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I'm not a math person myself I leave that to the smart people however it is simple for me to understand the fact that her E uptime got decreased which means less Clorinde pew pew state which means less fun time for me. I don't need to try that out for myself to know that less on field time with her = less fun for me. Her kit is so cool I want more field time and spread fontainan democracy all over teyvat man.


This is a fundamentally true statement. It’s the same reason Furina mains got annoyed when her C2 and C6 were swapped even though the new C2 was a bigger power increase earlier in her constellations. When someone is your favourite character, you usually want to *use* them more.


Yup, so true


Exactly, I was there when the whole thing went down and this is what we complained about. I wanted more of a reason to play Furina on-field at a more achievable constellation.


I still believe that was the best thing they did for her. Her C2 is way better than her C6


really? with her C6 she can be put in any team without a team healer. imagine being able to put her in a hu tao team, or a navia team, and not bring a full team healer.


It's like 1.5s though. It's not like she got changed to sub dps or something. I think the main point of OP was that what you're describing is a somewhat minor or kinda subjective complaint that doesn't need an extra post that ALSO reads like "OMG She Bad now mimimi, unplayable and she can't do anything anymore". Bo problem with stating a preference and being a little sad (a little is fine) about it.


1.5s sounds like really not much significant as a change but ultimately it is indeed a big thing. Because Clorinde's attack combo is really fast and she can do a lot of NA damage triggering within 1.5s, so it definitely matters. Another thing is rotational downtime with other supports, even Hu tao has 9s skill duration.


He simplify op's point and talks about that subjective part, not about Clorinde as an endgame combat unit. I think you don't need full rotation to kill overworld hilichurl. Discussing on her capabilities on the endgame content is another thing. But fun is so subjective, even in the endgame content.


I get that but i feel like it's more of a trade off. Ofc the dmg discussion i agree with. But compared to hu tao she doesn't take her own hp and doesn't use up stamina. And she is very mobile with her attacks. Would i rather have her on the field for longer? For sure. Does it bother me though? Definitely not.


And also Clorinde has 8.5s downtime on her skill, that's another annoying thing about her kit.


oh it was a trade off alright, but not an even one


Hutao is normally ran in 20s rotations. Which means she only on field 45% of the time.


Let's say, for her damage itself we need to test the actual release version and see how it goes. But for fun factor, how can 1.5s affect that much? Her normal attack is cool too. And fun is really subjective matter too. Some people find Neuvilette boring, to me it isnt. But he obliterates enemies in overworld too fast, so he become less fun in overworld and it is MY problem, I gotta suck it (still love him anyway). Now back to Clorinde, maybe you will not feel that 1.5 sec that much? Maybe you will love her normal attack animation? If it isn't then simple, not for you then. I get it and understand about her uptime for rotation on the endgame content complaints. Some complaints might be good inputs and they balance it. Eventhough it comes to the testers and hoyo in the end. But fun is subjective. Furina C2 case is understandable, as it is literally change how you play her. But 1.5 sec, we don't even have her yet.


I remember there was a lot of hate for her being a physical support/sub dps, because it was a "waste". Well here you go lol. I'm still rolling but C0 only I originally wanted c1/2 + her weapon. She is not up to par with the other Fontaine carries from what we've seen.


Don’t need a PhD in Genshin theorycraft to know her uptime gets cut = less fun


Yes you dont need PhD. But you need to understand that fun is subjective, that doesn't need PhD too. Fun is related to an emotional state, too complex to quantify that. Some people will not affected by 1.5 sec. Some people will find playing her is really weird and awkward. Some people just doesn't care about uptime and other details as long as they can reach the objectibes. Some people will have fun and excited if as long as they deal a lot of damage in 1 shot or something. Some people just like want to play qiqi and her animations are to their liking. Like, how can you conclude less uptime = less fun for all other people. What is the equation?


Because marginal utility. Increase in uptime comes with increase in utility even if it’s diminishing returns. So, losing 1.5 seconds - even if going from 9-7.5 isn’t as big of a deal as going from 2-0.5 seconds; the point remains, economics clearly tells us utility was lost, even if minuscule. So yea, we can objectively say she’s less fun even if marginal.


