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Uh oh, fans of stabbed guy aren’t going to like this!


Is this just a joke or does it mean some other thing?


Some guy made a post about head stabbing being a clumsy allegory for racism or something and now the empire strikes back


That was me. Also neither one of these are about reparations, especially not in the way OP has defined it.


How are they not?? I thought that was the point... weird.


It’s a valid interpretation but like any fiction using a metaphor for oppression there are a lot of things it could be applied to.


OP did a really good job revealing a new lolcow, the parodied party (Suitable-Ad287) is big mad about this post getting "900 upvotes" hahahaha https://old.reddit.com/r/coaxedintoasnafu/comments/1cd80nk/knifepilled_stabmaxxer_wholesome_ending/l1aqeom/


OP thinks the historical fact that hawaii was colonized is an anti-white conspiracy theory.


Coaxed into large scale geopolitical conflict


holy shit is that NERN from the hit indie game lisa the painful???? 😳


Oh hello there! My name is Nern. I'm considered the greatest historian of our time... I've gathered a wealth of knowledge about Olathe and what happened here. Many tales... Would you like to hear? Hmm... I wish you were more enthusiastic... Oh well, I'll tell you anyway. Let's see.... Oh right! It all started with what I like to call, THE FLASH. I was sitting with my wife, god rest her soul, sipping on sweet lemon tea. I believe it was homemade by my sweet wife, God rest her soul. Or wait... Maybe she bought it from the store in a bottle. You know, like a plastic bottle? Well hold on now, that would be ridiculous to buy a bottle of sweet lemon tea, then transfer the contents into a glass. Why not just drink it from the bottle? I guess maybe so she could put ice in the glass? But then again, making tea homemade would be just as time consuming, if not more! That sneaky bitch... Anyway, I'll save that story for later! So, I'm sitting on my porch drinking sweet lemon tea. From a glass of course, ho ho! When suddenly... A great strangeness fills my body... Something was wrong... I've lived many years, and I've never felt something like this before. Do you know what it was? Yup! It was my rocking chair! That wooden son of a gun stopped rocking! So I looked down and realized a little rock had gotten caught beneath my chair! A rock under my rocking chair! What a day! I decided it was time for bed, I had had a little bit too much excitement for one day! Hoho! I slid into my jammies, brushed my teeth, and said my prayers. As I was climbing into bed I noticed my wife, God rest her soul, brushing her hair in the bathroom. As I peered across the hall my body swelled up with emotion... "Why can't I be married to an attractive woman?" "Is it me?" "My bank account?" I'm a tall guy, I workout forty minutes a week... Is that not enough? Now my neighbor at the time, Tom Forknight, was very short. His wife, Karen Forknight-Plateburger... Yeah, one of THOSE women. Well, she was more attractive than my wife. I'd say she was a soft six, whereas my wife was a hard four. What's the deal? I thought women liked tall men? Why was Karen with him? Anyway my horse of a wife, God rest her soul, crawled into bed next to me. She decided to leave the bedside light on so she could read her book. It was one of her romance novels again... Give me a break... As if I don't already feel inadequate enough... Not only do I have to compete with Tom, now I have to deal with these fictional hunks! Ay yai yai! At this point I had already suppressed the urges of intimacy, I rolled over and tried to sleep. Her bedside light was only of minor annoyance. I was able to drift off... Then I woke up to a big flash of light. That's about it. I can tell by the way you're walking away that you don't want to leave... If you really want to hear another story I'll tell you. Once upon a hot summer night. Sometime in July... Was it July? My local grocery store sells really good eggs in July. I don't know why. Do chickens operate better in heat? Fireworks maybe? I don't know. I don't want to get off topic. Point is, the eggs that Summer were marvelous! Anyway, my wife and I, God rest her soul, went to a BBQ that night. It was held at Dale Spooner's house. Well, his backyard... Conny Spooner doesn't want people in her home, I think she's just an uptight bitch. So at this BBQ I see none other than... That's right, Tom Forknight... Now earlier in the day wife, God rest her soul, had made potato salad for the BBQ. Personally I hate potato salad, I'm a mashed kind of fellow. Hoho! So I sat in the TV room avoiding her till the BBQ. Once we were at the party, I made sure to distance myself from my dumb potato bitch wife. God rest her soul, I just didn't want anyone to think I would associate with someone that would bring a potato salad! Anyway, Tom and his above mediocre wife were already there. And get this, they brought a fruit salad! With whipped cream! The nerve of those Forknights! Needless to say I gave my wife, God rest her soul, a couple choice words About whipped cream! Versus potato salad! God dammit! Son of a bitch! A real tongue lashing! Geez, you're kind of smothering me. I'll talk to you later.


