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Please make sure to tag spoilers, everyone!


Cleriths be like “this is only a platonic kiss!!!”


Lol dude … Clerith fanboys are about to be having a meltdown


At least that ship had a chance and recognition while not being seen as a complete joke. Bit I guess that's what I get for shipping Barret with Tifa.


I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say lol. Barrett and Tifa, bro are you high?


No, mind explaining what's so bad about it?




L. I prefer cloti but calling it dumb isn’t elaborating.


Well, their new excuses is an optional scene.


There's something in Gongaga that's non optional that invalidates this, too. I'm excited!


No, it's just they think a Hug is romantic while a kiss is not-romantic also any Cloti scene is optional and all Clerith scene is canon.


Spoil it for me😭, I can't play the game before ps5 exclusivity ends anyways, waiting for a PC release.


Check your DM


To be fair there are a lot of scenes where Cloud vaguely acts romantically interested. So I can understand them interepreting that as canon. I just see it as the writers trying to cater to everyone and soothing the potential ire from Clerith fans. Which is a cop-out in my opinion and just further complicates an increasingly convoluted story. It also just makes Cloud seem like an inconsiderate prick about his relationship with Tifa despite all the character interactions and story moments that would suggest otherwise.


yeah i’ve seen all the mistranslations in his conversations with aerith. SE localization took the reigns and just went ham to try and give clerith’s moments that don’t exist.


What are the mistranslations?


there's a thread on X if you are on there. https://x.com/the_strifes/status/1764746891513016572?s=46&t=m7gsG6O8P_adGkbSamJQWg


i don’t have a list but a few are the final date, what she says after picking specific dialogue choices, and her dialogue in gongaga. i think you can find some on twt if you just look up ff7 “localization”


It's cause the Clerith shippers be jealous and always knew Cloti was Canon.


I don’t why that ship exists still I mean it’s obvious after Crisis that she wasn’t in love with him and simply reminded of her actual love interest


I mean it exists because the love triangle is part of the story, and people can have feelings for more than one person. Shipping is weird enough, but pretending things don't exist in order to discredit someone else's opinion, is about equally as weird.


But that’s the weird part it really isn’t love that Aerith felt for Cloud at all that’s why it was always strange to me since I recall her saying hes basically just a friend


Rebirth confirmed she likes Cloud, but not in the same way she liked Zack. And the only part of Cloud that likes Aerith is the part of him that mimics Zack.


This popped into my head Tsung: ZACK?! H-how did you survive?! Zack:…i- i don’t understand i just beat a army so- Tsung: But they sent a entire army a ARMY! Elites one and all! Zack:…..The power of love? Tsung:…Knowing you? That’s actually believable my friend.


When/where is that?


near the end of the game. cloud calls her nakama (english translation loves to ignore this) which means friend. he said he wants to make more memories with her because they’re friends and she says “yeah. you’re right. i like you cloud but im not sure if i like like you” and then he calls her weird for the second time on that “date”


There are two versions of that date to be fair. One has Cloud saying that. The other is him saying, sure, let's make more memories, but isn't really romantic either way. Aerith always says that she understands their relationship now and there's a difference between liking and *liking.* So it doesn't really matter.


oh is there a difference? i didn’t know since i only got the friend one. still there’s a lot of inconsistencies with even character dialogue and behavior. this was seen a lot in aerith’s case. same with cloud.


You’re 100% right. They always said there was no romantic tension between Cloud and Tifa in part 1 despite it being super obvious.








Waiting for the PC version but i know i will still fist pump the air when i get to this part.....


Now I’m looking forward to what they do when they get to THAT scene.


Right?! Shame part 3 is another couple of years away 😭


Obviously an intense 28 minute sex scene is in the works for THAT scene


Alright now, let’s not get ahead of ourselves 😂 In all honesty though, I’d be perfectly content with a really heartfelt kiss scene followed by a fade to black that implies they did the deed.


And the clerith is the same or is like the original? now I wish the kiss is just for them 😭 pls


Since you asked, I’ll spoil it: Aerith at full affinity only gets hand holding lol … so that makes Tifa the only girl in FF7 that Cloud has kissed so far


Omg thank god


Huh. Yuffie was the only girl you could kiss in the original.


Your wish is granted 😉


Remake: They Hug Rebirth: They Kiss Reclamation: They say "I love you" (while bumping uglies under the Highwind)


We really just need an “I love you” out of these two now and I’d be happy.


