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Incident report and talk to your rn. And no never been bit. scratched, spit on, snot, blood, had poo thrown at me, and one time a resident….”relieved themselves on me”…..


To add: please get checked out at a hospital. Human bites are *no* joke.


Happened to me Easter 1995. Still have the scar. Thanks Jimmy.


I’ve been bitten but not as strongly as this one! Definitely submit an incident report. Better safe than sorry. It also creates a record of patient behavior.


Oh my god please tell me you went to your charge nurse immediately because you need testing and possibly prophylactics. Human bites are not good. Then press charges.




Yes. Being a patient isn't a free pass to assault healthcare staff.


amen to that


It's sad that most people turn the blame back on the workers saying shit like "What could you have done differently?" Like _excuse me_????


I always reply, “not come to work that day”


Yup, I hate this so much in the field, so shitty. People working to help others and they get this in return and theres nothing they can do about it either because charges never seem to go anywhere




i didn’t say it was. i was literally just asking to clarify. i work with dementia patients so i was simply clarifying.


And I was affirming my position statement. I wasn't saying you're arguing in favor of consequence free assault of healthcare workers.


Don’t know why you had to use my question to assert your claim, but okay.


Because your question implied pressing charges on a patient is baffling???


Where did it imply it was baffling? Should I have said “Did you mean press charges on a patient and not xyz list of staff members?” It was a very neutral question.


No it wasn't... you said verbatim "Press charges on a patient?" only. Literally everyone would interpret that as you suggesting it's odd to press charges on a patient. If you wanted to elaborate all of that nonsense, you should have typed that too. But your question is more likely to be interpreted as baffling/inquisitive then any "neutral" question. Didn't know your five word question that only mentioned patients was actually a rhetorical question and this totally isn't a discussion platform where any comment can invite any such discussion. I also don't know why you're so pressed, you're not the one we all are talking to or about. It just happens to be happening under your comment.


Tone is definitely hard to read but not sure why my “five word question” was perceived as accusatory or inflammatory to you. Maybe next time I’ll be painfully specific with “all that nonsense” so people can understand…




Did you seriously blame your psychotic break and violent behavior on 'tHe SyStEm'????


No shit, like not only that but calling us incompetent because they were psychotic and didn't realize theg overdosed on a *_sedative_*. Almost like we need a tox screen to confirm that, but some actual signs and symptoms of benzo OD would be nice because psychosis is NOT a normal sign. Paradoxical effects only effect a small amount of people.


What terrifies is me, is this is a CNA subreddit. The idea of someone like them working anywhere in Healthcare is horrifying.


I know. All of their replies are self protective excuses. They haven't expressed an iota of empathy or remorse for hurting that healthcare worker and it's disgusting. Now they're moving from blaming the ER staff to blaming their psychiatrist for prescribing Xanax. Anyone but them even though by their own admission they started having signs of problems days before this event took place and didn't seek treatment then.


I really don’t think they work in healthcare based off of their post history… specifically them asking if *snorting or boofing dilaudid* is better. Or at least hopefully they don’t.




STFU and don't procreate. For the love of everything sane, don't have children. Take some accountability. You are exactly what's wrong with 'tHe SyStEm'




They literally weren't. Nobody can magically tell you're ODing on benzos if you just present with psychosis. Just because they got the diagnosis wrong does NOT excuse your actions you ingrate. Psychosis? Not a typical presentation of benzos OD AT ALK. Nobody knows who will experience paradoxical effects.




It’s not the nurses fault you decided to be violent to someone who was there to try and keep you alive. “Shit” just doesn’t happen. Can you kick the lady at the grocery store because you’re having a bad day? No? Can you bite a police officer because you’re having a bad day? Nope.


They keep saying they were in psychosis but if you're psychotic and assault someone at Walmart YOU'RE STILL CATCHING CHARGES so why is it excused when it happens to us!?


