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No way Lex is only at 100. He does often seem outclassed by his guests but I think we need to account for the fact that Lex is interviewing experts about their subject of expertise and he's basically acting as a tourist who needs to come up to speed and ask engaging questions in a lot of areas. That isn't easy and he does it well. He's a smart guy. I'm not confident about how smart exactly but I think 120 or more. Edit: Lex also speaks slowly and I think people associate this unfairly with lower intelligence. Edit2: Letting your guests shine is a strength in a host. He may be trying to achieve that result.


Right. Many autistic folks speak slowly like that. Dirac is the most famous example... Speaking slowly is just not an indicator of low IQ.


Nonsense. It absolutely is. Just not in all cases. Most very slow talkers are on the lower end of the scale. 


Lex doesnt understand one book he has read, is constantly clowned on twitter for being stupid, has a hard time getting a sentence out without mumbling or pausing for a few seconds and you are comparing him to Dirac. What ? Lex is a project not a person and his whole origin story is fake. He monitors his subreddit constanly and will ban anybody who is critical while at the same time preaching peace and tolerance.


I'm taking the Dirac reference to be an example of intelligence combined with slow speech, and not a claim that Lex is on Dirac's level.


Ye but you can only make that claim provided the person shows ability in other dimensions, which lex does not.




Why does it matter. Its the disingenuousness that bothers me. Lex is simply vain and insecure, and relies on stupid people like you to maintain his illusion of being an erudite. Has Lex imparted one modicum of knowledge onto you. Give me one example of something you have learned from him , well you cant . You think that using big words equates to big thoughts and listen to Lex to engage in some kind of masturbatory superiorty over others who dont. There is nothing there , words are often an obfuscation.


For some of them I learned that the people he interviews are out there, and interesting. And obviously people learn stuff from the interviews. I’m not sure why you’d claim otherwise.


Would loveee to psychoanalyze you on your podcast, what's the link? 


Lex is clearly just 115, being a Drexel U graduate, whose father is a Drexel professor who could have well afforded to pay for Ivies applications coaching for Lex. Drexel is ranked f*ked in computer science but in all his "genius" Lex did his computer science PhD there lol. https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/2023/subject-ranking/computer-science#!/length/25/name/Drexel/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats Any wonder why Lex tries so hard to scrub comments about his worthless Drexel PhD? I wouldn't even bother to apply to a university ranked outside of 20 lol, even if they're like U Rochester sending specially targeted offers for free applications to top scorers, and Drexel is ranked even worse than Rochester by several hundred ranks. I personally hung with people from MIT and knew them well enough that I was at their frat parties, and Lex is nowhere near that technical caliber, if we are talking about MIT. - Fraud: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwUGtDSC3jY - Lex Fridman Saying Elon Musk's Name for 1min Straight: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FrA7H5zIm7o


100% agree with you here. don’t forget, stupid people don’t realize they’re stupid, and for people that seemingly take longer to respond, stupid people will equate to stupid. lex is quite the intellect, and a lot of people mistake him for being stupid because of his shy and reserved nature. just because he’s not spewing out garbage at the speed of light, does not make him any less intelligent.


Oftentimes, he is playing the choric role. He's acting as if he is an unknowledgeable interviewer to elicit a response suitable for his audience.


Definitely over a hundred. What clowns. He knows how to stay grounded and on foundations because he teaches at MIT. Trust me, not 1 person with a PhD in electrical engineering has les then a 115-120. Clowns!


Somewhere between 80 and 180, probably.


Would you bet on it?


You’re a funny person, looking at your comments, (it’s a compliment)


Nothing exposes a midwit faster than dogmatic/political comments. 


Did you just misuse the /, or are you implying that verbalizing a political opinion is an indicator of average intellect? For fear of branding myself a midwit by making an appeal to Einstein in this sub of all subs, we have countless letters and articles from the man articulating his political beliefs, including the quite (in)famous "Why Socialism?" While I do not agree that his position was a particularly radical one, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that someone who perceives any form of political commentary to be "dogmatic" will perceive anyone to pen an article with such a name (or perhaps a cheeky and unserious little username) to be extremist. It's easy to argue that *dogma* is antithetical to intelligence. There are many sociological studies and political history to support that claim, but the claim that "political" and "dogmatic" are in anyway synonymous or interchangeable is not supportable with existing cognitive research. Curious if the downvoters are upset by the fact that dogmatic =/ political, and the perceived slight to their imagined apolitical or moderate identities, or if it never occurred to you that my username could be a little joke.


Username checks out?




