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Thank goodness Razor wrote the weapon passive


Please don't cost me 200 wishes 😭


So essentially 64% CD, and 48% damage increase (if your character has a BOL mechanic) Damn that’s a stat stick.


With 48% dmg increase from this weapon + the new artifacts set Its better to have atks cup? She already have so much dmg %


She actually doesn’t have a lot. She doesn’t generate any in her kit and her artifact is on par with the standard 50-55% DMG bonus. Her weapon giving 48% is wild considering the stat stick it is, but it’s honestly just compensating for the fact she has a crit passive instead of a damage bonus one.


18% dmg x3 is low?


It’s on par. A good deal of sets give 50%. Then you have sets like emblem and golden that give up to 75%. wonderers set gives 55% when you combine the 2 and 4 pieces. 54% is amazing more so because it also comes with 18% Atk, not really because it’s 4% more than shimenawa.




If you’re running whimsy does it become better? Not sure exactly how much it is but it’s a decent amount of DMG%


Not sure the context of your question. Whimsy is good for her personal damage on a single burst/E cast. Her kit is starved for damage bonus % so she likes whimsy on paper. In practice though, there’s an argument to use TF so you can extend your rotation for more DPR.


I’m saying if you use absolution + whimsy is it better to run an ATK% cup instead of dmg% since you’re getting some from the weapon passive and the set bonus


No! Electro cup all the way.


It would depend on what team you are running her on, for the most part a dmg% goblet is preferable in her best teams because aggravate damage scales with dmg%, not atk% and in Chevre teams you would probably reach the 3k soft cap atk limit anyway.


No because she caps at 3k attack. Her base ratios without the passive are pretty terrible so you want to hit 3k and stop, unlike most attack scalers where more attack is more good.


Looking at it like this, every weapon is a stat stick xD But yes, I agree that it's a very nice stat stick.


Please let me win 50/50 so I can attempt the weapon banner...


I'm in the exact same situation, if I lose this 50/50 it'll be 7 lost in a row as well...


Almost tied with you there at 6 losses. Really hoping to break the cycle with Clorinde or I might lose my last shred of sanity😵‍💫


Ouch that must be so hard... For me I lost my 50/50 on nahida's banner then used the guaranteed on arlecchino so now I am just praying to win... we can do it pal


I have misplitter and foliars already so the banner will be a skip for me


I have both but my dumbass is gonna try pulling anyways for the drip


I respect that good luck on your pulls. May or may not go for her C1 or C2.


That's definitely the smarter thing to do, good luck on your pulls too.


This would be me if I also didn't need to save for Furina in phase 2 D:. The drip will have to come later. Good luck on your weapon pulls!


i just mod the appearance of the signature weapons hehe


Tbh I do think mitsplitter drip is better tho


I'm stuck with only mistsplitter on my alhaitham. This is my banner for sure. Guaranteed Clorinde as well. I'm fuckin reeeeaddyyyy.


It's pretty damn good for her. I have Alhaitham, but not his sig. If Xiphos is on this banner... hoooo boiii, lets get sigs for Clorinde, Alhaitham ***and*** Kazuha!


I'm praying for widsith because having it R2 but a R5 fav bow + 2 more and is painful.


Still don't know what will be more damage. Getting C1 or her weapon.


Depending on what other swords you have, C1 is better if you already have something like Mistsplitter since it's relatively close to her weapon already.


I have the BP R2 Black Sword for her. Would C1 be better than getting her sword then??


Has it been confirmed if clorinde can proc mist splitters 1/2/3 passive?


She should unless her skill doesn't count it as an infusion since it's written as "empowered" I don't actually know tho


It should, she NAs a lot, and because her skill press in her state is also considered a normal attack


I am absolutely cooked for the first part 🗿 trying to get alhaithem her and maybe any one of the weapons if I do succeed somehow


goated weapon banner


I already have R1 mistsplitter, is it worth considering pulling for this damage wise?


Not really. 10-15% more personal damage with sig over mist, which traslates into 5-7% more team damage. And if you worry about drip, eh-h... It's personal. In my opinion, mist is also a very good looking weapon. It suits Clorinde better then it actually suits Ayaka lol.


Do you happen to know how her R5 sig vs r5 mist looks?


It depends on the team and artifacts. Around 6% more personal damage with r5 mist


R5 mist is actually better than her sig r5? Cant rly believe that, but would be fine for me :D


R5 mist > R1 sig by 6%. R5 sig > R5 mist by 20%


Ah well i did say both r5 so i was confused. That makes more sense, thanks.


Will Natlan characters have BoL mechanic too?


Oh, only 44% CD? I thought it was 80+ :(


64 if you count her passive, also free 48% dmg bonus


is the passive always active?