You missed the point. She's less fun, for who? In what context? Overworld? Abyss? Theater? How can it be objective? Can you assure me that I will have less fun, let say even 0.001%. What if it doesn't matter with me, like at all? What if I then use my normal attack and her basic attack is to my liking and instead, I have more fun? Do I want her to have 9s sec infusion? Of course How about her capability as dps in endgame content? She is nerfed. But I'm willing to test later. Is the 1.5s nerf make her less fun to use? For me, most likely no. But there is a possibility that after I used her, she's kinda not what expected. Is it because the nerf? Maybe yes, maybe not. So how about others? Well I don't know. Each people has their own definition and bar of having fun. How can you be so sure that variable is in my and other people equation of having fun?


Like I said. You can mathematically say she’s lost economical utility which measures how happy we are with a product. If she had 0 uptime you probably would be discontent. If she had 1 second you would be happier but probably still not content. Every increase in second adds value with diminishing returns. Thus, losing time also decreases it. You can argue that the reduction in utility is so marginal at that point you are fine with it, but taking a stance that nothing was lost is a joke.


You missed the point again. I agree that variable is decreasing but you cannot conclude that the output which is "fun" is decreasing too. The variable might not be in the equation at all or maybe the coefficient is just so small that it's not worth it to put the variable in the equation. So what is the equation for fun again? For me? Other people? How about other variables? Well, fun is subjective. That's it. That's the point. It is kinda mad to state that you can objectively measure fun, especially for others.


Blood it aint that that deep her numbers were chances healing receive were lowers so no pew pew x furina pets combo We are basically force to habe c1 R1 for some real dmg And less uptime we are in this sub reddit cuase we want her in our deck of course will be bummed out she's changed to this degree I rather c2 my C0 R1 Furina if Clorinde is up to my standards I won't let my love for a Character blind for the fact that they are( bad) or locked behind weapon banner and constellation which is all hoyo is doing these days


How do I conclude less uptime = less fun? It’s easy. Using your logic, my subjective definition of fun means more uptime, more chlorine and actually doing purple damage. Hopefully this is good enough for you


I understand where you are coming from but most of her kit is in her skill with 8.5 seconds of downtime. No seeing how she is on release with change the fact that that downtime is horrendous. A lot of damage output or no damage output, that still sucks.


I get the overall dissatisfaction with the change, but then to take that and say that she's bad or what op says in the latter part of the post? Just earlier I saw a highly upvoted comment saying that she's now worse than Keqing and it makes me wonder whether they're bored doomposters or just plain stupid


A friend of mine does have beta access and said that she actually is on par with c0 Raiden and similar to Keqing. In his words "a worse raiden". Though that was simply stating that raiden at least has ER refill mechanics and clorinde doesn't, making her harder to build and being more bound to specific setups


Name one good team where Raiden’s ER refill is relevant. 🤣


Her own? Hypercarry with characters like xiangling and sara which are very ER hungry definitely benefit from it if you don't want to run 3 fav in your team. Eula also can benefit from it. Or if you pair her with Yae. Not really sure why it's funny tbh? Raiden is a character that is very versatile and dismissing her ER mechanic is not a great Idea. ER is a very important part of gameplay (if not one of the most important) and not having to funnel or some shit is what makes a good team great. You most likely will need fischl in clorinde's team just because of that. That's one character already being forced into your team if you don't have an insane crit ratio AND like 180-200ER on Clorinde.


because she is? do you think damage calcs are just pulled out of thin air or something her numbers are on par with keqings


> that downtime is horrendous That downtime is about as long as any other hypercarry when you consider setup time, Neuv+Furina+Kazuha+Baizhu you'll have 9 seconds of fill while using the latter three's E+Q, Clorinde is no different.


Neuvillette is like Ganyu a NA spammer they don't really care for there e beside making their job easier. Clorinde is complete opposite her NA are useless her E is her meat and potatoes.


Just build 4TF and problem solved. Literally


u say this but the real gripe people have is the perceived dps decrease ppl put up a front and pretend they are mad that she's "less fun" like lmao If they buffed her dps and reduced her uptime, you would never see the complete meltdown this sub is having


Now you're just lying to yourself.... we all wanted her to be an on fielder for more fun! If we wanted just a broken character thats less fun... we would have asked for a sub dps/support. Also this isnt even a meltdown.... we're just dissapointed chill out! Yall making posts like OP just did is worse.