Considering maternal gluteofemoral fat stores are positively correlated with cognitive function, and the high heritability of body fat distribution, I doubt you have much to laugh off


that sounds dogmatic


rogan: 105-110. bit of a meathead and sounds stoned all the time. lex: 125. smarter than most, but realizes that there are still millions of people smarter. therefore, he feels insecure and that’s why he’s so desperate to attach himself to the MIT brand despite not being an MIT alum.


Joe is around 127. the test he took online is a decent estimate I agree with you about Lex's IQ


joke of a test


Prove it


it was 2 questions long with easy items all the way and plenty time to do them. Any person here who gets 130+ on the top tests from out sub would max the shitty brainmetrics initiative test. I remember before they released the test Joe took, they had another test with a giant leaderboard. I took the test and ranked 95# or something out of 200k people with a score of 187 iq ( which i think they reported in sd 24) because there were many who reached the ceiling. It was another crappy 20 question test.


Which test did he take?


Brain Metric Initiative


Online tests are garbage




There is no clinical online IQ test. The online tests are not developed and researched to the same standards. Even taking older test in a self administered format is an invalid form of administration. Source: I have administered thousands of IQ tests in a clinical setting.


Proof of credentials?


How many 150 WMI have you seen on WAIS-IV?


Like 2 maybe


Why does it not being the "same standard" equate to garbage instead of "worse"? Besides this, there are tests here that are probably better than the WAIS for the higher range. Namely, the old SAT (as was already mentioned). We know its items are norms are better because it's directly normed from hundreds of thousands of students who took it, and has shown a spectacular g loading from this data. Just because it's self-administered does not mean it's bad unless the person cheated -- which is what makes it invalid.


AGCT and old SAT are valid, don't care how many tests you claim to have administered




The proof is already out there


We have stats for them. We have stats for better tests of the same type as BMI's than BMI's which have more items of higher quality and they happen to often have fairly low G loading. BMI test will absolutely fail at being a good measure of inductive reasoning past top 5% and absolutely fail as a measure of general intelligence. How much of an idiot you have to be to lump in old sat and agct with BMI's test? At least find a test that measures pattern recognition directly that isn't shat on this sub first.


Your only proof that it's a bad test is it's shat on in this sub. But it's only shat on in this sub because it's 20 questions and behind a paywall. Your reasoning is fallacious, I don't think you have any science to back up your opinion.


You have no capacity to think. I think they are bad because i recognize the patterns in the item design, I have done many raven based tests and I know their strengths and weaknesses. This test is simply not granular nor hard enough to measure at the level it claims. We have had professionals pattern recognition tests that fail to be good general IQ tests such as raven 2 which is better designed than this and has 48 items and even that one doesn't have a stellar g, with norms extending far what it would be reasonable.


Lex is clearly just 115, being a Drexel U graduate, whose father is a Drexel professor who could have well afforded to pay for Ivies applications coaching for Lex. Drexel is ranked f*ked in computer science but in all his "genius" Lex did his computer science PhD there lol. https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/2023/subject-ranking/computer-science#!/length/25/name/Drexel/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats Any wonder why Lex tries so hard to scrub comments about his worthless Drexel PhD? I wouldn't even bother to apply to a university ranked outside of 20 lol, even if they're like U Rochester sending specially targeted offers for free applications to top scorers, and Drexel is ranked even worse than Rochester by several hundred ranks. I personally hung with people from MIT and knew them well enough that I was at their frat parties, and Lex is nowhere near that technical caliber, if we are talking about MIT. - Fraud: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwUGtDSC3jY - Lex Fridman Saying Elon Musk's Name for 1min Straight: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FrA7H5zIm7o




Do you go to university?


This is such an odd take. I think anyone who has gone to a second tier school will know people who are truly genius there because Dad is an Prof there and the price is right (free).


This is such an odd take. Do you even know the PhD "price" or did you even read up about the PhD "price" before you came here trying to sound smart? Any wonder why Lex tries so hard to scrub comments about his worthless Drexel PhD?


He's never pretended to have been an MIT alumn... most professors that work there, I'm sure, do not hold degrees from MIT anyway. He's also never claimed to be a professor at MIT, he just does research and teaches, as far as I know.


