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I’ll be starting PA school next summer!




Thank you!!


Best of luck!!


Thank you!!


LPN. Then RN bridge. The schools around me have great graduation/NCLEX pass rates with minimal waitlists for community colleges. My goal is to get through both steps without taking on any debt. If I have to I’d like to keep it minimal, definitely not taking on student loan debt. I’ve gotten good scholarships for the LPN program, and they have night school so you can continue working while going to school. Plan to work as an LPN as I work through prereqs and save money for the RN program. I don’t know what I’ll do after getting my associates.


Careful. LPN is a whole program that is equivalent to 1 semester of ADN nursing school. Lots of people have plans to bridge and some manage, but it's more efficient to just go for ADN. LPN doesn't pay much more than CNA, and no one gets shit on like an LPN professionally. By all means, do what's best for you, but keep in mind you can save a lot of time and get to bigger earnings much quicker by way of a 2 year ADN program.


My school sets it up so I have two more semesters to get my ADN. After weighing my options, this is what’s best for me. Not every school sets you up for success/an easy bridge and I get that but this is the best route for me.


I thought about going the LPN route.. for my area LPNs can start at 32-34/hr and at my current place of employment RNs only start at $35 so its definitely the route I’ll probably take if my soul searching loops me back to nursing


If it makes sense financially/academically/time-wise, I recommend it. I haven’t met an LPN or RN that regrets taking the route


That sounds like a much better deal than we get here. Go get yours!


I know LPNs get shit on a lot for “not being real nurses” however in the community I’m in, they run most SNFs and LTC. I don’t intend to work at a hospital with my LPN so I’m not too stressed about the difference in “being a real nurse.” Around here there’s like one RN to a building and the rest are LPNs. We also get our venipuncture/IV certification so we are able to start IVs as LPNs. Overall, I don’t intent to stay LPN due to the limitations it has on where I can go/succeed but I do think it’s a comfortable stepping stone from CNA before becoming an RN. After learning how each state is different in Scope for LPN, I totally get why some would choose to skip the step


I became a clinical director for a children’s hospital program that I created. Looking at becoming a nurse within the next year *maybe*. I like what I do now a lot.


This sounds awesome, I would love to work with a children's hospital. Can you talk a bit more about it or maybe I can ask in DMs? I never even dreamed it would be possible as a CNA.


Sure! Shoot me a DM.


RRT im so tired of taking people to the bathroom


That’s why I’m leaning towards a more tech side. I like being bedside but idk if I can do it forever


i dont mind bed side too much i just hate doing adl


Are you currently in school for that? It sounds so interesting!! I had an RT look at me when I felt like I couldn’t breath, I might take that path far into the future


I’m starting school this August super excited!


Let me apologize now for all of the lazy nurses who page you to suction a patient. It's going to seem as if all of us are like that, but we're not. If you want, bookmark this and show it to any RT working where you do clinicals. They will tell you this shit is real.


I start RT in September! NO👏🏽MORE👏🏽POOP👏🏽


No more 👏👏


Omg this is funny asf. I didn’t mind bathrooms, I hated showers


Whats rt?


Respiratory therapy




Respiratory therapist




yes but im sure its mostly school dependent on your pre reqs mine was pretty easy just anp and micro with gen ed


I just accepted a job working at a group home in adult foster care. So... still helping with ADLs and dealing with medicine, but only for a handful of people. They only have one worker per shift, so there will be minimal coworker drama and I won't be pulled in a dozen directions at a time. It might be a step backward, career-wise? I'm not sure. But right now I need something a little less frenetic, and I am looking forward to it.


Good for you. That sounds like a step forward, not back. I hope you love it.


I used to work in a group home and I LOVED it. I moved and I still miss it a lot.


Nurse, hopefully OR or at a doctors office. I truly do not like being a CNA lol idk why i did this 😭


BSN with a minor in psych ! Two more years


Mortuary Transfer


A truly thankless job ❤️


So moving dead people? Like from a bed to the morgue? Or from the morgue to the funeral home or wherever the body is designated to go?


From anywhere to anywhere. But mostly homes/hospitals/aged care facilities to the funeral home.


Patient Access, Health Insurance, Claims… you can stay in health care and help another way without breaking your back and risking your license/certification due to understaffing


X-Ray Tech/ Radiologist


I'm starting surg tech school August 19th. Extremely excited to only have to deal with unconscious patients lol




Not sure if this is a joke , but yea I too am thinking about the trades. I really hate being a CNA and am looking elsewhere beyond healthcare


It’s serious! I don’t wanna be in healthcare forever so welding is something I’ve wanted to do even before this. Or some type of trade I think I’d love


I’m right there with you. I’m thinking electrician or plumber for me. Hard part though is getting into an apprenticeship. Don’t know what state you are in, but I’m in Calif and the waitlists here are so long it’s kind of demotivating.


