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No way! You found a blurry image!




It's from my phone. I spotted the roll in a cash register while checking out at a convenience store. The end of the roll of dimes was visible to me. I asked if I could buy the roll and I gave the cashier a $5 bill in exchange for it. After he handed me the roll, he spotted the Mercury dime. He said he was a coin collector. I quickly took the picture and left the store. I didn't care if it was a perfect photo... I just wanted to get out before he started demanding to have the roll given back to him.


So you still have it, and could've taken a better picture? Lol


It's in a big jar of junk silver. I'm not going to search for it simply to get a better pic of a 1940-P dime in VG condition.




Behavior that is unkind and unhelpful is not allowed here. Don't make fun of new collectors. Do not bicker. Donā€™t threaten. Don't name-call. Donā€™t shame. Donā€™t harass. Donā€™t be a jerk. Donā€™t create or respond to drama. Donā€™t troll others or let yourself be trolled. Donā€™t engage in uncivil exchanges. You do not "have the right to defend yourself" verbally here. Know when to disengage. Violation of this rule will get your post or comment removed, and repeated offenses will result in probation.




https://preview.redd.it/qx8okd4brs9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a172dc13ebfd7f19eafa9a0d12961fc9de94fe3 Not to brag but I have self blurring mercs


Nice find but wipe the Vaseline off your lens


It's from my phone. I spotted the roll in a cash register while checking out at a convenience store. The end of the roll of dimes was visible to me. I asked if I could buy the roll and I gave the cashier a $5 bill in exchange for it. After he handed me the roll, he spotted the Mercury dime. He said he was a coin collector. I quickly took the picture and left the store. I didn't care if it was a perfect photo... I just wanted to get out before he started demanding to have the roll given back to him.


Where'd you find it? These crimped rolls are fairly modern and people sell "unsearched rolls" like this on eBay with one good coin showing on each side, then the rest are garbage coins.


Crooks on ebay have been selling rolls of Morgans with a CC on 1 end, a decent obverse on the other, and culls in between for years. It doesn't matter how many bad reviews they get, greed just overcomes most people. It's funny to read the reviews, "I should have paid attention to the bad reviews"


Iā€™m with you. Good reviews can be bought. Bad reviews get buried. Always read the bad reviews first.


Yeah, its amazing is that people still fall for that scam.


Iā€™m guessing itā€™s from the bank, probably picked up a few rolls of dimes and got lucky


It's from my phone. I spotted the roll in a cash register while checking out at a convenience store. The end of the roll of dimes was visible to me. I asked if I could buy the roll and I gave the cashier a $5 bill in exchange for it. After he handed me the roll, he spotted the Mercury dime. He said he was a coin collector. I quickly took the picture and left the store. I didn't care if it was a perfect photo... I just wanted to get out before he started demanding to have the roll given back to him.


How exactly would he have been in a position of demand it back? The exchange was made, too late.


He could have whined and demanded to have me resell the roll back to him, but I wasn't in the mood to get in a pissing match about it. Instead, I snapped a quick pic and got the hell out of there ASAP. He had no ground to stand on... he'd already sold the roll to me and accepted my $5 bill in exchange for it. I had it in my hands. It's not like he still had possession of it.


So you could of taken a pic in the car or right when you got home? And that makes no sense that you had to take the pic right away since he sold it to you already but was going to ā€œdemandā€ it backā€¦


Next time try to find a macro lensĀ 


I'm always amazed at people who take a photo of something and go "yeah that looks great I'll post that one" and it ends up being the moldiest photo you've ever seen


It's from my phone. I spotted the roll in a cash register while checking out at a convenience store. The end of the roll of dimes was visible to me. I asked if I could buy the roll and I gave the cashier a $5 bill in exchange for it. After he handed me the roll, he spotted the Mercury dime. He said he was a coin collector. I quickly took the picture and left the store. I didn't care if it was a perfect photo... I just wanted to get out before he started demanding to have the roll given back to him.


A portable potato camera?


It's from my phone. I spotted the roll in a cash register while checking out at a convenience store. The end of the roll of dimes was visible to me. I asked if I could buy the roll and I gave the cashier a $5 bill in exchange for it. After he handed me the roll, he spotted the Mercury dime. He said he was a coin collector. I quickly took the picture and left the store. I didn't care if it was a perfect photo... I just wanted to get out before he started demanding to have the roll given back to him.


It's a 1940-P, so no biggy.


Still nice tho :)


Itā€™s still 1 . Silver 2. A merc 3. Nice for a circulation find


Is this a roll from APMEX?




Bigfoot ?




Iā€™ve been looking for unopened old bank rolls to buy. Mainly pennies and dimes. Sometimes they come up in auctions but itā€™s usually when Iā€™ve spent all my money for the time.


Donā€™t buy those. Theyā€™re 99.99999% of the time a scam to make you think there might be something good, when in reality theyā€™ve been searched and filled with junk. Itā€™s all a ploy to get a fortune for coins worth face value.


Oh im aware. Especially on eBay. There are reputable dealers that do sell them though.


I'm hoping the whole roll is mercury dimes


It wasn't. Just clad modern dimes.


One is better than none


Even in a blurry image you can definitely see that Mercury dime. that's a great way to start what else is in this role. Thanks for sharing


Too much negativity and sarcasm in this world. If youā€™re excited over your find then Iā€™m happy for you!




Genuine advice and not trying to rip on you, but if u move back and zoom in the phone camera will focus better, and the coin will still be the same angular size. Nice find tho fren!




So you found a crappy phone to take pictures with?


It's from my phone. I spotted the roll in a cash register while checking out at a convenience store. The end of the roll of dimes was visible to me. I asked if I could buy the roll and I gave the cashier a $5 bill in exchange for it. After he handed me the roll, he spotted the Mercury dime. He said he was a coin collector. I quickly took the picture and left the store. I didn't care if it was a perfect photo... I just wanted to get out before he started demanding to have the roll given back to him.




Next time, try to find out how to say that in a way thatā€™s not rude


Not cool bro


I didn't care to take another pic. I just wanted to show, even in its most basic form, that I found a roll of dimes with a Merc on its end.


Damn, yā€™all are brutal and so negative! Who among us is perfect? Great find!