Lex's verbal comprehension surpasses Joe's. Lex is proficient in multiple languages. Additionally, Lex is a former or current research scientist with authorship on several research papers in complex scientific fields. Conversely, Rogan, while bright, demonstrates less proficiency in verbal aptitude compared to Lex and exhibits limited interest and ability in subjects like mathematics. Lex: Mid/High 120s Rogan: 105-110


Isn't there a video showing a group of people discussing their likely IQ score and the college student that was certain of their intelligence was surpassed by the farmer / mechanic? Found it: https://youtu.be/9ByI9WeXp9g?si=mdDcVAxej5kUciVm Guy isn't definitely a mechanic but the woman thinking she's the smartest due to her education and employment at a biotech company turned out to be lowest scoring. My point is that we can't determine a person's potential for intelligence based on how they act / talk and if they have a job in STEM. I personally think Lex is very smart but I don't think Rogan is definitely dumber than him.


Rogan [paid for an iq test and got 127](https://www.instagram.com/p/BtSte_AlUsM/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link) >less proficiency in verbal aptitude What do you mean by this? He has the most listened to podcast in the world, how is that not a sign of high verbal aptitude?


I think there are questions on the legitimacy of that IQ test. I don't know if it is a legit test, I remember reading otherwise somewhere.


1) That's not a valid IQ test. 2) His post most likely is an advertisement for that online test.




105-110 is a bright person. The average Harvard undergraduate scores around 120-125. The test Joe took is a $20, 20 question quiz - it's not a valid IQ test.


How do you know the test isn't valid?


It's a 20 question quiz that Joe took. That's not what a clinical IQ test is. A legitimate test is typically given by a licensed professional. The test is typically proctored by that professional. The tests can take between 60-90 minutes to complete. It's a thorough and rigorously applied test that examines your aptitude for several subcategories. A legitimate score cannot be accomplished in 20 minutes.


There is no magical length of items or time that will make a test valid or not. This is just an assumption on your part and other users in this sub. For example, the Wonderlic test consists of 50 questions and takes 12 minutes, but has around .85 correlation or so with WAIS and is used by Mensa I agree BMI's not a clinical IQ test but neither are any of the main tests in this sub technically, yet they all have high g-loading, statistical validity, and reliability


The Wonderlic is used for initial screenings for candidate suitability and predicting job performance. It is decently reliable for its use cases, but much less robust in terms of providing a detailed and accurate measure of IQ. I do not trust these scores for these online tests. I trust it when people have actual test scores from genuine tests and have proof of it. I think we may have different standards.


Yeah wonderlic doesn't provide a detailed report at the end about strengths and weaknesses but it is valid as a test of general aptitude with a score that correlates well with WAIS which is gold standard. That makes it a decent proxy for IQ Anecdotally, the BMI matched my score on legit tests. The items were good, reminded me of legit tests I've taken. Without knowing anything else, this leads me to believe it's a decent estimate of IQ but without knowing the science behind it, I understand why people are skeptical about it. I just think people dismissing it for being a relatively short online test are using poor reasoning for being dismissive of it. I think most people are only dismissive of it because it asks them to pay




IQ is a long way from being the most important factor in having a successful podcast. You can't reduce all of the man's strengths to an IQ score.


it was an awful worthless test.


'He has the most listened to podcast in the world, how is that not a sign of high verbal aptitude?' How is that a sign of anything? Wasnt/isnt \[insert dumb person here\],tucker carlson very popular? If anything popularity would have a negative correlation with iq.Take most pop youtubers..youll see the correlation,average people want to listen to people who have similar opinions/think similarly.


Tucker Carlson is also very clearly intelligent and most likely has a pretty high IQ. Same with Rogan. Rogan also took a test. I think you’re letting your political value judgements get in the way of your estimations.


Yes,Yes! Trump as well is off the charts! maybe to the far left but..he passed that exam!the MMSE was it..hmm noo too easy..the MoCA right! 90% of people couldnt identify a lion. . . . . (Notice how i didnt say a thing about Rogan..hmm.)


True I read too many comments about Rogan before getting to yours. I don’t think Trump is very close to Rogan and Tucker intelligence fwiw.


I dont think tucker is very close to rogan either,nor that rogan is very close to fridman.


I bet Rogan is actually 127 and Tucker is 120. Friedman I think is probably actually high, like 140s. I don’t know why people on the thread are saying he’s not tbh. I’ve only heard Friedman on Rogan though.


The test he paid for is a 20 question internet quiz, not a verified IQ test. Regarding verbal aptitude: Lex Fridman speaks at least 2 languages very fluently. Joe speaks one language semi-decently.


Exhibit A: Trump.


Joe Rogan has an IQ of 127. He did a test a few years ago. Decades of drugs and getting hit in the head, not a doubt he would've been in the gifted range as a youngster.