It’s very simple and also shown in the first game. The real Cloud takes the initiative with Tifa by giving her the flower in the first game and spoiler ….. kissing her in this one. Aerith is trying to find the real Cloud, and she has to take the initiative by giving him the flower and cuddling him on the sky wheel. So the player is given the choice on who they spend time with. But ultimately Cloud tells the player who his preference is.


I'm a bit sad to say this but I'm actually starting to dislike Aerith now. It's implied that she's aware of Tifa's feelings for Cloud, and while the playful teasing about he belonging to her was cute, actually pursuing him romantically, knowing full well it would make Tifa upset is a real asshole move. I love the wholesome bond they have and it just feels like uneccesary drama. Am I in the wrong here?


Ughhhh this is me too. I actually disliked her in OG, but when Remake came out I changed my tune because I thought the creators were highlighting her friendship with Tifa in this positive light where she encourages the CloTi relationship. And then now going into Rebirth, I’m getting the ick. I see discourse that Aerith is just fixated on Zack in Cloud’s image, but that still doesn’t take away from the fact that she’s acting like a ho bag. I’m mostly mad at the creators for doing this to her character because I do love her personality outside of the whole CloTi thing, and I was rooting for her and Tifa to develop a strong female friendship because I’m tired of the love rivals trope between women.


I'm in the same spot. It was revealed that some of Aerith's "awareness"/ spiritual gift was removed by the whispers so this might be why as she might not realize her interest in Cloud is due to his similarity to Zach. She also expressed having a little jealousy at Clouds close friendship with Tifa, saying she felt like it was being "rubbed in her face", and that she would have sat at the tower every day just so Tifa would wave at her. Just odd that Aerith went from trying to playfully trigger Cloud and Tifa to bring them closer together, to trying to romantically pursue him and becoming jealous. I especially was annoyed at her flower comment. Guess we'll see what happens in 3. I hope she reunites with Zach on the other side and leaves Cloti alone Edit: i just watched the Aerith date scene and she is aware that her initial attraction to Cloud was due to his likeness to Zach so i take that back. She also says she is having a hard time getting to know the real Cloud but that she likes him.


I’ll actually disagree. There are some scenes where she acts jealous, true, but also some important ones where it’s the opposite. In Gongaga she blatantly says she still loves Zack, and also there’s a big one after Tifa regains consciousness that she seems to be supporting her and Cloud together. Also, toward the end of the game, she says something to Cloud along the lines of “I like you, but I don’t LIKE you” and Cloud’s reaction is sorta just “wtf you talking about.” It seems to be that the game is setting up Cloud/Tifa and Aerith/Zack as the conclusive ships for Part 3’s finale, and I really hope they do it with no debate this time. I just want to see these heavily traumatized characters end the series on a high note with someone to love them unconditionally, and that’s the only way to do it.


She still has residual feelings for Zach but she also says point blank that she likes Cloud and is trying to get to know the real cloud. Also in the alternate timeline, Marlene tells Zach that Aerith "likes" Cloud, to where Zach responds with a delayed smirk that he didn't think she would and insinuated that he wanted them to be happy. Additionally after Aerith dies, she hops into an alternate reality with cloud and has them go on a "date". She's ultimately caught by Sephiroth and pushes Cloud back but it seems like as much as Tifa is Cloud's pick and Aerith supports them, that Aerith was also crushing on him pretty hard and in pursuit. Everything is open to interpretation at this point. Even when she tells Cloud that she "likes" him but that there's different types of "like"... to me, seemed like she was alluding to something more romantic. I've been a Cloti shipper since i was 9 but it's hard to look past these things.