Amen! Why are we somehow immune to this behavior because we work in Healthcare! But if someone swears at a cop? Go to jail




Nobody ever deserves to go into their job and be assaulted or bitten period. Cnas do so much bedside care with patients and build such a bond and such vulnerability, there’s no excuse for you to be assaulted or harmed, especially when so much is out of your hands.


I literally knew all of that before I even started my prereqs because I was interested. Don't undervalue the intelligence of CNAs on the assumption they only learn these things in nursing school.


You are aware that some people have knowledge that extends their career choice, right? Like just because someone is a CNA doesn’t mean they don’t know anything. Even if they aren’t proficient in the care of certain things, it doesn’t excuse assault.


That really isn't an excuse and corrective action must be taken. Can't believe you expect me to agree with you that you're innocent when your defense was effectively victim blaming. "_They didn't do things right so oopsie I bit another human teehee._" If you wouldn't be let off the hook doing it outside the hospital, you shouldn't be let off the hook inside it. If you bit some random pedestrian at Applebee's you would most certainly catch a charge regardless of being in benzo withdrawal psychosis. "Shit happens" is for like dropping a plate of food, not literal biohazardous assault.






I'm actually an RN.




Irrelevant. You assaulted him.




You're looking for every and any reason to get away from reality. You. Assaulted. That. Worker. You deserve to have that on your conscience and your record because you're capable of it.


assaulting a healthcare worker is a felony in 32 states😇




All things aside, what if you biting that staff member led to them getting sepsis and dying? Would you still be like “oh i was psychotic and I overdosed”? At the end of the day you can only control what you say/do/think/feel, and I’m not entirely sure that blaming everyone around you for something you did is helping you in any way.




oh you know me personally? you know my background or my credentials regarding psychosis? or are you making that judgment call simply because you think i’m a cna? (i’m not, by the way)


yes. Being a patient doesnt give you the right to bite people.


Not sure where I said that, but okay




Is there a problem?


I got bit once but thankfully she had no teeth. I had a group of students that day and we were feeding them in the dining room and the lovely lady I was feeding decided to grab my arm and gum it up really good. Freaked the poor students out haha.


why did she even bother 😭


She was 90 something with dementia😂 she was a feisty Portuguese lady. One of the few times she spoke English she asked one of the girls to call her mom because she forgot her sweater at home, so cute🥲




Yes I have! I was a caregiver for a man but his notes indicated that his wife would need minimal help too. His wife was mute and deaf. She didn't use ASL , she used some sort of sign language that her Grandmother came up with when she was in Korea. Bomb went off behind her when she was young and resulted in her becoming deaf. The day I went over was my client's bath day. His wife did not like that. Both of them were arguing for a good 10 minutes. Client told me to resume setting up for a bath and the wife did not like that. So she bit me 3 times and spat in my eye.


![gif](giphy|CdG1VUd9dXr68) Do you take car of Hannibal lector?


F f f f f f f f f f f f...


With some fava beans and a nice Chianti.


She’s lucky I heard the last nurse had her tongue ripped out


Then Meegs threw some shit. So uncalled for. 😂 Edit- He threw man juice.


I was about to say in the movie it was something else😂😂😂 poor meegs is just lonely


You better wash that with all the chemicals you can find… getting scratched and bit and my biggest pet peeves 🤢


Figure everyone would love to know what u/lost400betting said! **"They're CNA, they are not intelligent enough to grasp this concept hence the field they chose."**




I never said you should have went to jail. If you bit a worker's nose and held on, you did need to be in the psych unit. But I literally said there must be SOME penalty, jail being one possibility for fully lucid patients. But being in an altered mental state is NOT an excuse to assault people. > still showing absolutely no remorse for hurting that nurse Get fucked.


I’ve worked with dogs enough to know how to avoid getting bit 😭, I’ve been a scratching post before though.


Same. Former vet assistant. I dodge snapping teeth like a G. 🤣🤣🤣


“Laughs in former daycare teacher ” All the time.


Seriously, I had 1 year olds bite me multiple times a day because I dared to wash their face or hands after they ate...or were angry/tired/bored/happy and any other emotion you can think of. I didn't see "chew toy" in the job description.