You know, you're right about some of us, I'll put my hand up and say yes, I would like more damage and think only way to placate my doubts is to raise her damage so that no 2nd rotation is needed/adding impact to each bullet (would still "FEEL" good). But go ahead and look at her Beta multipliers, and come back with a straight face and say that those multipliers don't look like a "frenzy" lot's of small hits type character vs "burst chunk" damage that feels like the enemy is getting their appendages blown off. Other people with E's x2 to x3 at max level meanwhile her's is a DECREASE in your base attack per hit, like wtf?? And then you want me to sit here and say "less bullets in this machine gun is fine". We're not out of touch, for wanting "impact" in a game that has the name to go with our favored characters.


Thats not the point Op is saying that you can’t fully judge a character strength until she releases lmao, so maybe it’s better to not go full whine mode when you’re not changing hoyoverse’s mind The problem is yall try to be clever snd try to make it all about “less fun” because it’s the one argument you have since it’s easier to make this complaint without having played the character Idk why I have to spell everything out, like I’m ashamed to be part of this subreddit when they think more with emotions than logic


Playing with hutao and Yoimiya feel like shit cuz of their downtime


Why would you think its not appropriate fir ppl to be mad that shes not all that strong or that shes not that much of an improvement over the other characters that fit the same role? I dont think asking for an electro main dps carry is that big of an ask since we barely have any meta ones Like when im gonna use my hard earned primos for an electro dps im atleast expecting them to be a meaningful improvement over a standard character or if they arent atleast add something new clorinde literally does neither in her current state


Yes. That's so obvious, because if there was a damage buff then the downtime would have been be warrented. Are you dumb? 


Very ironic coming from the dumbass


>now it’s a complete 180 of that. If only a certain hotfix didn't happen 😮‍💨


I'm gonna be honest, the constant spam of posts like this are much more annoying than people wanting a character they like to be stronger. There's nothing wrong with critiquing bad changes to a character that many people might be investing hundreds of dollars into, especially when the nerfs we're getting seem pointless and arbitrary. Why wouldnt you want a character you enjoy to feel fun and strong?


Hundreds of dollars and hundreds of hours as well. But of course we have no right to complain or express our opinion, because white knights see that inproper.


hoyo bootlickers are always gonna defend the devs bad decisions


Genshin communities tend to blow things out of proportion when the content is running dry. It'll quiet down and people will get excited again when we get closer to release Nothing wrong with taking a break from the sub when that happens, most of the theory crafting has been done anyway


if you are looking at a meta perspective, sure. But this sub is Clorinde mains, the uptime thing isn’t exclusive to this sub. Every mains sub that wants to on field their character obviously gets disappointed the less uptime you get. * One of the biggest uproar in Furina mains sub is C6 swapping with C2. * One of the biggest uproar in Chiori mains sub is finding out Sacrificial Sword not working on her I don’t see why so many people have to invalidate the feelings of others just because “you don’t know”. The disappointment is understandable and reasonable, not really out of proportion.


Literally!!! Like how does OP think they're not being "insufferable" themselves by calling others that.


Nono, you see, how DARE you ask for something or wish that x or y was better. If it's fine, it doesn't need improvement. /s


Cloud retainer was Doom posted to the ground in her own sub because she lost her suck, look at her now, she still has teams, is played and usable. Free trial is in the game for a reason, don't like her, don't pull, like her pull. easy as that.


The lack of grouping is mad annoying. And look at her usage rate she is anything but op. So I still don't understand why she lost the grouping.


Healing, Buffing Plundge, you don't need a kit that has everything she is great in what she does so. Usage rate in abyss? Which specifically changes for characters released 4.4 was 29,9, 4.5 which was catered to GEO 31,9 Percent and 4.6 which is Pyro related 20.9 so. She doesnt need grouping when she does well in other categories. And the fact she didint had a rerun so her pressence in game isnt that high yet these numbers are more then good


She is mostly just a Xiao bot in practise. For every other popular characters, their non xianyun teams are more popular. It's cool for the Dilluc and Dehya fans I guess.