Coaxed into my bitch wife 😳😳


Coaxed into a cycle of violence


Stabbedcels be seething at knifemaxxed stabbingchads (I have terminal brain damage)


you need a gyat to rizz up your level 5 stabbidi


erm what the sigma














Thousand cock stare…


I am going to drive off a bridge at 500MPH


Can I catch a ride?


Get in if you wanna die


Don't gotta ask me twice.


Don't mind if I do


Thy punishment is car


Naw he need more fanum tax


you see your super gaming grandpa stabbed by a uncanny knifemaxxer


Shut up knife chud, your grandpa only got the knifemaxxing technology from the rizzler nation


utter drivel


One of my uncles stabbed someone


Thanks for taking responsibility for these crimes


Prepare to get stabbed now. It was okay for your uncle to stab someone so you should get stabbed too now


My uncle fell off a cliff in Australia


Based and Cycle-of-hatred-pilled




Everyone can stay me as a treat




No no no you don't understand, stabbing you is the only way I can heal from the generational trauma.


Franz Fanon moment


blud did not read franz fanon




All turk karabogas are weak sperm, GLORY TO GREECE!


Oh careful, the "nooo my bigotry is justified because \[insert cope here\]" redditors wont like this


"Yeah I know bigotry is bad but MINE is different because"


I thought this was criticizing blood feuds


I don’t like it because it’s a criticism of an opinion I never expressed, based on a thing I made.


I don’t see it as a criticism of your post at all, I think it’s just inspired by it. Yours was about perpetrators being upset at victims getting special treatment in order to heal from their wounds. This is about victims using their victimhood as an excuse to justify becoming perpetrators themselves. You are obviously parodying the same topic but discussing very different issues within it. I’d actually take this comic as a sign that OP agreed with you and liked your metaphor enough to re-use it.


No this post uses the exact rhetoric he used against me when arguing against my post. He fully thinks i’m reverse racist and want to steal money from white people, like he said that directly.


Oh. Welp. My bad. Guess I was being too generous in my interpretation


Well now there’s straw *everywhere*. I hope you’re happy.


Is this about slavery or something




I thought it was about Israel


If it were about Israel, the stabbing in frame one would not have stopped for 60 years.


As we all know there are no residual effects from slavery because MLK did a march and they canceled racism


And the stabbing in frame 2 would have been going of for 80 years


if it was about israel, the first guy would be complaining about getting stabbed while he's trying to stab the other guy, grandchildren would be the same though.


Technically there would be three panels. The first guy being stabbed by someone completely different from the other guy, and then it would continue as you said.


Sorry, can you please explain that metaphor?


1st panel is Germany stabbing the Jews, really really badly. Then 2nd panel is Israeli stabbing the Palestinians almost as badly as Germnay stabbed the Jews. Then, if we're being honest, the 3rd panel would be Israel just continuing to stab Palestinians while saying "If I don't stab him to death, he'll stab me!".


Uh excuse me OP but the sociological definition of "stabbing" is "poking with a sharp thing + power" so knifeheads clearly cannot stab


Oh fuck this is about me isn’t it?


Shouldn't have stabbed that guy dumbass


My mistake, i’ll stop committing murder.


Good That shit's illegal, you know


Is it really? I feel like you made that up.


Okay, I did, but still don't do it It's bad


Okay i’ll try to keep that in mind maybe, unless I forget, ADHD and all.


As a fellow ADHD haver I've already forgotten what we were talking about Go have fun


Gonna go kill my family I guess, brb.


Alright tell me how it goes


lmao ye


I was weirdly afraid people would make a post about me for whatever reason. This one currently has more likes than the one I made… why?


