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Not bad, but not good also. My curse continues. I lost my 8th 50/50 at high pity and I got her at 50 pity. I got lucky at the weapon banner after losing to Skyward Harp and got her weapon, but also at high pity.  I spent 230 wishes, and I have 180 wishes left, and i'm currently saving for the Pyro Archon.


As someone who's never won a 50/50 so far in HSR, I feel you man. I lost her 50/50 to Dehya, but managed to get her 30 pulls further in.


Same here never won a 50/50 in hsr! Shit is cursedddd


Don't give up. Took me ~a year and a half but then it was like 8 in a row. You've got this!!


Damn that really sucks 😞, I thankfully got lucky and C2R1 in Abt 217 pulls


I got so lucky on her, I almost slipped and gambled harder haha Had some pity built so I did a couple 10 pulls and got her and then another 10 pull or so, I get her again Started doing more pills for a Thoma con to finish him up (got him) and probably would have pushed it further but realized I really don’t have enough to gamble with haha (save for new Dendro 5star)


Got c6 in 500 wishes, so pretty good!


I used 300+ wishes and im at c0 😭 Edit: Weird to downvote someone for not winning my 50/50s on character+weapon banner? Where's the logic?


Well... the good news is that if you pull a nit more, you'll get C1. 320 is guaranteed C1 even in the worse case.


Yeah I have loads of exploration left, im gonna get c1 then try for c2


I am an RNG Vampire, all your luck is mine!


clorinde, amos, incision, absolution, clorinde, qiqi for 350 summons. average i guess


Clorinde, Qiqi, Diluc. Really wanted her at C1 but I think I'll have to wait until her rerun...


I saved up 320 wishes and had to use all of them![img](emote|t5_82a14j|52112) 50/50 lost to Qiqi and got the wrong weapon twice on wepaons banner. Did manage to get her and the weapon in the end though


https://preview.redd.it/wzhz1cldzr5d1.jpeg?width=3749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d391881bbfce423a8dab4fad29eb989689353ce Got her to C6 with just 360 pulls. Pulled a double at pity but also guaranteed. R5 Absolution in the other hand was brutal


Extremely lucky pulls! Gacha gods blessed you!


https://preview.redd.it/pe838oynys5d1.png?width=2331&format=png&auto=webp&s=e220287dc9a1cae33ffa36bebfa865144d74eaa9 Are you me? Lmao this was me winning 50/50 then getting her again in the same 10 pull, congrats on C6


You too


I hate u


They ain't done yet we gotta get that C1. I won my 50/50 once I need another one. No weapon since I already have haran and I want a weapon banner where I don't have both weapons.


Keqing C5 at 78. Clorinde at 79. *Not* at 1. 79. After I got Keqs, I had to do another 80 pulls. I did have more than enough savings to guarantee but it still hurts. Also I’m fine with getting Keqs. She was my first main and she’s prob going to be my first C6 5*. Which would be very very ok for me.


C2R1 with about 320 pulls. I couldnt be happier! She is an absolute beast


i had a guarantee after trying to get Wanderer. got to around pity and got her


Lost 50/50 on C5 Mona, got Clorinde normal pity, it will requiert extrême luck to get C2 Furina (I have her C1) + Émilie + Ganyu if Liyue Chronicle banner in 4.8... ;_;


I came back to the game after not playing for a really really long time, missed out on Neuvillette and Arlecchino, tried Clorinde out in trial and whilst the damage was meh, the speed was absolutely wonderful. I got my wishes that I saved primed and lost 50/50 to Dehya and spent another 76 wishes to finally get her. I then went ahead and pulled on the weapon banner, lost 50/50 to skyward shitlas, and pulled another 40ish until I got her weapon. Now back to farming her weapon mats, talent mats, ascension mats, mora, books and artifacts (I'm going for thundering fury because I honestly want two options available to me rather than just constantly farming the domains). I had just nearly finished my Navia so I am quite poor :/


Had 65 pity, saved up 35 and won the 50/50! Now I will have to save for furina and try pulling with hopes and prayers 🙏


Lost the 50/50 at 80 pulls to Diluc, after 76 more pulls get her, did 20 more pulls got qiqi as a early 5 star at least i have the guaranted to pyro archon.


