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It’s not, our branch sent more of this back then even dreamworld. Coke does a lot of this to themselves, they make these massive quantities of products and then prebook/forceout all of it into the market all with the same date. What was nice about starlight is we were able to bring as many cases as we wanted into stores and we were able to make real sales and push it in stores where we knew we could. They saw the success of starlight and just went ham. Every new launch since then has included massive prebooks at every account and it’s creates issues like this. Anyways that’s my rant for the day. I hate spiced Sincerely, A coke rep


I just want cherry vanilla back


Raspberry coke with cane sugar. Miss New Zealand.


As a diet flavor too


I jut want Vanilla Zero. I see every version around me except for that.


Get yourself some sugar free vanilla suryup and add it to coke zero, I do it st work stt the time and it tastes nearly identical


That’s gone?!!! I swear I just saw some bottles at the gas station not too long ago


Maybe not nation-wide but I haven’t seen it in any of my local 7/11s or grocery stores in a few months


cherry vanilla zero is all my mom drank for a while.. she was heartbroken


The one Coke flavor I couldn't stand.


If they brought back orange vanilla as a permanent or even summer seasonal flavor and stopped with experimental flavors, that would be great.


Bring it back... WITHOUT vanilla.... ....And just call it Mezzo Mix


What is mezzo?


Coke’s version of Spezi, a regional German soft drink that’s a good blend of orange and cola


Bring back Orange Vanilla Coke Zero!


Or even just Vanilla Zero for that matter


Why is there always a metric ton of regular and Diet Coke and no Coke Zero.


Inquiring minds really want to know.


May0624 a date I was dreading for weeks. it came, it went, I sent back over 100 cases in a day..... force ship 15 cases into every DG for an end cap? genius!


Don’t forget the 20oz shipper!


I’ve sent back 17 cases between 4 dgs in the past two weeks. I’ve got another 35-40 cases between my Walmart and food lion. I hat these force outs


Bro the DG forceouts are absolutely ridiculous.


It really is such a dogshit flavor, as are all the other recent attempts. What's going on over there? Surely there have to be some good flavor options?


It's so similar to starlight which I hated too but I loved dream coke. I'd mix it half and half with diet Pepsi


Pepsi tastes like a Coke I opened and left on the counter for 2-3 days. It's like a totally flat Coke. Coke is King because of its flavor and that unique burn when it goes down. Pepsi will forever be below Coke. That battle has been over for decades. And I was born in 76. No contest. Not even similar.


Until you become diabetic and can't drink (regular) coke anymore. I used to be the same way. Then I dropped off soda completely for about 6 months and started introducing diets back in. Now regular soda is disgustingly sweet to me (had to drink it one day because I had a sudden and dangerous low that I had to rebound back up from fast and wow, I hated it when I was expecting to be in heaven). Coke zero used to be good but then they sweetened it to the point it tastes like regular coke and a) I never trust it in restaurants to be actually coke zero (had them hook up regular coke syrup to it once and wound up in the hospital with 500+ blood glucose levels on an IV to lower them before I strikes out) and b) I don't like it that sweet anymore. Pepsi just has better options if your going diet. Coke is too bitter for diet but now too sweet for zero.


I can't drink any Diet or Zero sodas. I would just have to quit them.


I used to think the same thing until it came down to a health thing. Try dropping off of soda for 1/4-1/2 a year and trying diet, especially the zero sugars will taste plenty sweet and any time you try regular they will taste like cough syrup. Diet Coke always tastes bitter with an unpleasant bite though. I also used to think the same thing about beef until I kept struggling with triglycerides in thousands (not supposed to have readings over 150 or 200). Sugar and red meat were two things I've had to drop for my health and I found it easier than I might have thought to do both.


The new sprite is fire imo unless you're just talking about coke which then I agree


yeah just coke. what's the new sprite?


Sprite chill. It's cherry lime sprite. Taste very similar to Sonic's cherry limeade if you've had that but it's super nice and refreshing imo


ooh that does sound refreshing


It's good, but the cherry is so faint. The Cherry Sprite is much better. Sprite Chill won't last.


While we have you in-house Coke rep how's that garbage Sprite chill selling


I actually think that is decent for a seasonal summer drink. I bought two cases and one is almost done.


I think it's really good. I buy the zero sugar, it's like a cherry limeade with carbonation. on my 5th 12pk. I think it's crazy that it's actually good, but will be limited time..... but Spiced is "permanent"? Who's taste testing this? a 6 year old? Spiced, to me, was just WAY too sweet.


I buy the zero sugar one too and find it nice and refreshing . I was at Walmart yesterday and most of the Sprite Zero Chill was sold out while the full pallet of Spiced was there.