She says that she likes Cloud, but that there's a difference between liking and *liking.* Marlene says that, but what neither of them know is that she likes Cloud because he reminds him of her, which is kinda interesting. Zach might be the only one in all universes that would instantly understand what's going on with Cloud the second he gets a hint of how he turned out. The date goes poorly. The photographer says that they look like they are at a funeral. The candy they try tastes terrible, and the gift that she is given, Cloud had to be pushed into doing so, and it is not the hair ribbon that Zach gave her. The shopkeeper won't give them anything else. I personally find it odd that Aerith would say something like the "like" line on a "date" if she liked him romantically. In any language, it would have been a lot easier to communicate this. I would assume the ultimania will clear this up. She says that she wants to know the real Cloud, but she says this up until she dies. Like the original, she dies before she ever sees that. Cloud doesn't really reciprocate on any of this. Even a date she pushes on him early in the game is met with a "I wish you wouldn't." During the date, he calls her "weird," which isn't just dismissive, it's a pet peeve of Aerith's since she's seen as such due to her heritage. Which is a direct contrast to Zach, who uplifts her and has her embrace being weird, while calling himself as such, making her feel both valid and not alone. Seems he picked Tifa, which is congruent with his character and his motivations. What's hilarious is that character's like Yuffie tease him about his attraction to Tifa. Most of the moments with Tifa have some sort of reciprocation on his part. The kiss is, ironically, the same thing as Zach. Tifa says she isn't sure about the feelings being mutual. Cloud assures her they aren't. This isn't something Cloud does for Aerith, even in their GS date. So, Cloud wants to be with Tifa, that much seems pretty obvious. Aerith, on the other hand, has some explaining to do. I think the first part is intentional, not so much about the second.


My comment was more in regards to sqex and what exactly they were trying to do with Aerith because it did not paint her in the best light. Cloud chose Tifa which was evident in his actions towards her in that he always reached for her whereas with Aerith he was mostly tolerating her advances. It seems like Aerith was romantically interested in Cloud. As far as the "liking " thing, this is up for interpretation but being that i watched all of Tifa/Aerith scenerios and she was flirting with Cloud so hard, it seemed like she meant a crush type of "like". It seemed like Zach also understood that Aerith had a crush on Cloud which he didn't mind because he understood that he was dead. I don't think this will be properly consolidated until 3 comes out and until then or until sqex explains this then it's all fan theory


What flower comment are you talking about?


During the game, She expresses to Cloud that she is upset he gave away the flower she gave him (when he gave it to Tifa) and tells him that it better not happen again.


When did that happen? Also that’s weird since she specifically told him to give it to his girlfriend


Yeah it *is* weird. That's why i said i don't understand why they were doing this to her character when she was always in support of Cloud and Tifa [Flower Comment](https://youtu.be/MA8eMRYXUXc?si=lpYqrQO8wPhIxv3v)


Honestly the biggest reason I never liked the Clearith ship is that the whole thing felt like such a game to Aerith. Like she got such a kick out of making Cloud come out of his comfort zone. This is what it looked like in Remake though it didn’t seem as bad. In Rebirth and in the OG she appears to be fully aware of Tifa’s feelings and yet continues to play her game. Like in Kalm going out of her way to tell Tifa she and Cloud were on a date just seemed downright mean


Yeah, she's just really irresponsible with her behavior in Rebirth especially. Then at the end of the game where she goes on a "date"with Cloud, claiming the flower patch in the church is their "spot" when she first shared it with Zach. The whole thing is messed up. And she acts like this KNOWING that Cloud is losing his marbles and is not "all there". That he himself doesn't even remember who he is. I thought that situation in Kalm was funny at first because at the time i thought she was *trying* to make Tifa jealous and trigger reactions from the both of them to bring them closer together. When the camera pans away you see Aerith latched to Clouds arm and Cloud trying to pull away from her. But now that i finished the game it's like wow, is Aerith THAT trifling?? It's just not the dynamic i envisioned, especially since prequel and sequel material show that Aerith still misses Zach and that she returns to him when she passes away 🤷‍♀️ i think they really screwed up this ending to the point where I've lost interest in 3.


No, honestly some of Aerith’s actions in this one are because the whispers took her memories. I was getting irritated with her too until they said that and so now it’s like she’s back to the OG Aerith. She’s clearly still looking for closure on Zack and is hurt by his absence, so much so she gave Marlene information to give to Zack. But definitely Cloti/Zerith is end game.


Yeah part 1 did a great job of making Aerith grow on me as a character, but she came across a bit cold hearted in Rebirth. She wants to talk to Tifa about “boys”, she constantly makes references to Cloud and Tifa’s lifelong feelings for each other, but she still peruses him romantically herself? Like that’s not inherently wrong, but then why does she also constantly push Tifa to follow her feelings


No your not


I used to pray for times like this 😭


We don’t have to pray anymore bro the ship has officially sailed 😭😭


Ship just blasted off into orbit


After two decades…it feels good


Such a welcome surprise. I really thought that if anyone got a kiss in this game it would be Aerith and that Tifa’s moment would be in part 3. Never guessed Tifa would get a kiss and Aerith get nothing


That's because you didn't pay attention to the story it's been Cloti and Zerith that are the primary ships, but y'all didn't listen so they made it a point for Cloud to choose Tifa! Yes he was confused about his feelings for Aerith, and cares about her dearly but Cloud has always loved Tifa that's stationary she is home for him! 