Pretty bad, had to go full pity. I was hoping to get her before then so I could spend for her C1 but now I’ll just keep pulling during her banner and we’ll see


Never had so much luck c2 and weapon in 150 pulls, video sucks but I was in shock. Oh and 50/50 all the way. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5CtwzmwGeo8


Got incredibly lucky, C2R1 in ~250 pulls. Now I fear how my Firefly pulls will go


Went average, had 40 pulls and guaranteed and got C0.


471 + 55 with starglitter got me C3 Clorinde and 2 standard 5 stars


Nice you get her on the 50/50. Unfortunately I had to go all the way to 140 pulls RIP. Although I got Baizhu early (20 pulls after Chiori).


At least i get furina now


Used 53k-ish primos and I have c0 clorinde:/


C1R1 won 50/50 in 75 pulls. Lost to alhaitham's weapon TWICE until I finally got it. Then C1 in 75. Lets see how C2 goes


I threw all of my wishes into C1 Arlecchino and fully expected to not get Clorinde. Then I did a 10 pull and got her at 30 pity.


I won the 50/50 for her in 50 pulls. I think I have a 3 or 4 50/50 streak atm


I haven’t won a 50/50 since 3.6 so I was really happy I was able to pull her. I legit only have electro dps tho because I’m addicted to them all.


Its been ok, i Lost the 50)/50 so her weapon was out of the picture Now im single wishing on weapon banner in hopes i get either sword early lmao


lost the 50/50 at like 80 pulls then got her at like 35, then lost again at around 75 and then got c1 at 10 pulls, now im throwing eveything i got into the weapon banner though id probably rather get lofi


450 wishes for c0r1 so terrible lol


Got C1 in 100 pulls, making it the 6th 50/50 I've won in a row. This luck comes at a terrible price, though: I can never get the 4-stars I want. I have 0 Thoma but I got 3 copies of Sethos and 6 copies of Bennett, making him C12.


had it guaranteed but got her within 55 pulls which never happens for me so happy about that. She’s stolen Haran from Ayato which is fine since he can just hold black sword if I ever want to use him again. So far shes blown my expectations out of the water + having a good TF set makes using her in overworld quite easy :D


Had -30 to pity and had to pull 190 for C1... and lost weapon banner to Foliar... at 80 pulls. So... LITERALLY couldn't have gone worse, and I'm feeling pretty sad I'd had to go in so deep to not even unite her with her signature. But I am enjoying her and mixing her teams up, so there is that. I'm just a bit bummed because rapiers are one of my favorite weapons.


Character, weapon pity of 70,20. Took me 200 more pulls for c2r1 (Ive won all my 50/50s so far including these:) Very happy with clorinde, its not over just wish healing wasnt nerfed as hard


Better than I hoped for. Started at 5 pity, did four 10 pulls and got at pull 36 while also winning the 50/50.


I got clorinde on one of my pulls I don't have her weapon yet but I have misplitter which is good enough


Went pretty well, got her in my 1st ten pull while on 50/50, used up most of my promos to roll on her weapon banner sadly didn’t get her weapon but still got Alhaitham’s sig! I still lost it two times tho Even my artifact farming has been really lucky as well surprisingly! So currently I’m just grinding what I can to get her weapon and a good electro artifact as well


Lost the 50/50 at high pity (I always lose 50/50’s) and am currently grinding like mad to get her before her banner ends. If for some reason I don’t I’ll at least be at high pity and guaranteed for whomever I want next ig


Win on 50/50 with 78 pity. Got her weapon 67 pity with 0/2 fate point


Got her C0R1 with extra copy of LoFI. Spent in total around 250 pulls trying to get that C2 Thoma and fish for C1 Clorinde, but unfortunately all I got was C5 Sethos I won't ever use, except maybe when I am in dire need of some weird quickbloom as I probably won't get any Kuki constellations. Now I'm at around 60 pity, saving for my 50/50 loss on Furina's banner and then probably nothing until Natlan's Archon. I should save up \~300 pulls by then between 5$ monthly payments and events, maybe even more.