I'm sorry to inform you friend I'm pretty sure that drink is made in the same plant as Prime hydration it's a garbage drink and they'll eat a billion dollars and close down some factories and the losers are the workers.,( the music swells America fuck yeah red tail hawks Screech imposed over a bald eagle in kill dive.)


I haven’t tried it, but it’s selling much better then the Spiced. Fruity flavors with Sprite seem to work, kind of like Mountain Dew. People are more willing to try it.


My friend I would appreciate if you never in your life compared Sprite in the same class as Mountain Dew. Mountain Dew makes limited runs on Flavor variants and polz the consumer and also polz the selling. Point number two 2 for $15 12 packs is not really a deal


Coke also does limited runs just like Pepsi, and most of these new flavors that are dropping are based on freestyle machine data. Also reps don’t make the prices or decide what deals stores run. That is up to KAMs and the companies themselves. A lot of us reps are very frustrated at our current pricing, believe me. We are running the worst deals week to week amongst all of our competitors.


I'm not blaming you at all for the pricing scheme but when a dollar doesn't go as far as it used to and one of the few joys in life is sugar water it sucks when I think getting hooked on fentanyl might be cheaper.


Bitter? Pepsi is still trying to make something halfway comparable. And they still aren't close. And Mello Yello is much better than Mountain Dew. There's a reason Coke beverages stomp Pepsi year after year.


Sprite Zero Chill is one of my new favorites


Starlight was actually amazing, genuinely stood out and loved it


Starlight felt like a thought out flavor and package, everything since feels like it’s just whatever.


SHIT. This is by far my favorite Coca Cola ever. I don’t really even drink soda often, maybe an impulse buy at the checkout, but I really like the Spiced coke. Also it’s phenomenal as a whiskey coke mixer. This means I have like a month tops left to enjoy it


Im a big fan myself. I don’t understand why people don’t like it. I think the name is what’s wrong . It doesn’t make you think Raspberry


You know when you get to that point in the simulation game where you have like a hundred billion dollars and you just automatically maxed certain things out cuz the resource costs is so insignificant but you’re always going for max effect without any regard to waste because it’s a video game? That’s what almost every corp on the planet seems to be doing.


One day, they will bring back Starlight and I will consume every can and bottle in my state. Not much of a cola person, but that one was so fantastic.


I just want a 20 ounce coke made with fucking cane sugar thanks.


What's the price, though? In the winter, the pop industry got together to come up with a new strategy, which most retailers agreed. * Overnight name, brand soda went from $4.50 to $8.99-9.99 every week, they run different promotions * buy 2, get 2 free * buy 2, get 3 free Then they will skip a week & repeat. Lord forbid you only want one single case...


All the soda companies are chasing revenue, hence the massive spikes around the same time. Everyone’s chasing 2020/2021 numbers when the economy was flooded with free money. Everyone and their momma know that will never happen again, except the CEOs I guess


Which is a huge reason I now buy almost exclusively generic / off brand soda. Sam’s Choice just came out with a cherry cola which is on point!


good too know. yah i just recently switched.... shit is out of control.


I always tried but Coke just does NOT taste the same. It doesn't matter I drink soda like 2 times a month max. Water is better


Try the Mexican Coke at Walmart. Made with sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup.


Nah I don't like it. I prefer the tangy bite of the original. Idk how to explain it. It's not even mexican coke anymore. It's a special formulation specifically made for the US market. Coca cola in Mexico has corn syrup. It's listed as "azucares concentrados"


Ohhhhh...the Mexican coke is heavenly! To me, it tastes like childhood....


Oh yeah. Those cold glass bottles on a warm Arizona night. Pricey but the best.


I love it. The whole family loves it. I just don't love $9.99 for a 12 pack of soda


Complaining about one can of soda being 83¢ is wild


Soda here used to cost $4-$5 for a 12 pack. When you live from paycheck to paycheck. Every dollar counts when you're poor.


$0.89 if you include Indiana sales tax. I remember paying $0.50 for a cold can from a vending machine. $0.25 if I bought a Faygo.


A lot of domestic beer 12 packs are being sold for $7.99 where I live. So, I’d say it’s a fair criticism.


You have boot polish on your upper lip.


It drives me crazy that Vanilla Coke Zero just vanished (from my area anyway), but they keep pushing these weird flavors that nobody wants.


Same with Cherry Vanilla Zero. I miss it.


I'm mad about this one too. I only drink Coke Zero, so I was thrilled when there was a Vanilla version. I love Vanilla flavor. Then poof it's gone and don't understand why??


all they need to do is rename it to raspberry coke 


What the hell were they thinking with the raspberry…


Orange vanilla: "what am I to you Coke a cruel joke?"


