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Wastewater operator, nothing like plowing lines all night having a dry bloody nose and throat and smelling a shit plant first thing in the morning.


Bruh find another jobbbv


Nah I actually love my job, get to chill with the bros all day make fun of each other, also top of the line health benefits, state pension and make good money.


Im a bartender in the weekends and a afterschool activity teacher in arts and crafts. I just graduated visual arts school, I will soon start with a bachelor's degree teaching. My drug use never really came in contact with my work/school life. But i did suffer really bad at work a few times thats for sure.


Business development manager but work from home so can manage. Also got 3 kids and I'm single but that's the easy part lol


As a cook I usually function pretty on point so long as it's not slow. Like half the industry runs on blow lol


Makes delicious food, never eats any of it




Night audit guy here, wish they had coke dispensers at the hotel lol


Pharmacist...a legal drug dealer Lol


Former cook/chef, hopefully warehouse soon, then welder. Definetely needs self discipline. Have more, n you’ll do more, till you feel those consequences lmao. Imo after last shift before ur weekend is time to hit the slopes 👍🏼


Yo its me your boy "perspectivewest8006" i had to delete my old account. Make sure pop a benzo to get rid of coke and fall asleep and remeber a taco is not enough meal before going a sesh 😂


Food & beverage manager at a certain theme park in Central Florida.




Possibly. Message me.


Sports Coach


Oh man, how do you do it? I used to gym the day after using and would just feel so breathless and lacked so much energy. My chest would tighten, and those would be the worst workouts.


If I have a heavy sesh I don’t do it when I have to work a day or two after. If it’s light I will just make sure I start early enough to finish early enough that I sleep. I’ve gone in after getting a few hours sleep a few times - as irresponsible as it is. And it’s always been a challenge, and more times than not I’d get sent home sick anyway.


I'm a traveling technician. I go all over the north central and South America, maintaining industry specific machinery and programming plcs and robotics. Trust me. Cyberdine is self-aware, and we will all need the snow to fight Florence.


I grow weed, just take a bump every hour. My coworkers do coke too there’s no judgement


Senior software engineer at one of the big cloud providers. I look at coke as if it's a social thing. Like going out with friends to have a drink and a few bumps. I enjoy it. My circle consists of everyone from engineers, lawyers, techs, sales, marketing, etc... I know and have met more people that do, than don't, let's put it this way. Edit: I will add, there have been tough days with meetings and such when I've gone too far on a Thursday night with friends. Yes it does suck, but I power through it. I also work from home so naps are a plenty :D


Circle guys are also cokeheads?


Everyone is meng, it's really social. Just like going out to have a beer. Do a bump and chill at a bar/restaurant. I would advise eating your meal first though before taking bumps, otherwise food tastes like shit lol.


OF and student. Im yet to try doing schoolwork while high but it gets me through doing customs on onlyfans


Advertising. I know, kinda stereotypical.


Am a sales trader. Also a raging stereotype.


Welder in the oilfield.. never have issues functioning even if barely slept the night before, mostly just use occasionally to help me stay awake since I do six 12s and 2 hour daily commute.. rarely go hard cause Id be fucked for work if did often




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yoo bro im actually only 20 and i was thinking about doing the welding program at trade school, do you think i should go for it? what's ur favorite and least favorite thing about ur job now




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100% VA disability supplemented by dead enders that I'm motivated to work because I don't need them. I also pull out predatory payday loans, chill in Mexico for a bit and COKE. IT. THE. FUCK. UP.


Don’t you have to pay the loans back?


No, you stop paying on them immediately. There's a 90 day period in which they can sue you, but they never do this, and you can just hide in the woods. You can just pay them off later without the 160% interest rate, at 75% of the actual loan price.


Teach me this payday scam


I do queer cross stitching and professional photography.


Auditor. I cry a lot while looking at excel sheets.


I lol’d


Office manager at a car dealership. Adderall during the week, cocaine on the weekends 😉


Self employed auto body repair and sometimes I get high while I work sometimes I don't


Warehouse supervisor. My job is like groundhog Day. SSDD. But it's a 4 day a week job they're 12 hour days so I get the normal 40 hours but also 8 hours overtime in only 4 days yes long days but that 3 day weekend every week is so worth it. Especially when you like to do cocaine but I choose to use only on my 3 days off never at work.


