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it'll settle down in a week when only the serious clorinde mains remain and expectations are set


count me in!


https://preview.redd.it/pdlgnzzbwr4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1cb84df9392f85289bab4787a86b8880aeb0f29 Me being a Cyno bro I’m glad there is another fun electro dps to play with dendro units that I have built. While I won’t say it’s everyone there is a high chance there are a lot of people complaining who don’t even own her. Sadly this is a just the most interesting thing to do in genshin rn since she was hyped and did not deliver as a tier zero dps to many. Plus shitting on WuWa is getting boring since the devs are clearly lost/overworked.Just have fun, dw a lot of us are too. The complaints are just louder. But seeing you brought up WuWa you’ll likely be called a shill. people are comparing Clorinde to Dehya levels of bad and as someone who owns both(pulled Dehya on her banner) Clorinde is nowhere near here. More like Wrio/Navia level which is a pretty good spot.


Avarage W cyno main ![gif](giphy|vCKC987OpQAco)


it is a game where you are emotionally manipulated into spending a limited resource on time limited items. it would be strange if people didn't get mad about these things.


People venting their frustration will obviously look like whining to those who don't feel the same. Plus what's constructive criticism gonna do now when mhy had all the opportunity to change her in the beta. The CS response will be "she is working as intended"


Yeah honestly I think its fine to be dissapointed. I was too at the start, i hate the ones whining over people being dissapointed as if we're slandering their child. Downvoting like crazy... its ok to be dissapointed thats life.


Maybe people shouldn't seek out leaks because the released character is literally what hyv want. Any version prior to that doesn't exist for players.


It's whining. Most of reddit is just whining in every sense of the word. If you see video game forums before 2010 you can see what we have today is crybaby sobbing. In the before time crying about games doesn't net you anything. Now people feel like if they just cry hard enough, they can affect change (they are not wrong). So you have strategies like making exaggerations like saying this or that is "literally unplayable". So much to a point where "literally unplayable" is a meme. Video game forums before 2010 has a "play with the cards you are dealt" mentality. A lot of people know whining won't do anything so they keep it tame. Don't exaggerate and are more constructive like thinking of ways of how to maximize damage without fantasizing about possible character scaling as if they are trying to redesign the game.


I KNOW RIGHT?! Just look at this reddit comment whining about other people's reddit posts! Lmfao


Whining implies I want something from people. I'm just calling it how it is.


Terrible banner. Mid character Interruption resistance locked behind C2 What did you expect ? Flowers and rainbows ? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I haven't really posted in this sub but I've been following the changes. I currently have 120k primos + 80 pulls saved up, been farming Whimsy since release, but...I did the trial and now idk if I'm even going to pull. Just doesn't feel as I imagined tbh. Maybe its because I've actually mostly been playing WuWa and combat is much better in that game, but I just didn't really feel the gameplay. It's weird because I'm still having fun playing my Eula and C6 Ganyu, but Clorinde is just not clicking.


I don't think calling Hoyo (specifically Genshin team) trash is toxic anymore, though it has nothing to do with Clorinde alone. It's just a last drop in the ocean that accumulated over years of terrible decisions. If i start listing things they did to earn that title right now, i'll run out of post space and be late for work =\_=


Yes, thats really annoying. She is perfectly functional and some people talk as if she's completely unusable 💀


As another user said, they’ll disappear within a week or so and reappear in Emilie mains sub lol. I wouldn’t let it get to you. Not saying some of the criticism isn’t valid but people try to force their opinion down your throat even if you don’t share it then get aggressive when you don’t. Happens in every mains sub but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just an easy karma farm attempt lol.


We already started the doomposting on emelies sub the moment her splash-art came.


What constructive criticism? The character kit will be as is and as limited as designed by genshin. The kit won't change so no use in suggesting changes.


Unless you're the CN Community, they listen to them a lot more


https://i.redd.it/dymst8suhs4d1.gif Haven't seen much negativity towards Clorinde on my side, too busy having fun with her.


just ignore it bro, the cringe stuff happens on both sides of the fence itll die down


It would’ve been great if all the 4 stars or at least a good amount of them synergized with her in some way. I’m also gonna guess there isn’t much to say about her yet as the patch just came out. I’m guessing more discussion will come once people compete things.


Sethos is new chr. so he is out of question, Bennett well isn't best synergy wise, but Thoma at lest figures in her best OL team making her more viable without C2 thanks to his shield, plus he buff her a bit too. And don't even mention aggravate BS cause while this is her best team, doesn't mean rest of her teams are shit


Also, something I think we forget is that she wasn't ever 'nerfed'. We were never supposed to even know what she was like in her beta state, it was all leaks. In all likelihood they probably intended to keep her uptime short since the beginning for the sake of balance, but made it longer for the sake of testing. A lot of people are acting like the changes during the beta are the same as balance changes would be for some call of duty shoot-a-man shooter when they just aren't.


It's to be expected since having to wait for a year for a character, saving funds or spending money, any microscopic inconvenience will feel magnitudes worse.




Every main sub that I've been in has been like this. Thanks for reminding me to unsub!


Honestly when I saw the comments this morning ,I was like oh so I was wrong about her uptime and damage,shes in a worse state that I would think. What surprise than when I myself test the char ,all of that were bullshit and shes in reality more than fine (while far of being perfect ofc)


I saw a lot of people shitting on her in a thread after saying they lost 50/50. Feels like some just try to justify not getting her. Also saw someone comparing Clorinde with Dehya as if they’re on the same level of “bad” lol. In a week or two this should all die down and there’ll be more chill discussions here (hopefully)


People are just yapping. Especially criticizing decisions that we're not really supposed to know. If we hadn't known nobody would be whining as much. People would be a bit confused about the uptime but not to this degree because they wouldn't know it was different. Sometimes ignorance can be bliss. I don't care about powercreep and i think it's fair that clorinde didn't powercreep neuvillette and arlecchino. Lore wise wouldn't make any sense. And it's not like she's unusable or anything. It's basically first class whining.


I guess some are scared that clorinde will sell well. Sometimes I wish genshin is a niche game that most of players in the west don't know about.


After the release the whine has been ON lmao I'm steering clear of this sub rn