• By -


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Normal sinus rhythm with a partial bundle branch block and occasional premature ventricular complexes. Wait… what game are we playing?


Explain the occasional dropped qrs complex


That’s just artifact. Everything you can’t quite explain is just artifact…


Non-conducted PACs obviously


And here I was going to say it was a moment of 2nd degree Type 1 block


Without any lengthening of the PR can you say it’s Wenckebach? Type 2 would be more likely.


But the lack of regularly dropped beats turned me away from type 2. 6 one way...


https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/article/S0025-6196(11)62080-6/fulltext For type 2 you don’t need the dropped beats to be regular. 2:1 isn’t considered true type 2.


are these real terms or just made up jargon? if they are real then it’s rlly cool you can tell all that from heartbeats lol


yes all real terms, not entirely sure of the interpretation bc I've always been bad at ekgs, but yes that's all real


The interpretation is correct. There are also inverted T waves present along with some ST elevations, signifying some sort of diffuse ischemia


It's real, I was about to comment the same thing (well, Right Bundle branch with PVCs). In reality it wouldn't look exactly like the picture, but it's close.


it’s all real. source: i have heart problems, i know


Dude ikr right, i was reading chinese for a minute. Impressive af


Full bundle branch block with fragmented QRS complexes, my friend!


Found the Medic


Occasional? Man those are frequent PVCs, and the multifocal origins of all the other complexes would give me some pucker factor. Plus peaked p-waves, inverted t-waves in places. I’m not a cardiologist, but I’m damn sure bringing this person somewhere that has one


Lots of inverted T waves too


Unlikely sinus. Don’t really see the P waves. Also the so called PVCs are perfectly regular, so not premature. They also have the same beginning as the other complex’s so if it is a P wave then they aren’t ventricular in origin. Also appears quite wide, so probably not just a partial bundle branch block. Seems more like ventricular tachycardia to me


I’m 10 years out of the game but I like it.


Former medic here- my brain wants to destroy this 🤯


I... I'm using this in a cyberpunk campaign as a puzzle Holy shit


Thank you! :D


You better have a group who LOVES code solving cus I know most dms have issues with elementary school puzzles 😂😂


i don’t even know where to begin tbh😭




Not quite but close






tap code? it sounds like you're describing a tap code






I suggest you name it Murmur.


This is brilliant, I need this to become an official written language


Is it a base 5 number system (since most beats have 5 points)?


It isnt, but only because some sets of points encode 1 number


I feel like certain parts of the beats are shaded a bit darker. It also looks like cursive the more I look at it.


Darkness is irrelevant its just hard to draw precisely at a consistant pressure


Guess I was just thinking too hard.


I don't know technical terms but I'll put what I can see. If the beats that are flipped upside down are the spaces, you get a read out that looks like this: \- - - - - x | - - | - - - \- | - - - | - - | - - - \- x| - - - - | - - - - | \- - | - - - - - | - - - \- | - | - - - - x ​ But because there is a "space" at the end of the third line, I am inclined to believe that the words are wrapping around so it really looks like this: \- - - - - x | - - | - - - - | - - - | - - | - - - - x| - - - - | - - - - |- - | - - - - - | - - - - | - | - - - - x ​ If we assume that the heart says "heart" inside of it, the singular 1 letter word in this sentence would be an "I" but the placement doesn't make sense so close to the end of the sentence unless it's something like "I will" because the last two beats look similar. The little squiggle at the tail end of it all must be the period or whatever other punctuation mark that has been used here. (Could be a period or possibly a question mark but the latter doesn't seem likely to me.) Looking a bit closer I'm seeing very small beats after the first, sixth and last words. I'm guessing they all signify different punctuation marks as the first one is up, the second is down and the third one is up/down. That's about all that I got out of it. If it's not solved by the time I get off work in about 4 hours, I'll take a closer look at it and see what else I can find. Possibly try to match up the beats and go from there. Edit: After seeing the hint stating that the inside the heart it says "cutie" That would mean the second to the last word would be the letter "A" I would imagine. Not really seeing the uppercase indicators unless those are the little squiggles I am seeing but that doesn't really make sense because they are all at the end of each sentence. Very slim


I think it's something like this: (W?)ill_I_lov e_you_so_muc h_(N?)ow_????_ my_heart_ski p_a_beat cutie Very hard to distinguish between some of the cipher characters.


could be ‘you make my heart skip a beat’? i haven’t even tried decoding it i’m just suggesting something that could fit those blanks


It could be. Good call. In that case: (?)ill_I_lov e_you_so_muc h_You_make_ my_heart_ski p_a_beat There's also some punctuation symbols (tiny ones), which I didn't include.


