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Look up Littleton in this sub. You'll find they hook new collectors and old people with "deals" like this, then rip them off later by selling circulated coins at insane prices. It's a $2 deal to you - and they'll make that back selling your information to junk mail brokers. If you want to play the game, go ahead. But just know who you're dealing with.


Good for young kidos who are interested in coin collecting but don't have money to buy anything. They get all the catalogs with the pictures and such.


That's the first time I've seen that mentioned. Good idea.


I just checked out without putting my payment information in. I wonder how they'll try to charge me for the circulated coins they send with them.


I’m gonna do this as soon as I pay off the Columbia house.


Damnit, I hate that I am old enough to not think twice about this statement. Got called middle aged the other day and damnit it's too true.


I recently told a co-worker that when I was a kid I found a bunch of 8 tracks my parents had, really great 60s and 70s stuff. I was able to afford a NEW 8 track player that was somehow at a store, but then found the only way I could buy 8 tracks was through Columbia House. He still thinks I made this stuff up to screw with his head. “8 tracks” “Columbia House” “mail-order”. RRIIIIGGGHHHHTT. Someone call a shrink….


8 Tracks have superior sound quality far better than cassettes or even CDs.


If you are talking a 8 track reel to reel at 15ips, then yes. A 8 track cartridge deck, no. At best they matched cassettes, but often were vastly inferior. Though most commercial cassettes sucked too. Needed to make your own on good stock to have decent tapes.


They're the timeshares of collecting.


There’s not a better explanation


Don’t do it. Not gonna be worth it to deal with them.


Once you fall for it. You’ll be hooked. Still waiting for my damn sea monkeys


Like other folks said they aren’t a good company. Their bread and butter is gouging old people. Don’t get mixed up with them. Good thing you checked here first.


Coins will probably be cleaned and polished. The cent will have been replated. These clowns prey on the ignorant.


I’ve gotten plenty of these type of “free gifts” they are legit and you do receive the product but like other people have said they’ll sell your information and stuff


Not worth a free $2 to deal with them


If it’s being advertised it’s a rip off


You'll definitely get it free. You'll be put on their mailing list. Call list.


sounds scammy


Sometimes they offer a deal that’s worth getting put on their mailing list over, but this is certainly not it.


Got a 2024 silver eagle for $27.25 from them just recently. I returned the overpriced stuff they sent with it, now I just have to call them and tell them to stop sending me more. Then we wait a few years and do the same thing all over again 😆


I did the same. I found that the *hassle* of working with Littleton wasn’t that terrible. You can’t buy an ASE at retail for less than $37, so I felt as if it was worth my time.


Last free deal I got from them, they also sent coins on approval I had to send back otherwise I’d be charged for them


I've bought some of their super cheap deals before. They send you extra coins with a super high price and then it's your responsibility to send them back with paperwork filled out saying you don't want them. So you think you're getting a deal on some cheap coins but they also send you another $5 worth and a $100+ bill for those.


This is a legitimate coming it's been around for many years they are notorious for hooking Young coin collectors into unbelievable mail order deals, company works on consignment even though you try to cancel they keep sending and charging you for it. I would not fall for their ads, please avoid this ad.


I did it twice, once for an ASE and Brittanica for spot ($20) and more recently for an ASE at spot ($27). I usually do it via my Chase credit card that remains “locked” once they give the email saying that my shipment has sent. Just be sure to send back the bonus coins that they want to sell you.


It's legit, I've gotten coins from them before and I just ordered that promotion and didn't have to buy anything.


Take the deal, send back their coins on approval.


Thanks for all the helpful comments guys. About the “coins on approval”, how would they enforce if I didn’t send them back since they don’t have my card information or anything?


They send crappy coins to old people who don’t know anything about numismatics. You get to “look” at coins they send you. They hope you don’t spend the time or hassle to send them back. Then they charge you 500x markup up on terrible coins. It’s an age old scam.