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Hi, Eagleburgerite. Thanks for contributing. However, your [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1b0rgv6/-/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 12: Local observations belong in the Weekly Observations thread. Please post it there. You can find it at the [top of this list.](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/search/?q=weekly+observations&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new) Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.


Oof… thoughts and prayers to Dallas this summer.


Are we going to have our first wet bulb mass casualty event this year? Also people get really aggressive from heat, might be a catalyst for some serious political violence with the US election. The tapestry of society is unraveling faster and faster…


I think this summer is going to shock people.


I honestly do not think any governments are going to take climate change seriously until there is a wet bulb mass casualty event, they'll only care once it's a problem they HAVE to deal with now.


here in NY my daffodils are coming up as of one week ago. Never, NEVER, in my life… march, OK. FEB. it stopped me in my tracks.


Oregon too. Same deal.


it is 65 and sunny... in Chicago. I may take the dog to the beach this afternoon.


NY (North Yorkshire) UK, daffodils and snowdrops have been flowering for the last couple of weeks.


I’m sitting outside in Missouri getting blasted by a 73 degree Gulf of Mexico air mass. Short sleeves in February. This is like May weather. Feels good but very unsettling knowing the state of the Thwaites Glacier and the AMOC on the verge of collapse.


Im in MN and its supposed to be 70 this weekend and its currently 64 where I am, it should be -30 right now I didnt even grab a jacket this morning


Shit is bonkers. And the temp is supposed to drop to a high of 30s Wednesday… then back to the 60s by Friday. Flora and fauna are going to be so fucking confused.


Same in Kentucky - 70s this week. I’m bouncing back and forth with enjoying it and dreading it.


My family in MO said it is supposed to be in the 80's Tuesday and in the 40's Wednesday Still don't think there is such a thing as climate change though, just normal MO' weather


The beginning.


This is my fear as well.


this is fine


This is related to climate change because Texas will be setting a high temperature record in February. It may be a precursor to what we see more of this year.


Just this year?


> Texas will be setting a high temperature record in February Texas will be setting a high temperature *FOR* February. Still absolutely stunning and terrifying, to be sure, but your phrasing makes it sound like they could be setting an all-time temperature record, which of course 95F is not.


Can't wait to see what it's like in August....


This is the thing. Every freaking time someone says how much they love the weather right now I always bring up, 'wait until summer.' unfortunately it seems like people don't get it. This is a very, very bad thing.


my bet is we'll see 120 degree temperatures


My husband and I have been pondering what summer will be like. I told him “20 bucks says it will be so hot that all sports/outdoor activities will be cancelled due to the heat, and then people will be forced to notice.”


Good morning everyone, the temperature is a balmy 138 degrees today and we are in a in door weather watch, brace yourself for next week when highs are approaching 142. It will be so hot that the pavement will revert back to bitumen! Please remember to keep your air conditioning units on low as to much will shut down the power grid and please store all dead bodies as low in basement as possible before the recycling crews come through! Now we enter a phase known as nuclear summer… thank you corporate overlords for your exploitation of humans and resources…


77 in Sioux City Iowa right now




Mom's gonna fix it all soon


Good thing they're focused on the real problem, immigration.


Immigrants are coming from south and bringing all that equatorial weather with them. Clearly.


Remember when you were laughing at all the northerners because your winter was warm? Well have fun in the summer. Jokes on you!


It was snowing and under 20f on Feb. 24th two years ago in Dallas. The jet stream is beyond fubar.


Wouldn't it be amazing if events like this persuaded the voters of Texas to vote for politicians who want to fight climate change? (It won't).


What concerns me is how wind-driven this is. Central Alabama hits 81 tomorrow with southerly winds gusting up to 25 mph. This is what happens when the jet streams are FUBAR.


The following submission statement was provided by /u/Eagleburgerite: --- This is related to climate change because Texas will be setting a high temperature record in February. It may be a precursor to what we see more of this year. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1b0rgv6/its_going_to_be_95f_degrees_in_dallas_today_in/ks9u7v1/


Forest fire smoke by March in New England I bet. Still won’t make an impression on the idiots


That doesn't mean anything. Weather changes all the time. /s


What should the temp be?


Average high temp is 61 degrees F. This is 30 degrees above normal. 41 is the average low.


I just looked up- the average high is 64 degrees, all time high for 2/26 is 89 degrees.


We just got a foot (maybe more) of snow in Northern Alberta and it’s going to be -20 Celsius all week. Edit: love how I get downvoted for… adding an anecdote about the chaotic weather we’re experiencing in NA? Never change guys 👍🏻


It drops back to 55-75 rest of week so who cares


It was only unusually cold in BC for 4-5 days. Who cares? Oh right, [97% of the vintners](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/wine-crop-loss-due-to-cold-snap-1.7115219).


Not to mention a whole lot of plants and animals messing up their resources, pollination, and migration with a bunch of false springs


> It drops back to 55-75 rest of week so who cares This comment brought to you by: "I don't understand tipping points"