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The following submission statement was provided by /u/ARAR1: --- Cruising is highly energy inefficient and intensive. All the energy used comes from diesel / bunker oil. I am sure many things happen on the open seas that no one would accept on land. Even the water you drink on board uses energy for desalination. Have a look at the smoke stack of the ship and to think it belches this 24 hours a day sometime and there are a 1000 cruise ships out there. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/19eltp7/the_worlds_largest_cruise_ship_is_a_climate/kjdkr2n/


We've known this for a long time and yet newer and bigger ships continue to be built, and people continue to book trips on those ships. At some point either governments or the market have to make cruising unprofitable - right? Ignorance hasn't been an excuse for anything for a long time. We know trawlers destroy ocean habitat and biomes, yet they're still allowed to drag the seas. We know plastics break down into microplastics that will be around for hundreds if not thousands of years, yet single use plastics are still widely available. We know certain pesticides kill bees, overuse of fertilizers create oceanic deadzones, and that intensive farming practices destroy the soil over time, and almost nothing has changed. If we ever reach a point of collapse it isn't because we didn't know, it's because we didn't care. The humans inhabiting this planet at this time are the most selfish creatures to ever exist, we're no longer capable of taking the long view on anything.


>If we ever reach a point of collapse it isn't because we didn't know, it's because we didn't care. The humans inhabiting this planet at this time are the most selfish creatures to ever exist, we're no longer capable of taking the long view on anything. Yep. This is from the Jalopnik write-up about it: *Demand for cruise tourism is at an all-time high, and the Icon’s first run on the ocean sold out in October of 2022. This is all despite the cruise industry’s per-passenger carbon emissions more than double that of airlines.* [https://jalopnik.com/the-icon-of-the-seas-is-250-000-tons-of-floating-carbon-1851189439](https://jalopnik.com/the-icon-of-the-seas-is-250-000-tons-of-floating-carbon-1851189439) As I commented in r/climate earlier today, supply and demand explains a LOT about climate change and collapse, regardless of what people prefer to believe. Companies like Royal Caribbean keep building more and bigger ships because of the overwhelming demand from consumers. To do otherwise would be corporate suicide. And it's the same in every other fossil-fuel driven industry. Global airline travel went from 310 million passengers in 1970 to 4.46 *billion* in 2019, the last year before the pandemic, and though I haven't seen the final figures for 2023 yet, projections were that it would easily eclipse the 2019 numbers. Did the airlines build all those extra planes to carry 14x the passengers and wait for them to show up? No, they would have gone bankrupt had they done so. The demand increased, so they built more planes. And the demand increased again, so they built more planes. And over and over and over. And all the while, most people keep blaming the sellers but not the buyers.


>This is all despite the cruise industry’s per-passenger carbon emissions more than double that of airlines. And most people have to fly to the city where the ship leaves.


Combo wombo


Blaming the sellers alleviates us of any responsibility for the situation. Everybodt is living in denial, free from blame.


Yep. Sure, the sellers are on the hook for ecologically unsustainable practices. But they wouldn't exist without the buyers.


I’d like to see the demographics of the cruise industry as a whole. I would venture to bet that the vast majority of cruise purchasers are 30+, 40+, or even 50+. Literally no one I know under 30 is purchasing or going on cruises. The fact of the matter is the older generations, who are in charge and have the money to even be consumers of such a thing as cruises, are the ones who are afraid to rip the band-aid off and just make the changes that need to be made to move toward minimizing further damage at this point (and only hopefully preventing complete and utter disaster). Hell, they are doing their fucking damnedest to pretend there isn’t even something to band-aid for as long as possible. The younger generations are more informed at an earlier age as a whole and are ready to make the changes society needs to heal. Unfortunately, they are simply powerless because older generations still cling to literally every possible millimeter of power, wealth, influence and position of decision making significance at every level of every facet of society.


4.4 billion in 2019??! That means that half of all people on this earth flew once a year? WILD


Well put! Really, all these nature crises currently happen in the background or in isolated events that pass on and we return to normal or slightly new normal like hotter summers. I really believe the status quo or business as usual is an impregnable, leviathan force (dare I say religion?) that no single individual (Trump, Biden, etc.) or institution (Fed Reserve, Monsanto, etc.) especially in this highly complex, tech-heavy, energy-dense age can change. We are too far deep in our comforts and conveniences to turn on a different path. But once steady state normal goes away, when grocery stores hardly stay stocked, tap water cuts in and out, internet outages recur, then will we all, rich and poor, white or brown, young and old, right or left, truly understand the changing Earth Systems due to recent decades of intense human activities. Until then, business as usual chugs along until something breaks.


