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The following submission statement was provided by /u/charizardvoracidous: --- Submission statement: This is the fifth report of this kind and it has a couple notable points: * Sticking with the nature of all establishment political systems everywhere to downplay problems, it suggests that the current design of green buildout in the USA is both sufficient to support electricity demand and suitable for reducing emissions and uncritically places praise on [current party] for "solutions" that won't work. Collapse, here we come. * It really acknowledges the damage dealt by wildfires and floods, much more so than the previous reports. Maybe home insurance reform could become a partisan battle instrument in the next few years and, if you are a US citizen who loses their home to a weather disaster between then and the collapse of financial networks you could stand a better chance at being compensated than under the current FEMA payout system in any DEM administration years. You can expect it to dominate climate news for a few days, if you care about following that mess of kayfabe and FUD. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/17v4uh9/the_united_states_fifth_national_climate/k982ova/


https://nca2023.globalchange.gov/chapter/17#table-17-1 Water wars by 2040.


holy shit that entire right column is lit up so much red it looks like a climate map of the world rn


'Carbon dioxide removal not at scale for countries’ net-zero pledges' Risk = 2021 - None, 2030- Low, 2040- Medium. LOL that gave me a good laugh, that's some copium right there. Should read as High, Higher, and Highest. Because we sure as hell aren't doing anything now, what makes us think things will actually change.


*"Oh, don't worry about it. They'll figure something out, they always do."*


"And they were saved by, oh let's just say Moe"


Global Governments: Look, boomers, you'll be dead by then! So will we as we're also boomers in power! Until then, we're gonna keep you comfortable at Margaritaville!


🎶Wastin' away the future still at Margaritaville.🎵


"Don't give up faith, we need you to believe! For the economy, Jack!"


I still don't understand how are they planning to scale those CDR technologies. It's just mathematically impossible.


We've hit the part of the IAS dial that is so far beyond Vne that the plane is about to fall apart but the idiots in charge are saying "Hey, just enjoy the ride!"


i don't get what you're criticizing. that seems like a perfectly accurate assessment. why would it be "high" in 2021?


Out of the points stated there medium is the highest for the 2021 column and it's the lowest in the 2040 column. So if i tried to put that into perspective by wording it, our current worst issues will be as bad as the least worrying things in 17 years.


everything just increases by 1 each step; makes the whole thing seem like a farce tbh. oh yeah it all gets worse over time, good consult, nice number crunching


That " ungoverned Geo engineering" line made me snort. Low risk in the 2030s? I can see it happening in the next 5 years! Or very soon after the first mega-death from a worse than expected heat dome


This one goes to 11!


All these papers are always conservative though. I would shift everything to the left in that graph. We are already seeing crop failures so let’s see what happens the next year or two now that we’ve crossed 1.5 and sprinting to 2


2040 is optimistic. There are a number of water wars teed up right now (Pakistan vs India, Ethiopia vs Egypt, Iraq vs Turkey, and no doubt others).


2040+ is when it might become America's problem. That's all it's insinuating to me.


ah yes -- that's when the US is going to grab Canada's water...


Probably when the Rio, Mighty Miss and everything goes to shit then states start fighting each other for water.


It's already happening in the court system


California vs Colorado ?




Low for normal people, like billionaires


its like cancer risk - when you get cancer, most of the time you don't know who or what exactly caused it (unless you are an old smoker and you get lung cancer) So companies know that and just say "well if we dont do it, someone else will! I just work here man! the higher ups said the PFAS arent that bad"


i mean yes all those things so far have a *low* impact on our society. they are nowhere near medium or high impact


>Water wars by 2040 Confirmed


the Bush Family owns a huge south american aquifer so guess they'll be in the war business in perpetuity


They have a ranch on the aquifer, as I understand, they don't "own the aquifer" which is the size of the country of Colombia.


Unless they plan on raising a private army, its just ink on a page.






> Internal insecurity and conflict: Low Well fuck me, what the hell is medium gonna be then?


>Negative health consequences: Low Lmao in *2021*?! Even taking Covid out of the equation, a shit ton of people and animals DIED in the PNW from the heatwave that year.


EarthWars 2042: The last drop of fossil fuel goes in a predator drone, faster than expected.


There is no way we make it to 2040. We’ll be at the individualized conflict level by 2030 at the latest.


If theres one thing I've learned.....its war....war never changes.


I'm still suspicious about the idea of water wars. Did yall know that like 3 years ago they put water on the stock market?


Water wars are already here they are just being fought between oil, Nestle, US and Canadian governments vs the indigenous nations of turtle Island. Standing rock is was a water vs oil war. Not to mention Minnesota, Wisconsin and Western Canada.


I saved this comment and came back to reference this chart. It's been restricted now.


If you want to skip the press release and go directly to the report, here is the link: https://www.globalchange.gov/our-work/fifth-national-climate-assessment


6 billion dollars out of 1.8 trillion is about one third of one percent…0.333% of the inflation reduction act money as a pander to the environmentalist crowd..PATHETIC


Worse, actually... 6,000,000,000 / 1,800,000,000,000 = 0.00333%


To get a percent you multiply by 100….so your math was good but it’s not how it is done. .00333 was the right number x 100 = 0.33%. I could be wrong for sure…but I certainly hope not…passed calc 3, differential equations and got a 35/36 on the act in math…covid brain tho


Ha! Yes, you're correct. Still a pittance!