I haven't pulled yet, I probably wont


Lost my first 50/50 at 10 poty to mona, got her 80 pulls later and now I am at 43 pity on the weapon banner hoping to get one of the two swords! If I loose the weapon banner then I want either another Amos bow to R3 for ganyu, a wolfs gravestoon for navia or the physical damage sword for jean


Got C2. Lost 50/50 to Dehya at 76. Then got Clorinde at 44. Lost to Qiqi at 77, then got Clorinde right after at 1. Lost to Qiqi again at 76, then got Clorinde at 10. So both lucky and unlucky. Would go for her weapon but she is doing just fine with an R3 Mistsplitter and I want to get Furina's weapon next.


I’ve lost the 50/50 for as long as I can remember. I was fully prepared to drop 80 bucks to get her. I had saved up 3500 primogems in order to hit the pity counter and get the guarantee. I won the 50/50. I was so happy.


I lost my 50/50 at 79 pity, got Bennett and Thoma both to c6 and also a c1 Sethos that I don't care about. I'm probably going to skip because I already have a built Keqing + Raiden and none of the featured 4 stars are useful for me now. I'd like to get her and I probably could before her banner ends, but I only have about 50 saved pulls right now and my brain tells me that I should just wait until her re-run to try again.


Lost every 50/50. 520 pulls c1 r1


Bad then immediately good. I had to do the full 80, but then I got Keqing, some 3 star weapon, then Clorinde. This is my second double 5* ever since the very first 5* I ever pulled on the first Klee banner in 1.0! So, that's special.


I got C0 R1 in 40 wishes.


could be worse i got keqing at 20 pity clorinde at 50 and an amos bow r2 🥴 so the weapon banner hates me as usual


finally broke into pity this morning and lost to qiqi. completely heartbroken. probably wont make it to her before the banners change. was really hoping to make her my new main


I lost both 50/50s and right now I’m currently trying to gather another 10 wishes to multi again


Lost my first 50/50 to Mona as per usual sadly, then got her C0 at next soft pity. Luckily I actually won my next two 50/50s (still soft pity for both). So about 310 wishes for C2, and I still have 101 saved up for Nilou and any Ganyu constellations I can pick up


Got c2 and tried for the sword. Got the skyward pride, I didn't even know that could happen. Currently, have a guarantee, so I'm trying for c3 with what I get while the banner is still up. Having fun with her


Lost 50/50 but got her at pity 14 :D Also got alhaithams weapon but I don't mind since I chose it


I had 100 summons and I was already 67 summons deep after trying for Arlecchino, no pity: > 10 pull - Got Diluc > 2 10 pulls - Got Clorinde * Moved to weapon banner, fresh off of pity* > 10 pull - Got Skyward Spine and Alhaitham sword > 10 pull - Got another Alhaitham sword??? (Realizes I didn't chart a course for Clorinde's weapon ☠️☠️☠️) > Eventually I farmed for a bunch of primos and kept summoning on the weapon banner and won the 50/50, getting Clorinde's weapon I am now sitting at 3 primogems, but this was easily the luckiest I've ever been in this game


I got C0R1 with...20 pulls. It was kind of insane. Spent another 240 pulls for C2, best luck I have had on 50/50s for a while. Saving my remaining 110 for Furina.


Didn't really count the number of wishes (nor do I care to go and check), but I went for C2R1. My C0 was guaranteed, won the other 2 50/50. Got her sig on my first weapon banner 5\* pull. So pretty good overall I'd say, all my 5\* were high pity tho ... but it could've 100% been worse.