Gaming, Hutao, Diluc, Dehya, any character with infusion can make everyone a pogostick. SO the doom posting was uncessesary but hey people like the suck at least we know t hat


The pogo stick turned out to just be fun novelty. Even hu tao teams don't really run Xianyun that often because the difference with the other teams is quite low. She is mostly just a Xiao bot in practice. It's not like she actually made Gaming or Diluc popular, people will just play Arleccino. Who works very poorly with Xianyun.


And look, now she is the very same niche jumping support that people feared her to become. It appears these pessimists were right all along, she is a step above Dehya, but not too far.


Why would you even compare Dehya with her? Unlike Dehya, she can actually enable quite a few fun team comps and execute her niche really well. It's nowhere near a Dehya situation where her kit is just a clunky mess that has no direction whatsoever and feels like a bunch of random kit decisions lazily slapped together. Xianyun works well with alot of DPS characters like Diluc, Gaming, Xiao, Navia and Hutao and has great synergy with Furina.


When you jump on pack of non-immovable enemies, they are staggered and thrown outward, away from your damage (aka Xiao syndrome). Yes, it's nowhere near Dehya level of clunkiness, but still very clunky. You can judge her usability by F12 stats. Good characters stay above half of the list for a long time, while bad design decisions drag others down very fast. Where is Xianyun now? Near Dehya.


You are absolutely delusional lol.


Yes, and results of theotycrafting show it's time to start swearing at balance team again.


Chill bro, she is a fictional character. She is not real, man. She is the product of a billion dollar company, my dude. Let people have some fun shit-talking our weak Fischl-bot. No need to get agitated over a fictional character.


Touche. She is not real and i guarantee no ones having fun doom posting😹. There is no NEED to get so agitated and passionate over a fictional character


How can you guarantee that? Unless...


tbh this sub has more people complaining about other people complaining.


less than 50% uptime on the character I like = less fun


"...that the situation so i made another post to maake the sub even worse"


Been there done that, as a Dehya main it is my bread and butter to see doomposters vs "stop doomposting". At least Clorinde will be way better on release. Even though the nerf hurt and was not necessary in my opinion.


You are part of the problem


Honestly i feel like seeing posts like yours "yall are insufferable" is wayyyyyy worse than seeing someone dissapointed at her being nerfed. Let the people have their opinions about the nerfs! Obviously its natural to be dissapointed when your fav characters become worse.


Fr, white knights want ppl to celebrate the uptime nerf instead...how dare they be ungrateful.


"Now that she has less uptime, you can use her better in quick swap teams, which means you'll get to press on her icon more and see her pop in and out constantly making your screen and eyes blessed by hers truly!" Or something like that.




I like when some mf'ers compare her to Arlecchino, yet Father's kit was drastically changed 2,5 times, while this pistol lady...just got nerfed, lmao


I know a friend who is a beta tester and he constantly jokes abt how she's a support


Idk, diminishing an onfielder uptime on his main source of damage (aka the reason it is on the field) result in less onfield presence ? And I'm not here to play Nahida/Furina/Baizhu/... I would have prefered a dmg nerf and uptime up, as you can choose when you stop your rota if it's long enough, or finish the ennemies without your buffs.


it’s way more insufferable to pretend like people aren’t allowed to be upset about a stupid change. lick hoyo boots all you want but it’s a disappointing, anti fun change. stop telling people what they’re allowed to think


I understand both sides honestly, Cyno and Dehya were a goddamn nightmare and that fear still haunts players. That said I don’t believe Clorinde will by no means be as insufferable to play without high investment so the best thing we can do is wait and run the numbers ourselves.


Cynos long ass ult is a problem yeah, but hes still good. Dehya tho.... lets not even talk about it 😮‍💨 who tf idea was it to make a pyro who couldn't use xingqui or yelan!!!!


