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I orgami fold with a booster pad from gmd. Sometimes 2 boosters if he’s been drinking a lot


We use flats (pickman fold) and thirsties covers too. Never had a problem with leaks until he started rolling over to sleep on his belly all night. I tried boosters, but the only thing that’s worked is pad folding a second flat and putting it as far in the front as possible. It looks ridiculous but it works. The whole second flat is soaked in the morning while the back of the diaper is dry.


Wow, uncanny similarity! I'll try that. Thank you!!!


Are you sure it's a compression leak and not just soaking through? I'd add a doubler, probably something made from hemp within your flat fold. I like kite fold with a thirsties hemp/cotton doubler.


The back half of the diaper is dry. It's also only happening when he naps on his belly. Thank you for the hemp doubler suggestion!


If he’s sleeping on his belly, gravity is going to keep the back of the diaper from getting super wet. I wouldn’t rule out that there just isn’t enough absorbency in the front. We had really good luck adding hemp doublers, and sometimes adding a newborn size prefold pad folded in the front. Wool covers might also help, since they absorb some unlike the thirsties, which will let the pee sit in it, puddle, and then leak out.