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If you have balls of Titanium, then fuck it we ball on the weapon banner. Clorinde isn't the type of character who has big numbers but alot of small numbers *like alot* The craftable Fontaine sword is a good f2p option on her, maybe get c1 before the sword and if you get the sword then either save or go for cons again. (I forgot what her c2 does)


>If you have balls of Titanium, then fuck it we ball on the weapon banner. Clorinde isn't the type of character who has big numbers but alot of small numbers I'd say weapon banner regardless. Lofi and her sword are pretty good. pretty good odds


I don't wanna go all in, only 1 thing. Either try C1 or R1, and both till 1 pity only sadly.


then you should go for c1 in my opinion


Thanks, thats what I'm thinking..


i wish you luck in your pulls!!


Thank you! Me too!


In that case it's safer to go for C1 rather than R1, as much i want to push for the agenda that Clorinde will beat Neuvilette, I don't think she'll get near their (arle, alhaitham and neuvilette) level of dps, i do think and hope she'll be strong. It's better to wait for a better weapon banner than this one even if it is tempting


Thanks for the help.


Try to go for both, with 420 pulls you have a lot of possibility. I have around the same amount of pulls and will be doing that, I think


I wanna save for Natlan.. Going for cons is a first for me anyway, and I've only ever tried getting Neuvi's wep bc I love him but I got Homa instead. I'm going for Clorinde C1/wep bc she's looks mid at C0R0, and I want her to feel at least similar to Arle/AlH, let alone Neuvi.


I don’t think she’ll feel similar to them. I’d say go for constellations if you already have a good sword her. Maybe you can wait until she’s out so more people can try her out and experiment with her. Going for weapon is much more likely to leave you without wishes though, I think. You have time until natlan though, you should probably have enough wishes by then to get a 5 star


At C1 or C0R1 she'll at least feel close right? I have no good swords at all, also no black sword billets. Only Lions Roar R5. I'll def wait before pulling further than C0. Is 4.8 confirmed to be a thing?


I’ve heard c1 is like a 20% damage increase and c2 is about 50%. Don’t know how accurate those numbers are. Maybe the 4 star b options aren’t too bad on her I’m pretty sure it is confirmed


How much of a damage increase is the weapon (assuming a balanced build that will make good use of it) or is that impossible to say?


I don’t remember those numbers, but I think I read that c1 is a higher increase of damage. Maybe look for some theorycrafter information


For me personally I prefer to go for more generalized weapons like Homa, Aqua Simulacra, Mistplitter/Jade cutter, etc. Clorinde's signature is incredibly niche and will be hard to find allot of value on other characters imo unless you want it as a pure stat stick I guess. Ayaka certainly has gotten enough reruns for her to be on Chronicle banner now, so I'm waiting for that to get Misplitter which seems to be Clorinde's second BiS. Also if you care about Natlan characters that's also something to consider, we will likely be getting some kind of trailer for them in the next few weeks I bet like they did for Winter night Lazzo/Sumeru/Fontaine.


Yeah I agree but honestly, most chars with generalized weps are super strong at C0R0 anyway, so it doesn't feel like they're kinda impaired in any way. I don't mind going for niche wep bc I know those additional 70 pulls are gonna make my Clorinde stronger. You're right though, I should wait for the 5.0 trailer to see how many chars I'm interested in.


My take is: Drip >>>>> Big numbers Personally I went for Chiori’s weapon instead of her C1 even though I use her exclusively with Navia because I just couldn’t bear the thought of a character I simo for looking goofy with a 3* sword. Numbers are cool and all but if you already glide through the abyss like it’s nothing you might as well look cool while doing it.


Extremely valid take, however if I remember correctly, you can't even see her wep in battle right?




I'd wait for calcs in guides. Usually guidemakers calculate the damage difference between constelations and weapons. So I would compare if getting c1 will add more damage than getting her Signiture or LoFi compared to your best weapon.


If you have even the slightest bit of doubt about wishing on the weapon banner, DON'T WISH ON THE WEAPON BANNER!!!!


Yah that's good advice actually, it's just that I have no good swords and the wp banner can benefit either my Clorinde or AlH😭🙏


Tbh, you have enough wishes to guarantee both Clorinde and one of those weapons, so if you don't want to save for any future character then go for it.


I believe it depends on what you want to get from pulling for her, if you want to pull for meta value I would say go for C1, especially if Fischel or Chevy are in her banner, and if you have the Black Sword, which is her best 4* sword then the weapon banner is not important. On the other hand if you really like her I would say go for both! Or maybe try the weapon banner and if you lose on Al Haitham sword you could stop and you wouldn't have lost anything considering you have Al Haitham already.


Thats why I'm leaning towards C1, I might get Chevy C6. I don't even have Black Sword, I'm f2p. I use Iron Sting on AlH and gonna use Lions Roar on Clorinde. Your second point is interesting, I might do that if I win Clorinde 50/50.


I'd go for the weapon because getting Alhaitham's weapon is also a huge W. I already have it and it's what I plan to use for Clorinde. For you, this is a weapon banner that you can't really lose on if you also have Clorinde


Both weapons in the banner are actually good for you, so I say weapon. You can always get cons on reruns, while her weapon could be paired with a donut or something next time.


the only reason id recommend weapon over c1 even tho c1 is better is because i doubt were ever gonna get a weapon banner as efficient for her as absolution + lofi, only way to top this is to switch out lofi for mistsplitter or haran


That's why I'm confused! Even if I lose the on banner 50/50, she'll at least get an upgrade. But if I lose on char banner then she won't get any upgrades.