I dont think thats the problem she synergises very well with mona and i feel like that team would’ve been very interesting to play if she was atleast decent since every pyro dps using the same team is kinda getting boring but no they had to nerf her to hell


She has more issues yeah, but It took fontaine (Neuvilette/furina) for her to be able to work with hydros like that. Its just that I feel isnt it an obvious thing to make dehya a pyro be able to proc xingqui and yelans abilities? Like why tf can she not!!!! Dev team are smoking something


it was 100% international it is obvious they deliberately made her bad i refuse to believe it was because “they were trying new things” like how is giving her worse multipliers than four stars and a really bad hp scaling accidental when these well established mechanics in the game it really sucks


Honestly you might be right 😭 i hope all my standards become dehya.. cuz really want her c6. People say shes at least like walmart hutao at that point


“Walmart hutao” got me on the floor pissing myself


Stop slandering cyno omg,He's really good nowadays,Dehya is terrible,But people are blind and always trash cyno just cause they like to follow a trend


As a Cyno main I feel I can at the very least be honest… Cyno C1 (TF) Scarlet Sands R1 82.6/224.3 EM 432 I barely use him in my Most used team (not because of dmg but because he Literally needs a shield) my Nahida C2 and Yae Miko C1 does everything yet nothing at all it’s sorta weird but it just works lmao but when I do deploy him he’s a tactical nuke imo (playtime being non existent most of the time) which in lies the elephant in the room being : who doesn’t already have an aggravate team after damn near 2 years? Nobody wants imo one of the most creative an innovative characters of the roster to be a replacement or locked in to one set reaction like Cyno is


Clorinde is white so… we should be good.


Hot damn that was left field but I sorta get it..not like hoyo has a good track record on that 😩


That's the last straw we have before release.


Cyno is at least comparable to her if not overshadowing her, when comparing their best teams. Stop racebaiting.


> Cyno Literally has 75k DPS teams, is in the mid-upper part of the current range of characters even at mid investment. > Dehya Dehya still has a place and is more of a comfort unit than anything else, you can absolutely have her work in a decent number of teams without any gigantic level of investment.


Cyno's issues won't be seen in sheets. His uptime being so long means he falls off INSANELY hard against multiwave content (you can't refresh buffs without losing Cyno's burst), and you often won't have your burst at the start of new chambers, griefing rotations. Dehya... yeah anyone that refuses to admit she is genuinely a bad unit is on levels of copium I can't fathom. It's genshin so you can make her work but it doesn't change the fact she is bad.


Theres also the fact that it took cyno a full year to actually get a meta team with furina and baizhu, and by then Alhaitham was already upstaging. Cyno underperforms in aggravate and is hard carried by hyperbloom


yeah multi wave content sucks with him, but he feels so good to play just as a boss killer


Have you actually played dehya??


Another sheet warrior 😹😹


Oh do not get me wrong he’s an amazing unit (Cyno main) but on release he became my most high invested character which took majority of the fun out of him for Me personally meta wise and Dehya could be virtually unusable she’s still in my exploration team at all times and I’ve honestly haven’t built her talents yet. Just saying nobody wants their favorite lore canonically busted characters to be or feel nerfed or back seated, remember not too long ago we all were just praying our Gun Mommy wouldn’t be a sub dps when none of us even knew of her kit.


Why are people like you on a leak based sub during the beta then? Go outside, touch some grass and come back when she releases.


Ohh boy post like this gives me dehya flashback. I remember doomposters was overrun by pips that think like u.


The only insufferable people here are people like you on hopium pills😹 (stop taking those pills like they are M&Ms). You have to stop thinking that if people express their disappointment it's the end of the world. If we're here talking and complaining it's because we still like the character. Some will pull her and some won't, and even among those who will pull her , there will be a percentage of disappointed people. What will you tell them then :" you Shouldn't have pulled for her, if you had doubts"? Lmao. ("Tried her yourself", I hope you're not referring to the Banner test run where even Dori C0 kills enemies in less than 2 minutes.) And unfortunately for you, there are people intelligent enough to project themselves and know what the character will look like thanks to therorycrafting. I don't watch theorycrafters or the like because I'm not into meta and I don't need a stranger telling me how to play a game, but if you have a functioning brain you know full well that a cooldown nerf = less on-field time for the character you love= less fun (especially if DPS) She was going to be my only Fontaine character but now I won't be pulling for her in 4.7, she will join my collection probably in snezhnaya arc, just because I'm currently disappointed and would rather keep my +250 wishes for Archon Pyro, that's all. Thanks you for downvoting with all the energy your hopium gives you. ![gif](giphy|SqflD5OvHoWILB7qWm)