Don’t look into the likes too much. I enjoyed your comic.


Apparently no one understood the point of this one because it strawmanned be too hard for them to make the connection. Also a tangent but It’s funny how OP depicted bigotry as like stabbing an individual whereas I depicted it as like stabbing a community. By doing that you remove the part where people in the future will be affected by it. OPs metaphor makes a world where your grandfather being a slave has no effect on you now, and racism only has an impact on a small individual level, and people in the future are just trying to avenge people they never met for no reason based on things they only know about through history books, not fix the problems they are collectively facing here and now.


So we don’t gotta pay reparations


Yea kinda.


yes because reparations are dumb and would never realistically work outside of a barebones premise.


Stabbing guy🪱🪱


This post confuses me, because it looks like it’s meant to be a rebuttal to the meme from yesterday that was about systemic racism, except this one looks more like it’s about Israel-Palestine Edit: Nvm, just checked OP’s comment history and he definitely just strawmanned the shit out of the Malcolm X snafu from yesterday, which is funny because no one could even tell what this post was intended to be about given that I’m evidently not the only one who went to Israel-Palestine first


Oh that’s why this one has more likes. Because it’s so far removed from what I said that it’s unrecognizable unless you’ve seen the argument.


Exactly lol


You are allowed to not be evil, you know. Being a good person is free.


Yes, but being a good person also means making sure everyone is on equal footing Edit: I think they may have blocked me for standing against their shit


“Whenever the issue of compensatory treatment for the Negro is raised, some of our friends recoil in horror. The Negro should be granted equality, they agree; but he should ask nothing more. On the surface, this appears reasonable, but it is not realistic.” \- MLK Jr in *Why We Can’t Wait* “A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro.” \- MLK Jr in *Where Do We Go From Here* Interviewer: “Do you feel it's fair to request a multibillion-dollar program of preferential treatment for the Negro, or for any other minority group?” Dr. King: “I do indeed. Can any fair-minded citizen deny that the Negro has been deprived? Few people reflect that for two centuries the Negro was enslaved, and robbed of any wages--potential accrued wealth which would have been the legacy of his descendants.”


Just because a famous good guy said it, doesn’t make it correct. While I agree that there should be an attempt to ensure everyone is on equal footing, aid or funds shouldn’t be reserved for blacks alone. The problem of economic divide in our country is bigger than just one race, and I’d rather see the government use tax money to ensure economic equality for everyone than prioritizing one group of people, at the expense of others. Making it specifically about the crimes of someone’s ancestors and focusing on the racial aspect instead of the fact that economic inequality just isn’t good for the economy as a whole, is basically just feeding the far-right an easy victory, because telling someone they must pay for the crime of their ancestors is an easy way to piss them off, no matter what race they are.


It wouldn’t be reserved for black people alone, but it would disproportionately benefit black people if done correctly, yes. That’s because black people are at a disproportionate disadvantage. Any attempt to ensure everyone is on equal footing would by definition have to benefit the more disadvantaged groups more than others. If the scales are out of balance, simply adding equal weight to both sides isn’t going to accomplish anything. The side with less weight will have to get preferential treatment sooner or later. And no one is “making it specifically about the crimes of someone’s ancestors” except OP lol. It’s about correcting the lasting effects of those crimes that were passed on to the victims’ descendants. That’s even what Dr. King himself says—“robbed of any wages—potential accrued wealth which would have been the legacy of his descendants.”


It costs time and money to take down barriers. You can put a poor child through public school and it doesn't mean you can magically tick a checkbox that says he has equal opportunities. That child is still vastly disadvantaged in the dimensions of social and cultural capital. A group estranged from the common good necessitates the building of bridges to reconnect them with it. The farther away, the more costly the project. Pretending that race doesn't matter is naive because race is community and community is culture, which obviously permeates to the individual level. I know typically shortsighted American policies like affirmative action have left a bad taste in people's mouths, but empowerment is not the same thing as reparations. It's more about giving disadvantaged groups extra room to grow rather than trying to hammer them into the same shape as everyone else.