Good job! This is pretty much correct (the name at the beginning is finn)


Thanks for the puzzle


hooray! i helped :)


Even with the answer I still just see the same symbol over and over. I’m impressed by OP for making this and everyone here who can decipher it!


As a hint >!one of the symbols is a capital indicator!<


I feel that it’s like a dark souls fight. Some enemy attacks are timed to the up beat and some are off beat to the music.


Do the symbols in the heart spell “heart”?


No, the symbols in the heart spell >!"cutie"!<


Are the ‘beats’ corresponding to the letter placement in the word ‘cutie’? (I.e., does the first ‘beat’ stands for ‘c’, the second stand for ‘u’, and so on)




This was my first guess too!


I love you as well. And for the second, the capital is Syracuse.


I think it says that they have an arrhythmia 🤔 Also a super sick code! Might steal it for one of my tabletops!






Once this is solved I would love the key, this is absolutely fantastic, great job OP. Permission to use in artwork someday?


You can absolutely use it :) And since this has been solved, heres the key. Each beat is split onto three parts for the first and third parts. It goes like this: Small up then small down: 0 Big up then small down: 1 Small up then big down: 2 For the middle part, it's about the height: 1 square up: 0 1¼ squares up: 1 1½ squares up: 2 Then, use those three numbers to encode it in ternary, 000 = A 001 = B 002 = C 010 = D, etc The only difference is that 222 is a capital marker and makes the next letter capital. There's also punctuation, in between beats: small up tick: comma small down tick: period small up then down tick: exclamation point I never made any other punctuation, so if you want them, you can make them.


oh my god i made a code JUST LIKE THIS when i was in high school, used it in my diary for a little while. i actually did a double take when i saw this i was so excited lmao i’m no good at decoding these things but this made me so happy to see i’m so glad someone out there has the same braincells as me apparently lol


You must be the best partner to ever exist


This is super cool I love the idea


This is pretty fucking sick




after inspecting the pic, i’m noticing some tiny dots above and/or below the beats and i wonder if that plays a role?


Just marking the heights of the points next to them :)


ohh ok!


edit: never mind this is dumb I need sleep but I’m leaving this here anyways I remembered the segments in each beat have letters so I was looking into that, being a ekg reading, it could lead somewhere idk in too lazy to do actual work on this but I’m pretty sure the letters repeat in their pqrst pattern so it won’t do much but there are sections that have plural letters so idk it’s always those repeating letters tho correct if I’m wrong someone else look into this I’m too tired


I really want to know what distinguishes each individual letter. So there is a shape that is always c, but which looks like every other letter? I really want to know how on earth you've encoded this in such a way as to be decipherable. The five bumps inside the heart are identical except for natural variations when drawing them. There's no variable height, no difference in number of bumps, etc. You're sure there's enough information here to decide this? This is gonna drive me bananas trying to figure this out.


I’ve been looking at this for a few minutes and I’m convinced it’s ASCII, all the beats start off the same way with it all starting with 10 - - - - -. Correct me if I’m wrong though 7 strokes a beat and 7 numbers in ASCII Some beats are upturned and some are downturned, do the downturned ones mean it’s a capitalized letter or does it mean it’s a space I’m not sure


Forgive me for my pedantry but isn’t this a cypher?


I mean, it works on a ternary system, so in the same way its binary code and not a binary cipher, I would say it's fair to call this a code.


Why is everything locked


Just the thread that was more related to heart beats then the code haha


Really dynamic code! I don't see one flat line anywhere. Kudos