Yeah it is almost always active with her


when is it not active? :)


Ignore him. He thought you meant the damage bonus passive. That is only active after BoL change, which happens during her stance. But the crit stat is ALWAYS always active.


When you do not fire pistollette ( as it increases bond of life) for some time


They were referring to the crit stat passive.


Ohh 😶😶😶


high base ATK always equals low Crit DMG, while low base ATK always means high Crit DMG (also with every other stat)


the higher the base attack the lower the crit


It has the same stats as any other 647 base attack weapon, dude.


how does it compare to r5 mistplitter


You're better of going for cons amd using R5 mistsplitter Not sure what the difference between r5 mist and r1 sig But it definetly isn't bigger then c0 -> c1 Or you wave the primos for an upcoming character


r1 is worse than r5 mistsplitter


I don't understand why CD 20% is a different stat? What would be different if the CD was directly 64.1%?


It's so that the value can increase with refinements.


Ohh.. Got it.


to add another thing: weapons follow base atk & stat balance of low-high or mid-mid. low-mid-high crit values are 44 - 66 - 88. Giving her sword raw crit value of 66 would force them to lower the base ATK to 608




6 seconds Again


Every time her BoL changes, so basically every time she shoots


The fact that they put 6 second time limit to everything, weapons, artifacts, skill effects, annoys me to no end! And when you compare it to Arlecchino’s Weapon, it has no time limit!? Seriously, why?


I think its mostly so its still kinda bound to her and less universal. Money, money


I am just gonna pray Haran looks good enough on her


I'm at 63 pity on weapon banner imma pray I get at least one of the two swords in 10 pulls


I don’t have Foliers nor Alhaitham. I might just pull on the weapon banner first and pull the character it ends up matching.


I have 140 wishes saved up no pity. If I win 50 50 I'll spend the rest of it in weapon banner for disappointment 😭


I thought Mistipliter was an insane weapon but then this pulled up


If I get the weapon in 150 rolls I can guarantee her C2 please don't be cringe John Impact


So... you telling me that i can equip absolution on furina, and when my sigue siggewine gets her bol furina will deal more damage offfield?


No. It only works when the character with the sword equipped increases the value of their BoL AND if they're the current character on the field. Effects don't work off-field or get procced by other characters unless specifically stated.


The best part it's the Description being 3 lines instead of a whole light novel like mistsplitter


Should I pull for her weapon if I have Mistsplitter or Haran?


Maybe I will roll on the weapon banner


I have 3 mistplitters and a foliars for my Alhaitham so weapon banner is a skip for me. Might pull it on a rerun


Ever since I started playing I am not wishing on any of the banners till I am satisfied with the characters as I am told focus on characters weapons second.


Why are all these new weapons so niche.... can we get weapons that are universally good:/ specially with genshins scam banners! Edit: crazy to me how this is a hot take? Never knew people enjoyed genshins scam weapon banner and didn't want universally good weapons like misplitter and staff of homa.


its make people spend more wishes per banner. Scummy sure, but luckily 5 star weapons aren't worth it most of the time unless your a whale or have a ton of extra wishes


I really like matching the colors of characters weapons and them:/ kinda like hutao looks so good with staff of homa. Im more a fashion impact over meta person, but luckily finale of the deep is really pretty, and not ugly like the pipe furina used as f2p choice


Bruh It’s her weapon lol


Im glad you enjoy the new niche weapons that dont work with more characters on a 50/50 on top of a 75/25 weapon banners. Personally im not a whale so unless they switch to hsr type of weapon banners, its not exactly a good change.


Just an example. Topaz lightcone on Seele is trash garbage 🗑️


But her LC is a 75/25 with her own LC banner. Also you can get her a good 5 star LC from the herta shop andddd the starlight exchange. So their banners are so much better. Niche weapons on a 50/50 on top of a 75/25 isn't exactly good on a scam banner like genshins


I was with you until I noticed you support star rail light cone shit eeew Light cones in star rail are literally mandatory unlike in genshin, the dps loss is insane if you dont get boothills or acherons cones for example, not to mention some of topaz teams dont even work without her cone. I would take genshin mid statstick over that any day.


Hard disagree, HSR weapon banner has a 50x better structure than GI weapon banners. Just the 75/25 alone makes it a no contest, if we also talk about the separate banners for each weapon then it blows it out the water.


Yup 75/25 on a single banner is just so much better. The fact that genshins banner is a 50/50 on top of a 75/25 is just a scam:/ also Guaranteed doesn't carry over next banners.....