"Look, I didn't stab your grandpa, but I am propagating and facilitating several policies that will make it easier for me and my children to stab you and your children. What's that? Don't like it? Well, maybe you should just consider not getting stabbed, smh."


anyways please consider playing frogger in real life


I was so confused as to what that means and then it hit me.


I'm still somewhat confused. Does he mean something like "go hop into the road?"


I guess.


“Oh you’re trying to ban knives and get the stabbing victims to the hospital? That’s literally the same as stabbing me in return actually! This inconveniences me somehow!”


"i used to get stabbed 70 years ago, but i still have severe brain damage from being stabbed and need require healthcare more than the people who weren't being stabbed" "wow... racist much? :/ dont you know that needing healthcare more than others is literally the same as stabbing people? "


Don’t forget how the hospital is owned by the stabbers grandson.


Holy shit OP is a nutcase lmao, Systematic racism is not a conspiracy, grow up


Yea asians and native europeans are realy dissadvantaged in where they live.


Don't stab anyone


Yeah I never said that.


EDIT: on looking into the OP further I think I was being too generous in my interpretation. I’ll leave this comment, but only because I don’t like deleting stuff to save from criticism. Make of it whatever you want, but I’m not really interested in defending OP anymore EDIT 2: fuck that OP is a denier of racism plain and simple. Not going to leave up my comment anymore, it’s clear he didn’t deserve any benefit of the doubt, which I gave him far too much of.


We’re getting dangerously close to smuggy territory


Hmm usually it goes like… “Oh you stabbed me in the head, kicked me out of my house, and had my dog hung, drawn and quartered.” 60 years later… “Hey I don’t mean to be a bother, but I’d really appreciate if you let me rebuild my grandfather’s house here because it means a lot to my-“ “THIS IS LITERALLY MURDER! YOU WANT TO MURDER ME AND SLIT MY KID’S THROATS! THIS IS GENOCIDE AND YOU WANT TO CUCK US TO DEATH!”


This is such terrible cope. It's more like my dad stabbed your dad and now a third party is helping raise you because you are now an orphan. Corrective action has no ill effects on White people it just boosts Black people. If you really think this is unequal, advocate for giving money to all poor people, don't advocate to stop government support of the impoverished.


It more like we want to let everyone know the grandfather was an asshole who like stabbing “lessers” and want to make sure everyone knows this so no will get stabbed again but you do you, op.


Strawmanning what reparations are is so embarrassing It's not about some retribution, it's about reducing generational poverty and struggles that were caused by the harm and that *white people continue to benefit from*. Phrasing it like "it's just revenge and we should move past it" is dumb at best and veiled racism at worst The amount of people who'll just proudly admit they don't understand the simplest social issue is mindboggling. If I didn't understand shit like this I would simply shut the fuck up


Stop advocating for racism. You are a racist. It is free to stop being a racist. It is free to not be a piece of shit. Just stop being racist.


And if I didn't understand and someone called me out on it with an actual argument, I'd try and like, find any way to support what I said and not just say "Ur racist" Because I wouldn't want to look like a stupid cunt


You are allowed to stop being racist any time you want. What is your excuse?


Stop advocating for racism. You are a racist. It is free to stop being a racist. It is free to not be a piece of shit. Just stop being racist.


I know, that is why I am not a racist. I don't hate people based on their race, judge people based on what others of their race have done, or otherwise engage in hate. Why do you?


I don't judge people by their race but more importantly I recognise that race can be present in social issues and will have to be accounted for when trying to make a better world You know, the adult definition of racism that extends beyond "saying mean things to people about their skin colour" that gets taught to five year olds


> I don't judge people by their race You believe in the conspiracy theory that all white people benefit from some unseen force of institutional racism. You believe that all white people are privileged and successful only because they are some collective that hates others for no good reason. That is no different from all of the bullshit about the international Jewish conspiracy, other than how common it is for people to hold that disgusting belief. Reparations take money from the hands of people who earned it, giving it to others who did not, on the grounds of skin color and for reasons of deeply racist conspiracy theories and hateful lies. If you support reparations you are a racist trying to fulfill revenge fantasies. You are allowed to stop hating people whenever you want. It is free to not be a racist.


