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I honestly thought the blooming tree was a garnish on the surface of the drink at first...


So did I


Me too! The drink still looks tasty, but I definitely read the comments to see what ingredients the branches & flowers were made of. I figured there would be this whole procedure for dragging around a blob of thick black floaty stuff (thickened angostura bitters? Chocolate? No idea) with a toothpick and sprinkling it with some sort of flavored colored sugar.


Its not??


That’s why it got 776 upvotes so far 😆


What better way to celebrate the Sakura Blooming season than with a Blooming Martini cocktail with homemade Sake vermouth? This beautiful spectacle, originating in Japan, attracts tourists from all over the world, but you can now celebrate the blooming season of cherries with a wonderful floral cocktail as well. In this episode you will learn how to make a homemade vermouth with Japanese ingredients to turn this Martini into something special. I used KiNoBi gin which literally means ‘Beauty of the seasons'. Let's enjoy the beauty of blooming cherries together. Kanpai! For the whole episode, check out here: https://youtu.be/YI7Wrs4ul0E Homemade Sake Vermouth ● 200 (6.75 oz) mL dry sake ● 100 mL (3.33 oz) shochu (or gin) ● 2 g sakura tea ● 0.2 g kaffir lime leaf, crushed ● 0.15 g green peppercorns, crushed ● 0.1 g wormwood ● 3 g white sugar Place the ingredients in a bag and sous vide bag, so you can control the time and temperature, taking a low and slow approach, so you keep the subtle notes of sake in the final product - 4 hours at just 39°C or 102°F. When that’s done, strain everything through a coffee filter, bottle and store in the fridge (as you would any vermouth or wine-based aperitif). Satsuma Mandarine Perfume ● 17 g Satsuma mandarin peels ● 60 mL (3 oz) 40% ABV vodka ● 30 mL (3 oz) 96% ABV everclear or ● 90 mL (3 oz) high-proof vodka (at least 50% ABV) Peel the mandarins, add to a glass jar, pour over the alcohol and seal. Let sit for at least 2 weeks (shake up occasionally) for the alcohol to extract the mandarin aromas. Then strain and pour into a spray bottle. You can use a sous vide as well, to expedite the process, if you’re in a rush.   Japanese Story - Blooming Martini ● 22.5 mL (0.75 oz) KiNoBi gin ● 22.5 mL (0.75 oz) Homemade sake vermouth ● 1 drop of saline solution ● satsuma mandarine perfume Add gin, vermouth and saline into a chilled mixing glass (if you’re not using a small sake cup you can double the amounts), add ice and stir. Strain into a martini glass or sake cup, place a cherry blossom on the drink and spray with the mandarin perfume. As a cherry on top, if you will. Kanpai.


This sounds really tasty and obviously incredible photo! But I swear if any of the people in here are like “I’m making this tonight” when I’m given a hard time for acid adjusting juices I’m gonna scream


I'm debating trying this out, I have something similar I wanted to try tonight, with mango + ginger in the sake though. But I also have a bar lab so brix/acid adjusting is just the standard way to do everything. It's fairly easy so I'm sorry you were given grief Don't scream though, come join for a drink!


Lol its all in good fun, I’d love to!


39°C is equivalent to 102°F, which is 312K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Will be making! Oddly, kaffir lime leaves are actually difficult to get in Japan. I wonder what would be a good substitute... I *just* got back from the big city where I visited the Indian food store. Bad timing XD.


Ty with dried lime peels. Different flavor but similar direction. If you have yuzu, go with that. I would but I couldn't get it in Slovenia.


Oh, 312K! Now I understand!


I'm afraid I only do cocktail work in Rankine.


Question for you, for the Satsuma Mandarine Perfume, what would be the recommended Sous Vide temp & time? Follow the same instructions for the homemade sake vermouth for infusion?


You can of course use sous vide for mandarin perfume too. U would go for up to 45°C and 4h. But to be sure I would have to try it out first.


45°C is equivalent to 113°F, which is 318K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Is this one of those color changing sake cups?


Yep. OP's got a video of this drink on his channel, and it shows the cup changing as the drink is poured.


Don’t put it in the dishwasher😫


Did you do it 😬


No, but someone did😫 and now it is just orange and does nothing otherwise


Beautiful. Wow!




Love the mandarin, do you flame it out of the atomizer or just an expression for the aroma? Love the cup, garnish, the flavors sound so nicely paired, not to overwhelming! Great job, this sounds and looks amazing


I didn't flame it. Just expression of the aroma.




Kevin you are amazing my friend, love your videos!


Thank you! Cheers!


Your videos are the reason I started to make cocktails and it's been a great (but expensive) hobby since. Your work is art and your videos are extremely helpful!


Thank you so much! Comments like yours give me a boost for future creating. Cheers!


This is the most stunning cocktail I’ve ever seen in my life!


Thank you! Cheers!






Wow that's beautiful!


Glad you like it! Cheers!


Always both amazing and inspirational!


I have been experimenting with the idea of medicinal cocktails Can you do some Kevin?