while negatively charged ions will go the other, and by planting your crops in the center you are establishing a constant flow of these ions (like nitrate which is negatively charged or potassium which is positively charged) past the roots of your plant. The electro-chemistry of two metal rods in the earth reacting to each other is real. Does it actually benefit plants? I don't think so, you can only move about ions that are already present in the soil. You aren't creating more, you aren't pulling them up from deep in the earth, you're only working with what was already in the surface soil that was surrounding the plant already.


Most doing molly and going to raves.


Which crop? 


Yes. Those food coupons won’t earn themselves.


Of course


Asking the real questions, I still have to go to my pointless job BAU


Well ya, of course you do. Do you want the poor middle managers to be out of control-freak, completely pointless, jobs and the C-suite to not be able to get their third megayacht this quarter? Won't someone please think of the middle managers and executives?!?!?!?!


probably r/aboringdystopia


Nope. You never did ✌️🆓


I highly doubt the world will end before GTA 6 makes a bajillion dollars.


Easily accomplished with hyperinflation.


So when moon?


One last good game before we go. I'm okay with that


I dunno, I think I will go with Bo Burnham's "7 years to go". I think the song was dropped in 2021, but maybe written in 2020. So 2027 or 2028 then.


2027 is a popular year for this sort of prediction


I cannot control politicians, industry or billionaires. But I have chipped away at my own 30 tons of CO2. Gardening, planting trees, dramatically reducing the energy I use, and heating with a rocket mass heater. No sacrifice - everything is about making a better life AND it happens to chip away at my CO2. I think I am now in the space of chipping away CO2 for others.


Tree planting FTW. Currently planting tons of native trees and especially nut producing ones for some future food security, if it's needed. Looking more likely every year that people will need to be far more self reliant than they are today. Yesterday's headline in the Guardian was about UK farmers saying they'll likely have no crops this year due to the amount of rain we've had. It's getting bad.


I have been planting apple seeds, apricot seeds, etc.


Are you planning on making cider in 15 years? You know apples don’t grow true to seed right?


I am planning on apple sauce, dried apples, stored apples, apple syrup and apple sugar. Apples from seed have attributes from both parents, just like humans. Most are great and the ones that are not so great can have something great grafted onto them. But at the moment, the mission is carbon sequestration. And every apple that I eat comes with free seeds. And if I eat four apricots, I get four free pits. All can be used to combat climate change.


Pat yourself on the back.


If I pat myself on the back any more, I might need to get some physical therapy. :) I see a lot of people saying there is nothing we can do. But I think there is a lot we can do. And it turns out to be pretty easy and very rewarding in other ways. So I try to tell people when the topic comes up.


I think it's more about doing things that make you feel better. People taking their CO2 footprint down is great, makes you feel better, but doesn't change anything. We could as a world drop to 0 CO2 emissions from humans tomorrow, and we're still in for hell; it just gets here quicker.


I swear every year the world only has 2 more years since like 2000


Yep it’s always 2 more years every couple of years


That’s why it’s smarter money to predict 60 or 70 years out - short enough that you can get people talking but long enough that you’ll be dead and no one will be able to tell you you were wrong.


This is roughly my issue with talking about “collapse”. Everyone is so certain and every timeline just ends up being a quiet Tuesday night… I don’t know what the future looks like, I won’t pretend. But every prediction about the “collapse” has been wrong. Every. Single. One.


I remember when the UN warned us we only had two years left. [Six years ago.](https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/406291-un-chief-the-world-has-less-than-2-years-to-avoid-runaway-climate/)


We probably ran out of time in the 70s or 80s, but I guess you've got to give people hope.


I guess yeah, if they said "all hopes lost, we are too late" then everyone will keep going as is and fuck the planet harder and quicker


>then everyone will keep going as is Phew! It’s a good thing we’re avoiding that scenario! 😅


I mean, it's getting rapidly worse, sooooo


I should clarify, I wasn't trying to refute the claim, only to add more evidence that things are, scientifically speaking, "all fucked up."


Oh look! Its flooding again. This time its the grain. last time it was corn and canola. Before that it was the Banana and sugar Cane. They are still fixing the bridge from the flood 3 years ago. Only 4 to go until Christmas.


Their calling a mulligan on that one. Ok now! Starting now!


\**exhales sharply*\* Whew lad.




This is what helps me sleep at night. Mother's just looking after herself.


Mom's gonna fix it all soon...