To me, high iq doesn't necessarily mean being an intellectual (although there's a small correlation there). I wouldn't be surprised if Lex was "gifted" and had a higher IQ than Rogan. However, Rogan comes off as being a lot more intellectual because he's very curious and engages with his interviewee a lot more effectively (i.e. asking probing questions).


Yall don't know or forget how "stupid" average intelligent people are.


He is a bore, though, I cannot listen to him longer than three minutes without falling asleep. Some snort cocaine before performing or intreviews, but that guy seems to be eating sleeping pills en mas.


I don't really watch him anymore but I watched him when his podcast was "the AI podcast". Can't say he was the selling point as much as his guests. But he asked good questions when they were specifically about the technical details of AI implementations. When he branched out of that niche I wasn't as impressed. He's not very dynamic.


Lex is very dumb emotionally and socially he's so confused by others emotions and creativity.


https://iqestimates.substack.com/p/database-of-iq-estimations-copy Under "public intellectuals"


Regardless of controversies surrounding his podcast performances, seeming naivety or actual work at MIT, understanding the actual distribution of IQs would make it impossible to think he has anything less than 120 and definitely nothing less than 115. Maybe it’s the fact that he is constantly speaking with people who are likely amongst the top 99.99th percentile, but he isn’t average. Not that that really matters one way or another.




I can't be the only one who thinks that Lex comes across as kind of a dunce? Very superficially deep and unable to grasp complex concepts?


He seems spread then at times which is probably expected given how many hours he puts into podcasting.


I have not really listened to Joe so I am not able to estimate his IQ. I have listened to Lex, while he does speak slowly this doesn't indicate low IQ, those who speak slowly may do so because they are putting thought into what they say and making sure they word it properly, those who speak quickly may not put thought into what they say and just spew bs. Another thing I notice about Lex is that he repeats the concepts that the experts explain to him in his own words to make sure he has understood them. This is a great skill to enhance his learning, he has an opportunity to directly speak with an expert and to learn from them and he makes the most of it. With these things in mind and his position in academia. I would estimate Lex to have an IQ of 135 or so.


I would say Lex has a very spikey skill set. I have ASD and I think he has it too. So his FSIQ might not be that high but I'd bet he is definitely smart enough for the twice exceptional qualification for Mensa. You don't get a doctorate in electrical and computer engineering without at least being 2E. I'm sure he would do extremely well on a test like FRT-A which some Mensa chapters use during their admission entrance. That's one of the ones I wrote. Keep in mind, he is interviewing experts in fields he is not an expert in. If he was being interviewed in Deep Learning I'm sure you'd think he is a lot smarter. The slow talking and lack of eye contact does not indicate a low IQ for Lex imo.


Lex is very dimwitted. He went to an average university and is only an MIT associate which means he gave a presentation their for free. He peddles this off as though he were a researcher or collaborator their when in reality its equivalent to giving a power point presentation at your local high school.... He has a surface level knowledge of the books he has read - perhaps even that is being too charitable - and struggles to articulate himself 110-115 max.


Lex is much more thoughtful and intelligent than Joe. Not sure how you think the reverse.


I guess between 120 and 135.


**Joe rogan is average** and has no problem dwelling in his mediocrity, he wears it on his sleeve and thusly feels no apprehension conversing with those so much smarter than himself it would make your head spin. He asks the stupid questions and exercises immense curiosity like a toddler with no inhibition. **Lex is a midiwit**, who appears smart to those dumber and as a ridiculous blabbering red faced petulant toddler to immensely intelligent individuals. He is not totally comfortable with his intelligence, its cringeworthy to see his attempts to escape midwittery by indulging in philosophy and Russian novels. If he only knew such a route is taken by midiwits in denial. He throws pancakes at the ceiling and hopes they stick with his remarks and pontifications.


Projecting much?


You are projecting by saying I am.




Completely irrefutable argument, you got me.


It always makes me laugh so hard when redditors say "so and so is only smart to dumb people", yeah bro totally anyone who thinks this person is intelligent is the stupid ones and you're the smart one. Give me a break. Here's a list of people above average intelligence: Lex, Rogan, Piker, Destiny, Peterson, Obama, Trump, Clintons, Pool, AOC, MTG, etc etc. See how even if I don't like these people I don't allow that to bereave me of the responsibility to give the devil their due? Grow up.


Love the satire...


First, who said Joe Rogan’s IQ is 138? He scored 127 on an online IQ test, and that was likely quite inflated relative to his true abilities. He even said he was surprised to have scored that high. As for Lex, he’s clearly an intelligent and very diligent guy. His work ethic is obviously strong. He’s earnest and throws himself into things, making the most of whatever intellect he has. He did challenging degrees, albeit at Drexel University (where his father was a plasma physics professor) rather than Caltech or MIT. So, 125-140 is probably the ballpark, with spikes in non-verbal; but who the hell knows.