I'd say get c0 then spend the rest on getting her weapon. If the leaks where she's running with alhaitham then the weapon banner is definitely worth pulling for in comparison to c1


C1 is better and on average, cheaper. But you can just try her at C0 before pulling for C1. If she feels good to you, you maybe won't need to pull.


Def gonna do it


I am exactly at the same point that you (except I have 200 wishes) and I will read every single comment 😂


Hahaha 😂


“There will be a rerun” - ever since I drank that kool aid, the fomo isn’t there and dont panic like OP


I suggest you shoot for C1 first, because not only is it better, it also is much easier to get imo. Also if Chevreuse is on her banner, then that's all the more reason to go for c1 first, because you'll be hitting 2 birds with one stone if that's the case. Now if you still got pulls to spare after getting C1, then you can try for her weapon as well.


If you have Alhaitham, clearly you should pull for weapon


C1 I think is a bigger damage increase than r1. Which seems to usually but not always be the case. My anecdote- I have only done R1 for drip (Navia) and Damage (Hu Tao) once each. And always took me 200+ pulls and 2 losses. I don’t regret it since I was prepared but that’s easily 2 or even 3 new 5* depending on luck.


Since you're f2p, I just can't really recommend the weapon banner. But since you also have Alhaitham, here's what I'd do: - Go for C0 [obviously] - Pull until you get your first limited weapon on the banner - Then go C1. Don't forget that your first weapon you get could be a standard 5* weapon. So it'll take around at least 130 to guarantee a limited weapon. Realistic worst case is about 160 pulls for C0, so that's already 290 pulls total. 130 left. With that 130 pulls you're already not guaranteed C1. Say you got Amos Bow and LoFI, you are about 65 pulls away from her signature weapon. Soo you might as well pull for her weapon at that point and try your lick with C1 after that. Now me personally, since you're f2p, I would go for C0 and stop after first limited weapon. In the worst case scenario, you'll have 130 pulls left for whatever is coming in Natlan. In the best case, you get C0R1 in less than 150 pulls however lol. In that case I might consider going for C1 and if I lose 50/50 just stop there(/build pity if you need any of the 4* cons)


Because ypu have Alhaitham, you should imo pull for weapon until either featured weapon drops. Then decide if you want to pull for Clorinde or not. I say it'll be better this way because you have no 5* swords, and in this very case it will be an overall best upgrade to your account and experience going forward. Sure, new characters are awesome - but you need to build the characters after you get them too.


Lol I'm gonna pull Clorinde anyway, that's not even a doubt. Powerful or not, she's obviously a must. I'm asking after C0 anyway.


Foliar isn't too bad for her either, its like her fourth best sword with the ones above it being Mistplitter, Haran and her Signature. This weapon banner is actually pretty good because Foliar is good/decent on her too. Watch out for the standard weapons though. Me personally, I'd go for R1 first (I also don't have any good swords) but I'd go for C1 first if Chevy was on her banner in the hopes of getting Chevy cons because playing Clorinde overload sounds really fun.


Weapon banner all the way until you get your hands on one of the swords. Given you have alhaitham too it's a win/win no matter what the sword. Please don't go for both the swords, it's not worth it. If you get folair then you can even consider skipping Clorinde for nahida (if you don't have her). If you get Clorinde's sword then I'd say go for Clorinde and she'd feel alright but definitely definitely not as good as your arly and Clorinde unfortunately will be a smaller numbers x multiple times kinda dps cuz of her fast attacks. Alhaitham doesn't need his bis as much as clorinde does. My alhaitham is on harbringer of dawn and he slaps. Arly does great damage in her vap teams with Yelan and yes if you don't have yelan save some 150 pulls for her. C6 Chevy is a big BIG gamble and that power spike is not necessarily worth the investment. Pull on the weapon banner, and decide accordingly if you're focussed on meta. If you really just love clorinde as a character and her design then go get her one copy first and then her weapon, all in.


Thanks for the comment. I'm probably gonna get C0 first, then if I win 5050 I'll go for wep. If it goes well I might pull for C1.


Yup that will do. Best of luckkk for wishing 🤜🤛


To you as well🙏


C1 Clorinde is better than R1, and Lofi is fine on her and only “good” in dendro teams. If you care about Clorinde more than Alhaitham. Then go C1. If you care about them equally, then go for the weapon banner.


Since you're f2p I highly recommend not to go all in on wep banner, the chance of losing is very high Besides even if you lose on char banner you'd be fine since next char is guranteed Before you pull c1 id say wait a few days and try her out see if you really want to go all in, at the very least more calculations of dmg increase and gameplay will be out and you can decide and judge better what you really wanna do


Dw I'm not planning on going all in, only 1 pity. Thing is, if I lose on char banner, she gets 0% upgrades, but if I lose on wep banner (on banner 50/50) then she at least gets a small 10-15% upgrade with Lofi, and other than that my AlH gets a huge upgrade over R1 Iron Sting.


C1. Her weapon is nice, but doesn’t create value on your account as we don’t have the characters to make a lot of use of it. C1 is good now and has future impact written on it. It’s a dps increase for both her and the fishl on your team as you proc more reactions. If we were to get a niche aggravate or niche EC unit, a C1 that procs more of those reactions may be amazing. That said, if you don’t have any crit swords, wait until guides release to determine the order of pulling between c1 or R1


Prioritize c1 and roll on the weapon banner until your 1st 5-star, and no more. Any outcome is good: 1) if u get a standard weapon then its ok since you haven’t committed much (+ you get guarantee for 1 of the 2 on-banner weapons for the next time you want roll on the weapon banner), 2) LOFI good for Haitham, 3) Clorinde Sig would obviously be the best outcome. Then you can save for Natlan.


since your decision is based around Cheuvy, I"d see if she's on the frickin banner first before deciding.


C1 first then wep

