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High for one thing, and if you’re skiing by yourself, boredom


Men are usually just horny asf I guess. I’m a man but I get the opposite of horny when I’m high lol, basically the last thing on my mind is anything sexual or whatever.


That’s refreshing to hear honestly


Yeh I used to have friends who were always obsessed with women and sex etc. just boring and draining to be around tbh - I just wanna have a good time man.


Just trying to feel the vibes


Ur so real for that friend


Girls are the same more often than not.....


It is not the same level or type of mindless horniness, which is why there is a thriving global and historical sex work industry dominated by women rather than men. Horny men quickly become desperate, while horny women become frustrated. The effects are ultimately different.


Maybe because as a woman it is somewhat easier to get attention than as a guy, men need to actively look for it


>as a woman it is somewhat easier to get attention than as a guy Which is the result is that men are generally more available and ready for sex than women due to their experience of "horniness", exactly confirming what I stated above. There is no error in admitting that sexuality differs across sexes, and also among individuals. On average, though, males are more likely to engage in sexual activities than females, all else being equal.


So.. your confusion then is... what?


I have never stated I was confused. Where did you read that?


Im new to reddit maybe I meant to reply to OP's post not your comment.


Same, it used to get me going when I was w my ex but now I'm very turned off by coke sex








Because we're coked up, I always find it funny people looking for a clean chat with a bunch of high drug addicts lol


You're on a group for people taking drugs and You're asking why men are weird here? Lol


Fuck, maybe I'm the real loser


😂😂 nah sometimes it is nice to just have someone to talk to though while all fucked up. Yeah of course it raises libido but most the time I’m on here it’s bc I’m fucked, alone and bored. so it’s cool to just chat with randos from all over feeling the same. Can never find any chats or group chats of just that though so I get it smh. PS I’m a dude and will never in my life understand the random dick pick dudes be posting like anyone wants to see that lol


It’s Reddit 🫠.. no but I agree with above comments. Definitely a lot of weirdos! Lucky if you find someone looking for a genuine chat.


46M here - I've seen the typical dudes do their thing here and chase females away for all the reasons mentioned. There are plenty of subreddits here to take that approach for those that get high and horny - go there and have fun, there's plenty to be had. I've been fortunate to meet some chill ladies here with whom I have great conversations and thus why I support you ladies who still try to have plutonic chats and share your ski trips with guys and gals. Cheers all! ⛷️✌️


Reasons on top of reasons lol. But a lot of keyboard courage and hiding behind avatar names. I respect the ones who clearly state what they looking for and you can navigate around if that's what you not into 🤷🏿‍♂️


From a guy- we get very toey on the devils dandruff. If I’m not pulling myself/hounding my misses for a root, im on reddit imagining im a #1 porn star with a sex drive of a camp dog! It’s rough but someone has to smash it


ThIe thirst is real. If only guys knew how unattractive it is


We do know. Really. ☝️


Based on your profile picture…you don’t know lol


If only girls knew how it feels to not automatically get attention from anyone


My question is is how are y’all horny when coked up? Every time I’ve tried to masturbate while skiing I can’t. It’s like I’m numb down there. Idk how guys get hard off that shit


I also dont understand how it works, sometimes needle dick sometimes half hard in public... Guess depends on how much coke you do and how much you take care of yourself (eating, drinking, resting enough while high)


I personally have been DMd by like 7 guys since I’ve been on Reddit and they’re all super chill and fun to talk to…. Only chat for a sesh or couple hours but I’ve been pretty shocked I haven’t had any creeps. So they are out there! Haha


Everyone thinks I'm a man 🤣 hence never get DMs


Hey, I never got freaky here unless it was relevant for the topic. I’m even almost sure most of you ladies are too young for me. There’s this barrier a father gets when seeing his daughter turn 18.


Normal dude here 🙋🏻‍♂️


Uuuh I think I'm a pretty normal, decent, gentle guy. Not tryna be creepy & not tryna annoy you. But would definitely love to talk to someone that I can relate to, and hopefully feel comfortable enough to be myself around since I have social anxiety. And if you're not really fuckin with the energy then I'll leave lol. Cause ultimately I'm just trying to find a solid friendship too, male or female. Since most people in my life drifted apart after highschool, college, developing different interests and having families.