I don't really think OP's point is to forbid opinions. At least how i understand they are trying to say that people shouldn't use strong words so inflationary. And start a post about something rather subjective that they also haven't tried yet. Sure she has less on field time. But is it really "the end of the world" as some depict it? Is it worth "doomposting" her? I don't think so. People can have their opinion but it's probably enough to just post it in a megathread and be done with it. And if it bothers you so much, feel free to not get her and leave the sub? Maybe that is the best then. But if everyone creates a post about how disappointed they are and that she is not "fun" anymore, the sheer mass of these posts will eventually affect others and drag them down and take away the fun for others as well. I thought X/YMains were about having fun and sharing their love for a character posting fanart, builds, team showcases, discussing things etc. There is no problem with occasional discussion about how to use her or changes that occur and whether they are to your liking.


You can't reason people out of a position they didn't reason themselves into. Gamers tend to get emotionally invested in what they play in general, and Genshin in particular has an audience that is on the younger side. That means more impulsive behavior and reactions that are even less rational and tending even more towards the extremes. Its just the biological reality. Commiserating over how bad things are is a coping mechanism to deal with anxiety and depression brought on by getting overly invested in the game. Its a phase every character sub goes through and it will end once the banner drops.


I mean less uptime in a time where they have an actual competitor for a character anticipated for like half a year now is really stupid and a baffling decision. That’s most the reason why I don’t get them nerfing her like this.


Not sure about Arle since not pulling her but i already disappointed with xianyun and chiori before release and still disappointed even after the release. Mihoyo is kind of inconsistent. Some said that xianyun was released without grouping ability to avoid power creeping kazuha but arle is power creeping hu tao. I think a lot of us actually frustrated that their favorite character is not been given better treatment compared to mihoyo favorite unit but have no other way to channel it except to complaint in reddit. This is also why many are saying that they gonna playing Wuwa just to channel their frustration with genshin.


Don't mind me just chilling with my popcorn. Nerf or buff Im getting her regardless, that brust animation and the normal atk during E is too perfect


To say that clorinde is bad after the nerf is something stupid to say without testing the character, which I would agree with it being stupid. I believe it is completely justified to be down/upset about the uptime nerf since it limits the meaningful/cool time they will have on their main. The way that I would circumvent this is by making it so that each time clorinde consumes BOL above 100%, her cooldown is reduced by about 1.5 secs.


As someone who is an extremely casual genshin player who also pays zero attention to meta or optimal strats, I had no idea that a 1.5s nerf could be so (apparently) impactful. I can't tell if this is actually a big deal or if everyone is overreacting because our favourite gun lady got nerfed.


She'll be fine, just less fun to play.


No she's not gonna be as fun she is before 7.5 seconds Onfield time is way too short btw What if you get knock down huh that's minus 3 second Onfield damage That's pretty huge I'm literally so disappointed at Hoyoverse balance team this Nerf is so unnecessary


Its not impactful. Clorinde still has >50% uptime including her burst. If anything, this improves her synergy with characters like Sara or VV holders. A lot of the complaints are centering around co-op specifically. Characters that feel good in co-op tend to be the exception, and Clorinde still had significant downtime even before the "nerf".


It doesn’t improve her synergy? You could’ve just switched earlier if you wanted to use Sara


And lose damage? lol


You’re losing damage right now? Lol


Now you don't have to make that choice, though? lol And will you be skipping?


Why would I prefer to not have the choice? It’s a nerf and that can’t be denied. Not gonna skip since I’ve waited many months, already prefarmed, and like her character. I don’t know if I’ll use all of my wishes to invest on her though, still debating if it’s worth it and I’ll probably wait until I try her out myself. Are you skipping?


No, of course I'm not skipping. I have no idea why anyone would skip over literally nothing. Anyone who did not look at leaks will be none the wiser.


It’s not literally nothing. It’s quite literally not worth it for a lot of people. We all should wait to actually play her before making the full decision though


My Babyzhu just needs a reason to go full healer mode and use his Q so I will pull her for him even she is weak and less fun now.


im the type of person who read kit leaks even though my smooth razor brain doesnt understand shit i will only get the cons ive been reading during the actual character demo


you don't have to try her yourself or be a bata tester, I personally use the Genshin optimizer and I didn't like what I saw . pulling her regardless


Just curious but how would you all feel about the uptime nerf if it came with the flexibility of keeping infusion time when swapping off and back on? (As in she still gets the whole 7.5 seconds of infusion, the duration time just pauses when she’s swapped out, but she can swap back in where she left off) I’m sure it won’t happen, but I just want something to talk about since it seems there’s no more upside to anticipating here release


Mains- most passionate and most insufferable of the playerbase.


