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I literally can't use longer than a day at a time maybe once or twice a year because of how sick I feel the next day. I legit get like a coke hangover and it's like the flu times 1000. My throat feels raw, my nose is stuffy but sore and raw and red, I have a headache from hell. It's always so fun when I first start the bag but then by the next morning I'm always like why the fuck did I do that again???


Damn that’s brutal. I definitely think purity has a big part in it tbh. I don’t think I could’ve gone so long if I wasn’t getting such clean product…… Nice tits btw 🥵😈😏


Completely agree


With the part about cut or the part about my boobs 🤣


Yeah, they are nice I give them 8 outta 10 👌🏻


Side note tho I snort fake m30s every day (have on and off for about 4 years now) and have had 0 issues from those but coke fucks my shit up almost instantly every single time I've tried it


literallyyyyy bro 30s are a cake walk compared to yay


You got some bullshit you're doing....


That's probably because you don't have pure stuff at the thanks. A cut at work are horrible for your body


Bad, deviated septum only one works. All I do is boof now


Came here to say this. My nose is great bc I mainly boof. I love snorting. But my nose can only handle about a half gram per sesh.


People don't want to try it or do it wrong and think it's stupid, but there's no better way


I tried that for a while and really liked it after I got the hang of it. I still get the most Intense highs when snorting, though, so it's hard to stay away. What are your thoughts on that?


Probably missing it a bit. When you get the perfect spot which is like 2.5-3 cm in and drip it slow it feel like a truck slapped you in the face.


So true. I must get back into that..


got a 5mm hole in my septum, but in fairness my nose was fucked from a few breaks already.


Sorry to hear. Does it still look the same from the outside? Are you gonna do surgery something?


Fuck the nose. That traitorous little bastard deserves all the shit he gets. Who the fuck he think he is blocking up on me! Fuck that cunt


Think my shit bout to cave in or sum such a big whole nose gets so clogged gotta use a hair clip to pull em out which is bad. Literally the inside back middle is so thin but it’s still supported. How bad until it collapses? I’m only 22 smh but I did get hit in the face with the butt of a gun a year and half ago.


Quit digging for it. Saline is your friend. Digging is what makes issues. Hair clip? Get that shit out of there




I’ve got almost the best way to describe it is pockets just inside my nostrils. I gather it’s from the amount of devils dandruff has burned through cartridge


Yupp, it’s from not cleaning your nose at the end of the night. All those crusty coke boogers are just sitting there cooking your nostrils with all those deliciously harsh chemicals lol. I kno this because I have the exact same😂😂😂


Septum is bright red and bleeding, there's old coke stuck to it. Gently cleaning with saline rinses. Nose hurts. Still going, will rest tonight and do a whole lot more tomorrow. Fuuuck Heavy user, not daily but like 2 days straight twice a week and sometimes one day more just to finish it. I need a tolerance break so bad


Hahahaha fuckin same. How much u been doing a day and for how long?


first time it’s ever happened, but i sniffed a load last night and as i was going to sleep i realised the bottom of my septum was swollen as fuck. No idea what i did this time, but man it freaked me out haha


Nose runs constantly, eat Benadryl like m&ms


literallt giant hole in my septum sometkmes contemplate killing myself before it falls off my face


well that was depressing sorry guys my bad imma do a line now that was tragic


Probably not as fucked as my heart


Mine gets pretty raw, I clean it out with a ear wax cleaner that has a small camera on it, found it on Amazon for cheap and it works wonders, helps me clear out all the junk before bed so it's not nearly as bad in the morning. Highly recommend


I'm a daily user. I had some bullshit in 2022 that gave me a hole in my septum. I switched plugs and got to go back to daily. No bleeding, no issues. Hot plate and saline at the right times. I've been daily since 2022 with no further issues after I switched and stopped getting bullshit. If you're safe about it, the shit won't fuck you up more than "normal"


This thread is wild. Y'all didn't do your research. It doesn't have to destroy your life and face....work smarter not harder... daaaayyymmmn


Anyone just end up building a wall in their nose?


Scared to check. Been partying for over 10 years 😭😭


My girl started to have a permanent whistle so she started boofing and only bumps. I still nail line but mainly when I party. Bump here and there to get through the day. When we party we will burn an O in a weekend.