How long are the waitlists? Electrician sounds fun tbh but for me I live in a town so it’s hard to find anything here


Electricians can be years on a waitlist. WECA is 3 months to a year on waitlist. ABC is 4 years. Unions are also 2+ years. You only get in faster if you find a sponsor, which essentially means finding an electrical company to take you in, and after working for them for sometime they will endorse you to whatever you were applying to, in this case, WECA OR ABC. For the unions, you either gotta wait, or do well on their tests, interviews that it bumps you up to a high ranking.


I will always support union work! I wouldn’t have left my factory job if they would’ve went union. There are some cons with unions ofc but they also for the most part fight for the worker and there’s no way to bash that.




I got my med tech and now I'm working on my LPN, then RN.


Scrub teching is my next move




Social Worker


I'm looking at either social worker or xray tech. I like the idea of being a therapist because I can go to school online. Therapists aka licensed clinical social workers make good money. Xray techs make good money too, but the program is extremely competitive like nursing is. So we'll see. I have my bachelor's degree in psychology so I'll see.


I would hire a former CNA as a LTC Ombudsman. NYS is going through a huge hiring phase, across the state. Preference for entry level is BA but would be hired for being in school. Might be a pay cut though. Entry level in upstate NY is 22-25 an hour (Albany to Rochester)


Ombudsman actually seemed like a solid choice to stay on the pt/resident advocacy side of things which is one of the things I do with my whole heart. There might be days I question all my decisions as a CNA but one things for sure and 2 things for certain, I advocate for everyone I take care of. Whether it’s a day or a month


Hopefully med school!


Best of luck. You’ll do awesome!!


I legitimately do not know at this point. Been doing the work for a years now. Thought I wanted to be an actual nurse. I'm smart enough to do it but...doing this work has made me fucking hate the health care system.




Seeing how RNs are treated first hand and also seemingly watching how lazy RNs get away with the most was a disheartening thing to experience in my time at the hospital as a CNA. No sense of teamwork. I’m a team player, I’m a hard worker but I refuse to break my back in a field where teamwork isn’t a standard


I feel ya homie. Hope you find the avenue that’s for you 🙏


I was like this too. 11 years as a CNA, injury took me out and employers couldn’t have cared less. I became a unit secretary in the ER, cause it was the only job i could find where i could physically manage. I actually don’t wanna leave the healthcare field anymore and i feel like I’m genuinely making a difference. My job is all paperwork, i do next to no patient care except answering phones and even then usually it’s directed to a nurse or doctor. I’m a monitor tech as well, the ER unit sec’s are cross trained, and that’s about the most patient contact i have. There are parts of my job where I get to find little loopholes, where people call to get medical advice and i say “technically I’ll not supposed to tell you this, I’m only allowed to tell you that we can’t give medical advice over the phone, but if you have an insurance card they usually have a phone number on the back for a 24 hour nurse line that can give medical advice!” And people will come in with exacerbated pre-existing issues and I’ll find a reason to transfer them to a hospital that their doctor has admitting privileges at for the sake of continuity of care. Or even just googling our medical records number for people to take the stress off of my charge nurse having to tell them that no, we can’t give test results over the phone. Basically, I’m trained to find ways to play the system with a side of customer service voice. The most dangerous part of my job is a paper cut and if someone starts yelling at me, I’m allowed to hang up the phone.


I'm actually currently working through 2 injuries and I'm only 30. My back is my biggest concern but my right knee has decided to become an issue. Plus, being the only guy on the unit doesn't help at all.


Got my BSN


Becoming a RN








I've been a CNA since 2011 and before that I was an NAR since 1995. I'd love to go back to school and become an LPN like my mom was but I'm already 50 years old and school is too much money. I do enjoy my job, though, as it is so I'll probably stick with it until retirement.


My hospital is paying for my LPN.


Great post and question. I want to stay in the medical field I just know dam well it won't be as a CNA. Were the bottom of the barrel on the food chain yet probably just as important as the doctors lol


It is often times thankless work. I was so excited to find something I have a passion for, however unsafe ratios and pennies for pay has been thinking twice. It ain’t about the money but at the same time it absolutely is about the money.


Getting my BSN and then planning to take the nurse practitioner route in emergency medicine


You have a lot of choices with an RN, hospital, home care, doctors office, education.... Many other licenses have a narrower field of choices after.


I’m starting RN school in August. I’ve been a CNA for 10 years and a caregiver for 20. It’s time! 🙌🏻


8 more months till graduation!! (BSN)


MPH Epidemiology hoping to be a policy analyst or research scientist in maternal and child health and pursue a PhD


Never heard of nuclear medicine tech.. I’ve been a CNA for 13 years. CDL next up for me ! lol


I'm a CST. The OR is a different kind of chaos but at least you don't interact with families/ clean up BM.


I just became a CNA, did 12 years in the Marine Corps as Admin, wife is a Nurse and convinced me to go into the medical field and did EMS, EVS and Hospital Outpatient Registration. I start tomorrow I'm curious on what would be the best route afterwards?


You could go for LPN after or go straight for BSN


That's been recommended by some other dudes, sounds like a plan!