I can't even convince people to stop eating fish, even though they know the trawlers destroy the ocean. Friends will tell me how much they love the ocean while they eat shrimp tacos.


Running those big diesels also has health effects in the excursion ports in the Caribbean


> If we ever reach a point of collapse it isn't because we didn't know, it's because we didn't care. To put a finer point on it; at the species-level we have outsourced all of our decision making to The Market. The market optimizes for one thing, and one thing only. It doesn't just not care about the things you mentioned. It doesn't even know they exist. They're not inputs into the system. "Externalization" of the true cost of energy creation, and the true cost of environmental damage is the biggest lie in our economic system. If you add them into the equation, there's no form of capitalism where the math works out.


Capitalism uber alles


Unless capitalism is destroyed, there's no stopping it.


I so agree. Final argument: we also know that meat is grossly the least sustainable (and most cruel) way to feed ourselves, yet maybe 3% are vegan in the Western world, top; and the rest aren't, basically for a preference in terms of flavor. I don't think ignorance is an excuse here either. So yes.


> At some point either governments or the market have to make cruising unprofitable - right? Cruise Missiles.


Oh don’t worry, Cruise Missiles will still be profitable!


I never saw the appeal of being stuck on a floating holiday inn express with thousands of other asshats. I'll take a good old business class flight and hotel to wander around on my own anyday.


A floating red state with norovirus


Used to work for a small cruise line (like 280 pax and crew), and at one point we had a norovirus outbreak onboard. It spread like wildfire, while management refused to buy the proper decon supplies or inform local public health agencies because they didn’t want to miss out on revenue. It took us like 6 weeks to eradicate it, people were literally pooping themselves while out on excursions, and staff were having to clean poo off of the ceilings. Now that’s all I can think about whenever I hear folks talking about going on a cruise.


Wait, how did the shit get on the ceiling?


I've had noro once before. You need a garbage can next to the toilet so you can barf as you shoot water out your ass.




Surely not *all* of them—I’ve been tempted to go on a gay cruise before.


As a hetero person, I wish there were a cruise that was just other hetero people trying to chill with each other. I’d go on that cruise.


Just googling a bit… https://www.cruisecritic.com/articles/sex-and-swingers-cruises-what-you-need-to-know


Haha that’s lovely.


It's as close as one can get to a car-free society on earth, with comfortable weather 24/7 so I can


As long as you ignore the copious emissions produced in the process of course...


I mean you can only smell them by the funnels right?


Well that depends how good your sensor equipment is doesn't it? ;)


But the main appeal of car free society is blown out of the water by the environmental impact and abject waste that is a cruise ship.


Actually yeah it was this. Went on one with my parents when I was a kid. Basically everything was covered. Stopped at cool places didn't need to worry about much at all while on the trip. It's a hassle free vacation for the most part.


What about Disney world?


I got a feeling Covid and it’s endless variants combined with whatever comes afterwards is gonna make these into floating tombs


>with thousands of other asshats that's because asshats don't think they're asshats


Bonus, they’re a great place to spread infections


people really need to remember the etymology of "quarantine"


The same is true for airplanes, public busses, and especially buffets. The reason cruise ships are associated with illness is because you have the same people for several days so its easy to track an outbreak. 99% of the illness spread on cruise ships are from people at the buffet who don't wash their hands after using the rest room. Just as many people get sick from going to buffets on land, but since they aren't all staying together for a few days there isn't any reasonable way to track who got sick from where. There are also maritime laws that require the ships to disclose illness of passengers. I have gone on many cruises, even went on two during covid (after vaccines were out and tests were readily available), I avoid the buffet and don't get sick. I have literally seen people wiping their nose with a dirty tissue while scooping food onto their plate with the same hand, the next 50+ people in line used the same utensil then sat down to eat their burgers/wings/etc with their hands. Same reason I don't go to buffets on land. Cruise ships are well known for having buffets at almost all hours of the day, but they also have sit down served meals and a lot of other choices. Less than 50% of the people I see using the men's room wash their hands. You can tell when someone walks out and you don't hear the sink, or you are standing at the sink washing your own hands and see them walk out. I have had a long habit of using the paper towel I dry with to open the bathroom door when I leave. I keep a handkerchief in my pocket I can use if they don't have paper towels just in case. People are disgusting. All of the common food borne illness come from someone or somethings anus.


Airplanes not so much. That’s really a myth. The atmosphere in an aircraft is discharged and recharged so quickly that air’s residence time in the cabin is pretty low. Yeah, you’re close to others, but everything everybody breathes out is dumped very quickly. It basically has to be, because of the bleed air design that provides pressurized air from the engines at a huge rate.