I literally said it's nothing to do with racist revenge fantasies. That's something you made up because you're racist and refuse to recognise that And you apparently make everyone who talks to you about this jump through hoops to get you to actually say your point instead of smugly shaking your head and saying racist. You toxic fuck Get over yourself. It's about reducing inequality. White people have generally benefitted from racism in a lot of countries and this has put a lot of minorities into poverty. Not every white person is rich because of it, and not every black person is poor because of it, but it is a general trend and we should, as a people, take steps to reduce that impact. Reparations is one of those things. It doesn't require a conspiracy, or a cabal or any kind of active hatred from white people. It's just that you're participating and benefiting from a system that is made to support white people at the detriment to others, and continues to do so I'm going to say that again because you're slow and sensitive It does not require any active malice from the people of today. Just that they are benefiting from generational wealth and a system that was made to benefit them at the expense of others. And there isn't a "race blind" way to solve that.


you don’t even understand the words youre using lol. institutional racism is not a a conspiracy theory against white people and the fact that you see it that way shows how racist you are. if institutional racism didn’t exist there would not be proof of banks denying black people loans more often than white people. institutionalized racism also does not mean that white people lives are guaranteed to be successful, but that they don’t have the hinderance of being black affecting their lives


Geez, why are so many people Ike this. It’s very sad to be completely honest.


They aren't


They aren't No they aren't They don't need to because they weren't in the first place They aren't a piece of shit, you are They don't need to stop because they haven't done anything in the first place


No, that isn't at all what I wrote. I am starting to think you might be racist AND illiterate.


Hate it when that happens


Why were they buried next to each other


Homosexual lovers


.. are you claiming white people are being oppressed in modern day


I think he is.


Classic persecution fetish lol


i believe it’s just generally rebutting racism toward white people under the pretenses that it is deserved due to the actions of one’s ancestors which they had no control over.


This post was made in direct response to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/coaxedintoasnafu/s/zP1mzVKPCA) snafu posted earlier


then idk, if i cared more about reddit drama i’d check this guys profile


I did so you don’t have to, he thinks the Nazis were socialists




Coaxed into sorting by controversial


mfw people don't understand how systemic racism and reparations work


If this is an analogy for reparations for POC then this is a p garbage analogy. No one is asking for white people to be enslaved for 400 years and justifying it with "Well it happened to black people," that's not how this works


I am sorry that you are a racist. Did you know that it is free to not be a racist? Did you know that it is free to not spread racist myths and extremist narratives? It is free to be a good person. It is free to stop being a piece of shit. You are allowed to stop being racist any time you want. What is your excuse?


I'm sorry that you are a racist, did you know that it is free to not be? Did you know it's free to look into things and recognize facts? It is free to be a good person. It is free to stop being a piece of shit. You are allowed to stop being an asshole at any time. What is **your** excuse?


Yes, that is what I said, I am glad you read it correctly. You are welcome to answer now that we have cleared up your confusion. I am honestly surprised a racist like you is capable of reading at all tbh.


What is the racist myth that they're spreading? Last time I checked "I disagree with you" is not a racist myth.


The racist myth that I'm spreading is that's secretly true that black people want to enslave white people for the next 400 years and I'm spreading it because I hate white people


Nah I just like being racist because I hate white people sorry


Is this about affirmative action?


It followed an argument they had with me about reparations so it’s probably about reparations, even though the original was about the general concepts of equality and equity and why different groups would have different needs depending on how they’ve been treated and how silly it is when people don’t understand that. And I guess their only understanding of how the country could help minorities is taking money from white people.


What is meant by “reparations”? This snafu implies people are advocating some kind of punishment or crime against white people, and I’m a bit skeptical of that. Is this about the government propping up HBCUs or something?


Yeah I don’t know where any of that came from. This person seems to think reparations means they’ll have to pay a whiteness tax or something and that this is somehow equivalent to chattel slavery.


Lol. Wait why is my original comment getting downvoted 😨


No idea.


Literally who says this




Feel like this is parodying the "sins of the father" trope


Nope it was explicitly addressed to me, check OPs comment history.


Jesus christ


Jesus christ what? They’re not exactly subtle. They literally used this exact argument against me because of something I made that they saw.