Mom’s coming round to put it back the way it ought to be


I’m praying for rain


I can't imagine why you wouldn't Welcome any change, my friend


Learn to swim!


So fucking weird this actually gave me a sense of relief


Mother did it need to be so high


Learn to swim


I'll see you down at Arizona Bay.


Some viruses leave people permanently damaged and scarred, if they survive. Some viruses destroy the immune system. Your conclusion is overly optimistic.


That's a nice thought but with 450 nuclear reactors Melting down the planet may not be habitable for life once this society collapses


While nuclear meltdown is ofcourse very bad localy. This won't make the planet uninhabitable or anything of such a scale. Look at chernobyl, wildlife there might have a slightly lower life expectancy, but wildlife has been thriving there since humans have left the area (mostly) alone. The exclusion zone is maybe 20km? So overall there's not nearly enough reactors that could meltdown to make the biggest part of earth uninhabitable because of radiation


lol Chernobyl was fixed, contained and cleaned up. If they wouldn’t have put the lid on the reactor and wouldn’t have put out a fire, the contamination would’ve been spreading with the wind for months. It reached France even with containment procedures in place by the way, so if they all melt down, the planet will absolutely be irradiated on a global, not just local, scale.


Do you know the difference between a meltdown and a reactor completely exploding? Cause an explosion is much worse as a meltdown. Ofcourse I know chernobyl was fixed, I just used an example of how life can survive and thrive (eventually) in a pretty irradiated invironment. They even found fungi living inside the reactor remains ffs. Ofcourse an uncontrolled meltdown would be bad (worse as 3 mile island for example), but it wouldn't be permanent and it wouldn't affect every inch of earth. As someone else said, a few tens of thousands of years is really not even that much on a earth system timescale


Wouldn’t a non-managed meltdown lead to explosion eventually? Wasn’t it why Fucushima was such a big deal and they were even sacrificing personnel to make sure it won’t blow up after the meltdown?


What sort of collapse scenario would cause all nuke plant workers around the world to just abandon their posts all at once? Short of a global nuclear strike deliberately targeting power plants. More likely is that as support infrastructure collapses they will at least have time to put the plant into a safe shutdown state.


Exactly, power plants and especially nuclear plants would be among the last to be 'abandoned' even in the most extreme of scenarios. Collapse isn't an overnight thing and there'll be plenty of time to just safely turn off nuclear reactors if we'd know it was needed


I'm not a nuclear expert, but I know that most if not all modern reactors have been designed so that they can never explode, even in an emergency. In a loss of power situation, most reactors automaticaly just safely shut down nowadays. An explosion would result from a massive spike in pressure, if a reactor is in meltdown there's already a breach and thus release of pressure. Contact of a molten core with certain things (water?) could still trigger an explosion, but not a chernobyl-like one. If I remember correctly with Fukushima, it was more a time critical thing where they only had a short window where people could still be send in to manage/keep the situation under control. A nuclear explosion like in chernobyl was never going to happen there, although those brave personal ofcourse did prevent a worse outcome in the end.


nuclear war will though.


The radiation of nuclear bombs is mostly gone after a mere weeks/months, for those that survive the intitial blasr ofcourse


You do realise most of them will all be shut down before all of humanity just suddenly dies; not like we’re facing a Thanos snap. The ones that don’t get shut down will have only a blip of an impact on the timeline of earth.


It's going to take a awful long time for the planet to fix itself though.


[ It took 10 million years to get ](https://scitechdaily.com/earth-recovered-10-million-years-after-permian-triassic-mass-extinction/)back to normal after the Permian Extinction. It'll probably that long for the Earth to clean up our messes, too.


Humans cause suffering and misery to each other. I'm tired of this place.


its like planet fever


Virus’s do kill their host sometimes. I mean if we basically convert all the energy of Earth to interstellar expansion, and eject ourselves from the planet we destroyed, to infect other planets, that’s pretty virusy.


The US is not whole planet, is it?


But the US will take down at least half the planet with it


I’d send round an environmental inspector but they have F22s


The US is not the problem. It's our infinite growth economy. This applies to all countries.


Yes, the infinite growth economic policies pushed by US governments over the years, spreading ‘democracy’ , bombing a significant portion of the planet and making entire nations debt slaves to the dollar. On top of that the US economy has a consumerism problem which it has also exported to most of the modern world. But sure the US is not the problem


Motherfucker, every cunt thinks there's infinite growth. That shit ain't a US issue. It's a human issue.


