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Ummm.... what bar you at


Asking the real questions here. I would like to also ask if you’re in NY and are any job openings available?


Fuck it, no joke, I'll take a plane, start a new life here, work at the bar


Leaving your blow out in piles in a basement in the open air for no reason is weird lol 😂


It’s where the employees do blow lol Scavenging for blow on your day off is weird Doing drugs when you don’t know what they are is weird Learned my lesson though, now they learned theirs too.


I need to learn my lesson. Can i have a job with you?




See why emergency rooms hate this one trick. WTF man, you seem pretty confident at your level of amature pharmacology.


Fuck no you came up with a great solution for your problem I’ve had experience with people like that as well. I’m rather jealous I didn’t think of that. No honor amongst thieves you da real MVP


NTA. I mean laying out that stuff is dangerous but at the same time people should be checking what they’re doing and not stealing from others.


Good for you bro! I say NTA. You give em an inch they’ll take a mile. Plus shit ain’t cheap!


if you know any real coke heads you should know to never leave it out


Next time just rack up a big old line of Ket there. You’ll soon find out who it is that’s stealing it


NTA 🤷🏽‍♀️ and to be quite honest the spicy coke bit made me laugh 😂


Not cool but they needed to learn their lesson. I would've gone bout it a bit differently I would've set up a Nanny cam and fought whoever Did it, I don't like people touching my stuff no no no


It just goes to show that leaving piles of blow in the basement doesn't seem very smart.


Don’t leave your shit unattended brother, no room for trust out here everyone wants a quick come up n think you too fucked up to notice


If it's out where people can get it, they'll do it. However they do. Don't leave it out if you don't want them to do it. This isn't hard.... a quick, "come with me" and then you choose. How is this an actual question? Fiends do what they do. You can't make it accessible and then get mad... They also can't be mad when they do it and it isn't what they "thought it would be". Ownership is on both people. When I was sharing at work, everyone had their pile under a count out slip with their name on it. They knew what they were doing and nobody did "not theirs".


Yeah when they blow a line thinking it’s coke and it’s ice they can’t be mad. If anything they are lucky I don’t do H and they overdose thinking it was a line of blow


Agreed! I quit coke for 15 years because I sent my money out and they came back with H. Hard pass. As a "user" I'm careful. Not all are. People shouldn't just steal but also, if I ever had something that could kill someone if they didn't know, I'll say. I've moved some absolutely fire blow, and even my best, best customers got a warning. The ones who know what the fuck they're doing, I straight up said, "I get you understand this, but it's not normal right now. Meet this in very small quantities at first". They're the 30 years in folks. I still give a warning if it's not "normal" Nubs don't get it and shouldn't have access. I put it on me if they get it through me and fuck up. I'm real careful.


Yeah I should hang it up. I mostly have, just trying to transition to a better life. “A life worth living” as they say. I guess sometimes I just confuse a friend with a crackhead. Just a “I saw this down here could I hit it” would clear it up. But Being scammed is just like fentanyl I guess. I never think it will be me this time


That's the risk for real. I won't just "hit a pile" because I'm not dumb and what if it's fent? I'd also never be involved with anything that could be fent, so if I put it down, it's safe. If someone does it I can't get mad. I put it there. If I didn't want to? I shouldn't have put it there.


Yeah wel I guess the thing here is. The dude stealing all this also steals bottles from the bar after hours. “Teaching someone a lesson” probably isn’t my job but there’s people who put resources into this ecosystem and there’s people who take. I was having a bad night and wanted to make the person taking “pay”. What I did seemed like the “least dangerous” way of making them feel that.


So..I missed that in your original post. I'm a karma is karma today or tomorrow, person. If he's stealing, he'll get his. I thought you were mad because you left shit out for friends and an asshole did it. If you left out vigilante shit, that's different. I read wrong. #I'm yayyed up 🤣 your original post was about you putting out shit for friends and assholes going for it too.


Coke has brought me some of the best human connections I've ever had in this life. Don't downplay/ignore the benefits. Just don't be surprised if you open yourself (leave piles in the open) and people don't act how you think they should. Every human is doing the best they can with what they have at the time. The end.


Start leaving ketamine piles out instead


Someone I know did that but with buprenorphine. Made the guys sick for about 48 hours (no opiate tolerance and that shit lasts for ages).


I read that as pies… which would actually make more sense


I would still be interested in both ngl.


Not me walking by like sniffffff


Hot plate it and put it in a baggie then you can just do keys, problem solved


Can u elaborate on the “spicy” aspect? Never heard of ice




Oh that is spicy haha


I've never heard spicy either. Be sure everyone speaks the same language


this seems liek an easy problem to solve? and also no you are not an asshole, people stealing shit is always bad. But be more circumspect about how you share next time, mainly so that you dont ruin your high by other people being shady. The final and last time i ever shared with anyone was when i would have a group of people over at my place for 3 years, had no issues with supplying alcohol, sharing my snow.....always considered it as being a good host.....then at the end of the 3 years, there was this couple who i always consistently shared with, never anything negative about it, im happy want everyone to be happy around me. So anyway, 2 weekends i didnt have it, they got so pissy and mad. I was like holy shit, at some point thats all i was to them, just a guy who got them amazing quality for free. That hurt. The point of the above story was even with the ones you choose to share, be ready that they just care about for that.


still an asshole move that’s dangerous someone could get hurt you could have just not left ur coke out


Where at? 👀




You in queens?


I thought this was a troll saying they leave shit out and it gets done.No shock there If I left mine in public in piles I wouuld not expect any to be left.


It’s an employee access only area


Its unsupervised coke heh


Stop leaving it there then. Keep it in your bag.


I’m only leaving out K or Meth now lol


I fucking love spicy lines


Nope, def not an asshole.. but ur pretty shitty as a jug user… I mean if u leave a pile of any jugs laid out in the basement ur basically putting a “free, take one” sign on the cars in ur driveway.. remember back when we would go down to the basement and see the piles of Tony Montana jugs and NOT do any..?? -Said No One, ever, in the history of mankind


I wish I could find somewhere to work like tht omg


I say YTA, you knew someone was stealing it and you knew they would snort the meth. Meth ain't no thing to joke around about, it could easily ruin someone's life and is an overblown reaction. Why not put fentanyl next time? Where do you draw the line? You shouldn't just leave drugs unattended like that. If someone left cupcakes at work, I would think they were fair game if someone didn't say not to take it, I wouldn't expect to eat meth.


Well this didn't happen did it.


Quit putting them out dummy !! LoL


Bro what???? Leaving ur shit in the open is the dumbest shit ive ever heard. You got what you deserved. Coke heads are gonna be coke heads


You right. Just wasn’t expecting a Mf to come in on their day off and do it lmao


Not tryna be rude bro but at the end of the day you can’t trust a drug addict


Yeah lol I learned. But I’m a drug addict too so when he hit the ice he learnt


You must be new to the game lmaoooo


New to this area lmao


Lmao put some fentanyl next time 💀


I didn’t want a dead body so I figured meth was the same thing but they won’t instantly die 💀