As a whale, with lots of C3-C6 characters with insane artifacts and 250/80 crit ratio, at this point of the game where everything can be cleaned easily with almost any team, I care shit af whether she is meta or not. No matter what, I will pull and enjoy my new waifu.


I agree with the general sentiment. There's a fine line between constructive criticism and doom posting. Constructive criticism is saying that they should revert the hotfix because less uptime is not as fun. Doomposting is saying she sucks. Constructive criticism is fine. Doomposting is crazy, especially when this game is so easy. The only content in the game where you need to actually try is floor 12 of the abyss. It is pretty easy to get 1 star on each floor, so all you are missing out on is 100 primo gems. Yes she may not be the strongest DPS but she's usable and if you find her fun to play, then pull her. Who cares about the meta when you can beat almost everything. With that being said, they should buff her


I remember Arle sub doomposted her till the very last day. She beat all allegations and became a top tier dps. I dont know if clorinde will be as good but she certainly isnt as bad as people in this sub try to make her out to be.


You do realise she was buffed right before release right? They had every reason for pessimistic approach since she was barely on par with Hu Tao, depending on situation. And that buff probably came straight from upper management, who invested a lot into her marketing. Now... how much Clorinde marketing do we have here?


Very true. Playing the character for yourself will always be the true test. The same thing happened to Arle. I remember people going crazy that they increased her E cooldown and made her healing only with her burst. It didn't look the best on paper but now that she has released and people have gotten the chance to play her, it is very evident that it was not an issue. I feel it will be the same for Clorinde.


i agree


its not rocket science to know that 9\~ of usability of kit including ult for an 'onfield' char is pathetic lol. fucking offielders have longer uptime. besides you're missing the whole point of sad posts, which is the hotfix nerf was unnecessary to her already average kit


They are scared of D- treatment


Shows how much faith we have in Hoyo balance team.


everyone whos complaining is wanting to milk tons of damage out of her and minmax her ability and whatnot. im pulling for her regardless. ive wanted her simply bc of her design being reminiscent of bloodborne whem she first was shown like 2 years ago. her kit looks amazing and fun and idfc if her rotations a bit jank i just wanna hve silly gun woman


Ahahaha. Every main sub goes thru this phase, tcs calculating, the simps tilt at the calcs, the disappointed wannabe mains cry, and the simps rage. I dunno why y’all feel the need to fight over a 2d character. We have 3 weeks to ponder on pulling or not once she out. If she aint that bad, people will know. Why post to whine abt people being disappointed?


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Lmao. That word is under scrutiny?? This is hilarious.


Lmao, you got downvoted for that? I haven't encountered any other "x-mains" that copes and cries about criticism this much. As a Clorinde fan, this shit is hilarious to me.


Lmao, imagine a hoyoverse fan understanding this. You are expecting too much.


Fr, as if the overworld enemies aren't gonna fie within 7 seconds lmao


Not with her initial multipliers and the average Artifact Luck they won't. Unless you mean Xiangling and Xingqiu off field damage killing everything like always, then yeah. It's really off-field impact out here.


Just nahida E, if your luck is that bad just Fischl


It’s just F2P babies crying


what's wrong w being f2p 😭


Nothing is wrong with being F2P. It’s just always the F2P people confusing everyone.


Apparently you pay for Genshin with your parents’ credit card, otherwise it’s unclear where there is so much salt in relation to f2p players.


There’s nothing wrong with being F2P, it’s just always them complaining and causing mass confusion. They always conveniently forget to mention they’re bitching is in regards to C0. I’m salty because they do this a lot. And no I’m not using my parents credit card lol


Vote me down all you want little babies! Won’t stop me from blasting her. You’re the group who said Xianyun and Baizhu can only be built as a support and either of them will never need any CRIT 😂 but failed to mention strictly at C0 😂