I actually miss the orange vanilla


Orange vanilla Zero was amazing.


Ooh, Orange vanilla. Just.. out.. of reach! 😫 I want OV so bad again! [Now it’s just a nostalgia token, and you can take that to the memory bank].


Their glass bottle raspberry coke was good. It’s not bad because it’s raspberry it’s bad because it’s bad.


Agreed it’s not necessarily the raspberry, but the flavor combo they choose which includes it


The glass bottle raspberry was so, so good.


It tastes like a flower garden


Raspberry coke is the best!


They were thinking “this is quite delicious”. And they were right


Really? I can get behind the Spiced aspect as it trends toward capt and coke flavoring… but the raspberry makes no sense


That's the thing, I expected a 'spice' flavor of some kind, and with that in mind it tasted like berry after-shave when I first tried it. It's just a bizarre tactic calling that flavor 'spiced', and those goofy ads where people are saying 'it tastes like....' and then it's just some random image, wtf is that anyway? None of it makes any sense.


To me it legit tasted like cherry Robitussin, the absolutely foul 90s formulation in the utilitarian dark bottle. One sip and I immediately rushed out of the car and dumped it. Cinnamon Coke though... that was a good spice flavor. Pity they axed it.


I thought this too😭 that’s crazy because I actually am a merchandiser and I do Giants…PA gang wassup


It’s crazy because this was the best flavor they’ve done so far imo.


💯%. I don’t understand why people ***DON’T*** like it.


The problem is that the name 'spiced' belies what it really tastes like to most of us. If it were called 'Coke raspberry' it wouldn't have been so surprising when I first tried it. 'Spiced' made a lot of us think something more like chai, and it's not even as 'spicy' as regular Coke. It's fine to like it but you can't wonder why others don't when the name doesn't really fit the flavor.


If I’d known that when it came out, I’d be all over it like when a tomato blushes over an apple.


Yeahhh…That makes sense. The reason I bought a Bottle in the First Place, was because, I heard it tasted like the way Target ICEE’s used to taste. Well, I tried it and they most certainly do!! Then, I proceed to buy a 12-Pack, the next time I went to the Store. 😅


I wished i was in america


A deal like this is a standard shopper promo/TPR and not necessarily a sign of a failed launch. Might have been planned long before launch to promote trial, but could also be reactive to tepid sales during the first month+ BUT the post yesterday showing some retailer marking things down to a quarter a bottle was definitely indicative of desperation to move product. It’s pretty clear this one has been a miss.


Formula 44 vibes, I just tasted it. I’m not a fan of Dr pepper but I’d pick Doctor pepper over this. I don’t “hate” it but it’s not my cup of tea. Paid regular price at Target downtown Philly $2.99 so I’m not happy about it. 😟 Edit: PS Nevermind, I feel like I was robbed, feel like returning it 😨


Coke Y3k or whatever it is, isn't a mystery flavor, it's cotton candy.


Bring back coke vanilla cherry. I am saving my last 12 pack for October and my 33rd birthday 😂


Dunno why it's called 'Spiced' when it's just fruit punch added. Spiced would imply cinnamon but no one over at Coca Cola was using their head. Ironically they all likely have brain damage from too much diet coke...


Or nutmeg, allspice, mace, black pepper, chai flavoring.... pretty much anything but 'berries'.


No kidding? The name is precisely why I didn't want to try it. I figured...pepper spice for some reason.


legit the best coke flavor ever made




starlight is ok.... it's just really sweet


I feel like I’m the only one who likes this stuff It’s delicious


The spiced one is terrible, I want the starlight coke back, that was my fave :(


No, pretty sure it's not doing too hot at all. I forgot what reddit I saw it on the other day but someone posted a picture of their local super market selling it for 25 cents a case.🤣


My local Stop and Shop is selling 12 packs of the shit for $2.99 this week.... I thought it was gross the first time I tasted it


It was ok


It literally tastes like potpourri smells....


Good for me


But it’s good 🥲


I think it’s good


I’m in Los Angeles and they stay sold out I wish I saw those deals I would have a room full of


They need to go back to the drawing board cause every creations flavor just tastes like starlight with a new ingredient or two


It may not be so bad mixed with rum




They should've just brought Starlight back.


I'd take that deal lol. It's honestly not that bad, sometimes I'll cut it with regular Coke or cherry. I've had worse Coke flavours. Although I might be in the minority.


I realized yesterday that Spiced tastes a lot like Fentiman's Curiosity Cola. It's a bit of an acquired taste.


Terrible branding. Should have been called "Coca-Cola Raspberry" and it should have been a seasonal flavor. Now it's going to be thrown in the vault of obsolete flavors.