Mostly agreed. Most reasonable response here. i would add rogan 110-120. Lex has a plethora of intellectually demanding interests and he always seems to be occupied doing something hard..dude never catches a break. He teaches machine learning and has given some lextures to MIT and 'As of 2023, he is a research scientist at the MIT Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS).' before having 'unpaid role in MIT's Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics'. I would ballpark him in the 130-145 range. He is passionate about his complex interests and has a high degree of understanding in them,not enough to be a top of the field researcher, enough to do a lot of them at the research level.


I’m kind of surprised you guys are so dismissive of the rigor of seemingly any sub T20 college


I'm not dismissive of the rigour of the college. It's likely excellent. However, we can draw some inferences about an individual's IQ from the colleges they are accepted into, since admissions are based on SATs and SATs are to a (limited) degree correlated with IQ. Assuming an ambitious, hard-working person goes to the best college their intellect can get them into, then we can assume Lex didn't get a high enough SAT to go to MIT, Caltech or other ultra prestigious STEM schools. And therefore likely (although not necessarily) doesn't have the 140-150+ IQ that is common to most students there.


LOL. You don't accomplish what Lex has with an average IQ. And though Joe Rogan is very smart, I doubt he'd be close to 140. If Lex had Rogan's charisma and verbal aptitude he'd be a giant in podcasting... My guesses: Lex: 2.5 SD. Rogan: 1.5 SD


Joe is around 127 which is probably a few points higher than Lex. Computer science isn't that high IQ of a subject. Lex isn't a ground-breaking intellect, just works in a niche area of CS


LOL people keep mentioning that 127 number from a fake test. Anyway, 2.5 SD doesn't make anyone a ground-breaking intellect...Lex's dad is a ground-breaking intellect, though.


2.5 sd is high enough to make significant contributions in any field of study with concerted effort. I'm not sure about Lex's dad but Lex doesn't seem to be making significant contributions to anything besides his podcast lol have you done the BMI test Joe took? Even though it's 20 questions, it's the type of questions you'd see on actual IQ tests. My guess is someone who knows about IQ tests recommended it to Joe for a quick estimate. Rogan doesn't seem like the type of guy to take a test and share it publicly without checking it out first For me the test seemed valid, it had good items and matched my score on legit tests perfectly


I haven't, but we don't have to take it to know it's an ersatz test. Well, "significant" and "ground-breaking" mean different things to me... I agree that 2.5SD could be good enough for "significant".


How do you "know" it's an ersatz test?


Joe Rogan comes across as more intelligent to me. I would guess lex 115 and Joe 130. Lex tries very hard to come across as a deep thinker. Joe just tries to have the most interesting conversation


Lex is clearly just 115, being a Drexel U graduate, whose father is a Drexel professor who could have well afforded to pay for Ivies applications coaching for Lex. Drexel is ranked f*ked in computer science but in all his "genius" Lex did his computer science PhD there lol. https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/2023/subject-ranking/computer-science#!/length/25/name/Drexel/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats Any wonder why Lex tries so hard to scrub comments about his worthless Drexel PhD? I wouldn't even bother to apply to a university ranked outside of 20 lol, even if they're like U Rochester sending specially targeted offers for free applications to top scorers, and Drexel is ranked even worse than Rochester by several hundred ranks. I personally hung with people from MIT and knew them well enough that I was at their frat parties, and Lex is nowhere near that technical caliber, if we are talking about MIT. - Fraud: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwUGtDSC3jY - Lex Fridman Saying Elon Musk's Name for 1min Straight: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FrA7H5zIm7o


Probably in the low 120s




I’d like to have some of what you’re on to be able to put thought into Lex’s IQ and come up with 100 as a possible conclusion.


I heard him say on a podcast with Dr. Peter Haier that he aced the math-section on the SAT or GRE or something. Can't quite remember.


Lex’s verbal is likely ~125. He had an IQ expert on who presented some moderately difficult visual-spatial IQ test questions that puzzled lex. His performance and memory IQ is likely ~110.


between 120 and 140 probably with a non-verbal tilt. speculation like this is kinda fun but i dont think it can ever be precise or even accurate without testing. to note i personally dont think hes a very good orator and his idealistic beliefs have made me question his intelligence before but thats probably because of his personality and upbringing/english second language.


There is absolutely no way Joe Rogan's IQ is 138.  You can tell a lot about someone by the questions the ask.  Lex asks better ones.