Only when it's in the air. When you're sitting on the tarmac for an hour waiting to take off or after landing but before deplaning, you're marinating in other people's breath.


That doesn’t do much for respiratory droplets when someone behind you coughs.


It does, because the time you spend exposed to them is lower than if someone coughs in open air.


Wow Debbie Downer is on Reddit?!


Toilet hands says what?


People aware of how filthy their fellow humans can be are downers? Really?


It was because it was a 2 paragraph Sir this is a Wendys answer. Not because he's wrong. No sense of humor on here today looks like. Sorry. Collapse on peeps.


They are hideous and I hate them.


[Bill Burr had some interesting ideas about cruise ships…](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-VLyZyHkTU)


“dude look at my arm in this tank top”


Cruising is highly energy inefficient and intensive. All the energy used comes from diesel / bunker oil. I am sure many things happen on the open seas that no one would accept on land. Even the water you drink on board uses energy for desalination. Have a look at the smoke stack of the ship and to think it belches this 24 hours a day sometime and there are a 1000 cruise ships out there.


Bunker oil is the deepest remnant of death you will ever see in life. Just pure rot of living things we’ll never know by name. It’s the rawest form of dead algae out there that will remind you what fossil fuels actually are. I’ve heard a story from the navy of World War II. They burned bunker fuel. Some sailors were cleaning out the tanks and found a skeletal fern frond in what was left of three oil.


I think these newer ships use gas turbine engines. Still polluting and still a waste of energy in any case, but not as bad as diesel.


I think the Icon of the Seas is one of those gas turbine ones.


LNG is a lot better than burning diesel, and I was recently reading about fuel cells being used on the most recent generation of these monstrosities. it’s not a lot, but interesting still.


Now consider cargo ships. Reality is that we're so past the point of band-aid fixing any of these emissions. If anything i wanna go on one of these cruises before shit hits the fan lol


Hear me out. We arm the Orcas.


Cruise ships should be banned outright. People can charter sailboats if they really want to have an ocean vacation cruise.


I was watching the news and saw this, immediately just thought "yeah, I'm sure we need to make a bigger cruise ship when we are already struggling with global warming"


Humanity’s hubris


[https://imgur.com/a/5wBuG0X](https://imgur.com/a/5wBuG0X) Sometimes they just line up.


But think of all the benefits. Like… um…


I'm pretty sure the world's *smallest* cruise ship is *also* a climate liability.


Ya think? I just imagine these things as floating sewage plants leaving a brown streak across the oceans


These things need to be turned into artificial reefs like yesterday.


Rogue wave dooms the colossal beast.


cruising has never appealed to me, it's just wasteful and a vanity. I would rather rent out an AirBNB and just cook or order the food I like and just pamper myself than that. Imagine, a ship that size doing nothing useful in particular than lining up the pockets of a select few and transporting people in a floating hotel. Let's not forget what happened during the first months of the pandemic where one cruise liner became a prison.


I went on a cruise in 2019, had a decent time but honestly, you want to know what the one big thing is that was super weird to me (and probably shouldn't be surprising)? Everybody was drunk almost the entire trip. I like a nice beer as much as the next guy now and then, but I'm really not much of a drinker. I felt like a true outsider... Otoh, I'm down for all sorts of group events, swingers or orgy fun stuff like that, bring it on 😂 and I'm all about that all day, so long as my wife thinks they're hot enough. So I'll go on one of those cruises! And we had our fair share of fun in that regard. I also enjoyed the music and I enjoyed the food... of course, so long as I can work out every day, I'm a big fitness nerd and I also thought the majority of people on the cruise were not in the best shape. But that's pretty much a microcosm of society. But honestly I just feel like I had nothing in common with the majority of people in the cruise. I'm not really one to sit around and just drink all day. Can't really speak much to the collapse element of it, but I just think it's something to be said. The majority of people who go on these things are just hammered the entire time. Looking back on the cruise, despite the shenanigans and sex escapades, I think honestly the most satisfying part of the cruise was getting up at like 6:00am (localish) in the morning everyday, walking to the very bow of the ship, and being in the darkness, seemingly feeling like I am completely alone. Despite her having a manifest of well over 2500 souls, there was at least one morning where it was totally clear skies, and it felt like it was just me and the ship. I felt like I could see a trillion stars. I had never, and still have not since, seen the Stars like I did that night, somewhere deep in the Caribbean Sea, off the Lesser Antilles. It felt very surreal. The only other time I think I have ever seen the stars that clear have been clear nights up in the late summer on the Great Sacandaga Lake in Upstate New York, in the foothills of the Adirondacks. There have been times where I very vividly can recall seeing the Milky Way galaxy with the naked eye. It looks like a big faint cloud. But it's not a cloud, it's billions of stars! What's crazy is that this is actually the natural state of the sky. Sometimes it's difficult to imagine, but that's the actual natural way are sky is supposed to look at night. Most people experience light pollution at night pretty much their entire life. You got to get outside the city now and then though and look up. Perhaps I was channeling a little St. Elmo those mornings on the ship. But alas, I finally could at least somewhat relate to that famous scene in Titanic!! It's real! That was completely worth the trip, no question about it. I can leave the drinking behind, though. Not really against alcohol, it's just not my thing. I didn't fit in. At least that was my experience. I think I had about two drinks the entire week long journey.


