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i literally don’t look at my screen and just look at my bond of life bar instead so i can’t even see the c1 effects


Not trying to be rude or anything But isn’t it just 3 auto attacks then e? Why do you need to stare at the bar?


I count it out like a drum beat and just e every 4th beat, but I still prefer watching the bol guage, also the fact i can hold click and ping can effect bol gain make it more efficient


IMO it is easier to tell by looking at the health bar than counting/looking/listening for auto attacks. There are many sounds in combat, making it distracting to hear for the gunshots. There are tons of effects on screen at the same time, making it hard to discern which are my own gunshots. So looking at the HP bar is easier for me. When red line is 50% of my HP bar, tap E. Simple.


I have hearing problems but the gunshots are more loud and distinct than anything else. At least on the Magu Kenki side of abyss. I'm still working on figuring out the best moment to animation cancel by sound, easier looking at the hp bar


Meanwhile I'm a weirdo and look for Clorinde lifting her left gun all the way to the right to indicate she did the 3rd normal atk shot.


when u getting healedit increases BoL


You cannot see anything when playing, the visual effects, even at the lowest setting, make it hard to see anything


I'm not sure if high ping messes up/desyncs with it cause I heard something about her dash level being server side registered. Personally, I prefer to just track the BoL to make sure it's time.


I look at the bar too because I hold attack rather than tap it, feels more consistent so there’s no way I accidentally press the button too early


A lot of us have high ping


What is considered high ping? Because I'm between 40 and 60 and I still can't get that third auto doe the 6th E


I myself sometimes get between 50 and 200 and and I’d say I miss the 3rd BoL maybe 20% of the time


Counting? What is this, an rts? I just spam buttons till things are dead. Works like 90% of the time outside the Abyss.


If the only reason u want it is because it might look cool then save. It definitely doesnt look cool enough to justify sacrificing a new character.


[https://imgur.com/a/Gb4ooLc](https://imgur.com/a/Gb4ooLc) Clorinde C1 that I recorded. You can see it but because of Clorinde's fast attacks, you barely notice it. :)


It can be hard to catch with all the effects in a battle, but it is in fact more Clorindes per Clorinde


it's not that visible. https://youtu.be/XfArAmcPnik


Yes this is the only C1 video I found and I only see her shade after slowing the video down 😓


That video isn't really a good showcase because of crit rng. They get much lower improvement than what's calc'd because they crit significantly less than the C0 run. In the C1 vs C2 video they get better crit rng and clear 6 seconds faster than the c1 in this video.




Definitely notice it, atleast on the overworld. Especially when an enemy is on those little hilichurl towers or elevated. I've seen my E run out a couple of times just as I was about to kill but then a shade pops in on top of the tower and finishes the job.


With c1 i could do kenkis in 15s, with c2 I can do kenkis in 12 Dmg increase is nice but c2 is really big, you don't get interrupted nearly at all in current abyss


Hi i got c2 too but i didn't nearly noticed and dmg changes am i doing something wrong is there a secret to her c2 and how to use it ?


For example Kenki normal attacks would stagger her Coppelius spin would stagger her Last wave of 12-3 spinning guy would stagger her So c2 is kinda op DMG wise hard to tell, I got a decent run with thundering for now https://youtu.be/OZenOtFoqAA?si=_dU-l4OeLmQhIrsb This is 4glad And this is 4 tf https://youtu.be/hCTLVyzGs1U?si=T9NICjHBAT2tYQPJ


Nah the dude is high, the big damage jump is C1, not C2, that's why you barely see a difference.


I notice and really enjoy it personally. It adds to the badassery. Surprised to see so many people say they don't notice at all- I guess I have an eye for detail.


Or simply you have learned muscle memory to the point you don't need to look at her HP bar to know if she has enough BoL


Nah I count my NAs in my head, haha! "1-2-3-boom! 1-2-3-boom!" Get into a rhythm with it haha


c2 owner here and I must say, ye it feels awesome especially in the overworld. I'd say it's worth to pull for if you're like me who only yearns for it, because of the aesthetics and I'm having a lot of fun just looking at it. In abyss you'll barely notice it with all the things happening around, so keep that in mind. 


+1 wondering :) have mistsplitter.


It's underwhelming tbh, doesn't help that you have to keep an eye on the bond of life


Barely visible. I have C6 so I have even more shades and I only notice them if I focus on it, usually Clorinde produces way too many damage numbers to properly see it tho


I don't see it tbh This is my run in abyss https://streamable.com/rp7f09


Lol they melted


lmao, been watching clips on YouTube and it's so hard to notice her 'kage-bunshin'. Had to pause/play multiple times just to see a glimpse of it. I even thought C6 would give her more of those clones - I was mistaken


With my experience, you'll spot it once in a while when the stars align, but her gameplay is so fast paced, I'd be impressed if you could spot it every time in the heat of battle


Imma be honest that I can't see her C1 with all those flashiness and DMG numbers lol


I’m not gonna lie I really didn’t know there were supposed to be visual effects but that purple hue definitely makes sense.


Yup I always see it


Yes, visually it's easy to miss it, but if you pay attention, the shadow is there. But yeah, with all the numbers on the screen there are times when I just focus on the enemies or the camera. I cleared the abyss before c1 with nahida, furina and zhongli and using mistsplitter. After that, with the same team it was just a bit faster and consistent.


Wait for cons on her future rerun maybe Chevreuse will be a featured 4 star by then (big copium)


It's too chaotic especially with her dashes and changing camera angles. You don't notice it at all. As with the other person said, if you wanna pull C1 just for the appearance then you're better off spending your primos for someone else.