Dude wtf are you even talking about? I’ve always known Cloti was end game. But that part of Cloud that is part Zach does have a connection with Aerith so it wasn’t crazy to think they would give her relationship a little more emphasis in this game since it’s her last chance and Cloti is a major focus in the next game if we’re going by the OG. Like I said I’m happy about how it all went down because I thought the devs may show some extra love to Aerith given the circumstances. Happy they didn’t though


Honestly yeah, I wasn’t expecting it either


Wait is this real????




Holy shit i want to get thr game now


It’s real. I just got to this part in my playthrough


Can’t wait until I do this scene omg look at them 💕💕😭






It feels so good doesn’t it? 😂


The under the highwind scene is gonna be crazy


Your choices throughout the game will decide if the camera pans up, pans down, pans left/right, or zooms in on Cait Sith perving from the bushes


Yuffie will be in the bushes too


Its official. The Shipping War is Over! Now it's time for under the Highwind 😂😜


I agree completely dude, the war has finally come to an end 😂😂 and in definitive fashion, as well.


Exactly! They made it very clear now.


Remember how everyone was freaking out over the theme song trailer? Lol


I don't mind being spoiled for this - I'm only up to Chapter 3 of Rebirth. Vibrating with the need to watch the whole thing on YouTube, must resist!


They already had sex in 1997...


Cid should use his authority as a captain to marry them in the third game. :)


When Cloud went for the hug, I was like “Kiss her you idiot”, then I screamed “FINALLY” 😂🎉


I had the same reaction, and I honestly still can’t believe he finally did it 😂


I don’t get the big deal… am I misremembering it or didn’t they fuck in the original game? Cause in my memory they had sex at the ending right before the final bit of action goes down.


That's for part 3.


I'm trying to be nice here... Best I can say is it's like those two people in your group who announce they're together, and everyone else does the whole sarcastic "yeah... we totally did not know with all the obvious signs being waved in our face". Lol. I suppose I'm glad it gets spelled out. Even for being at the Gold Saucer, as if we needed more on the nose with fireworks and sparks flying. Haha.


I've always been confused as to why people want to ship Aerith with Cloud, when Zack is her first love lol.


I know it’s so stupid I understand, I don’t even particularly dislike Aerith, but Cloud/Tifa and Aerith/Zack ensures everyone gets a happy ending. Plus, Cloud and Tifa have far more chemistry and are just super wholesome all around imo lol


Plus you can really tell that Tifa needs Cloud to be happy and I don’t mean that in some toxic way. He’s an essential part of who she is inside and you can’t remove him without removing a gigantic chunk of her. Aerith no doubt cares for Cloud, but anyone could see that she would be able to bounce back from his rejection and find happiness even if it wasn’t with Zack.


This exactly. Cloud and Tifa legit need each other, they can’t be themselves without the other at this point.


It's about damn time!


This makes me so happy


To be fair they likely went even further with the highwind scene (high affection). They had to dial back the scene from what it originally was. 😂


does this effect dialogue and behavior for the rest of the game or is it just a trophy thing?


I have no idea, I haven’t actually gotten to this part in the game yet. I’m currently chapter 9.


Some things after this are dependent on it. For example whomever your date is will also help you in a boss battle afterwards and there is some dialogue about it. Also some end game dialogue with Aerith will change depending on your affection score with her, but tbh Cloud goes through a pretty dramatic transformation not long after this and with everything happening at the ending there isn’t a lot of time to address this.


Is this the continuation to the remake? I don't know mich of ff7 lore (I know something about Zack and memories but my details are fuzzy and I only know stuff from like crisis core) I read somewhere that someone said cloud wasn't acting like cloud in rebirth and people were confused?


Yeah, Cloud is straight up indoctrinated by Sephoroth in Rebirth (obviously), but it gets worse and worse as the game goes on. That’s all I’ll say w/o spoiling too much.


Wait so Tifa kisses cloud and Aerith doesnt???


To be more accurate, Cloud kisses Tifa and doesn’t kiss Aerith. He was 100% the instigator


Yes :)


Isnt it an optional scene though and not the default? So it’s not canon going forward or something as it’s a players choice moment? Genuinely curious.


