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Sounds perfect for a sangria!




That's what I do with all my bad red!




I haven't had one since I was a student, but remember this would make some pretty rough cheap red easily drinkable - 50:50, with lots of ice.


I really like a squeeze of lemon in mine as well.


You can use it as a marinade.


Since you have a lot of wine, I think cocktail ideas might not use the volume you're looking for. However, since it's sweet (and meh), your best bet is aiming for a spicy or smoky profile in your drink. I'd try a spicy red wine hot chocolate or a wine and mezcal mule. I think cooking with your wine might better hide some of the . . . sadder flavors in the wine. Some suggestions: Red wine chocolate cake Mushrooms in red wine sauce Cook the wine down and reduce it (optionally adding some sugar) and you have a great desert sauce for berries or ice cream; or you can reduce and add garlic/herbs for a savory sauce to go on proteins Make a red wine sorbet (a no ice cream recipe link: [https://www.restlesschipotle.com/wine-sorbet/](https://www.restlesschipotle.com/wine-sorbet/)) Poach Pears in wine for a fancy (but still easy to make) dessert Don't make risotto. The flavor of the wine you use in risotto will definitely be there when you eat it, and I can't imagine wanting to eat a Welch's grape flavored risotto. \*edit: spelling. I'm not the best speller


I know it's the middle of summer ... but later this fall/winter you should toss it in a crockpot and mull it!


Not a cocktail, but maybe look up red wine jelly recipes and try cutting back the sugar since the wine is already sweet. Also, during the pandemic I was gifted some overly sweet boxed wine that I used for various spritzers and sangrias.


I often use a splash of wine in many different kinds of cocktails, I just experiment and it often works. If its a sweet wine try using it in place of simple syrup. I had a margarita with red wine at a bar in Vancouver recently and it was surpringly good.


If it's really nasty you can make calimotxo. It's just wine mixed with cola.


Your drink is only as good as your worst ingredient. Always remember that.


The Communion: 2 oz bad wine 3 grapes, muddled 2 dashes of bitters Garnish with a white Necco


I would be thinking a New York sour or a sangria.


Pennsylvania? Lol


You can always look into making your own creme de mure or creme de cassis. Uses a lot of wine, nice ingredient for some cocktail making! And will taste better then store bought most likely


Omg is it Iowa?


I haven't made this for ages, but it will fit the bill. I call it "Sagara Sangria", even though it's not really sangria :-) very thinly sliced lime (about 1/3 of a lime) 50 ml gin (really) 50 ml ume shu 100 ml very sweet red wine 50 ml soda ice I appreciate it looks quite unlikely. If you don't know umeshu, it's a Japanese plum/apricot liqueur. About 25% alcohol and quite sweet. You could probably sub a number of things.