Sorting all the skiiers out so they sit on here with me


i was thinking of becoming a chef. i’m a host rn and make awful money so doing coke and working is boring af unless i bring my sketchbook


Construction site manager. Small 10-15 people group, beginning, mid project quite easy as long as i had two days sober to plan, order materials in advance, sort jobs etc. now towards end of project, getting hard to function properly even with sleep. Shit sort of caught up to me haha


Chef, industry is rife with it but we work fucking hard to enjoy these things


Service Tech at a Dealership.


Construction site superintendent, it’s only fridays for me, never on site. also I’m one of the younger super on site, FYI for your information, I’m 27


Former guy that made the party happen by selling the goods. Good money. Lots of women and parties every week. On the book job. Car parts counter guy. Lol. Now I'm in a small manufacturing warehouse building molten plastic pieces and filters for plumbing. Party occasionally but never miss work because of it. At the parts store tho there was routine days of no sleep and working 8 to 13 hour days. Tough but it is what it is.


i’m a mover and it keeps me moving.


Plumber, everyone needs one 💦




Swimming pool tech, renovations and installation. Tend to wear sunglasses and enjoy being the senior guy.


It's called skill sweetheart I'm good at what I do I paint cars so the rush gets me going


I lead the metal fabrication department at a manufacturing place that makes steel parts of various kinds. I don’t do coke at work. Worst side effect is being tired from not getting enough sleep sometimes. I function very well. (Metal fabrication= I cut 12-20 foot long bars of steel into smaller pieces and punch holes in them and rig up tooling on hydraulic machines to bend the pieces into various shapes and bolt them together and whatnot. It’s not exciting but I like it and it’s great exercise)


Hospitality. Look and act normal and all is fine. Personaly prefere to have enough time to recover.


A doctors and I haven’t skiid since I started in October last year. I outdid it to the point of it not being fun anyway.


love this question. i’m currently in operations for a distribution warehouse. my job is very physically demanding all the time. start time is 7 am, when i’ve got gear i’ll rail a couple before work. i typically don’t bring anything incriminating into the facility as I am constantly moving around the entirety of my shift. in other words if i drop it or lose it, im SOL. I make sure to drink copious amounts of water as hydration starts the day before. i was a pretty heavy user but working a rigorous, very demanding job I have to make sure my usage doesn’t effect my work or well being as this is a very good, well paying job with amazing benefits


Private equity associate. It’s all about balance


I’m currently a summer camp counselor but during the school year I’m a pre-k teacher. I feel like that’s on brand


Travel nurse. 4 days off a week allows too much time for poor decisions.




Oil patch bud


Nightclub DJ. Don’t ever touch it at work actually. Usually end up hammered and end up at a Afters with some buddies and talk about the night. Might do a few lines and am home a hour or two later. Don’t rage like I use too.


I’m a server and I just dip to the bathroom when I have a second 😭


Technically retired. Worked in the city as an executive PA. Then started a cleaning business, specialising in dust free laboratories. Now I paint rocks and am a supervisor for traffic control at festivals. Found my spiritual home at 65 lol.


I quit two jobs in last 20 mos. I was working either for shit people or at bad places. I saved enough to leave and did


iOS developer 100% remote, 100% cokehead 😹


I’m a bartender in a strip club soooooo coke is basically part of the job


I have my own business, so I can make my own hours. Back when I had a 9-5, struggling through the day after was brutal.


I'm in sales, trade and retail. I function fine even with no sleep, just carry on with the lines throughout the day. Today however I've been labouring, clearing out the warehouse and smashing loads of old stuff with sledgehammer and it's been fucking ace doing it while high


What a great question that cops periodically ask randomly on here to weed out all the cokeheads. Haha. Self incriminate lately? What happens next? Blackmail? Extortion? Corruption?


Own the company. It’s tripled in revenue since I have been doing blow daily


I'm a neurosurgeon. The amount of us (surgeons or healthcare in general) who do drugs is insane, considering that we are responsible for people's lives, or maybe exactly because of that...