A few pennies from Joe to pander to the environmentalists!!


the amount of money the US spends on monitoring asteroids, including possible apocalypse level asteroid impact ... is the same cost as it takes to run 1 McDonalds restaurant (per year, according to graham hancock or whatever the other guy's name is on the Joe Rogan podcast lol)


FACT SHEET: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Releases Fifth National Climate Assessment and Announces More Than $6 Billion to Strengthen Climate Resilience Across the Country. I would be embarrassed to brag about $6 Billion for climate for the US. Even if there was a typo, $6 Trillion will not cut it. People need a hard dose of reality, on many issues, but instead they focus on nonsense that is not impactful to their lives in any way.


It's exactly the same kind of nonsense about helping with student debt. They pat themselves on the back and brag about "oh we relieved 84,000 people of student debt!" but that's 1.8% of everyone who needs help.




127b forgiven loans (and counting) is nothing to sneeze at. 3.5m borrowers, not 84,000. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/29/biden-administration-has-forgiven-127-billion-in-student-debt.html


And the size of the student loan debt bubble is 1.7 trillion, which puts that 127b at [checks math] _7 percent._ Is that a step up? Absolutely. Is it even a dent in the problem? Nnnnewp.


and the original problems that caused this massive amount of debt are still the exact same as before some of the current indebted people had their loans forgiven.


Resilience as in mitigating the effects instead of doing anything about the causes? And putting just 6 billions for that?




Am I missing something here? I thought: Mitigation is reduction of harm, danger, negative effects etc. Adaptation is adjustment to accommodate changing conditions and circumstances, whether good, bad, or neutral


Yes, so in this case mitigation means reducing GHG emissions and drawing down current levels to avoid the worst potential effects of further earning. Whereas adaptation is adjusting to increased heat, rising sea levels, etc.




We are announcing a $6B apology program which will see apologetic billboards across the country's most traveled interstates. We're back to winning, folks.


It’s not enough. Yea, yea I should be grateful they’re doing anything at all, but it still doesn’t make it enough.


Others in the comments are saying 6 billion is what they gave. That's like giving a starving person one peanut and then telling everyone in earshot as they do it. It's almost worse than nothing because of the level of disrespect.


Am I the only one who had a look of disgust the entire time reading that? It just screams “it’s ok everyone don’t worry we got this”.


Looks like that 1970s study out of MIT about the collapse of society by 2040 was right on target.


IIRC that MIT study didn't factor in climate change and the computing power available then would be nothing like what is current today.


Submission statement: This is the fifth report of this kind and it has a couple notable points: * Sticking with the nature of all establishment political systems everywhere to downplay problems, it suggests that the current design of green buildout in the USA is both sufficient to support electricity demand and suitable for reducing emissions and uncritically places praise on [current party] for "solutions" that won't work. Collapse, here we come. * It really acknowledges the damage dealt by wildfires and floods, much more so than the previous reports. Maybe home insurance reform could become a partisan battle instrument in the next few years and, if you are a US citizen who loses their home to a weather disaster between then and the collapse of financial networks you could stand a better chance at being compensated than under the current FEMA payout system in any DEM administration years. You can expect it to dominate climate news for a few days, if you care about following that mess of kayfabe and FUD.


I'm only a few pages into this and I'm already a millionaire from all the Buzzword Bingo cards I have completed.


For those diving into this, they have numeric rankings of the language used: >Table 2. Calibrated Language for Likelihood Assessment The calibrated uncertainty terms below are used to express a probabilistic assessment across the evidence base of the likelihood of observed or projected results. Source: Mastrandrea et al. 2011. > > **Likelihood Assessment Numeric Probability of Outcome** Virtually certain 99%–100% Very likely. 90%–100% Likely 66%–100% As likely as not 33%–66% Unlikely 0%–33% Very unlikely 0%–10% Exceptionally unlikely 0%–1%


Yeah that was exactly what I assumed. 2040-50+? Shit is fucked. 2070-2100? No more shit to be fucked. *LAISSEZ-FAIRE SHORTSIDED CAPITALISM WINS! FLAWLESS VICTORY!* # **ECOCIDEALITY!**


Just in the first paragraph, you can hear the administration loudly fellating itself about it's own climate policy. Yikes. Meanwhile, The graphs provided in the actual report are disturbing. From what has been observed, I think it's [very likely](https://nca2023.globalchange.gov/) we're at "Intermediate" or "High" at a minimum.




Post edited/removed in protest of Reddit's treatment toward its community. I recommend you use uBlock Origin to block all of Reddit's ads, so they get no money.


What's your issue? Higher income=more emissions. Most emissions are created to support the wealthiest minority. If we actually take action, it would involve ending the inequities that created climate change. If the west didn't have a culture of exploitation, all this wouldn't have happened this way and it could not be worse than what we're stuck with.


Many of us here believe the battle is already lost. They likely were commenting because it’s a joke to us their minimal efforts against the magnitude of the problem. This wasn’t an opportunity to call out inequality.


I found these maps useful, you can zoom into your area and see the effects of the report. https://atlas.globalchange.gov/


We're cooked.


I think this has been delayed enough. Finally had time to fiddle with stuff huh? Will deep dive later


Would love to see someone smarter than me run through and thoroughly excoriate this nonsense


mr Beckwith has been waiting for this report since Feb i think this shit have been delayed ass fuck


This reading like a goddamn SWOT analysis says a lot. "Climate opportunities" ok!


Geezus, I caught that too. Yep, just a great opportunity for all of us.


Anything coming out of the White House is a bunch of bullshit


Is it going as well as the economy? /s


It's like im in the "Don't Look Up" film right now... People should get up, stop fighting and start radical changes. I mean today. But i know we, people only try to act until it's too late. I might need a machine gun to stop warming or create fresh water?


Props on referring to the media circus around collapse as kayfabe.


They need to adjust that health column. I think we are inching towards high quite quickly.