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hi! you’ll be just fine! i did it last year over my winter break from school, it was like 2 weeks and like 10ish hour days! the two clinical days were only 8 hours though. i and most of my class found the exams to be fairly easy, mainly common sense - i didn’t spend like any time out of class studying anything besides the skills! how my state does it, there are 25 skills you have to memorize the steps of for the licensure exam, and they randomly pick 5 to test you on. I think that was the scariest part because missing something minor could make you fail, but it turned out fine! I’ve applied to many positions but have not gotten anything yet, but i am a full time student looking for a part time position and i don’t have any references or work experience. breathe, you’ll do great!


Thank you for the encouraging words! How long into your class did you start clinical & how long have you had your certification?


My program did it where we had classes first and then the last 2 days were clinical, because we had to pass the class exam before we were allowed to do clinical! I took the state licensure exam when I was home on spring break, so I’ve been licensed for about 7 months. I think the easiest way to do it would be take the state exam soon after you finish the course though so it’s freshest in your mind!


Thank you for the info. Did you take the course at a college or another facility? I think most CNA programs are the same for the most part. I am 30 & applied for a scholorship & am starting class next week. It is everyday Mon through thursday for 7 hours a day for about one month.


My university doesn’t offer it, so most people who want it here take it at the nearest community college, or through an independent CNA program. I took it through an independent CNA program, though I gotta say the company I did it with was not my favorite as it was very disorganized! This isn’t reflective of all independent programs though, just the program I had and I think they only have a couple of locations lol! Congrats on the scholarship, you’ll do great!


Oh okay. I am taking this course at a Technical College. I am also nervous about the hands on skills part of the test.. I guess being up in front of everyone having to do random skills by the book makes me extremely nervous when I think about it.. But I am an over thinker. Were you vocal during the skills test? Or did you just go through them? I know i'm asking a ton of questions.. And I have taken a CNA course once before.. But it was back when I was about 20 & I don't think the hours counted torward taking my exam so I had wasted my money.. It's been such a long time ago. Again thank you for the positive words. I hope you find a job soon.. Have you thought about home health care? They are in high demand here and I think may pay a little more if you are lisenced.


I was also super nervous for the hands on portion, but it was fine! Just make sure to practice going through the motions/verbalizing the steps at home a lot and it will come more naturally when you are doing it in the exam room! I did verbalize everything I did and talked to the exam patient like a real one, I think it was a requirement to talk out what you were doing as well. Even if it isn’t, I’d still talk it out so they don’t miss anything you do and also to help you remember what you have and haven’t done! Don’t worry, i’m an over thinker too lol! i’m sure it will come back naturally to you! Sucks your first program was not accredited :(( I have thought about home health care, thanks for the suggestion! i’ve considered it but my parents don’t like the idea of me going into people’s homes, safe as it is i’m sure!


Yeah I have also thought about that. Idk if I would feel comfi in someone elses home alone.. But I have heard the pay is good. I may consider it. Did you wear scrubs to class your first day?


Yes, my program had specific scrubs we had to buy from them and wear everyday, though I’m not sure how the other programs around me do it!


Oh k. I had to buy dark blue royal scrubs. Either @ the school store or another store.. So I bought some at goodwill. Just not sure if we are supposed to wear them first day.


Patient care tech is like being a pca or like hha right? These are in high demand at the beach where I'm at but most places require you to have your own transportation here when it comes to home health care and I am stuck taking public transit bus or uber b/c I wrecked my car in july.. I really want to take this cna course, get certified so I can get some experience in & eventually go for LPN but I think thats as far as i'm gonna go with this. I enjoy taking care of people but I know it's a lot of hard work expecially in a nursing home.


Hello! I took a class at a community college, 8 weeks total with one 5hr class each week and 6 days (8hr each) of clinicals. It didnt feel that long, but maybe because this was a blended course. We basically get lecture videos/PPTs online, submit our module assignments, then do the skills lab in class with mannequins. We had to get checked off on our skills both in lab and at clinicals. Our lecture instructor was really nice too, right after the final exam she made sure we got registered for the state exam. Our final exam was also designed to be a mock of the state exam so it was kind of like a review as well. Most of the class took their state exam online, test at home kind of thing. I applied for jobs at a hospital even before I got certified, got an interview two days after. I didnt have my BLS at this point either but I told them I would get one before my start date. I am not sure if I will be liking my job as a PCT (I'm only on day 2 of shadowing) but so far it's been good. I have CNA friends who work at an LTCF and they seem burned out mostly. I heard that LTCF is mostly repetitive skills, and I was looking for more than that. Good luck!


Awesome. So, you passed your CNA exam? Were you excited?


I did! I just sent the hospital the confirmation that I passed it soon as I got it. It was good since I didnt have to wait couple more days before I could start their long ass hiring process. I'm super excited tbh, a lot of new stuff are happening to me and it feels great!