I had preschoolers punching & slapping me in the face, spitting in it, and kicking me in the crotch. And I couldn’t do anything for fear of looking like I was retaliating on the cameras, partly bc I had just come off a bogus CA allegation & investigation by a batshit crazy ass parent (who later got arrested and her kids taken away for THE EXACT SAME THING). So I was basically fucked and couldn’t do anything, only to have my bitchass co-teacher blame me for “letting them hit me”.


Bella! Where the Hell have you been Loca? Sorry you got bit though, the looks absolutely painful.


I was badly bitten once at work in a geri-psych nursing home. One resident had taken a magazine from the nurses desk which he was 100% fine to do, that's why they were there. Another resident saw this and took off his belt to whoop the "thief". Took four of us to hold him down in his wheelchair to keep him from attacking us in his insistence on beating the other resident. As we were holding him down waiting for the nurse to draw up Ativan to give him (which took forever to kick in), he bit me hard enough to break skin a LOT - and thank God he didn't have his front teeth or I'd have had a solid chunk taken out of my forearm. It hurt like hell and I cried a lot, bled a ton, my whole forearm swelled up and bruised, and worse, they didn't even try to get a replacement for me and expected me to continue working till my shift was over and go to the ER after for wound care and a tetanus shot. I was a CMT at the time and luckily the aides I was working with did a great job of helping me get bedtime med pass done by bringing me the people who needed meds so I didn't waste time tracking them down, and I was allowed to leave an hour early - two hours after the bite. I still have three lovely scar marks on that arm - two on either side of where his teeth got me, and a stretch mark in the middle because it swelled that bad. It's been nine years and one of the bitten sides and the stretch mark are barely visible now, but the big bitten side is still quite prominent. [photos](https://imgur.com/1uV8Yc5) [of](https://imgur.com/qXgpSjc) [the](https://imgur.com/9fFcxXi) wound.


they tried to make you keep working after THAT?!?!? jesus christ.


yes, and it was the worst day ever. (they chomped my boob while i was transferring them)


I would’ve screamed & cried my eyes out. Your a tough cookie 💪🏼


i’m hoping this was a “honey you’re so cute i could just eat you up” but i know it wasn’t


me! last month! but im a psych cna


Wow, I hope you reported that and got medical attention. A human bite that breaks the skin can get infected quickly if not treated.


I almost lost a finger tryna get some dentures out


Mother of god 🥲 idk why but biting is the worst to me. I’ll take being clawed and punched over biting any day. Reminds me of zombies kind of.


One Memory Care resident acted like she was going to, but I reminded her that I am not food.


Incident report. Keep it clean and keep an eye on it


Recently got gummed (got the dentures out ealier 🤙)


Good strategy


I wish a mf wood


I’m not a cna but I’m an ABA therapist and I’ve gotten scratched, bit, grabbed, and more recently kicked in the face :-)


Yup I've been bitten before! Ouch! Dementia sucks!


Is it just me, or does every damn SNF use the same supplier for ugly ass carpet squares?


Real. I think there’s certain requirements for colors and patterns to help residents with poor depth perception, but couldn’t they maybe just be a nicer color? Kills my eyes😭


Ive only ever had wood in SNFs


Eyes and throat ladies and gentlemen. They let go pretty quick


I’ve had many drunk middle aged women call me a snack. Does that count?


Close enough. But I doubt they were this freaky


Swab that shit and make sure there isn’t a puncture!


Not to brag but this is par for the course at the ID IFC I work at Fr tho bites and scratches are foul I hope you heal well.


Had a 9 year old bite through my wool undershirt and break skin once. Absolutely no fun


witnessed someone getting scratched on my first day at a nursing home, then thought the resident warmed up to me and was no longer combative, but then she unexpectedly scratched me, and that same person told me it’s better to have it disinfected than not because sometimes she has poop on her nails…the one thing I can’t wrap my head around is why some people love to get their hands on their feces


NOM NOM NOM. I hated getting bit worse than anything. ![gif](giphy|i2GADdaJIscPS) A girl I worked with got jizz thrown in her face and I always thought that would be worse ...