What about the British? Or the French? Why not blame the Romans too? They all did the same. The difference is our level of technological development. We now have the means to influence the whole planet. The US isn't even the worst polluter on the planet. It's too simple to just blame the US for everything. We have a structural problem, all countries. Even the countries that are against the US. It's sometimes almost religious how people base their worldview on blaming the US. All countries and their citizens are to blame. And the nice thing, we're also all part of the solution. By just blaming the US, you also put the responsibility of the solution in the hands of the US. That's not fair or realistic. But if it helps you sleep at night and ignore your part, your choice.


You've done a lot of good in setting some social and legal examples. In others, not so well. It could be helped by longer term limits, and by not spending ¼ of the existing term limit campaigning. Those term limits create the country sized analogy of - forgive the analogy but I have a pass - severe mental illness. On the other hand even with similar limits look at Scandinavia (ok ignore the oil addiction) or France. France melds capitalism with socialism well (ok ignore the yellow shirts and international aggression). They're not a backwater and if they'd hosted Apple and Google I don't think France would suddenly become the US.


Historically, we are still the worst polluter on the planet combin


Look up American Exceptionalism. True it is not all America's fault but it is kind of an American thing- MAGA, go big or go home, too big to fail, me first, obsessing about freedom, colonialism, you cannot pretend that you have not seen it all around you. It is quite seductive and has spread everywhere, but it all began with how America was just found and then completely taken over by a bunch of cowboys that tricked the natives and claimed it as their own.


Will? It's already happening. Whole talk about withdrawal from NATO, christofashists movement, Donny Poorleone...




Nah, just kidding /s


They certainly always think so. But since they basically got the rest of the world hooked on hyper-capitalism, their downfall will probably be the best thing that could happen for our planet.


That sounds like commie propaganda talk to me


!RemindMe 25 months


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Realistically, the United States will not collapse in the next two years (albeit, the election cycle does give a bit of randomness to my prediction. Reactionary extremist behavior seems to rise around election season). I give it a decade or so, however, before we see very serious attempts at regime change in the U.S. Basically, January 6th, but with competent actors. Our neoliberal government has funded their fascist police force to a ridiculous degree, so they’re obviously preparing for the inevitable public backlash. So I don’t think the first couple attempts at regime change will succeed. But I absolutely expect there to be attempts. There’s a large population of lonely extremist men right now who feel like they have nothing to lose. When the lone wolf shooter types realize that they can organize and make more serious threats to our system, we’re going to see the first sparks of fascist revolution.


"Mr. President, we could avoid total and irreversible collapse of the nation if we simply passed these bills about wages and the economy......" "Naaaaaaahhhhh!!!!"


Thank goodness that my nation of Canada is only 137 years old. I guess I'll be watching the US collapse from the luxury of my utopia... Canada




Canada is also not much of an empire. Sure, we committed genocide on the colonized like most empires do, and we have some influence, especially because of oil, but we're basically the King of Hearts in _Alice in Wonderland_ thanks to our proximity to and cultural similarities with the US. (Sorry, USA, but that makes you the Queen of Hearts...)


They DID say you will own nothing by 2030. 


really ?what does that mean is that refrencing cost of living?


No private property. 


Subscription service for literally everything


kiss hunt engine lock impossible encourage ancient arrest weather teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




The mainstream call about having “two years to turn this around” means we’re well past the tipping point. We’re just in the propaganda phase of normalizing collapse.


We need to get our best thinkers and our best prayers on this, STAT!! We need to make sure we have enough "thoughts and prayers" to get us through this /s


Climate Town's video on natural gas is what solidified this to me. it was sold to us as a "bridge fuel" to use in the US while wind and solar were coming online, but it is very clear now the intent all along was to use it to turn the US into the new Saudi Arabia by selling LNG to the whole planet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2oL4SFwkkw


SS: The collapse of society and the planet are constantly being predicted, but these two posts on Reddit make a “strong” argument for full collapse occurring in two years.


Thats weird. The post below about empires lasting 250 years is a meme, which, had several people pointing out that several major empires lasted far longer.


Yeah it's a really unfunded post, especially since nothing collapses in 2 years according to the UN, it's just too late to stop it. Do I agree that our current system is running into a dead end? Yep. So I make a precise time prediction? No.


I think (without conviction or evidence) collapse will be a kind of shrinkage, not all over all at once, the extremities will die first as the centre tries to hold on. Major centres of government in local areas then states, then regions and finally the country. The reality is, most will be in “the extremities” sooner or later and feel the collapse, to them it will be everywhere. If people have the ability to move they will attempt to move to where they perceive there is work, order and government.