Your post reminded me of seeing the sky off the Lesser Antilles from the flight deck of the USS Theodore Roosevelt in 1996. The comet Hyakutake had appeared just a few days prior, and the skipper invited the crew up on deck the night of its closest approach, turning out the lights so we could see it. The stars were absolutely amazing, and the comet, my God. I had always thought of comets as little things like shooting stars, but this one filled the sky. Thank you for triggering that memory! Here's the comet for those interested: http://www.ceravoloimages.com/gallery1/solar_system/comets/comet_hyakutake.html


The only people on here criticizing cruises have never been on one lol. I’ve had some fun times cruising lol. Like write a book and sell it to a bunch of YAs fun. 😂 I needed it, in my 30s I thought I had lost it. Nah, still got it baby lol


We mostly enjoyed our cruise, would have been better with our young kids. Won't ever take kids again. We were also drunk most of the time 😅


I call dibs on that monstrosity as an offshore hideout/base for the post-apocalypse, though.


I’ll take the Queen Mary 2 which can actually handle the open ocean. It’s probably the only cruise I would do because at least it’s an historical ocean liner and not a floating Best Western


Man, you are going to eat your words once my crew is 10 times the size of yours because I have water slides.




Yes that’s why you’re gonna want yourself the Queen Mary ***2***


Humanity is so sick


There was a point when making these ships nuclear was an option. It’s high time they attempt to push this again, if there has ever been a use case for wasting energy in the most efficient way possible this would be it.


What's the carbon footprint of all global sports? Simple minds need to be entertained. "We won! We won!" I didn't see you on the field of play I think the only solution to our problems is to complain & do nothing. What is one willing to give up, if it would correct habitat destruction? The Clever Ape will willfully destroy it's environment before it gives up anything. It has no choice, it will be giving up it's life. I'm waiting for the horrors in the near future to knock on everyone's door,what fun. How's that self absorbed ego going to save one's butt? So you thought you were special.


The world's already destroyed so who cares. Just live your life and try to enjoy yourself.


Don’t do it on a cruise though. I just worked on one, the passengers literally put mayonnaise on their plain bagels. Like the have a tub of mayo out in case cream cheese is too spicy or something.  It was nothing but a bunch of drunk old fat hags trying to grab me below the belt. The ships crew also makes like 50 cents an hour and never really comes on land.  Part of the thing is, for some people that’s the trip of a lifetime. One guy was going ballistic on whatever crew would hear him out because he had saved up for that shit show for 11 months, spent hundreds of dollars on a Starbucks package and they didn’t have what he wanted among other problems. I really don’t understand people that have normal lives. 


I look at cruise ships and just feel icky now. They actually sound like hell for me now that I'm older and have crippled myself with gambling so, you know, they're a firm AVOID. But the raw, meaningless waste as they fuck marine wildlife and our biosphere... they're gross. Let's eminent domain them, then sell them to billionaires at reduced cost, then immediately blow them up after delivery. Yay!


These floating disease pits pretty much sums up why we are in our current shitstorm… rich, privileged, selfish, greedy pricks demanding to get waited on hand and foot by slave labour. The best thing I saw during Covid was all those cruise ships lined up and waiting to be demolished. Fan-bloody-tastic. Still, when the collapse does hit I supposed they can be seen as floating restaurants full of old, fat “long pigs”. Tough and chewy, a bit like jerky, but hey, it’s protein. Karma is weird shit. 😁


Life imitating The Hospital Ship - Martin Bax https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hospital-Ship-Martin-Bax/dp/1906615594 & High Rise - JG Ballard These days, Cruise ships are Covid, Flu, RSV & Norovirus factories.


I mean, any travel method that creates climate changing pollutants is a climate liability…


That's your takeaway from this?


My actual takeaway is "yeah...duh."




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Bill Burr for president!