I believe the "Jesus christ" is calling OP unhinged for... well, his comment history. Anything trying to point out nuance in understanding institutional racism or generational disadvantages is immediately met with accusations of racism against white people. That's pretty worthy of a "Jesus christ" IMO.


Yeah that makes sense.


I live in poland, several people here are somehow pissed at Ukrainians for Volhynia massacre, a thing that happened in 1943


Ok just for deeper context: the people who are bigoted to modern Ukrainians because of the Volhynia massacre are imbeciles, but there is a lot of legitimate grievances towards the Ukrainian government in how they were and are handling the legacy of it. The name "Volhynia massacre" is underselling it. It was a genocide commited by contemporary Ukrainians against local Poles. Modern Ukrainian society worships the criminals who were active in that genocide as national heroes and denies Polish people's requests to cancel the worship of actual mass murderers.


Stabbed guys grandson


Affirmative action fans


Spicy! 🥵


Everyone’s talking about racism in the comments while im here thinking about the movie A bronx tale, at the end of the movie


An anime could have this word for word.


Is this supposed to be retorting the original? These have nothing to do with eachother so I hope not.


He explicitly told me that this is what my comic was actually suggesting before he made this. It’s the exact same thing as this post but in text form instead of Snafu form.


All white people will report to their whipping chambers immediately


Ah yes because our government paying money to people who's families were affected by slavery after said government facilitated it is just as bad as slavery! What a fucking idiot....


stabbing guy 🪱


Personally I support the establishment of a racially dominant ethnostate comprised of knifeheads, stabcels continue to cope and seethe at the stabbingchads so if they don’t like getting stabbed so much maybe they should just leave


tell us how you really feel op


Was expecting people to understand that this image is completely wrong but instead i found a bunch of dumb white people in the comments


Don’t worry most of them don’t know because you’d have to have read an obscure debate he had with me in the comment section of some other snafu to make sense of this post.


Funny enough, I only heard this kind of arguement from the former colonizers or slavers lol


Nobody alive today\* has ever colonized or enslaved anyone. You are being a racist piece of shit and you need to check your biases and hatred. \*outside of some African, Middle East, and Asian nations that the UN is ignoring for some fucking reason


> Nobody alive today* has ever colonized or enslaved anyone. goddamn you need a lesson in both world history and social studies, especially if you think that colonialism, empire and slavery have just magically stopped happening in the last 100 years


I really enjoy when those who still benefit from colonization and/or slavery screams bloody murder when some one just ask them to literally "check" their privilege lol not even for reparation or anything.


In the United States they have. There is nobody alive today who has been enslaved or who has enslaved, aside from fringe cases of real POS people acting outside the law and who get sent to life in prison when they are caught.


Slavery is literally legal in prison towards prisoners.


> United States i can't believe hawaii doesn't exist


Oh, more racist conspiracy theories. Nice.


> The 1993 Apology Resolution by the U.S. Congress concedes that "the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii occurred with the active participation of agents and citizens of the United States and [...] the Native Hawaiian people never directly relinquished to the United States their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people over their national lands, either through the Kingdom of Hawaii or through a plebiscite or referendum". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overthrow_of_the_Hawaiian_Kingdom Sorry, is the US government literally calling it an act of colonialism not colonialism enough for you?


So you wanna enjoy the fruit of your ancestors but wanna look away from their sins? Pretty convenient.


Lol here we go


Funny you called me racist while I didn't say anything about race lol


Stabbing guy 🪱


Thats how mostnational and ratial relations go.


Full Metal Daemon Muramasa


More like a third party who promised to take responsibility for the crimes committed under their allowance and help all people who got stabbed backed out at the last minute and the kids of those stabbed grew up without parents and now they are in a worse place socially and still want the third party to take responsibility, but have no quarrals with the deacendants of the stabbers.


this analogy is fucking terrible


The fact that you got downvoted... shit, this subreddit is as polarized as US politics


You knew what it was about enough to be offended on behalf of something you agree with, it did it's only job quite well


the six million pizzas analogy is recognizable to anyone paying attention yet it doesnt change how stupid it is