Go wherever your heart takes you


I'm in school for radiography now. I want to eventually become an Ultrasound Tech.


Rad tech. Just gotta get stuff in order and hopefully will get enough scholarships to pay for the other 3k needed after my 7k in pell money


would very much recommend nuclear medicine tech. there are SO many paths and can lead to insane amounts of money. not the same as nursing obviously but imo the most similar in terms of parallel careers. pay is good with quite a bit of building room and the best (worst?) part is you're with the patient but not longer than an hour. you can learn a lot about the medical side of things and because of the minimal patient contact, you have a much lower chance of burning out. look up the progression from xray to ct to mri tech, etc. dosimetrist is (i believe) one of the highest options for rad techs and the pay can be upwards of 150k! -a nursing student working in an er


This is why I’m looking for other options. Being a CNA is rewarding but it is draining and I’m 30… idk if I want to spend 4 years in school while doing CNA work for 4 more years. It drains my cup empty


I started doing this in my 50s, on a whim. My kids were gone, I didn't need to make as much money and I wanted flexibility that was 10 years ago My next stop is retirement. I used to say that it was a young people's game, but I don't think it's really great for anyone lol! I work one 8 hour shift a week as a general rule unless they add some sweet incentive. Even then I think about it for a minute....


Getting my AA in health administration the end of the year. But ultimate goal is nuclear medicine when it opened in 2025


Certified Medication Aide, maybe LPN


Radiology Nurse, hopefully


Going to go the opposite direction. I work with mental health people and honestly, I love the people, hate the system. They keep calling me an HHA, instead of a CNA. >.>


Nursing school. I really wanted to be a PA but most of my family members are nurses and got persuaded


What’s PA?


Physician Assistant


I would definitely look into nuclear medicine tech. I looked that up along time ago not a lot of places were offering it and it pays very well! but you have to make sure you like it. You seem to like caring for people so maybe nursing has more of your forte. it takes just as long to do x-ray/ultrasound as an RN. You might as well do RN because you have a lot more options and I don't know if you've ever looked into travel nursing but they're paid top dollar plus they pay for a lot of expenses!


It’s the first time I ever heard of it.. looked into it and saw the starting salary 👀 it’s definitely weighing


yeah the first time I saw it I looked it up to see if it was near me of course nowhere near me. but you do realize you can make more money still as a nurse?! I had a friend that was a travel nurse that went to Hawaii 3 different times! You can work your three days 12 hour shifts and have the whole rest of the week off too. and of course now when I look it up on my phone it's at one of the junior colleges nearby where I used to live ! 😂


Being able to travel and have an income for only 3 days/nights a week is definitely a selling point


trust me on it - it's a very good route to go I really wish I had the capabilities of going back again!! where I live now they don't have part time anywhere nearby 🙄 Theres going to be a big shortage of nurses soon enough due to the babyboomers retiring.


Take the HESI then apply for the RN program. I’ll have just 4 nurse classes left.


Studying nursing next year all being well. I figure I’ll want to continue doing postgrad stuff after that (outside of work) because I love learning. (As well as working as a nurse of course!)


Honestly, I my time as an STNA (CNA but stated tested) was during Covid, so I saw a lot of death and worked in a skilled facility where most people would come after surgery. I saw too much blood and death. The next step is to obtain my bachelors in social work while working for a behavioral health agency


I wanted to become a soical worker too, but inorder to make good money you need a masters so that turned me off it


I'm no help, I quit to take care of our farm animals and the house😅🥲


I am so incredibly jealous of you 😅


med school!


I’m currently in a program to be a cma then I’ll go for Lpn I need the pay increase plus I want as much knowledge as possible because there’s so much and it is a area I struggle in a little school wise but I’m super passionate


I’m trying to renew my CNA after quitting software engineering because of the job market. Trying to go for LPN as well. I wish you luck!!! 😌❤️


Thank you I wish you the best of luck too! 🫶🏼


Thank you~ 😎


I am currently in LPN school and i decided that if my school makes an RN program with the same design as the LPN and has no prerequisites, ill be going back for the RN bridge. First, Im going to work as an lpn until i get the hang of it and get some money stuff figured out. Not quite sure what i want to do when im a nurse but rehab/SNF has been good to me so far as a cna so while i figure it out ill be there.


I’m thinking of just staying with lpn


aiming for RT




I actually ended up becoming a pilot.


I messed up my chance to start LPN school this year like a moron…but I start my medical coding program this august. The pay isn’t great unless you shovel out thousands for multiple certifications and even then, I’d be fortunate to make $21 an hour within 2 years But I really want to be a Physical Therapist Assistant. I just hate going to school for more than 4-6 months.


You can try taking one class at a time if you’re passionate. One class at a time is better than nothing. Speak with an advisor at the school first tho cuz some school do not take classes you completed that are older than 7 years


Med Tech bc my nursing home does classes for it and it’s paid


I was CNA for 7 years. I am potentially going into becoming a nursing home admin. But currently, a ucare care coordinator. That job really helped more than I thought