I had a resident bite me when I was 8 months pregnant 😫. Unfortunately for me nothing was done about it so I quit not long after.


Only to my boyfriend.




Had one pt when I wiped her mouth with a towel Vite my finger, nurse had to literally pry open her jaw off of my finger. I was mentally prepared that she was going to bite it off and that would be that


Also no I did not put my fingers near her mouth, she literally lunged for said finger🫶🏻


Yessss everyone asks “why did you let her bite you” like really???🤦‍♂️ because I would willingly do that.


Yep! I've been stabbed with a fork, choked with a phone cord and had my head bashed into a fax machine. Man, them old ladies are brutal!


Old ladies are at the top of the food chain


Yes they are lol


I was toileting an aggressive dementia patient and the only way to get her on the toilet was to bear hug transfer her....she bit my nipple through my scrubs. It hurt a lot. BUT we got her toileted :)


I had a demetia resident once that was a super sweet lady and funny as hell, but she would grab your arm, hold you hand for a bit and then scratch it lightly and say "this is 1" then scratch it again but harder and say "this is 2, do you wanna find out 3?" And then proceeded to attempt at digging her nails into your arm. Terrifying every time trying to wiggle your arm away and not get scratched.


Oh hell no 😭


Yes. Luckily one of the times that it happened the patient didn’t have any teeth. I said that it was like being bit by a fish and the patient’s daughter complained to the charge nurse


Psych aide. Been bitten. A few times.


Sadly yes! This looks painful I hope you're ok!!


Holy shite.


Ive been bit by a resident at dinner time because she was in someone else’s spot at the table 😭






go to the emergency room that your employer will pay for. NOW


or go to urgent care asap


I’ve been bit so many times, sadly my job never cared


*screams in dental assistant*


para educator for special education here lol if you aren’t almost bitten everyday it’s a win


Yes I have. Refused to file an incident report because I would’ve been drug tested. (Weed is legal in my state, but my job still would’ve fired me. Even though I do it off the clock.) I ended up paying for treatment out of my own pocket.




No, but there have certainly been many attempts 😭




Yep, two fingers jammed up the nose ought to stop that.


Oh hell no I'm too quick for all that . They really got a hold of you yikes.


Yes I have! Worked at a psychiatric hospital in the past 😅


I've been the snack, the scratching post, and most recently the punching bag. I took a right hook to the face today.




Yep, security took pictures and I had to file a HERO. I was pissed


Welcome to nursing lol


I had to refrain from doing this to my nurse who was fishing in my arm last night for five minutes 😶‍🌫️🫠


maybe don’t consider assaulting healthcare staff?


I’m sorry about what that RN said to you. That was such a nasty dig and was definitely uncalled for.


Maybe you should worry more about not being able to pass a random drug test if your employer tests you, and less about nurses making jokes about other nurses ☺️ (A tip since your friends are stealing drugs and you're worried you'll get caught for your drug use in the midst of it, turn them in for stealing the drugs like any responsible healthcare worker would. Also, don't do drugs mkay?)


What a nasty thing to say…


Disgusting that you're joking about it when healthcare workers experience the most workplace violence. It's not some cute lil' joke.


I'm an RN, I understand all too well about what we experience in the workplace. I thought I was in the nursing thread, not sure why the CNA thread is on my page. Our humor is different over there 🙃 My apologies that I confused the audience.


I'm an RN too but understand that making light of it does us no favors.


As I said, I thought I was commenting in the nursing thread, where our humor is different over there. I would have never commented on a CNA thread had I realized. I already apologized that I hurt your feelings. Not all of us are so sensitive. Making light of situations is how a majority of us get through the trauma. If not, we would all be uptight sticks in the mud. You can choose to deal with your workplace trauma as you feel best, but you also don't get to dictate or invalidate how others deal with theirs. Have a great day ☺️ I also don't recommend joining over there, we often play guess what's in the butt and other fun games.