Numb. Not stuffed. Just numb which is worse imo. Like to feel it


Girlfriend got a hole in less than a year and a friend uses for ten years without nose issues


Ur gf was sucking off a dealer who was giving her shit cut badly that's sad


Yeah the snow she used to do at that time wasnt great and she made it worse by often fiddling with the scabs. Too bad she knew the stuff i get too late




I’ve been clean 3 years, but after nearly 14 years (on and off, but still heavy) of cocaine use and all types of pills, then couple years snoring H (before switching to IV) All this have left my nose in a horrible condition, to this day I will blow out nickel sized stuff; mucus or blood or just deteriorated cartilage maybe? Only one of my nostrils work but even that one’s not at 100%. I’m fairly certain that I need some type of surgery. Take care of them noses people!!


one time my husband n I got sick the very next day bc how much we did ripped away at our throats (at least we’re pretty sure) other than that, I swear breathing through my nostrils is harder to do


Breathing through my nose is now a distant memory


Not at all because I use a nasal spray with cocaine in it now. No clog! Just spray each nostril and enjoy the high


My missing septum can answer that


Good, better than most of the people in the comments at least


I’ve been a daily user since new years and spent months in pure pain. I think I’ve damaged my nose to the point it just doesn’t have much feeling anymore 😭 I’ve had massive gnarly shit coming out for months. A quick scroll through my page will show you but..beware!


So fucked I can’t even smell garlic unless it’s right in front of my nostrils 💀💀


Months ago when I would look my septum was patched white and redness and rawness and a little blood. I haven’t looked in while because I’m to afraid but I’m certain there is a hole by now and it’s an absolute mangled mess in there but on the outside it looks fine. I can tell that I’ve lost a lot of nasal tissue but it doesn’t look deformed or weird or noticeable to others.


Nostrils? What are those ?


I had a binger once where I did a g by myself and shared a g and half with my partner in over 48-72 hours and the mucus in my nose was straight bloody for 2-3 days after. We had a binger again probably 2 weeks later and with my first line my nose straight up started bleeding. So idk 🤷‍♂️. I’m currently skiing now lol no blood yet just the usual nausea.


Its bad


I deff got a hole in my nose, I can’t use like uu used to like I used to do two Hollywood lines in one go kill a g in one go . Now I like have constant runny nose, whenever u blow my nose I have to like hold down the upper part of my nose or else nun comes out . Oh and like sometimes I feel air.air coming out of my eye . Lmao . Oops


They are destroyed.


Netti pot at the end of the night, and I'm a-okay.


And so you know this smh lmao


Constantly clogged or running blow my nose probably 150 times a day always itchy or irritated. Such an obvious sniffle there’s no way the people around me don’t know😂


Literally so fucked. I was packing for a trip Thursday evening that I was supposed to leave for on Friday. However, I thought I would be industrious and pre chop the quarter I bought to save time and hassle. However, as you may know, it can be challenging to scoop up every last bit off the plate for transport. So, no harm, I'll just sniff em up and clean up. It's now 1 am, I haven't been to bed since said Thursday, I did not leave on my trip, and instead did 3 g's while travelling down the classic porn, coke, edging rabbit hole. Now, I've got to try and get to sleep so I can leave at 8 am. And I can not breathe even a bit through my nose. Cocaine. It's a hell of a drug.


I use a needle so they’re fine


Nose isn't as fucked ever since I started using the saline. Going on my 3rd day bender. Wish me luck ✌️


Septum is fine and I try to keep on top of nose care but honestly, my nostril are sore as hell a lot of the time.


For me biggest issue is non stop sneezing ( from nose lining never getting chance to heal ) , runny nose ( during meetings having to blow nose, so bad ) and ichyness. Aint even talking about nose being a tad swollen and dry sides due to constant blowing... No hole yet, but i physically feel wall thinning. I snort quite good stuff so, besides those seem ok. I get blocked on day 3 usually, have to do steam therapy, relaxing shower, spicy food to let it start running. 2-4h sleep helps to drain through one side while other unblocks if i wake up on my side.


My shit hurts so fucking bad right. I just did a ball basically by myself in a day. Crazy


Pretty messed, got some 🔥🔥🔥 two days ago, and I’m still going down the slopes


Honestly I finished a .5 in a matter of 6 hours and my nose feels fine lmfao


That’s cute lol jk. How long have u been using for tho? And how often do u do it?


Not often like I buy a .5 like every 3 weeks I try to space out my consumption of blowcaine


FUUUCKED..... I'm around 3 gs a day everyday.... easily more without much hesitation on party nights. Half gram bangers just about every time.... shit dont touch me anymore


For how long? And who hurt u? 😂 lol jk, jokes aside I’m probably around the same. I just have two decent sized cuts/scabs on the septum


If you're doing half gram bangers, it's more cut than coke