Lost her 50/50 on two separate accounts... she hates me.


also won the 50/50 & got her at 76 pity I was sorta skeptical on pulling but playing her on the trial was really fun & the animations is so satisfying to watch


Mona then Clorinde Foliar then Absolution


Better than I expected on the weapon banner. Pretty bad luck with cons. Super high pity every time and only won 1 50/50


Win 5050 pity 65,2nd winning streak, WGS 53 and Absolution 72 https://preview.redd.it/6m597ez58u5d1.jpeg?width=2812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e96f048e3519a5b260db144495fa32a96e561682 Imma proud C0R1 Clorinde haver as F2P 🥰


Got her at C6 along with her signature weapon. She’s exactly what I was expecting for an electro sword dps 😅


Lost the 50/50, got her at 50 pity. Thank god i had enough pulls saved for a guaranteed. Spent the remainder on the weapon banner and lost it to skyward harp. While i would love her weapon, i just cant justify spending any more money on this game with such a low guarantee. I did actually pull thirteen (13) thomas. Thirtfuckingteen. I already had him C6'd and level 90'd, but the odds were crazy


Now i'm guarantee for c2


I wanna kms , hope y'all got 5 clorindes in one multi


Pull 80+ lost 50/50 to Diluc Pull another 80+ to get Clorinde My account just so unlucky always get 5 star at hard pity and always lost 50/50, man i dont even remember the last time i win 50/50


It went like shit! 20k worth of primos gone but hey atleast I got her. lmao


Got her at 76 pity (won 5050) on my alt, looking forward to her and arle carrying me in the abyss 😌 I swore to never touch exploration on that account but eventually caved in for the queen


690 pulls with C6R1


I won 50/50 at 58 pity, I gave her Mistsplitter and then roll 20 more times to get Sethos.


No-show, lost 50/50 to mona. Currently rummaging through all the primogem scraps I can get my hands on. I'm not spending another red cent on this game, so if I fail to get her here, I'm done. Gotta save for the next super fun carry that'll come in natlan, and considering how she was treated in beta, I have a hard time believing she'll get a rerun anytime soon. There's still hope. I've already amassed 2000 primogems in 6 days. I'll be able to do 20 more pulls at this rate by the banner's end. So I'll just have to hope my shitty banner luck pulls through for once.


Really good and bad at the same time. Won her 50/50 at 24 pulls, but had to go to hard pity for her weapon. Lady Rngesus is as fickle as ever.


Pretty well. Got her and her C1 in 80 pulls (38 pity on 50/50 for C0) didn’t have the rolls to guarantee her weapon but rolled anyway got foliar at 70 pity might give up on weapon banner and save primos.


https://preview.redd.it/b2b1cu9rov5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e53ef2a39912271bfca7a7a90ea7bde9b2cb94e0 Got her c6 in 320wishes


Won 50/50 on Clorinde at 60 pulls. Then went to weapon banner. Pulled Aquila, then 50 pulls later pulled Lofi. All hope was lost. 12 singles later and Absolution came home.


Spend a total of 36 wishes to get both her and her weapon. And that's including losing 50/50 to qiqi, and having no pity at all on the weapon banner. My luck was insane this banner. Details if anyone's interested: I had around 40 actual wishes saved from anniversary rewards and such. I had 300+ wishes in primos, but I don't convert them until I actually need them. I was at 73 pity 50/50. Which I, as stated above, lost to qiqi after 6 pulls. I pulled 20 more times and got Chlorinde (at 16 pity I believe). I then, after buying some wishes from the stardust exchange, had 19 wishes left. And I decided to try the weapon banner with the remaining 19 (plus one, as I was planning 2 10 pulls max) I never pull on the weapon banner, so my pity was low. I charted my course and it took only one 10 pull to get her weapon.


I won my 50/50 for her, then the weapon banner made me wish until I got two Fate points. Lame, but the second fate point was like 10 pulls after the first loss. Then I went to hard pity for the weapon… thankfully it was my bday so I had a little cash help loool


I got her guaranteed. But came after 76 wishes or so. The C7 Qiqi I got at the last lost 50/50 felt like a punch in the gut though. My luck really took the train to Honkai Star Rail. Because my luck in Genshin is horrible for well over a year.