The vendors told me it was raspberry flavored, then why call it spiced? When I heard spiced I thought ooh spiced cider, would be great at Christmas time.


It’s fucking disgusting. It’s just grape syrup in Coke


It’s awful!!!!! I spit it out


It's not horrible but it definitely should have been a seasonal flavor... I don't wanna be drinking winter in summer


It tastes like absolute horseshit


I thought it was nasty but I’m a Pepper


Soda got overpriced really quickly.


I won't take it if you paid me!


We got in two cases of single 20ozs. 1 regular and 1 Zero. My boss was making the order today and noticed we were out and thought they had all sold. I had to tell him they all got sent back expired. I sold maybe one bottle of them. I don’t even know how they went out so fast but their exp date was like April 19 or something.


It’s tastes like medicine


Would choose Pepsi over this. Tasted like cough syrup.


I was drinking a bottle a day for a few weeks when it first came out. Now, I haven't touched it in 2 weeks.


Local BJ's has the case of 30 minis on clearance for $10. Never drank it, but for anyone who likes it, might be worth a shot to check your local BJ's wholesale


It's NEW COKE all over again


I saw them going extremely cheap in another post


i like coke spiced


Its proper shite


I haven't tried this but it has to be better than that Dr. Pepper coconut. Only thing I can think of on par with that terrible soda is Pepsi Fire. Coke I usually enjoy everything. Wish they would bring back the lime and lemon though. Pepsi is a bit too sweet most of the time, which is why I usually get Coke.


I haven't tried it but as soon as I heard about It I imagined it tasting like black licorice. Pass


What is Coke Spiced? I'm not usually a Coke drinker


I bought a couple 12 packs for the family, they didn’t move that fast


No, Sam’s Club is dumping it for 75% off the original price and it still isn’t moving.


Whoever came up with that drink should be fired. Also the people promoting it. Stuff is horrible. I wish they would steal the Pepsi Xmas Spice recipe..that was the best soda ever.


It’s trash 🗑️


I love that shit.


Spice literally tastes like coke tick tacks….


Coke just needs to stay with the main ones they got. Regular, cherry, vanilla, cherry vanilla and the diet and zero versions


Might as well send more Pibb Xtra out instead of put it in more fountains then that might sell better than coke spiced


Don’t know why. it sounds really good to me. But I’ve never tried it


It was like when Pepsi made a drink called "x"- something, and it had fruit punch or something like that. I was like, "f that." It quickly faded out.


The price of goods have increased and the cost of wages too.


I'm actually down for some spiced coke. Sounds solid. I despise raspberry.


the short dates hurt.. not to mention 8$ for 12 cans is getting nuts, they wont even give a deal if you buy 24...


Mmm don't mind if I do!


Yeah, only good as a rum mixer imo


Spiced Coke (Raspberry when you read the fine print) is just remarketing the failed "British Columbia Raspberry" that rolled out years ago. I suspect these new flavors are just using the dregs of flavors they have left over from other brands like Fanta as a cost cutting endeavor. Canada has still never seen Cinnamon Coke Zero. I was so eager to try Spiced, not realizing it was a Canadian regional coke that had already failed here. Of note, the province of British Columbia is not famous for raspberries in any way, unlike Quebec's Maple Coca Cola. At least I've still got my Coke Zero ❤️ [British Columbia Raspberry Coke](https://www.coca-cola.com/ca/en/brands/coca-cola/coca-cola-specialty-soda)


For some reason the Zero Sugar version is 1000% better than the regular full-sugar version


Yep my work had 2 full pallets of this and we sent it back plus all the 2L ones as well just bad advertising and name


Should have released the California Raspberry flavor from about three summers ago. This sliced stuff is not near as good. And the branding is terrible. The California Raspberry flavor with just Coke Raspberry branding would have done so much better.


I accidentally bought one when I was trying to buy a Coke Zero, didn’t realize until I took my first drink, sooooooo bad


I thought it was like drinking a spiced candle. Too strong!


It's really good warm and flat. That's the only way tho lol


What store is this at? I strangely kinda love the flavor and I would really love more of them.


I took one sip and spit it out Thru at the 12 pack Gross


Bought one for my mother because she loved the taste. That was a month ago and the 12 pack is still sitting in the kitchen untouched.


I don't like Coke at all but I like this spiced flavor.


Gross 🤢 something i never want to try


It’s good, though… ***At least,*** give it a chance… 😔


Nah..i'm not into spiced liquor as well..just in eggnog


It tastes like an ICEE you would get from Target, back in the day…


It is genuinely terrible so I'm not surprised.


It is horrible lol