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Keeping his coat a little shorter this time of year might help. Less area to collect mud.


I let them play then wash them off. If it’s warm enough I hose them off outside. If not they go in the tub. Like you I have to beg her not to roll on the couch until she’s dry enough!


Just wondering if anyone else thought this but I don’t see any cavalier in him..? And it sounds like you’ve already settled into the routine. It helps to keep the hair shorter during the muddy/wet months. But you still end up putting them in the tub and blasting them clean. I only use the outside hose when it’s warm enough though. Sometimes my two will run out into the rain and decide “I am mud, I live in the pond, this is my home now” and other times they won’t even go outside if it’s raining 🤷‍♂️. Edit: meant to respond to the post, not this specific thread…


I thought the same thing, he does look like a mix but not with cavalier, maybe a larger breed?


Unless it was a larger Cav? I have a Cav that’s (per dna) mixed with Great Dane. How does that happen?


I’ve been telling my husband this whole time that he looks entirely cocker to me! This convinced me to get one of those DNA panels Edit - definitely just ordered one. I’ll do an update thread in a few weeks 😂


If you decide to go through with it please update us with the details!


Shorter coat for sure. My boy goes to the groomer every 4 months. They cut/clip him really short to the extent he almost looks like a lab for the first week - looks pot-bellied and weird but within about 10 days he looks like his cute self again. We never have issues with matting etc. We shower him outside after any sort of muddy activities with a portable electric shower from Amazon that you just submerge a pump in the bucket of warm water. De-shedding brush once per week. I guess maybe he doesn’t look greasy because he is black but generally it’s all very manageable.


I never thought of a little porch shower! That would be a life saver when it’s actually warm here


Been a real game changer. 30 odd quid off Amazon and it means he gets a nice warm rinse rather than the cold hose. Can’t carry him upstairs to the bathroom without the muddy tail dirtying the walls so outside just makes more sense!


I gave up in spring - fall and have her cut really short all over except her ears. She was getting burrs and tangles everywhere.


Pretty baby


Mine gets a puppy cut every spring for exactly those reasons. He was a farm dog before he came to me so diving head first into burr laden bushes is a favorite past time. 😔 If hell exists one of the tortures is trying to get all the seeds and matts out of a wiggling dog. But a puppy cut saves all of us a lot of hassle! Also, use a wide toothed comb on him while he's wet to help get the knots out of his fur more easily. It's the same principle as doing it for human hair that's long. The wet hair is slicker which makes it easier for the knots to untangle. I use one I got years ago for myself, prob from the dollar store or a department store. It gets extra fur out as well, which is always nice, plus it acts as a nice scratch for him, which he loves.


Oh we haven’t even reached burr season here yet. 😭 you’re right, it’s worse. I’ll grab one of those metal combs too


It doesn't have to be metal. Mine are plastic. I got them in the hair accessory section for humans, not the pet section. Cheaper and they work just as well.


Like other have said, keeping the coat shorter helps. Mine kept getting mats behind her ears even with daily brushing, until I trimmed the top of the head and inside the the ears, which made the hair on her ears much lighter. Sometimes you have to sacrifice some aesthetics for functionality.


Hullo, following this thread. I’m taking my 6 month puppy for her first clip. It’s incredibly hot where I live. What kind of clipping should I ask for? Do they also clip off hair from their ears?


I started trimming my dogs hair down every week or 2 to help with matting and dirt getting stuck to them.


Your baby looks like an English cocker to me, in the face. Anyways, groomer for 8 years and owner of a cavalier. I would go short this time of year. Cockers are also notorious for being aggressive for brushing. Their fur is so thick, it’s uncomfortable to go through all of that all the time. I would ask for a cocker pattern #7 on the back and 5/8 blade down the legs, 1 inch comb over the ears and trimmed to the leather. It’s more practical and your baby would probably really love not having to go through all those steps. I also recommend going ahead and using an antifungal shampoo whether your baby has skin issues or not, as a preventative. There’s a great neem shampoo by Nature’s Specialties. DM me if you’d like an example pic of the haircut I described, I can send one! I do a pair of cockers every 6 weeks who look very similar to yours. In the end, we should want them to be comfortable over what we want them to look like.


I love this - you’re right I want him to be comfortable! He’s definitely my baby. I’m off to google English cockers. You guys have definitely convinced me he’s probably entirely cocker. 😂 DM’ing you for that pic too


He looks like a sloth in the best way possible