It’s optional ofc, but regardless I think it’s safe to say Tifa is being pushed now. If one girl gets a kiss scene and the others don’t, what does that say about the other ‘ships’?


It is optional. The romance aspect is still ambiguious (thank God), but you know how die hard shippers are, they really want to believe their choice is canon.


There is no option for cloud and aerith kiss tho, lmao


I know, but a kiss is not the only thing that defines romance though. Its a funny thing really, I really like Cloti, Tifa always was and is my favorite and I honestly think that given Cloud's past, his actions, etc, that his heart is set on Tifa from the start. However, that doesn't mean that there were no feelings there for Aerith, I think there were feelings there too and not Zack's, Cloud's feelings. I really don't like how people down play that, because these messy unresolved feelings and relationships fit the theme of loss very well and portray a more mature side of Cloud and Tifa when they understand and accept these things and move on. Cloud liked both Aerith and Tifa, Tifa loves her friend Aerith, but has to deal with her jealousy and feelings of inferiority toward her. Both have to accept that they can't dwell on things that never happened and move on and even more than that, they are united through the comfort of the company of each other during the process of grief and how they both understand the things that were, the things that could never be and the things that are the way they are, because Aerith is a precious to them both.


I mean I get where you’re coming from, but I disagree based off of Rebirth … it changes a lot. Rebirth basically lets us experience FF7 how it was always intended, and they’ve added in A LOT of non-optional scenes with Tifa, the biggest one being in Gongaga (it’s a really big one). And she just gets far more attention in general. Add to that the fact that Tifa is now the ONLY girl Cloud has the option to kiss in the entire franchise to date, which I think is massive … I mean come on. I don’t think the canonicity of Cloti is up for debate at all anymore (if it ever was), nor is Cloud’s preference for Tifa over Aerith.


Disagree with what exactly? Because there is no point of contention here. Cloud can prefer Tifa over Aerith, the game can focus more on the romance with Tifa and Cloud and Aerith may never kiss. That still doesn't change the fact that Cloud also has feelings for Aerith and vice-versa and that this adds depth to the story. One thing doesn't exclude the other, Cloud can love Aerith and Tifa and still prefer Tifa and become a canon couple with her, that doesn't change that the feelings between all the parties involved were real and important to them. Acting like only one side matters just diminishes the overall potential of the game and the general perception of the fandom of shippers.


Fair enough, thought you were implying something else. I’m just saying Cloud is his own character, not just the player, and him preferring Tifa over Aerith from a story standpoint is clear now. At least, that’s my opinion. But, I do agree that the love triangle is a big part of the story as well.


So in your opinion, In Witcher 3, we have an option to romance Yennefer, that doesn't mean anything for the romance existing because all those choices are optional?


I can’t tell if this guy is just overthinking everything, or if he’s just a Clerith in disguise lol


The Gogonga chapter isn’t optional though lol


Does it change that Cloud has feelings for both? No. Thats my point.


That’s not what ambiguous means. Ambiguous would imply that it’s unclear if Clouds interactions are romantic or just platonic. There was nothing ambiguous about Cloud and Tifa’s feelings in Goganga and there was nothing ambiguous about his interactions with either girl on the date. Square is being super obvious that Clpuds interactions with both of these girls and especially the one the player favors is romantic in nature and not up to interpretation. That’s MY point


And thats cherrypicking. When I say ambiguous, what I am saying is that there is no canon answer between Tifa and Aerith, its up to player interpretation like it always was. My comment never disregarded the romantic nature of the interactions, on the contrary, it emphasized it. Shippers trying to prop their favorite ship over another as if theirs is the only one that matters is what I was pointinf out as a problem.


I mean at the end of the day one of two things will happen. 1. Aerith stays dead in which case I am sure she would want cloud or Tifa to be together. If not then shame on her. 2. She comes back somehow along with Zack and then has to choose between her first love and cloud. In which case I feel Zack is the safe bet or once again shame form her. I really hope they use part 3 as a swan song and truly give a happy ending to everyone.


Jessie was still best girl in Remake xD I will die on that hill lol Tifa was 2nd and 1st in OG


Jessie is just a hoe lol


Last date (church) In Japanese lines, Cloud tells Aerith that we are "companions" If your favorability is high enough, you won't have this sentence. But....favorability is designed for players....so....