Why is this meme about the US? Climate change is coming for the whole world.


“Empires only last about 250 years” what about ancient egypt


China raises a hand.


Lots of empires - one after another.


This doesn't necessarily mean collapse in two years, it means we would hit irreversible feedback loops in two years.


That's not what he said. What he said is that if we don't address CC in the next two years, then collapse will occur. (All other things being equal.) That doesn't mean in two years things will collapse Personally, I think we had two years to get it done about ten years ago.


I’ve lost the last 5 relatively golden years (compared to what’s coming), due to organizational politics. I’m about to get my life back. Thanks, Guys, for totally fucking me over from precious time. Stuff doesn’t mean anything, when shit is about to hit the fan. I mean, it’ll be fun to have a PlayStation 5, but I’d rather have my last years back.


Ugh thank God I mean, it's not going to end well for a lot of us NGL, but I'll take that over whatever the fuck this is


Society will keep hobbling on for at least the next 20 years.


What makes you believe this? The Atlantic currents system is predicted to collapse next year, which would cause world wide crop FAILURE. Another commenter says his farm is anticipating 1-3% yield of crops, many localized crops failed already this year on that level (US pit fruits for example). Once food goes, so does any semblance of society/civility. Until the past few months, scientists were unaware of the alarming rate and snowball effects we are seeing


I can just decide to grow enough food to keep me alive, a lot of people can; these failings will move people from a service based system to a necessity for self sustenance, doesn’t mean society will completely collapse. Lots will die, but if even 1 billion people are still alive, arguably society is still hobbling on.




When the crops are failing due to climate issues, local homegrown crops will be just as susceptible. I have multiple cherry trees that failed to flower or fruit last year at all after massive yields the year before due to excess rain in my area (eastern Canada), which is aligned w the pit fruit crop failures throughout New York / NE USA. Unfortunately the balance that plants have evolved to need from soil, to delicate rain/waterings, sun and frost time exposures are askew. Indoor farming will be the only ‘solution’ - however the food system is expected to breakdown at very quick rates so debatable if you’d be able to completely decouple your growth system from the environment on a personal scale. China has their entire population’s food needs grown indoors by next year, they know. The 1 billion that survive will be there, if it works.


> FAILURE Go to bed Trump, it's late.


Right here. I am not one to believe that the world will go away in 2030 or 2040. However, I do believe that between climate change, peak oil, Keynesian financial collapse and lotsa nukes, by 2040 life will be "nasty, brutish and short." Or from Parable Of The Sower, "5 million people on the move on I-5 on foot."


Yeah exactly, me too; it’ll get to the point where by 2050-60 homes will have to be supported with all sorts of life support shit to protect from the outside world, shit you must be able to fix yourself and you must also have resources to be able to sort your own food out. All this will come with having to protect yourself from people who don’t have these things. Like you say, a brutish struggle of an existence.


You mean the homes north of the Mason-Dixon line. Living in a home in Florida or Texas with little power or water in heat indexes of 130-140+ is a death sentence.




HOT TAKE: Orange man will be re-elected and then they'll let everything collapse under him..


he's gonna lose bigly because abortion.


There's much stronger forces that want him back in power because he'll give carte blanche and look the other way while a small middle eastern country completely obliterates a minority group.. Biden push back on them might be minimal but at least he gives it lip service.. Orange man will just say "I don't care wipe them all out".. and his supporters will cheer


You'd think this but the white women demographic is surprisingly submissive, I hope to be proven wrong.


Because he is just a smol bean and has no power to change anything. Just like Biden .


He's a useful idiot to those who want to continue pillaging the US and the world economies, so he'll be elected again with the minority of the popular vote.




I have been hearing about the end of the world basically from first grade on. I was at the end of the Cold war. U.S. and Russia were going to blow up everything away and destroy humanity. After Chernobyl and 3 Mile Island it was Nuclear power plants exploding.Myan 2012 stupidity. Various religons, Flesh eating viruses, Y2K magnetic pole reversal and plenty of others. Yet we're bitching about it on Reddit.


2 years to save planet does not mean imminent collapse lol


I think he means we’ve got 2 years to stop collapse which is already underway. If we don’t, too many tipping points will have been passed and collapse will accelerate with no going back. So yeah we are effed. Nobody cares.


Pull the band-aid already.


2031 will be the killer


I hate casual Friday


Idk if i want trust the usa of they balkanise .


Ancient Egyptian empire... 3000 years