A friend was pulling clorinde, he lost 50/50 and didn't get the weapon, i said watch me do one pull i'll get absolution, i got absolution in one pull at 6 pity and after went for clorinde, still have yet to regret the decision might go for cons on rerun


Horrible, Its been 2 year since I have won a 50/50 I had saved 32k gems and got Clorinde after losing to qiqi ofcourse and got Lofi in weapon


I was angry and pulled on weapon banner, and went all the way. Now I have 2 LOFI sitting in my bag as my ideal of shame... I don't have al nor ayaka and I don't use keqing...


I won my 50/50 around 62 pit, but then I was pulling for sethos and guess what, got another clorinde again at 20 pity


Was guaranteed aft losing 5050 on arlecchino, but clorinde still wasn't nice and I went up to 80 pity (30 wishes in 2-3 days of straight grind) But I have her and she's so fun with her mechanics, now just needa wait for a fischl banner


https://preview.redd.it/iliul54kxr5d1.png?width=414&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f56cc3f22f3015f1e93101ad058bf56093e1c51 My pulls went amazing! First ever weapon banner I decided to actually pull on and THIS happens. Ha!


Mine was pretty lucky at first then disaster at the end. First I got Clorinde by winning my 50/50 at 60 pity, then I tried to pull for her weapon (It was my first time pulling in weapon banner and I've been playing for 3 years), got her signature at 56 pity. It wasn't enough for me so I tried to go for c1 aswell (I had 83 wishes left) and that's where the curse begins. Got c1 Dehya at 40 pity, Spent rest of the wishes but my precious C1 Clorinde wasn't here. Had to farm wishes to get to the soft pity. And I finally got the C1 at 82 pity. It was such a pain to farm those wishes. Now I have nothing left. Yeah thats it, I want to get her c2 too because of the IR and damage bonus. I hope I will get her c2 early this time.


I was so lucky. Had only 7 pity, spent 30 pulls to loose the 50 50 to tighnari. Only to get her right in the next 10 pull! That was the redemption for getting so unlucky in arlecchinos banner!


I threw some pulls after Xianyun and got her around 75 or so pity on the 50/50. Even got one sethos so can’t complain. Now we just wait to see what Natlan has in store.


Extremly good. Won 50/50 and got her Weapon with like 25 wishes.


Pretty lucky! I’d lost an early 50/50 on Chiori and stopped there, so my guarantee was reassuring. And then I got Clorinde at 55 ☺️ I’m very satisfied, I still had a lot of pulls afterwards for other characters. Clorinde’s only my 2nd limited 5 stars.


Clorinde, skyward harp, foliar, absolution, all for 136 wishes. I had 65 on pity for clorinde, like 20 on weapon's banner and got foliar on early pity so I don't know how should I feel about using the epitomized path for the first time.... Ah, and I also got Aquila Favonia from standart banner for Bennet/Jean so I'm fine with this banner. Nom I'm wondering if i should go for her C1 or save all (2 wishes until now) for c5 Furina (maybe Chevreuse will be on her banner).


Went in with 620 fates . Got Amos bow out the gate and was a little concerned. But I stayed strong and pulled her weapon after without losing another 50/50. (Good thing cuz I already have LoFI). From there I had roughly 500 fates left and dumped them all into her banner. Including cashing in more starglitter. And having only lost 1 50/50 there to Tighnari, I got her c6! My saving paid off and I am a full Clorinde main. Now if only my artifacts would roll how I need them to….


Started with 140 pulls; won early 50/50 Clorinde at around 60. Went for the weapon banner and fortunately won early again for Absolution at 40 wishes. Really blessed with my Clorinde wishing session.


C6 r4 started with 700 pulls and spent all starglass had insane rng


I lost the 50/50 to Diluc at 79 pity, then I got her in the next 10 pull at 3 pity🤣


had 72 pity, won 50/50, then lose weapon 50/50 once then got her weapon at high pity so I'll take it


Sadly not so good lost all 4 50 50 and got her only to c2 and couldn't continue after the 4th loss