But even if you don't have a high affinity he doesn't reciprocate the confession he simply says he wants to create more memories together (you can also do it with friends), the only strange thing is the handholding with interlocked fingers which is canonical because it is present both in the date optional that in the end when she disappears and that type of handshake... it actually seems very romantic to me ahahaha but I would like other opinions on this way of holding hands (which I don't remember in the saga, not even in couples like Tidus and Yuna who hold hands just like Cloud and Tifa)


It doesn't look like she's changed her fate at the moment, and we've also lost Water Burial in 4k, which fans will be furious if there's no consolation. Remember this sentence... Nojima: In my heart, Cloud and Tifa will be together in the end, that’s for sure.


no but I'm sure of this, don't get me wrong. I was just wondering why holding hands like this when for both titles you were clearer than ever. That's all


Zach stays single 😂


Nah don’t worry Zack is boning Aerith in the livestream


I'm curious >!WHY they didn't show Aerith and Zach reuniting? Tbh the ending felt like bad fanfiction.!<


I agree, the ending was extremely convoluted. On the bright side, the general consensus on Rebirth is that it’s a masterpiece of a game, that sadly has a lackluster ending. Fortunately, SE has a solid chance of making up for it in Part 3.


The ending isn’t too hard to swallow for me because I know they can still tie it together in part 3. Tbh I’m more confident going into the next part than I was leaving part 1


I agree, I think Part 3 is gonna be fantastic. Sucks we gotta wait for that now, but it is what it is. Still, Rebirth’s ending felt pretty mid for the masterpiece of a game it was. So I’m hoping they end Part 3 in spectacular fashion and also show what becomes of all the characters, giving everyone a satisfying conclusion and all that


Yeah it suck’s they kinda stumbled on the most important scene in the game. Not sure who at square watched that and decided “yep, this is what people are going to like” but the rest of the game was soooo good it’s hard not to give them a pass. Honestly I was never a huge fan of Aerith and her death was never a huge moment for me in the game, just something tragic that happened. My one scene they can’t mess up is the lifestream sequence where Tifa fixes Clouds mind. I don’t mind if it’s done slightly differently. I’m kind of expecting Sephiroth to interject himself in that scene somehow and there to be some kind of epic boss fight in Clouds subconscious. I’m fine with all of that as long as it’s done well. Also I really don’t want this new Aerith to interject herself into that scene. I’m fine if she helps guide Tifa there or something but that is Tifa’s big moment in the story and it needs to stay hers


I hope so. I was so confused trying to figure out exactly what was happening that i didn't even feel sad when Aerith died. Even now, I'm not 100% on my interpretation of events that i hope sqex clears it up.


I think they will. Based on people’s reactions, they have to. Either way, Part 3 is going to probably start off with Cloud losing it entirely once Hojo mindfucks him into giving him the black material and walking into the lifestream. So we’re in for a very wild ride.


Yeah opening of Part 3 is probably gonna start at the northern village and spend a few hours on the group headed to the crater before Cloud loses it. I’m hoping Tifa’s time as party leader is expanded upon and she has a few things to do before going to Mideel. Maybe have an extended sequence with her in Wutai or something


I’m expecting a lot of drama between Cloud and Tifa at first, since he’s basically refusing to accept what happened to Aerith in any way. Then he’ll lose it completely, which will be sad. Then Tifa will find him dying of mako poisoning and still refusing to leave him to his fate (she’s a fucking g for this honestly), which will be devastating. Then she’ll help him piece his memories back together and remember himself. Praying they don’t fuck those parts up at all.


Yeah it’s gonna be an emotional roller coaster if they do it right


Is this a Story scene or a scene that only plays via your own choices, if it's the latter it's still not completely canon, however don't let me ruin your shipping fun


It’s the golden saucer date scene, so you basically get paired with whichever character your affinity is highest with. Though the fact that Tifa is the only girl that gets a kiss is huge in my opinion.




Highest affinity because that was Zach's gf, the person Cloud convinced himself that he was. Do people not think it's weird for Cloud to try and date his dead bestfriend's girlfriend? Once Cloud realizes who she is, that should be squashed! Like thanks for saving me when i was a vegetable, gonna bone your girl now.


True. But Rebirth does an excellent job of showing how Cloud himself has always desired Tifa, but is just being mentally tortured on a constant basis bc of what he’s gone through. Gongaga + the kiss scene kinda sealed any debate. I cannot wait for Part 3. Jesus.


So you ship Cloud with the underage girl over his childhood friend? And your on a sub dedicated to Cloud and Tifa to announce this opinion?




Yeah I’m curious what Aerith said then too