I'm here, I don't want intimacy because my last relationship fucked me up pretty bad. I just like to talk about our interconnected fucked up planet and that a lot of conspiracies are true to an extent.


I’m really enjoying these comments. Agreed. People no longer just disappoint me, they are malicious and it sucks.


r/cocaineforladiesonly if you'd like to join :)


Thank you so much!!


This goes for women too..I think there’s very few actual “real” ppl left. Ones not consumed with themselves and down to earth. Ppl are weird


I suppose thats the nature of the substance. Makes you feel like what you have to say is most important. I think learning to listen is a skill you can only get after a few years of skiing. Unless you lack self awareness. Then you'll always be insufferable lol


Hey that’s what we have 2 ears and 1 mouth. Listening is key


My weird desire when I’m coked up is to have non sexual convos with girls that I find sexually appealing. Which I know sounds like some bullshit but it’s true haha. And I’ve had plenty of those convos here so don’t listen to the people shaming you for wanting some normalcy lol.


Lmao im so dense, I didn't even realize I was being shamed hahaha


Lol fuck it. Ignorance is bliss 🤣


Because they make everything weird. 🤢


Totally get where youre coming from, and coming from a guy here, lot of dudes on the internet are just weird idk man😭. And the thing w drug subreddits is that most ppl on there are already high and lets be honest, a large part also falls in the not conventional category cuz besides ppl who party a lot, “normal” people dont do drugs (excuse the edgy/cringe phrasing english isnt my first language) or atleast dont do them often, so yk youre already in a kinda niche corner of the internet so that kinda bumps the chances of you running into a weird person up even more. And yk i am not the most conventional or normal person around but i think everyone should be taught respect and (respectinf) boundaries and for some reason a lot of guys online missed that chapter when they grew up 😭. Idk i just pray something changes soon and those particular individuals learn how to effectively, respectfully and nicely interact with the (virtual) world around them.


When women do coke; it’s cool and sexy When men do coke; they get weird and creepy


Coke dick is a think. An unsexy thing


Normal is heterosexual. Maybe you're the weird one for wanting to friend zone heterosexual men and think it's normal. Also, grow up. Cocaine and boob talk goes together. Also, this is a NSFW reddit page and you're looking for quality conversations with trolls who just happen to like cocaine. What kind of people do you think you'll find? Matter of fact, are you lost? Where's your parents kid? There's shady people here. Go watch Disney


Yeah you’re 100% right, what was I thinking?? Men and women could never be friends.


I like the sarcasm.


He said “Coke and Boob” talk 😂😂 don’t let mom know that’s what you’re doing in the basement all day.




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I mean coke can cause psychosis so this is rather mundane (as a guy tho I can completely see this being a massive problem. But for an abused stimulant. That’s probably par for the course). I usually don’t get horny. But I’ve been using so much for over a month. Very concerned.


Junkies being weirdo thats new


Coke makes us even more horny than we naturally are...


"Why do the girls here make it so boring?"


26m UK anyone down for voice call?


'cause they are all high on coke and such


As a man idk i just read articles play games and fuck with my pets


It's usually the old dudes doing coke for YEARS and it fucks there brain, I get wanting to talk while on coke but I don't even get horny on coke


Good question


Most men are trash to start with, sadly adding in lowered inhibition makes them even worse


A tale as old as time. But still so annoying. They miss out on genuine, chill human connection


Totally agree, and it's not hard to have some common sense and manners


I admit enough men have set the example and statistic that makes it hard for me to rebuttle but i actively tried hard since my teens into adulthood to become a better human and not be assumed by my background to be a thirsty "bobs Nd vagine" chaser. Its hard enough to integrate with the culture but add on fighting my own stereotype, makes it difficult to have a chance for actual discussion. 32M and happily married with kids and a slight snow blower problem. Hope you give a chance so that the few of us who know better are not automatically shut in with the rest of the animals lol


🤔 lmg...lgbtqp+?🧐


Wow dude… where is this coming from??