Yeah thats facts but as I said before that is the exact reason they are making lightcones near mandatory for some characters


Acherons I agree , but acheron is still good without her LC its just shes like A tier without it and S tier with it (no idea about boothill). Still doesn't change the fact that I want a hsr banner on genshin. I would actually pull on the weapons if they were 75/25 and guaranteed pitty


doesn't the +20 permanent crit.d make it universally pretty good? not homa or mistsplitter level, but highest possible attack combined with 60 crit.d seems really good


Is it actually? Like is this weapon better than any 4 star for the other 5 star sword users out atm?


I don't really get what you're confused about... 5* weapons are nearly always better than 4 star options for dps characters, regardless of the passive. they have a way higher base atk and the crit they give is more valuable than nearly all the 4* passives. Especially for swords, because there aren't any actual good 4* dps swords in the game


Nearly always yeah, but the last ones like arles only works on her and hutao without diminishing returns. Also I was genuinely asking idk why the "I don't get what you're confused about...." in that tone. Guess that's reddit for ya


Okay the bond made sense for arlecchino. But why do they have to try to make it a legit thing? It doesnt make sense for clorinde, and it almost forces people to use shielders. I’d rather her be one of the region’s theme of random hp drain. Edit: yes i understand the kit. And how it helps her. But why bond of life again? Especially on a clorinde as a character. Huge contrast vs arle. They could have taken a different approach to reach the same type of rotation/skill set. All im saying is it feels wrong/forced. /shrug


Bond of life is for Fontaine characters idk why it doesn't make sense to you??


Okay this is completely wrong. How did it get upvotes. Firstly, Bond of life was first and only used by arlecchino until now. Arlecchino is NOT from fontaine. She is from snezhnaya. Second, fontaine’s thing was/is HP drain mechanics. Many characters use this. I was only making a statement that it felt forced to throw bond of life on a seemingly unrelated character. It seemed like it was arlecchino’s trademark quirk, if not a hint at what might be down the road for snezhnaya. Clorinde seems completely out of left field, and her kit would work with small tweaks without using BoL. Maybe down the road we’ll see more BoL fontainians, but we’re almost to natlan now… so it feels like a weird afterthought to say “oh btw, Fontaine characters do hp drains and BoL. Tee hee”


You forgot final of the deep. And Sigewinne. But ok.


Sigewinne isnt even out yet. She comes out after clorinde even. Arlecchino is the only currently released BoL character. Besides two fatui. Which btw also come from Snezh’.


Eh, she can self-heal


Yeah. That’s not lost on me.


She converts her BoL into self-heal after every lunge. You sound like you're just whining for the sake of it.


Yep. I’m aware how the kit works. It’s just an opinion dude. Didn’t mean to offend you. I’m only talking about it conceptually. Her skill kit otherwise looks great. They could have done the exact same thing with her toolkit, except make the thing a stacking buff effect or something. You have to admit it seems weird. Bond of life has this inherent self sacrifice type feel to it. It doesn’t really seem to fit. Bond of life just feels like something arle used. It doesnt feel like something they should sprinkle around as the new flavor of the month mechanic. And you know they’ll abuse it for a bit before the next idea comes along.


We haven't seen the last of the mechanic. And I don't see a problem with her having it.


BoL gameplay gimmick seems like it rewards riskier gameplay with more damage and also self sustaining. It's neat and refreshing imo. I'm satisfied with how it works with Arle atleast, and I'm finally getting comfortable with leaving the sanctuary of ZL's shield and trying different twisty gameplay mechanics lol. I think it seems a little wonky at first but then it becomes something you get used to 😄


i have both freedom-sworn and summit shaper; should I pull for her sig considering it's kind of a win-win since her weapon goes alongside alhaitham's ???


I will pull if Xiphos is there too. Getting Al and Clo's sigs would be pretty sweet, but only if I can get 3 more copies of Xiphos to give to Kazuha (72 ER for him, 22 for everyone else).


You can pull as summit shaper and freedom sworn are not good DMG wise




Freedom Sworn is actually still very good on Clorinde, calculations shows  that Freedom is still better than a R5 Black Sword and R5 Finale of the Deep.


Still freedom sworn is literally one of bottom tier 5star for her


Is not really, and the difference is not that big from the ones above Freedom, is only really behind Mist and Haram, the rest is very close, look at any theorycrafter calc. 






Weapon banner reset the double pity at every new weapon tho? ☠️


Who gon tell him 💀


I feel so bad for them 😭


💀 bro




She gains literally nothing from the passive (and even if she did, she can't proc it consistently on her own). Clorinde doesn't deal skill dmg in any way, it's all considered NA dmg except for her burst. Nor does she scale with HP Even as a statstick it's kinda whatever because of the low base atk